61st TURN SWITCH RIGHT WARNING - YOUR <D TO CLOSE CURTAINS I MARKS MUST BE SHOWING FOR VOTE 2nd MARK YOUR BALLOT AND l ~ TO REGISTER LEAVE MARKS ~ SHOWING ➔ 181 ° 3rd TURN SWITCH LER<l> Morehead State e University GENERAL ELECTION Morehead -State APRIL 11, 1989 University COLUMN A I Harrison (H. B.) 1-A GILLIAM □ l President I 2-A (Vote for One) Andy PARKER □ l Chris 3-A ' Vice-President HART D (Vote for One) l Secretary ErinM. 4-A FARRELL (Vote for One) □ l BemardL. 5 -A Treasurer McKAY (Vote for One) □ l 1ilP. 6 -A Heather WIDENER Public Relations Director □ l - -- (Vote for One) Drew 7 -A CRAFTON □ l 8-A Mandy MARTINO □ l Programs Director Andy 9-A I BLAIR (Vote for One) □ il Ario 10-A LUNDY □ l - I THE MOREHEAD NEWS-MOREHEAD, KY. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1989 I MSU's student government !cf . .! ~t i0.{f 1l nj i 1 i .' .·.;"" . does not back demonstrations ! l The Studenl Govenmenl in our student government to gel Newscenter 12, the universily's t Association al Morehead Stale things done." biweekly news program, and University look an unofficial Gooch said the students have the Trail Blazer, the student­ stance April 27 against a series written a letter calling for Gov. produced, weekly newspaper. of demonstrations by a group of Wallace G. Wilkinson's support "It seems to be a policy that students, according to Andy with their cause. equipment doesn't need lo be Parker, president of lhe According to Parker, lhe let­ hlgb-Lech when it is going lo a organization. ter was '·a deliberate aim lo lab," Biel said. " ll's not that we don't agree smack Grote in the [ace." Laboratory studio cameras with the concerns of the He said it accused the uni ver­ have a life of about nine years, students," he said, "but we sity of mismanaging money. he satd. However, MSU's don' t agree with the way they " Money here is going lo the cameras were given to lhe approached the situation." wrong places,·· Gooch said. "We department about 18 years ago, Parker said students failed lo want an outside, independent he said. approach the SGA with their firm to audit the books." " The administration is not in concerns about the university's When asked why students did touch with what is going on," management of funds, even not inspect the budget Biel said. "They are touching up though they were invited Lo do themselves, rather than propos­ tbe outside and doing nothing so. ing Lhe spending of more univer­ with the inside and how we A group of students, with sity money on an outside audit, Leach. " estimates ranging from 150 to Gooch said she did not know, but MSU released an official 300, demonstrated in the lawn in thought it would be loeked into. statement April 24 from the of­ front of Breckinridge Hau April The institution's budget fall fice of Judith Yancy, director of 24 and 25, in hopes of gaining the under state open record laws as media relations. attention of President C. NeJson a public university. According lo lbe statement, MSLT President C. Nelson Gt·ote addressed a crowd of Grote. Grote was unavailable to Gooch said il is hard for the " students have a legitimate protesting students during a demonslration April :w on cam­ the students April 24, but faced studenls lo work under lhe con­ cause." pus. Behind him is J err Colquhun, a senior al lhr unln•rsity. the group April 25. ditions they are expected lo, and The statement aUributes the Students expressed ma ny diffe re nt tOnC'erns, 1>rimal"il_y ('iling "We know lhe SGA spoke out said too much of the budget is university's ''phenomenal housing a nd parking concerns a nd questioning how this year's against the protest," said Tonya going Lo campus upkeep and Lhe growth ... 24 percent over lhe budget wa·s spent. ( Photo by Tammy Thompson > Gooch, a junior at MSU from a Lhlelic department. past two years" as a con­ Lancaster, and unofficial "So many things are needed tributing factor lo lhe prob~ms. spokeswoman for the students. in so many places," she said. The university's growth ex­ "but we don't hold a Jot of faiU1 Michael Biel, associate pro­ cells that of any other stale­ fessor of radio/televion at MSU funded university in the stale. in support of lhe students. said Grote has scheduled meetings classrooms laboratories are with the students for discussion, given lower support than out­ according to the slatemenl. side organizations, such as Student Government Association Morehead Slate University • UPO Box 1331 Morehead, Kentucky 40351 • 606-783-2298 The meeting was called to order at 5: OOpm by Andy Parker, .and the roll was called by Buffie Mccoy. Students absent: Stephanie Barker Michelle Beasley Tommy Lewis Andie Strassburg John Sturgeon Robert Whitaker EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS President: Andy welcomed everyone back this semester. He announced that some positions on Congress must be filled. It was decided that the positions should be filled by resume. Vice-President: Karen asked to see all committee chairmen after the meeting. She also announced that Drew will be working on the Endowment Fund. Treasurer: Bernard presented his report. Public Relations: No report. 