E.ETXEAK montaje ENG 3/5/01 16:08 P‡gina 1 Issue 49 YEAR 2001 TheThe LehendakariLehendakari callscalls forfor anan electionelection inin thethe BasqueBasque CountryCountry onon MayMay 13th13th E.ETXEAK montaje ENG 4/5/01 08:53 P‡gina 2 Laburpena SUMMARY Laburpena SUMMARY EDITORIALA■EDITORIAL – Supplementary statement to the Decree dissolving Parliament ...................... 3 GAURKO GAIAK■CURRENT EVENTS – Instructions for voting by mail .................................................................................. 5 – Basque election predictions according to surveys................................................ 6 PERTSONALITATEAK■PERSONALITIES – The Sabino Arana Awards for the year 2000........................................................ 8 EUSKAL ETXEAK – The Human Rights Commissioner visited the Basque Country ....................... 8 ISSUE 49 - YEAR 2001 URTEA – Francesco Cossiga received the "Lagun Onari" honor ...................................... 9 EGILEA AUTHOR Eusko Jaurlaritza-Kanpo – The Government of Catalonia receives part of its history Harremanetarako Idazkaritza Nagusia from the Sabino Arana Foundation ....................................................................... 10 Basque Government-Secretary General for Foreign Action – The Secretary of State of Idaho calls for the U.S. C/ Navarra, 2 to mediate in the Basque Country......................................................................... 11 01007 VITORIA-GASTEIZ Phone: 945 01 79 00 ■ [email protected] ERREPORTAIAK ARTICLES ZUZENDARIA DIRECTOR – The Saharawis demand the right to self-determination..................................... 12 JOSU LEGARRETA – Thousands of people clamor for peace in Vitoria-Gasteiz ................................ 14 KOORDINAKETA ETA IDAZKETA – Basque Youth 2000 .................................................................................................... 16 COORDINATION AND EDITORIAL OFFICE – Miramon's Kutxaespacio Museum of Science...................................................... 18 BENAN OREGI EDURNE DOMINGORENA – All persons with no resources will receive a subsistence benefit..................... 20 KOLABORATZAILEAK – EuskoTren..................................................................................................................... 21 COLLABORATORS JOSEBA ETXARRI – The Government of Navarre restricts the use of the Basque language.......... 22 XABIER GABILONDO – Cyberdancers of the third millennium................................................................... 24 MIKEL MARTÍINEZ IRUNE ELORRIAGA – Basque Volunteer Award for the Year 2000.......................................................... 26 ANA GARAGALZA – "Executive" Awards.................................................................................................... 26 OIER ARAOLAZA ■ ARGAZKIAK PHOTOGRAPHS EUSKAL ETXEAK BASQUE CENTERS MIKEL ARRAZOLA – ETB's Basque Channel reaches two million homes............................................ 27 JON BERNARDEZ PAULINO ORIBE – Gorka Knörr visits Argentina .................................................................................... 27 EUSKALDUNON EGUNKARIA – A group from Argentina learns Basque at the barnetegi in Lazkao................. 28 ARGITARATZAILEA EDITOR – The Urazandi project.................................................................................................. 30 Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia Basque Government Central Publication Service – HABE presentations at the Basque Centers.......................................................... 30 DISEINUA DESIGN LABURRAK■NEWS BRIEFS BASSARAI EDICIONES – News briefs .................................................................................................................. 31 INPRIMATZAILEA PRINTING GRAFO, S.A. DEPOSITO LEGAL: BI-1.090-01 E.ETXEAK montaje ENG 3/5/01 16:08 P‡gina 3 E D ITORIAL Editoriala SUPPLEMENTARY STATEMENT TO THE DECREE DISSOLVING PARLIAMENT AND CALLING FOR AN ELECTION On the occasion of the mandato- ry deliberation at the Cabinet Meeting held today, March 13th, regarding my previously announced plans to dissolve Parliament and call for an elec- tion, and considering the impor- tance of the period that begins with each electoral process, I felt that it was important to make a Supplementary state- ment. I would like to reiterate our commitment to the right to life and to guaranteeing the principles of freedom and equality, and call for respect and responsibility among the politi- cal parties. The cornerstone of the democratic system is free guaranteeing these rights and freedoms, as the Political competition for the political representation of society. Parties did unanimously in the Basque Parliament on Elections are the symbol of democracy that allow the March 7th, because I am