1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOMINATIONS Capt. Nathan Jay Roberts. THE JOURNAL Maj. Noah Louis Lord. Executive nominations received by the Capt. James William Ellis . On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by . Senate August 19, 1941: PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE unanimous consent, the reading of the DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE UNITED STATES Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, MEDICAL CORPS August 19, 1941, was dispensed with, and Robert J. Cavanaugh, of Illlnois, to be a the Journal was approved. Foreign Service otncer, unclassified, a vice To be captains consul of career and a secretary in the Diplo­ First Lt. Angel Antonio Cardona, Medical MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT matic Service of the United States of America. Corps, with rank from July 12, 1941. Stephen E. Aguirre, of Texas, now a Foreign Messages in writing from the President First Lt. Clarence Raymond Brown, Medical of the United States were communicated Service otHer:- of class 8 and a secretary in the Corps, with rank from July 12, 194::1. Diplomatic Service, to be also a consul of the to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his United States of America. APPOINTMENT TO TEMPORARY RANK IN THE AIR secretaries. Arthur R. Wllliams, of Colorado, now a CORPS, IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE UNITED Foreign Service oftlcer of class 8 and a secre­ STATES EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS tary in the Diplomatic Service, to be also a TO BE COLONEL The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the consul of the United States of America. Lt. Col. Rudolph William Propst, Air Corps. Senate the following letter, which was ASSISTANT TO THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL TO BE LIEUTENANT COLONELS referred as indicated: REVENUE Maj. Edmund Clayton Lynch, Air Corps. REPORT ON COAST GUARD CONTRACTS Maj. Alfred August Kessler, Jr., Air Corps. Norman D. Cann, of Atlanta, Ga., to be Maj. Mervin Eugene Gros~. Air Corps. A letter from the Acting Secretary ·of the Assistant to the Commissioner of Internal TO BE MAJORS Treasury, reporting, pursuant to law, relative Revenue, to fill an existing vacancy. to contracts for Coast Guard vessels on which First Lt. Loren Boyd Hillsinger, Air Corps SELECTIVE SERVICE moneys were advanced or partial payments (temporary captain, Army of the United made from appropriations available there­ Brig. Gen. Harold H. Richardson to be State States). for to pay contractors in amounts not ex­ Director of Selective Service for Colorado First Lt. Jack Wallis Hickman, Air Corps ceeding 30 percent of the contract price, etc.; under the provisions of section 10 (a) (3) of (temporary captain, Army of the United to the Committee on Commerce. the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. States). The compensation to be paid General Rich­ First Lt. Leighton Ira Davis, Air Corps (tem­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS rrdson will be in excess of $5,000 per annum, porary captain, Army of the United States). Petitions, etc., were laid before the in accordance with his rank as brigadier NoTE.-The dates of rank are omitted as Senate by the Vice President, or pre­ general in the National Guard of the United the death or other unforeseen change tn sented by a Senator, and referred as States. status of a senior officer might require a indicated: APPOINTMENT IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE change in the dates of rank and necessitate the renomination of these otll.cers. By the VICE PRESIDENT: UNITED STATFS Petitions of several citizens of the United TO BE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, WITH THE RANK OF States, praying that the United States keep MAJOR GENERAL, FOR A PERIOD OF 4 YEARS CONFIRMATION out of foreign war and that American troops FROM DATE OF ACCEPTANCE be not sent to fight outside the Western Executive nomination confirmed by the Hemisphere; to the Committee on Foreign Brig. Gen. Eugene Reybold (colonel, Corps Senate August 21, 1941: of Engineers), Army of the United States, Relations. vice Maj. Gen. Julian L. Schley, Chief of En­ DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE A letter from Alfred M. Kunze, of New gineers, whose term of oftlce expires October Willys R. Peck to be Envoy Extraordinary Rochelle, N. Y., submitting a plan or pro­ 17, 1941. and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United posal for peace; to the Committee on For­ TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF States of America to Thailand. eign Relations. THE UNITED STATES A petition of sundry citizens of the State of Pennsylvania, praying for the enactment Lt. Col. Richard Kerens Sutherland, In­ of the bill (S. 860) to provide for the common fantry, to be brigadier general in the Army defense in relation to the sale of alcoholic of the United States, under the provisions