Language and Culture Packet

Language and Culture Packet

Sea of Okhohli; ' . .-'., • • J '" ', r, i, ' .. .· (. l.-1 _, .,._ _,, /. \ ( •J _ ';P ) I _ n is an island extending in a curve along the eastern coast of ttieAsianconti- .\ ···-::: ,. ' ,:.:.·. , . ' ,:, \ .-,�- !· , ... - ::. It consists of four big islands. (Hokksid6. Honshu, Shikoku}:,, .. , ·,.'iii· Kyo·sho). - and ; ·' -'/ .,) -') j c ,st 7,000 islands altogether. Its land area is �bout the same as that of Ger­ C'-J l (357 ,000km'). .,.... .__ I ( __.;,/ \ ·· •S.,ppoHokkaidoro __ (,,.). �-�. .P· O (jt;!jii; *ffl ._, � . \Q,1,J/J'B*co 4 ::,O):i;:frtJ:!ij . l!!l ':idel>OJ,l!;!ji,elc;B:, t"3G: IJlcOJUti, ,,_ '--. ...._ · .'- cl� a ( ,/ ....) -........ Lffi) c:;i;:1J17.000i!r1,1£'7b'Sr&IJ:rz:,tl,\aeoo 't-OJi!iil/ila: l-'-{'Y ·(357.000km') '\'- :> ... HOKKAIDO ;1.:/a:Oaeoo (.J r~/' � ( 1ocralic Jle's i✓ '\;j�) / II '\ Aomori\ ,blic or' orea moci f I· Ao JAi, ita II I I A ublic Sea of Japan a a orea . .,. , .r I. T()H( ll,U . : ! gatJ . I Y m)-. a ---------1' .,; :If!11 ' '.'I,:·;. · : :. ' •, ' {!; Yamc1g�I<: Miy gi ' a}" .;;" ' Nngillcl F . • Se cl .(· ' . · · , d· c? : ' . : '!yama t"... r ,-:::::, : ;-",~ ::. - .. ' uk shiona .. Toy�ama I '¼ - ' u I---:'" 'm· a ••, 1 Fuk,yua•s__ h i " , .iigala', i D I • • / • • , a � • ~ •~• ~ _ . II shik wa ,- .. M eb ·· ; • ·· , � , I ' · . ·' i( ' , ·, �. , o • _ u � ii. , c <ao, . .. : • · .. t· ". I. raw on,· ·, •·, . -'. '. , HUG ,ott , , 1 ' N lsun .•: .• . lg , C , 1· ·; · a1n o ,1shi M ·····0; k c1° nawa·-, , go1Fu ,·"-! _,. ·; <1 "'" .J , _ ; ,Hyo ', I -- raki , • •··• . ·, ..U 1 uk. o/. ••M' . ·--lba ,,, • U • J c"• 1 . \ :; 1 -1 J - , OK \. oto F ,,,. · ,1. f' ... -;{,- Ky ,,,, .. I . � '. mmn . � I - , .. _. t,-,�1f ,? Gu ' ' - c if__u )\ , • - r,-r,k\ �-); ch "' £l_ " " . ... ...·· \ • , , Kolu y -�1 aitama � ·-- , "" ' ·· · . .. -•. : , Jsk > . S , - =a• ·-•'"''···.. · "- s ·-.!· / . - , . ii U SS l \··�ok h,fJi . � : , USH ' • /--···· a a ni Ky.n lo ' ' • · . "-- a (Q) , KY V y lo :·, 01,,n,a;b V chi' · - -' . kay a,,,;� 6be • ."�- -, o• va! Yamanasl,· \•<Cl N'f ('.; I l ,Yamagu' - . ' sh1ma'10 "'-K � ·-•N· -t�u � w l<f.. - . ,. ,, �. ../ ,,Hr1 � h' . " \(/� . ) .. - iiky s " i T o 'r'--:.... ""_ H ,co •"''-•:._� . ; ' \ · �'-._ ,.