HKUST PRESENTS FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SEASON OF INTERNATIONALLY-ACCLAIMED EXPLORATION OF CREATIVITY! Hong Kong – Hailed by the Financial Times as the "city's most innovative musical experience", The Intimacy of Creativity presented by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) celebrates its Fifth Anniversary Season! Events will run from 20 April to 3 May 2015. The Intimacy of Creativity continues to explore the creative process as selected composers present and revise their chamber music compositions after in-depth discussions between composers and performers during on-campus Open Discussions. The revised compositions will be formally presented at Preview Concerts in the newly opened Cheng Yu Tung Building Multipurpose Hall on the campus of the HKUST and World Premiere Concerts at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre. Artistic Director and internationally-renowned composer, conductor, and pianist, Bright Sheng, will be joined by internationally-acclaimed artists, including Distinguished Guest Composer, Aaron Jay Kernis, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition; Distinguished Guest Artist, John Bruce Yeh, Assistant Principal Clarinet, Chicago Symphony Orchestra; The Tanglewood New Fromm Players (Sarah Silver and Samantha Bennett, violins; Jacob Shack, viola; Jesse Christeson, violoncello) as the returning Ensemble-in-residence for IC2015; Guest Artists, Tianwa Yang, acclaimed young violinist; Teddy Abrams, Music Director of the Louisville Orchestra and established conductor, pianist, clarinetist, and composer; Julian Schwarz, Hong Kong Schoenfeld International String Competition first prize-winning cellist; Nolan Pearson, winner, 2012 Claire Rosen and Samuel Edes Foundation Prize for Emerging Artists; Megan Sterling, Principal Flute of the Hong Kong Philharmonic; Dan Yu, Gold Medal Winner, Fifth USA Harp Competition; and Colleen Lee, acclaimed young Hong Kong pianist. After receiving applications from over 40 countries to The Intimacy of Creativity call-for-scores, six talented Composer Fellows have been selected to join our renowned guests: David Hertzberg (USA); Ruben Naeff (Netherlands); Clint Needham (USA); Ian Ng (Hong Kong); Scott Ordway (USA); Wang A-Mao (China). In commemoration of the Fifth Anniversary Season, Guest Artist/Composer Teddy Abrams has received the first commission by The Intimacy of Creativity to compose a new work for clarinet, violin, and piano. Mr Abrams will be joined by Ms Yang and Ms Lee in the world premiere of the work at the 3 May 2015 World Premiere Concert. The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 1 www.ic.shss.ust.hk The Intimacy of Creativity is very pleased to collaborate with internationally-renowned Beijing Modern Music Festival (BMMF), one of the most important international new music festivals hosted by the Central Conservatory of Music of China. One Composer Fellow will be selected through audience vote at the IC2015 World Premiere Concerts to be featured at the 2015 season of the BMMF. The selected composer will be invited to attend events in Beijing, under the guidance of IC Artistic Director Bright Sheng, who will serve as BMMF Distinguished Guest Composer. President of HKUST Prof Tony F Chan congratulates the fifth anniversary season of The Intimacy of Creativity, which has served as the centerpiece of a fast growing creative arts education program. Presented as part of the HKUST Music Alive! concert series, The Intimacy of Creativity “will not only arouse our students’ interest in music, but also inspire their creativity in