1596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 1 By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ world, with haunting fears of a war won Domestic Allotment Act, as amended., to en­ lature of the State of North Carolina, me­ . ~n~ a peace lost; it\ this bafiting hqur we courage the growing o.f war crops ·by protect­ morializing the President and the Congress t4rn to Thee know;ing that low lies our ing the allotments of producers of cotton, of the United States to enact legislation for wheat, and peanuts. the relief of counties whose taxable property best till lifted up to heaven. Unworthy has been taken over for national forests and though we are, Thou hast made us keep­ .c~L!" o:F niE ROLL parks; to the Committee on the Public Lands. ers of the holy flame of freedom the Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence Also, memorial of the Legislature of the fathers kindled with their lives. We ·of a quorum. State of North Carolina, memorializing the 'would share that sacred fire until tyr­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk President and the Congress of the United anny everywhere having been consumed will call the roll. States to lend their immediate assistance in all the nations of the earth shall be obtaining tobacco-plant bed cloth for the The Chief Clerk called· the roll, and farmers of eastern North . Carolina; to the blessed. · the following· Senators answered to their • Committee on Military Affairs. As this day the President of the Re­ names: Also, memorial of the Legislature of the public, re.turning from world..:embracing Aiken Hart Overton State of Oregon, IJ1emorializing the President councils·, stands before the Congress in Bailey Hateh. Pepper and the Congress of the United States to an historic hour to ·lift up the hopes and Ball Hawkes Radcliffe enact Senate bill 313 to the end that certain Bankhead Hayden Reed dreams for world accord and cooperation, Barkley Hlckenlooper Revercomb lands may be opened .to mineral entry; to the we would bow with grateful hearts that ·Bilbo Hill Robertson Committee on the Public Lands. by the victorious sword of the United Brewster Hoey Russell Bridges Johnson, Calif. Sal tonstall Nations this hour has arrived on Thy Briggs Johnson, Colo. Shipstead PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS calendar of salvation. Steel our wills Buck Johnston, S.C. Smith and steady our hands with power and Burton Kilgore ·, Stewart Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Bushfield La Follette Taft bills and resolutions were introduced and wisdom that with eager joy we may dedi­ Butler Langer 'l'aylor severally ref~rred as follows: cate the Nation's strength to throw open Byrd McCarran Thomas, Idaho the gates of a new life for all mankind. Capehart · McClellan Thomas, Okla. By Mr. KEFAUVER: We ask it in that Name that is above Capper McFarland Thomas, Utah H. R. 2414. A bill for the relief of the estate Chandler McKellar. Tobey of""'Ed Edmondson, deceased; to the Commit-. every name. Amen. Chavez McMahon Tunnell ·tee on Claims. THE JOURNAL Cordon Magnuson Tyding·s _ . By Mr. PLOESER: Donnell Maybank Vandenberg H. R. 2415: A bill for the relief of Joseph On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by Downey Mead . Wagner Eastland Millikin Walsh Tarantola and Ida Tarantola; to the Com- · unanimous consent, the reading of the Ellender Mitchell Wheelr;r mfttee on Claims. · Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ Ferguson Moore Wherry dar day Wednesday, February 28, 1945, Fulbright Morse White George Murdock Wiley PETITIONS, ETC. was dispensed with, and the Journal was Gerry Murray , Willis approved. Green Myers Wilson Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Guffey O'Daniel and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ Gurney O'Mahoney APPROVAL OF BILLS and referred as follows: · Mr. mLL. I announce that the Sena­ 113. By Mr. HALE: Memorial of the State Messages in writing from the President tor from Florida [Mr. ANDREWS], the of Maine, protesting the passage of legisla­ of the United ::)tates were communicated Senator from Illinois LMr. LucAs], the tion pro~iding for the drafting of men for to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his labor in industrial plants; to the Committee Senator from North Dakota [Mr. MosEs], secretaries, and he announced that the and the Senator from Nevada [Mr. on Military Affairs. President had approved and signed the 114. By Mr. CANFIELD: Resolution adopt­ ScRUGHAM] ·are necessarily absent. ed by the New Jersey State legislative board, following acts: The Senator from Texas [Mr. CoN­ Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and En­ On February 24, i945: NALLY] is a delegate to the Inter-Amer­ ginemen, objection to the proposed St. Law­ S. 375. An act to provide for the effective administration of certain lending agencies of ican Conference in Mexico and is there­ rence waterway and power project; to the . fore necessarily absent. