I I tl I ,- I I I I I I I I City of Sale equest for Extension of Area 1 711. 4099 456 I SAL ,r , - j . y I N l ll il!lil ~i illllil l! ~ ll llliliii~ IR Y I M0042337 I CANCELLED I I I I I I It Q I ~ lo II I Infrastructure Library I 711 . 4099 4465361 456 SAL City of Sale request for I extension of area City of Sale Request for Extension of Area ST8f - --~~----- I I LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Honorable The Minister for Local Government, 61 Spring Street, I Melbourne, Victoria 3000. I Dear Mr. Minister, Re: CITY OF SALE I REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CITY BOUNDARIES I The Council of the City of Sale hereby makes application for the extension of its municipal area by the annexation of portions of the surrounding Shires of Avon and Rosedale pursuant to Sec. 23 (I) (b) of the Local Government Act. The boundaries of these areas are described in the I attachment. The area requested for addition to the City has been determined as a result of an assessment of future growth and is not an attempt to only annexe an area already receiving the overspill of development. It is an are·a large enough to control all growth requirements for up to I 20 years at present rates of growth and as such is an alternative to more frequent requests for small-scale addltions to the City which usually characterise requests of this type. The request is based on the understanding of the immedi·ate and future development demands of a rapidly growing City. In our view, I it respects the existing rights of the surrounding Shires, but questions the effectiveness of dual control of a . contiguous urban area centred on one functional centre. It also maintains the need for the pre-planning of areas destined to become the future urban components of the city and for a buffer strip adjacent to its urban boundaries. Piecemeal and localised extensions to cope with problems after they exist is not considered a viable base for administrative continuity, nor is it proper to impose on adjacent Shires, the development and servicing I obligations for land ultimately to be sought for armexation by another Local Government Authority. - · The enclosed submission sets out the evidence gathered to illustrate the rapid growth of the various functional components of the City of I Sale and the projections made of area requirements for immediate and future development. · A thorough analysis of the surrounding land sought to be annexed has revealed. its suitabiliy and availability for various forms of urban development and has enabled an accurate assessment of the future shape and extent of the City. I The details of Council's request for annexation have been imparted· to the surrounding Shires affected and they are fully informed of Council's intentions. I Council would welcome the opportunity to present its request 1n detail and would be pleased to provide any further information. I By Order of the Council of the City of Sale the Common Seal of which was affixed . this day of 1.972. I I Mayor I Town Clerk I ............ _... 1 I DESCRIPTION OF AREAS PROPOSED FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SALE I I I I I I (I) All that part of the Shire of Avon m the Parish of Sale as follows: I Commencing at a point on the western boundary of Crown Allotment I OS, Section I at the State Rivers and Water Supply channel I ·easement; thence generally easterly by that easement and channel reserve to the eastern boundary of Crown Allotment 132, Section I; thence southerly and easterly by the government roads forming the eastern bounda~y of that allotment and Crown Allotment 131, Section I and the northern boundary of Crown Allotment IS3, Section I; thence southerly by the eastern boundary of that allotment I and Crown Allotments 172, Section I; I, 2, 4, S, 6, 7 and 8, Section A, the western boundary of Crown Allotment 14, Section A and a line to the eastern angle of Crown Allotment IK, Section A; thence by the south-eastern boundary of that allotment and the eastern boundaries of Crown Allotments ID, IC and IE, Section A and a line to Flooding Creek being the present city boundary; thence I generally westerly, northerly and westerly by the city boundary to the point of commencement. I I (2) All that part of the Shire of Rosedale in the Parish of Wurruk Wurruk as follows: I Commencing at a point on the Thomson River opposite the south-eastern boundary of Crown Allotment 7, Section D; thence south­ westerly by a line and the south-eastern boundaries of that allotment and Crown Allotment 6, Section D; thence generally north-westerly I by the government road forming the south-western boundaries of that allotment. Crown Allotments 8, 9, II and 12, Section D and Crown Allotments I A, 2A, 3A and 4A, No Section; thence westerly, northerly and westerly by the government road forming the southern' and western boundaries of Crown Allotment 21, Section E and the southern bounndaries of Crown Allotments 3S, No Section, 18, 6A, I SC, ·and SA, Section E; thence northerly by the government road forming the western boundaries of Crown