�>--� t\ . ',,\\ n k l Fuk uo I<a &�-UChi", - - · [ �:, / , _, ' 7QJ '"/"'" maf?. ,:" "'.? ,e •1\ '.i , o f(anaga a ',""' ,_ Sh a . ) '!. " � J � uok - a a \ i;( i' z " s {' .. .1 kus . -{ f �!g< M.• m•··'\ p ' · ara / 1'1 c::=:-:t ,) 2�0: \,j , -�Y,• aw' N < ,><?!t ', · ', _ i -'•<] ()ira ,t . ' , ,�� Wak I a chi Pacific Ocean . ., _ ····, / 1 'O sa , ,!A CH Cw u ,· a \', Wakayama . ) t r 1;•' � _ u Kag . i' \I\OC I ': . ', 1yoa zak , a ama 1 NagasaKi Kum.Jmot". \ me \ a , y ..- - ! Ehi kushim KINK! 1 umamoto -. .. ;, • , h'To K .,. , SHll<Ol<U ... ·· I • 6b' s ;.{ Miyazaki . Total Area: 377,864km (1999) f . \ l Kagoshima )� ; (Including 5,036km of the Northern Territories) (jt/Jf,IH5.036km•1.!�ti) ;�-��·�_;. " ,:n/J'B:t,;t,: 11 ---�- ... o/J (b :\/'·.;,\ ... ,. •:.-- .. :·:;;:,( ' . The'/eaie'foui season� iriJ_apan: spring (March-May); summer (June-August); autumn Stretching from north_ to south, Japan_ has different climates .from region to region. .:November); ;_,inter (December-February). The Japanese take pleasure Also, due to seasonal winds, -the Japan Sea coastal area and its Pacific Ocean side (Siipt�rriber,. ;; in'th'e transition bf'iti'eseasons, and enjoy their duration. have different climates, respectively. ,":.• ;\;:__��). ll[ (13~8,EJJ. l'J: (9~11,EJ), � (12-2,EJ) O)ln!'.¥1.i'St>. 8:,/<AlticO)lit> :ll' B;,:laei'IJJtl.:O)[Jcl \l,tcl!J. l�J;ti.:J;J C:,<(jlj,IJ<:5b'l\,sg O acre. "'1i/illil0)�:!!l/t'B;,:;lijjj!j/:;!;: ti';i\ii;l,il.l;.i:1J•sruias/Ji'70)�,;,; "" L,n '*oo 'l'ili!!'ll:clae. fHJ:::> rcl<\/1,.1.:taet> aso" · :¥ _.,.... .:�·h· :�,,"t'fal"��•-...;i:t,�·� =. The climate in Hokkaido Jt,!iJiliO)"'{lie ,Spring . · �- ' �: -!••�-�"'•!.":11-1;!;"1?.J.:.Y-.a:'M.'l'."" • � _. '-••�•;_-:.;::·•:���1t�,�1,.,;·�•5 '.'\C,.\,•,,�-.� l•�•,.>• • ·,t · 1·sumni"et,�Rftg:"£. IllSeverely cold in winter, cool in summer. §-IJ:;t{C1J'ffiG<. �ra:�Ir!Gt,,o Afiiir'tfiefirst 51orm of spring, the tempera­ The rainy season comes to a close, the hot The climate on the Japan sea coastal area 8;,:;liiffliJOJ"'!lie ture'rises and beautiful flowers bloom. April weather arrives, and people flock to the ll!lillHeavy snow in winter. 'lflalc!l:IJ''!!>l'" 1 i� the beginning of the academic and busi­ mountains or the beaches. Summer in Japan ne year. _�_ is very humid and hot. The climate on the pacific ocean side ;!;:IJ'>¥il!U<V"'jlj, >!-'cl!l<VliU:c t>ICHi/J'li<t> ( !151/J. l)1l,l \1EIJ'D* lfijffiilJ'BJll1. ;,:11ltr-Jli<l'l:l.:tac�I:). 