Index AAAS (American Association for adolescence Mali; Mauritania; the Advancement of Science), identity development among, Mozambique; Namibia; 91 306 Nigeria; Rwanda; Senegal; Aakhus, M., 178 identity practices of boys, 353 South Africa; Tanzania; Aarseth, Espen, 292n revelation of personal Uganda; Zambia abbreviations, 118, 120, 121, 126, information by, 463 African-Americans, 387 127, 133, 134 psychological framework of, 462 identity practices of adolescent ABC (American Broadcasting advertising, 156, 329, 354, 400, boys, 353 Company), 413, 416 415, 416, 420–1 political discussion, 174 ABC (Australian Broadcasting banner, 425 African Global Information Commission), 420 elaborate and sophisticated, 409 Infrastructure Gateway Aboriginal people, 251, 253, porn, 428 Project, see Leland 257–8, 262, 263 revenues, 417, 418, 419, 435 age, 280, 431, 432 abusive imageries, 431 Advertising Age, 417 porn images, 433 accessibility, 13, 50–1, 53, 424 aesthetics, 391, 425, 428, 430, agency, 44, 53, 55, 62, 312 balancing security and, 278 434 conditioned and dominated by control of, 388 alternative, 427 profit, 428 increasing, 223 digital, 407 technologically enhanced, 195 limited, 26 familiar, 435 AHA (American Historical private, 94 games designer, 75 Association), 86 public, 94, 95 play and, 373 Ahmed, Sara, 286–7, 288 see also Internet access promotional, 409 AILLA (Archive of the Indigenous accountability, 151, 191, 199, Afghanistan, 205 Languages of Latin America), 207, 273, 276, 277 AFHCAN (Alaska Federal 263 balancing privacy and, 278 Healthcare Access Network), Ajax, 457 does not negate the idea of play, 224 al-Abedallah, Zenab, 203, 204 279 COPYRIGHTEDAfrica, 85, 145, 181, 195 MATERIALAlbrecht, S., 173, 175, 179 acculturation, 46 digital divide, 189 Alexa Internet, 30 ACOR (Association of Internet-led development, 194 Alexander, J., 283, 284, 292n Cancer Online Resources), languages, 255, 263 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 216–17 minorities, 251, 262 (Lewis Carroll), 126–7 Acquisti, A., 389, 390, 462 opportunity to leapfrog into the alienation, 63, 64, 76 acronyms, 118, 120, 121, 134 future, 199 Allan, G., 385 Active Worlds, 330, 341 Unicode system not widely Allen, G., 98 activism, 77, 261–2, 359 understood by ICT Allen, S., 407 political, 192, 262 professionals, 263 alliances, 409, 417–18 ad hominem attacks, 181 see also Benin; Côte d’Ivoire; building, 194 Adams, S., 215 Egypt; Eritrea; Ethiopia; alphabet, 126 addiction, 159 Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; alt sites, 316, 427–30 porn, 426, 427, 434 Guinea-Bissau; Kenya; AltaVista, 19 administrative law, 139, 156 Lesotho; Madagascar; Malawi; alternative medicines, 216 Index 471 amateurs archives, 11, 12, 24–42 newly mediated, 421 archivings, 29 interpretations of, 13 niche, 434 pornographies, 427, 429–31 massive, 53, 420 potential, 411 Amazon, 128 new methods for, 13 timeshifting, 413 ambiguity, 396–7 public, 94 audio, 256, 413 gender, 272 virtual worlds or social network Australia, 21, 31, 203, 271, American Cancer Society, 341 sites, 52 411–12, 414 American democracy, 169 ARDnet (Africa Regional Dialogue great interest in using ICT, 263 American Medical Association, 215 in Decentralization Network), indigenous peoples, 251, 253, American Psychologist, 66 202 254, 257–8 Amhaz, Khaled, 203 Aristotle, 103, 126 minority languages, 262 Amman, 189, 193, 202 Arnold, E. L., 260 most powerful commercial ancestral lands, 260 Arnold, M., 303 network in, 417–18 Andersen, B., 40n arousal, 429 penetration of computers into Anderson, B., 46, 67, 68–9, 74, ARPANET, 1 households, 71 283, 318 artistic erotica, 428 research ethics programs, 85 Anderson, C. G., 253, 254 artistic traditions, 259 see also ABC Anderson, J., 239, 258 Arto, 387, 394 authenticity, 163, 164, 274, 275, Andrejevic, M., 407 Arusha, 194 278, 279, 285, 310, 354, Animal Crossing, 375 Arvidson, A., 31 387, 430 animation, 416 Arwarbukarl, 263 attempt