Allotments SA, 9 and 10, Section E to the Eastern Railway, thence easterly by that railway and northerly by the western boundary of Crown Allotment 9, No Section and a line across Crown Allotment 9A, No Section to the Thomson River; thence generally south-easterly by the river to the point of commencement. I 2 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I ...... I INTRQDUCTION COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES A. Open Space - Recreation - Tour ism HISTORICAL BACKGROUND B. Education C. Traffic and Street System THE CITY OF SALE - MUNICIPAL SERVICES General Information on Municipality REGIONAL ROLE AS A SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE Council CENTRE IN GIPPSLAND Staff Organisation Municipal Services LOCAL GOVERNMENT STATUS City of Sale Waterworks I Sale Sewerage Authority TOWN PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS '-· Town Planning Programme POPULATION AND RESIDENTIAL GROWTH 2. ·Extended Area - Existing controls by surrounding I Growth Rates and Residential Requirements Shires I. Population 3. Planning Arguments for Annexation 2. Residential Buildings 4. Regional Planning Authority for Sale Region I 3. Role of Housing Commission 5. Comparative Financial Situation 4. Housing Assistance and Finance Facilities 5. Densities CHARACTERISTICS OF AREAS TO BE ANNEXED I 6. Projections 7. Residential Capacity of Present City 8. Subdivision - Building Time Sequence SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS I 9. Physical and Economic Limitations on City Growth I. Population Growth Requirements Proposed Residential Requirements 2. Employment Opportunities and Growth Requirements 3. Provision of Facilities and Services INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE 4. Comparative Municipal Status A. Industry 5. Regional Role and Responsibilities I B. Commerce 6. Characteristics of the Area to be Annexed I I I I I TABLES I I I I. Sale - Municipal Population and Dwellings - 1961-71 I 2. Total Dwellings Built in Sale- 1966-71 3. Total Housing Commission Dwellings 4. Ratio of Dwellings per Allotments I 5. Ground Water Levels 6. Workforce in Sale I 7. Labour - Workforce by Local Government Areas 8. Labour - Potential Female Labourforce 9. Labour Workforce by Industry I I0. Manufacturing - Factory Statistics II. Manufacturing in Sale- 1964-65, 1967-68. I 12. Shopping Outlets and Floor Space 13. Value of Approvals for Shops, Offices, Factories· 14. Value of Approvals by Class I 15. State Primary School Enrolments 16. State Secondary School Enrolments I 17. Residence of Persons Visiting Doctors or Dentists 1n Sale 18. Residence of Persons Using Community Facilities 1n Sale 19. Percentage of Users of Facilities from Outside Sale I 20. Sale C.B.D. - Percentage Patronage for Different Purchases 21. Sale C.B.D. - Frequency of Visits 22. Sale C.B.D. - Patronage by Area of Residence I 23. Percentage Purchase of Goods Outside Sale 24. Population, Growth Rates and Density Comparision of Cities, I Towns and Boroughs I I I ;·5 ~I I PLANS I I. Proposed Boundaries of City of Sale I 2. Water Supply and Sewerage 3. Residential Growth Areas Within Present City 4. Development Restraints I: Flooding and Aircraft Noise I 5. Development Restraints II: Geology and Water Tables 6. Development Restraints Ill: Irrigation Area and Channels 7. Industrial Development I 8. Commercial Trade Areas 9. Central Business District Development Plan I I 0. Open Space Areas I I. 1971 Average Weekday Vehicle Volumes 12. Projected 1991 Vehicle Volumes on the Recommended Street I System 13. Recommended Street System I 14, Relative Importance of Regional Functions 15. Areas of Special Planning Interest beyond Sale 16. Annexation I 17. Future Urban Development Stages 1n Annexation Area I I I I I I ~,T I ' I I APPENDICES I I I I. Growth Rate Calculations 2. Subdivision - Development Ratios I 3. Administrative Areas of Government Departments I 4. Comparative Financial Statement I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Introduction I I I INTRODUCTION I I I I This report has been prepared by the Council of the City of Sale I to provide a fully documented analysis of the factors relating to its request for the extension of the boundaries of the City. I The following major areas of inquiry have been pursued: ( 1.) Population growth, residential requirements and land available for residential purposes; I J (2.) Employment opportunities in the main business sector ·of the economy, their growth potential, sp-ace requirements and I planning implications; (3.) The provision of facilities and services as part of a- future planning programme; I (4.) Comparative analysis with other municipalities of similar size and status; (5.) Responsibilities for the administration and planning control of I certain areas and activities external to Sale in the light of its role as a regional centre in Gippsland, and (6.) The characteristics of the area to be annexed, the functional I links an·d degree of physical homogeneity with the present City.
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