'rograms Director: Chris announced that we spent@ $1400 on the Christmas '_}arty. Spring Break posters are ready to be distributed. He also announced plans for a spring concert--three heavy metal bartds for $35,000, with the main attraction being Cinderella. Regent: Sheridan announced the reappointments and replacements on the Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS NONE. OLD BUSINESS: none. NEW BUSINESS: SGA 1-11-81*31 was proposed, which allotted for a spring concert. Student tickets are projected to cost $8. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY DISCUSSION: Chris announced that in a recent survey, Guns & Roses was the choice of the students for a concert. Rick Whelan inquired about the procedure to check out sports equipment at Laughlin, and the scheduled times for· doing so. Problems with inconveniences at registration were discussed. 'ndy reminded all freshman to use the freshman parking zones only. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Basketball games this week. Posters for Spring Break FIRST SHOTS OF RAGE ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:40pm. Student Government Association Morehead State University • UPO Box 1331 Morehead, Kentucky 40351 • 606-783-2298 Student Government Association Transaction Report For the week ended Wednesday, 1/11/89 ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Balance on Wednesday, December 7, 1988 1,339.47 Deposits: Re-enter from Scott Business Machines, mistake 135.00 Spring Allottment 7,125.00 7,260.00 Balance before expenses 8,599.47 Expenses: Ashland Office Supplies IBM Printwheels 115.20 Trail Blazer Student Court Ad 48.00 Harp Enterprises Homecoming elections 378.36 M.S.U. Printing Homecoming Pictures 108.00 M.S.U. Maintenance 44.62 Morehead Trophy & Jewelry December Senior of Month 17.60 M.S.U. Foundation Ticket's to Grote'' s X-Mass Dinner 25.00 M.S.U. Printing Copy Cards 100.00 836.78 Balance on Wednesday, January 11, 1989 7,762.69 Student Government Association Morehead State University • UPO Box 1331 • Morehead, Kentucky 40351 • 606-763-2296 Student Government Association Transaction Report For the week ended January 11, 1989 SPECIAL EVENTS FUND Balance on Wednesday, December 7, 1988 3,578.48 Deposits: Trail Blazer/Student Court Ad Put in wrong account --SORRYIII 48.00 Harp Enterprises/Homecoming Stephenson's fault-wrong account 378.36 MSU Printing/Homecoming Pictures Andy Parker's fault-wrong account 108.00 Spring Allotment 49,500.00 50,034.36 Balance before expenses 53,612.84 Expenses: All Night News Boys/X-Mass Dance 1,000.00 Guest Rooms/All Night News Boys 144.00 L. Stephenson/X-Mass party supplies 4.99 Matt Doerger/worked X-Mass party 5.03 R. Armstrong/worked X-Mass party 16.75 Chris Hart/worked X-Mass party 21. 78 Craig Dennis/pornB m~,:i,e 1..1\IOo~e~'l';~~,P... 'h, 11.73 K-Mart/film for X-Mass party ,:1 71. 88 MSU Printing/Homecoming posters 86.38 S. Redwine/mileage for X-Mass party 13.50 NACA/register of 2 delegates for nation 360.00 Wright's Photo/film for X-Mass party 60.00 Robin Dexter/worked X-Mass Party 12.50 Black Gospel Ensemble/SGA 10-26-88*22 500.00 Trail Blazer/Racism Forum Ad 52.00 2,360.54 Balance on Wednesday, January 11, 1989 51,252.30 Student Government Association January 18,1989 Morehead State University • UPO Box 1331 • Morehead, Kentucky 40351-1689 • 606-783-2298 The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm, and the roll was called. by Buffie Mccoy. Students Absent: Dennis O'Hara Rosemary Stapleton John Sturgeon EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS President. Andy made corrections to last week's minutes: date- 1/11/89 and the year- 1989. He announced that two new congress members had been chosen by executive council; Ario Lundy and Mike Brann. He also announced that we need to discuss some solutions to the drop/add fees, and hold line problems. Vice-president. Karen told the committees to keep up the good work. Treasurer. Bernard announced that no money had beeri spent this week. Programs Director. Chris announced that the Bengals would WIN the Super 11 (?) \ Bowl. "Hoo-Day. COMMITTEE REPORTS Athletic: The committee members met; Mandi announced that ho workers are needed for the Raffle. Food Services: Will meet with Mike Walters this friday. Reviewing: Chri~ will handle the next reviewing meeting, since Keith is ineligible.
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