various pursuits in life.” The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 is presented by HKUST School of Humanities and Social Science and Institute for Advanced Study, as part of the HKUST Music Alive! concert series. The IC2015 media partner is Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). Venue and ticketing sponsorship is provided by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The Intimacy of Creativity is generously supported by Dr and Mrs Helmut Sohmen in Memory of Sir Yue-Kong Pao CBE JP. More information can be found at www.ic.shss.ust.hk For general enquiries, please contact Clara So at [email protected] (2358-8350) For media enquiries, please contact Anita Lam at 2358 6313 or email [email protected] The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 2 www.ic.shss.ust.hk 香港科技大學呈獻第五屆國際知名音樂盛會「創意間的親暱」 由香港科技大學(科大)舉辦、獲《金融時報》譽為「全城最具創意音樂體驗」的音樂盛會「創意間的親暱」慶 祝五周年紀念!一系列音樂活動將於今年 4 月 20 日至 5 月 3 日舉行。 「創意間的親暱」不斷為音樂創作注入創意,獲邀的知名作曲家將在科大校園內的公開排練中與演奏家深入研 究討論,並修改和排練他們的音樂作品。這些新版作品將在新落成的科大鄭裕彤樓多用途演講廳預演,並於稍 後假香港大會堂劇院作世界首演音樂會。 藝術總監及世界知名作曲家、指揮家及鋼琴家盛宗亮,將與多位享譽國際的音樂家合作:傑出客席作曲家、普 立茲獎及格文美爾作曲大獎得主 Aaron Jay Kernis;傑出客席藝術家、芝加哥交響樂團助理首席單簧管 John Bruce Yeh;鄧肯活音樂節的新弗朗姆演奏組(小提琴:Sarah Silver 及 Samantha Bennett; 中提琴:Jacob Shack; 大提琴:Jesse Christeson) 今年再次成為駐校客席室內樂團;客席藝術家及知名年輕小提琴家楊天 媧;路易斯威爾管弦樂團音樂總監、著名指揮家、鋼琴家、單簧管演奏家及作曲家 Teddy Abrams;香港勛菲 爾德國際弦樂比賽一等獎得主、大提琴演奏家 Julian Schwarz;2012 年 Claire Rosen and Samuel Edes Foundation Prize for Emerging Artists 優勝者 Nolan Pearson;香港管弦樂團首席長笛史德琳;第 5 屆美國國 際豎琴大賽金獎得主于丹;以及香港年輕鋼琴家李嘉齡。 「創意間的親暱」今年的新曲招募收到來自四十多個國家的作品,六位出色的作曲家獲邀與知名嘉賓交流,包 括:David Hertzberg (美國)、Ruben Naeff (荷蘭)、Clint Needham (美國) 、Ian Ng (香港)、Scott Ordway (美國) 及 Wang A-Mao (中國)。 為慶祝五週年紀念,「創意間的親暱」特別邀請客席藝術家、作曲家 Teddy Abrams 創作一首單簧管、小提琴 及鋼琴作品。Abrams 先生將與楊天媧女士及李嘉齡女士,於今年 5 月 3 日舉行的世界首演音樂會上合奏此精 彩樂曲。 「創意間的親暱」很榮幸與最重要的國際新音樂節之一、由中央音樂學院主辦的「北京現代音樂節」合作,世 界首演音樂會將作為「北京現代音樂節」今年的節目,觀眾於音樂會中將投票選出一位作曲家,該獲選的作曲 家將在「創意間的親暱」藝術總監、音樂節的傑出客席作曲家盛宗亮帶領下,獲邀出席在北京的活動。 科大校長陳繁昌教授恭賀「創意間的親暱」今年踏入第五屆,並指這是發展迅速的創意藝術教育課程的重點活 動。作為「科大 Music Alive!」音樂會系列之一,「創意間的親暱」「不單會提升學生對音樂的興趣,亦啟發他 們在不同生活範疇的創意。」 「創意間的親暱 2015」由科大人文社會科學學院及高等研究院舉辦,作為「科大 Music Alive!」音樂會系列的 The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 3 www.ic.shss.ust.hk 之一,香港電台為活動之媒體合作夥伴,康樂及文化事務署提供場地及票務安排。 「創意間的親暱」由蘇海文伉儷慷慨贊助,紀念已故包玉剛爵士。 詳情請瀏覽網址﹕www.ic.shss.ust.hk 一般查詢,請聯絡蘇艷秋:[email protected] / (2358-8350) 傳媒查詢,請聯絡林淑媛:[email protected]/ (2358-6313) The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 4 www.ic.shss.ust.hk Presented by 主辦 School of Humanities and Social Science Supported by 資助 Dr. and Mrs. Helmut Sohmen in Memory of Sir Yue-Kong Pao CBE JP 蘇海文伉儷為紀念包玉剛爵士 Media partner 媒體合作夥伴 Presented in collaboration with 協辦單位 Salzedo Concert Grand Harp provided by Salzedo 豎琴由豎琴堡提供 www.ic.shss.ust.hk The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 5 www.ic.shss.ust.hk IC2015 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Concerts Date Time Venue Hong Kong City Hall World Premiere Concert 1 26 April, 2015 (Sunday) 4:00pm Theatre Hong Kong City Hall World Premiere Concert 2 3 May, 2015 (Sunday) 4:00pm Theatre Tickets: $300/$200 ($100 for students, seniors, CSSA recipients, and the disabled) Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets beginning March 26, 2015, via Internet and by Credit Card Telephone Booking. Programme Enquiries : 2358 8350/[email protected] Ticketing Enquiries : 3761 6661 Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 Internet Booking : www.urbtix.hk The presenter reserves the right to substitute artists and change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary. Date Time Venue Multipurpose Hall, Cheng