of SENATE liquors to the members of the land and naval section 127a, National Defense Act, as amend­ THURSDAY, AuGUST 21, 1941 forces of the United States and to provide for ed by an act of Congress approved September the suppression of vice in the vicinity of 9, 1940. m111tary camps and naval establishments; to Frederick Henry Osborn to be brigadier Rev. Hunter M. Lewis, B. D., assistant rector, Church of the Epiphany, Wash­ the table. general in the Officers' Reserve Corps in the By Mr. CAPPER: Army of the United States. ington, D. C., offered the following A petition, numerously signed, of sundry APPOINTMENT IN THE REGULAR ARMY prayer: citizens of Stockton, Kans., praying for the TO BE SECOND LIEUTENANT, INFANTRY, Wl'rH 0 God, almighty and merciful, who art enacting of the bill (S. 860) to provide for the RANK FROM DATE OF APPOINTMENT a strength to the poor and needy, a common defense in relation to the sale of Second Lt. John Paul Beall, Infantry Re­ refuge from the storm, and a shadow alcoholic liquors to the members of the land serve. and naval forces of the United States and to from the heat of life when its blast is provide for the suppression of vice in the APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR as a furnace of fire: Remember in pity, vicinity of mllitary camps and naval estab­ ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES we beseech Thee, such of Thy children lishments; to the table. TO ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT as are this day destitute, homeless, or OLD-AGE ASSISTANCE-PETITIONS Maj. George Edward Isaacs, Infantry, with forgotten of their fellow beings, and com­ rank from June 15, 1941. fort and succor all who suffer through Mr. CAPPER. Mr. President, I pre­ TO QUARTERMASTER CORPS violence and cruelty at the hands of sent a petition sponsored by the Town­ Lt. Col. Andrew Jackson Wynne, Cavalry, men. Relieve the distressed, protect the sendites and their friends, of Topeka, with rank from August 18, 1940. innocent, awaken the guilty, and grant Kans., urging that House bill 1036, the TO ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT that by the power of Thy Holy Spirit old-age pension bill, receive action at the present session of Congress. It bears the First Lt. Eldred George Robbins, Jr., Field those who have forsaken Thee may be Artillery (temporary captain, Army of the set free from the chains of sin, to serve signature of several hundred citizens. United States), with rank from June 12, 1939. Thee in newness of life. I also present a second petition, nu­ TO SIGNAL CORPS Hasten the day of Thy peace, 0 Lord, merously signed by residents of Topeka, First Lt. Wilfred Henry Tetley, Cavalry when the children of men shall turn from who are members and friends of the (temporary captain, Army of the United the violence and destruction of war, to Men's Fellowship Class, urging the en­ States), with rank from June 12, 1939. consecrate their strength, energy, zeal, actment of adequate old-age pension APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY and sacrifice, to the succor of the poor, laws. I ask that these two petitions be re­ The following-named officers of the Judge the relief of the oppressed, the healing of Advocate General's Department Reserve to be the sick, and the rebuilding of a world to ferred to the Committee on Finance. captains, Judge Advocate General's Depart­ Thy honor and glory. We ask it in the The VICE PRESIDENT. The peti­ ment, with rank from date of appointment: name of Him who alone bringest light tions presented by the Senator from Kan­ Capt. Tom Hughes Barratt. out of darkness, and good out of evil, Thy sas will be referred to the Committee on Capt. Riley McClain. Son, Jesus Christ, Our Saviour. Amen. Finance. 7214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE AUGUST 21 REPORT OF A COMMITTEE [From PM of August 18, 1941] Can we afford not to pay them what they're The following report of the Commit­ IS $30 OR $40 A MONTH DECENT PAY FOR OUR worth and what they should be getting? SoLDIERS? But dismiss that and take a look at the tee on Public Buildings and Grounds was story at the bottom of this page. It isn't easy submitted: When you sto:1 to think about it, the reading because it deals with big figures, but strange thing about our Army is that it By Mr. MALONEY: it does give you a basis to compare the cost of doesn't offer just about the best-paid jobs in an army pay increase with some other ex·· H. R. 5146. A bill to amend an act entitled the country. If our democracy is going to "'An act to authorize the Secretary of War to penditures. That is probably the only way survive in a world stormed by armed fascism, you can get at it, unless you can comprehend proceed with the construction of certain pub­ it is going to be because our soldiers are bet­ lic works in connection with the War Depart­ ter than the Germans, and because our Army the box-car figures of Government finances.
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