1.7 laell.J\'>;W,1: tJiijJ Cold in winter but not much snow. 'lflae.;L\/J<. �b''.!>tacl'" Many clear days and not too cold in winter. §-tJ:lfi'iX/J;g,(. �CIJ'iiiG<tJ.l,)o t!iiL*gO *�1f-)�UO)-�O)�ga;:tJ t)4�18 tiJIJ•l1as1i, i!lll!IJ'.sl( llil,,ll \,VIJ<q,Ji,ff]i o 1 ··"'. Warm in winter and a much rain in summer. �rctlffifJ'<. m:r.::::r,MD;�l,,o 1J S-C90 .·• et:" Cold in winter and cool in summer (central highland climate). ' -�k><.L _Tsuy� . 'lflae.;llb'. J;i:laJ;iJel,l\. (<1'�/:!;lilimMl) _: �tfJ. ! ffi'1lMild through the year without much rain (Inland Sea climate). I : • ,• -<e'i';,,;L,, m/J''J.'li<<S,c'<"IJ'. (;1)1):'f'lml;\) l1!'!i!INot so cold in winter but cloudy. �·,.: �---� 'lflaC<,(laetacl\/J'. l!lt>IJ'1%l. SPRING SUMMER �·- The climate in the southwest island\ i>ii!!iaila<V"Ml DilWarm winter, hot summer and much rain. WINTER AUTUMN %1alcHll/J'(, li:ialci!lLlo ffii1J1'!!,L\o �..x_-.:., #'), . � ' -®� Winter seasonal wind � t-, ! ! '!f<V"'li/illil " w � � :·Wirlte·r ;•: �·,,F '�· 'f:i_ :. :__ ��:;r;��;;;'ll,:ifli1 ·':AUftirriii.-�·:.f.k-;; rr-�';:, :. :::��-?/::·Yti�:rt. .: ,, '- ':'" - -.• lt'is Cold in winter, and snows in many re­ Typhoons com·e periodically, but fall is a gicirl.s in Japan. In areas without snow, a beautiful season with autumnal-colored piercing cold wind blows. leaves. People enjoy local autumn festivals sif!�11t¥<. !1:<V'1!Qlilil!;'E,1%H:1io 'lflllln and embark on excursions. n1i(tiiic:1t;tt1sL,to<DJ:eaeo • es11r. tlllillJ''<"::>ceaeVIJ'. ;;l;,;,O)HilllJ'll1L,<. !::"( ,:?: t §Jl!!t"�IJ IJ'fibn, filWf�!C:/HIJ'!:tQAt.l�l, ,� �-- �l f / .,' i{7J"'c1 ., Summer seasonal wind . /(' .?. • l1 <V'l' 1i/i )ti ' ' .,, 1 1 1 �P*�Vk-?ifl}•Wff�:m-wHz*?;�;\� --.i:�-n:=����:W:';�t.,...�, ... i:i'-1:}"-·�s;.;>w;o•i'��;.v;,.�1s:• -' -,r��:��':<.;¾;:?,�;j;>,�'"' i &':�.;�;;.t,'';;'.)·:."J/.tlL.;,. �-G�¾imrr•���iJ.�.11 if�1¥rl'.!�l1R&�:·:���'.��:t[��:�;M11r1· t�;•.1:¥.t0t?�jjl�t�.ff(?-F:%';·)·J�X> {f'.;,:;:,,:�;��·-;:�\: f}?�'!f-.::t' _-�:flf,�}���t"A?��:··Y··;/fj'J.. ;:::·�t:-;'.-. 'J:F • X'};fhlp�pulation of Japan is 126,686,324, · · the ninth largest in the world. Onlyever, 30% of the Japanese populace actually believe in a religious creed. How­ '.::}Nearly half is concentrated around the T6ky6 , Nagoya and Osaka religiou.s observances,bon such as visiting shrines on New Year's Daythe and visiting \(: ITletropolitan areas. (Management and Coordination Agency, 1999) ancestors' graves during holidays, have been incorporated into ordinary o :~ -~\ ':···.:(EJ:i:OJJ..