completely convinced that only people, by freely exercising their fundamental right to if the human rights and freedoms of all persons are suffrage, to periodically designate their representatives. respected, does it make sense to defend the ideas and It is the responsibility of the political powers to guaran- projects of each one. tee the full right to choose and be chosen in conditions We all know that among the highest aspirations of of equality and complete liberty. human beings are the freedom of speech, beliefs and of Life is a person's inherent right, and freedom, effectively practicing these, and that social progress and equality, justice and Peace are principles of human dig- the standard of living are only effective while living nity. The ideal of the free human being demands that together in peace and freedom. each person enjoy their civil, political, economic, social Most Basques have proven, again and again, their and cultural rights, and we, the governments, must desire to follow a single path, that which respects life, adopt the necessary measures to guarantee these rights. ideas, its own history and the sovereign will of the Peo- As Lehendakari (president of the Basque Country), ple. I would like to express, once again, this Government's It is not possible to ask for the freedom of a nation effective commitment to continue working towards while denying the freedom of the people living there. 3 E.ETXEAK montaje ENG 3/5/01 16:08 P‡gina 4 Editoriala EDITORIAL Between freedom and freedoms there is a bond of inter- and complete free- dependence; between a citizen and the nation to which dom. Gizonen eta emakumeen he or she belongs there is a subtle relationship that no As Lehendakari, one has the right to break by force. committed to defend- partehartze orekatuaren Again, guaranteeing this right will continue to be ing and guaranteeing aldeko aldarrikapena one of this Government's priority tasks, but it also this principle, I would egin nahi nuke, Pariseko requires a joint commitment, a commitment that I ask of like to call for efforts Deklarazioaren ildotik all parties and candidates participating in the next elec- to promote our com- tion: to conduct a peaceful campaign, without discred- mitment to balanced iting anyone, with respect for all ideas. participation of men Our society is entitled to a respectful, tolerant cam- and women in all spheres of power during the first elec- paign, and will be the one to judge us in the end. We tion of the new millennium, in accordance with the Dec- are subject to its sovereign will. laration of Paris, which this Government signed in May, 1999. Along with this commitment by the Government to continue working for life and freedom, I would like to Toward this end, the need to promote the partici- call for an effort by everyone to guarantee the principle pation of women in this and subsequent electoral of equal opportunities for men and women. Our laws processes becomes a necessary commitment for every- formally guarantee this principle, by admitting no dis- one, as a condition for perfecting our democracy. crimination due to race, sex, religion or opinion. It is the We, the men and women of the Basque Country, responsibility of public powers to also guarantee the must jointly confront the challenges facing us. Together, effectiveness of such laws, and it is their obligation to we must build our future. ensure that men and In short, respect for life women enjoy equality and the principles of in all social, economic, freedom and equality cultural, civil and politi- are the guarantees of a cal rights. life together in justice This electoral and Peace: the only process gives our politi- path towards building cal forces the chance to the future we all long put into practice the for, and we must all fol- principle of equal rights low it with respect and for men and women tolerance. ■ while exercising political rights, so that people choose and are chosen in conditions of equality 4 E.ETXEAK montaje ENG 3/5/01 16:08 P‡gina 5 C U R R E NT EVENTS Gaurko gaiak BASQUE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION TO BE HELD MAY 13th, 2001 INSTRUCTIONS FOR VOTING BY MAIL FOR CAUTION ABSENTEE RESIDENTS LIVING ABROAD • Be careful not to insert more than one ballot. If the vot- ing envelope contains more than one ballot for differ- In order for those residents living abroad to be able to vote ent candidacies, your vote will be void. by mail in the Basque Parliamentary election to be held May • Do not insert the certificate of registration in the elec- 13th, they must be registered in the electoral census of toral census in this envelope, as this would void your absentee residents living abroad. This electoral census will be vote. on display at our Consulates from
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