Preview Concert 1 25 April, 2015 (Saturday) 8:00pm Yu Tung Building Multipurpose Hall, Cheng Preview Concert 2 2 May, 2015 (Saturday) 8:00pm Yu Tung Building Open Discussions (Free admission – precise schedule TBC) Date Time Venue Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Week 1 20 – 24 April, 2015 10:30am–1:30pm;3:00–6:00pm Shau Kee Campus; HKUST Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Week 2 27 April – 1 May, 2015 10:30am–1:30pm;3:00–6:00pm Shau Kee Campus; HKUST Lunchtime Lectures (Free Admission) Title Date Time Venue A Conversation Between Aaron Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee 22 April, 2015 (Wednesday) 12:30pm Jay Kernis and Bright Sheng Shau Kee Campus; HKUST A Conversation and Performance Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Between Tianwa Yang and Bright 29 April, 2015 (Wednesday) 12:30pm Shau Kee Campus; HKUST Sheng The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 6 www.ic.shss.ust.hk 「創意間的親暱」2015 活動時間表 音樂會 日期 時間 地點 世界首演音樂會 1 2015 年 4 月 26 日 (星期日) 下午四時正 香港大會堂劇院 世界首演音樂會 2 2015 年 5 月 3 日 (星期日) 下午四時正 香港大會堂劇院 票價: $300/$200 ($100 學生、長者、綜緩受惠人士及殘疾人士) 門票將於 2015 年 3 月 26 日於各城市售票網售票處、網上及信用卡電話訂票熱線發售。 節目查詢: 2358 8350 / [email protected] 票務查詢: 3761 6661 電話訂票: 2111 5999 網上訂票: www.urbtix.hk 如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目及表演者的權利。 日期 時間 地點 香港科技大學鄭裕彤樓多用 預演音樂會 1 2015 年 4 月 25 日 (星期六) 晚上八時正 途演講廳預演 香港科技大學鄭裕彤樓多用 預演音樂會 2 2015 年 5 月 2 日 (星期六) 晚上八時正 途演講廳預演 公開排練 (免費入場 – 實際流程待定) 日期 時間 地點 上午十時三十分至下午一時三十 香港科技大學李兆基校園盧 第一週 2015 年 4 月 20 至 24 日 分; 下午三時至六時 家驄薈萃樓 上午十時三十分至下午一時三十 香港科技大學李兆基校園盧 第二週 2015 年 4 月 27 日至 5 月 1 日 分; 下午三時至六時 家驄薈萃樓 午間講座 (免費入場) 日期 時間 地點 Aaron Jay Kernis 與盛宗亮對 香港科技大學李兆基校園盧 2015 年 4 月 22 日 (星期三) 下午十二時三十分 話 家驄薈萃樓 香港科技大學李兆基校園盧 楊天媧與盛宗亮對話及演出 2015 年 4 月 29 日 (星期三) 下午十二時三十分 家驄薈萃樓 The Intimacy of Creativity 2015 7 www.ic.shss.ust.hk ARTISTS 參與藝術家 ARTISTIC DIRECTOR 藝術總監 Bright Sheng 盛宗亮 2001 MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Award Winner 2001 年麥克阿瑟基金「天才獎」得主 Y.K. Pao Distinguished Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies, HKUST 香港科技大學包玉剛傑出文化研究訪問教授 HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study Visiting Professor 香港科技大學賽馬會高等研究學院訪問教授 The MacArthur Fellow Bright Sheng was born on December 6, 1955, in Shanghai, China, and moved to New York in l982. He is currently the Leonard Bernstein Distinguished University Professor at University of Michigan, and Y. K. Pao Distinguished Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies at HKUST. Sheng has collaborated with distinguished musicians such as Leonard Bernstein, Kurt Masur, Christoph Eschenbach, Charles Dutoit, Jaap Van Zweden, Leonard Slatkin, Gerard Schwarz, David Robertson, David Zinman, Neeme Järvi, Robert Spano, Hugh Wolff, Yo Yo Ma, Peter Serkin, Emanuel Ax, Gil Shaham, Chao-Liang Lin, Yefim Bronfman, Evelyn Glennie, among others. He has been widely commissioned and performed by virtually all important musical institutions in North America, Europe and Asia, including the White House, the 2008 Beijing International Olympic Games, New York Philharmonic, Boston Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra, Chicago Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Orchestra de Paris, BBC Symphony, Hamburg Radio Symphony, Danish National Symphony, San Francisco Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Santa Fe Opera, New York City Opera. Exclusively published by G. Schirmer Inc. in New York City, he can also be heard on Naxos, Sony Classical, Talarc, Delos, Koch International, New World labels and Grammofon AB BIS.
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