□la:. 126.686.324)..ct!!l'l9lucs lalll(l!!. '1\iSml\lil. ;k1,\;(l!!0)3;kl!Bf customs and practices of their lives . o Japan 1 . ·:m1;:B:if;:0)}..00)'/'5Hi(1J<il;¢L, cL 1iJss CISl½lc. 1999) �; '· 9th - lil:@:O)fe,f(n{;'1c,\O)i:,\i:,}._IJ3:!i1Wlics :,Ct, !Ji, iEFllcl$lilcm,�1;:t!J1J l:/icIJ, itllcla:9cl§O)ii\i'/ (9[ \ 9cr,- Botc J:,, '.(,:.>.,, . t}i~~i ., {� ,f' .:iO)J!tO),:Sl/il{;'l�11Lh,7.:L,�9.. i::c:) OJic/;/J/;:\J!,);'IJ{;' L.,icc:, IJ 1¥-�l'r-Jfi\l'!IJ'B;l/lOJ;t;;/jo;q,1;:l!!l!i'lc:l,"C ·:·· '.. :t. � � � --,:,.;{:-.-_ ··.;·~--. ,,, . ' :J$ :f � BUODHJSM•,<l,-,·,-i:;:,1.,:,,,;,·,eCt,\,-!,1.i:.'; m • • • ,I t,11 1st- China 2nd- India 1sta3(d - U.S.A. 4th - Indonesia /5th- ~~;-.·.~: :·.-::· .~~. :_ ;~~, ~iS SHINTOISM��::r '::-.:;�.:,,-�,:.-: .,. -=>'f:}�t·•,�:i::-��!·: i�a�;� �;:lL�/};{L;}f\':t'(':'\ 5:''':•·"t', ' · �i._iii·:•I!f,[f;'.'.�B\E£�tlfJi\�illf:::ll'/1 n _ ii i1/ >ur- <POO . 2cr,- ,,,," 3cr,- .... ,�v" • ., - ,,,, 7""" 5 1 j{�.J_q�J,'k,J. \·•·_H_l.�JM�1!i��;��� The doctrines of Bu�dha was intro- Both natur� deities (forest . "'1.r�.f�;'t'!;p'):?.:-:;t. .:�J;,��;j���--t-.:{!t�:t,;T,,·�):A:·i:'� �1,b;),•\· �t·,,t ., · □ ,c ••• ,•.• , ·····-•········-'··""'". .. duced to Japan via China and or mountain) and human Cl':>.< l2�1'(,llJ11.i¥b;i<":';Hl,OJ:tlt!!f;:cntcl:tOJAIJ'IDv1:L°\<>/J'O)i!>J;<>;f:: .,.:,.i:.,,.,.,b,._.;,,,""i�,. •;---;( •==--·-�'"-·�--·•···,_ .. , ... ,.. .. ··'··- ·· "· ·· · ··�· , . erson A Korea People pray at the foot of deities (legendary figures, � ���� '½- /km•) 1 �r--1 /:•~,, � ·•1 ii. • _.' statues of the Buddha and Bud- or outstanding people) are ··:·•.. ft. · ·.·•Ji· . • /.'":'.·:. +~L :; Vtj � LMl J{_;. J(· dh1st saints Funerals are often Bud- worshippedkamidana, at shrines . Peo- ~-f~:,. ,''iaJan _ 338 China_ 131 �n 1a 295 ,,.-;fl; A, ... ~;:~:\ dhist, and other Buddhist rituals have pie have personal altars in t.: .....· -. 1 ct· _ Yt : Botc-339A ttt 'l'[l)l31A ,(:,l'-295.A. ½ : become a part of Japanese life. ,, " their homes as well. fB w 0Ot \:\\'§,,,, •\: . • _._:'A �.••·�'!jr �t: 'Pllil. Wl!\'.{;'iillG-CB:,fs:l;:A:,(J,.!:, ci!iciMBOJW� T'>,i�• §?&1$ (�f.>WOJ1$) t->.A.r.�1$ (;;i.Sl.'k /)·1,,/'\,I IJ U.S.A.

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