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ the Federal Government. merce. On February 28, 1945: The Senator from Virginia [Mr. 115. By Mr. LYNCH: Memorial of the Sen­ s. 210. An act to repeal the act entitled "An GLASS] is absent because of illness. ate of the State of New York requesting the act to authorize the conveyance of the old Mr. WHERRY. The Senator from Congress of the United States to enact such lighthouse keeper's residence in Manitowoc, Vermont [Mr. AusTIN] is absent on offi­ legislation as may be necessary to accord the Wis., to the Otto Oas Post, No. 659, Veterans cial business as a delegate to the Inter­ State of New York title in fee to the land of Foreign Wars of the United States, Manito­ woc, Wls.," appro'!ed June 16, 1938; American Conference at Mexico City. now owned by the United States and leased The Senator from Illinois [Mr. to the State of New York for the ·use of the S. 213. An act to authorize the Secretary New York State Merchant Marine Academy; of the Navy to grant to the city of Canton, BROOKS] is necessarily absent. to the Committee on Public Buildings and Ohio, for highway purposes only, a strip of The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-eight Grounds. land situated within the United States naval Senators have answered to their names. ordnance plant at Canton, Ohio; 116. By Mr. WOLCOTT: Petition of 17 resi­ A quorum is present. S. 216. An act to authorize the Secretary dents of St. Clair, Mich., expressing inter­ SPECIAL COMMITTEE ' TO STUDY AND est in legislation which will prevent inter­ of the Navy to convey to Oahu Railway & Land ference with the broadcasting of noncom­ Co. an easement for railway purposes in cer­ SURVEY PROBLEMS OF SMALL-BUSI­ mercial programs presented by recognized tain lands situated at Halawa, Ewa, Oahu, NESS ENTERPRISES T.H.; educational institutions; to the Committee The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. S. 218. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to lease certain lands situated in appoints the Senator from Connecticut San Diego County, State of California; [Mr. HART] a member of the Special S. 219. An act to amend section 1442, Re­ Committee to Study and Survey Problems vised Statutes, relating to furlough of officers of Small Business Enterprises, to fill the . SENATE by the Secretary of the Navy; S. 221. An act to authorize Lewis Hobart vacancy caused by the resignation of the Senator from Ohio [Mr. TAFTJ. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945 Kenney, Charles Garner, Charles Clement Goodman, and Henry Charles Robinson to BOARD OF REGENTS, SMITHSONIAN (Legislative day of Monday, February 26# accept decorations a.nd orders tendered them INSTITUTION by the Government of tl;le United States of 1945) Brazil; The 'VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, S. 315. An act for the relief of G. F. Allen, section 5581 of th~ Revised Statutes of on the expiration of the recess. chief oisbursing officer, Treasury Department,_ the United State.s (U.S. C., title 20, ch. 3, and for other purposes; sec. 43), the Chair appoints ~the Senator The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown S. 317. An act for the.relief of G. F. Allen, Harris, D. D., offered the following chief disbursing officer for the Treasur'y De­ from Georgia [Mr. GEORGE] and the prayer: · partment, and for other purposes; and Senator from Maine [Mr. WHITE] mem• S. 338. An act to amend· the Agricultural bers of the Board of Regents of the Father of all mankind, with minds Adjustment Act of ,1938, as amended., and Smithsonian· Institution, to fill existing burdened for the Nation and for the eections 7 to 17 of the Soil Conservation and vacancies thereon. / 1945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1597 REPORT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL HOUSING Department of the Interior, fiscal year 1945, 1slative Branch, United States Senate, fiscal AUTHORITY amounting to $47,625 (with an accompany­ year 19~5. amounting to $211,215 (with ac­ ing paper); to the Committee on Appro­ companying papers); to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the priations and ordered to be printed. Appropriations and .ordered to be printed. Senate the following message from the SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATES, DISTRICT OF FISHERY RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES President of the United States, which COLUMBIA (S. Doc. No. 13) ·A letter from the Secretary of the In­ was read and referred to the Committee A communication from the President of terior, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re­ o.n the District of Columbia: the United States, transmitting supplemen­ port (Fish and Wildlife Service) on a survey To the Congress of the United States: tal estimates of appropriations, fisc al of the fishery resources of the United States year 1945, for the District .
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