to verify, 338 Anjuman, Rawnak, 206 ASCAP (American Society of crucial to creating trust, 389 anonymity, 100, 101, 102, 162, Composers and Publishers), flawed system for recognizing, 163–4, 218, 223, 225, 254, 442 389–90 277, 424, 435 ASCII (American Standard Code guarantees of, 353 convenience and, 222 for Information Interchange), moral panic surrounding, 388 dark side of discussion online, 263, 371 problematic, 391 172 ASEAN (Association of South East authoritarian states, 191 imposters protected from Asian Nations), 152 ending rule, 195 exposure by, 254 Asia 244, 265, 335 political activism stunted by potential for, 170 economic growth possible coercive capacities of, 192 promised, 453 without democratization, 195 revolutions against governments, self-presentation, 276 political development potential 180–1 anonymization, 96, 164, 393–4 of Internet in, 194 strengthening the hand of, 194 anorexia, 88, 95, 360 tribal peoples, 251, 262 authority anthropomorphic animals, 315, see also FERCAP; UNESCAP adult, 360 328 Asian and Asian-American guarantees of, 353 anti-social behavior, 170 students, 395–6 newspaper’s claim to, 410 anti-terrorism laws, 146, 163 AsianAvenue, 386 auto assembly lines, 127 antitrust law, 138, 146 assimilation, 254, 261 auto-fill-ins, 99 anxiety, 359, 397 Internet as a tool of, 258 autonomy, 87, 178 cultural, 426 Association of Tennis Professionals, cultural anxiety concerning, 426 risk, 360 410 diminished, 84 AoIR (Association of Internet asynchronous sites, 326 requirement to acknowledge, 84 Researchers), 12, 21, 92, 93, AT&T, 142 rights to and expectations of, 94, 119, 134n ATNS (Agreements Treaties and 91 Ethical Decision Making (2002), Negotiated Settlements) avatars, 274, 275, 289, 326–7, 87 database, 262 329, 334, 371, 386, 389 Ethics Working Group, 91 Attac (extreme-right NGO), 39 affixing of “real” identity to, guidelines, 14, 83, 103 attorneys, 141 339 AOL (AmericaOnline), 88, 101, attractiveness, 392, 455 alternate, 336 384–5, 418 perceived, 391 attractive, 337 Aotearoa, 254, 262 Attwood, F., 428, 429, 433 choices of, 335 APA (American Psychological audiences, 388–9, 406, 409, 414, expertly simulated, 331 Association), 91–2 415, 454, 460 female, 281 apostrophes, 123 core, 411, 417 humans interact with, 90 Apple, 441, 443 integral role in circuits of desire identity focused on, 336 appropriation, 70, 73, 74 and pleasure, 430 male and female equally anxieties and struggles that massive, 419, 420 powerful, 288 accompany, 71 music, 441–50 relationships between players Arab world, 188, 193 national, 418 and, 292n impact of Internet in, 198 new, 425 rights of, 339, 340 Archipol (Dutch project), 32, 40n new relationships to, 407 stereotypical, 335 472 Index “babe,” 288 BearShare, 441 archived, 30 baby boomers, 387 Beatles, The, 447 authored by women, 98 backgammon, 370 Beauchamp, Tom, 86 citizen-written, 180 Bailenson, J., 337 Beaverbrook, Lord, 415 competing, 409 Bakardjieva, Maria, 11, 13, 14, 64, Bebo, 384–5, 387 female political bloggers, 174 73, 74, 76, 77, 103, 310, 351 Beck, U., 362 hyper-blogging, 93, 103 Baker, A., 88, 92 Becker, M., 254, 258 journalists’, 410, 415 Baker, A. B., 171 Beer, D., 421 meta-tagging an entry, 51 Bakhtin, M., 63, 64, 76 behavioral research, 86 mobile phone, 118 balance of power, 339 Beierle, T. C., 178, 183n numbers of, 96 gendered, 322 Beijing, 286, 287 on-air personalities, 413 balancing (legal practice), 147 Beirut, 203 personal diary-style, 312 bandwidth, 331, 425, 434 Belgium, 72 political, 77, 174, 176 Bangladesh 203, 206, 207 Bell, Gordon, 50 queer, 274 banner advertisements, 425 Bellah, R. N., 314 religious, 245 Barab, S., 341 Bellman, K., 326, 327, 331–2, users allowed to blend favorite Barber, Benjamin, 169 338 sites, 418 Barbie Girls, 342 Belmont Report, The (US 1979), virtual worlds, 340 Barboza, D., 207 83, 84–5 blood ties, 396 Bargh, J. A., 454 belonging, 67 Blue Snake’s Lodge, 254 Barlow, John Perry, 18, 20 sense of, 455 BlueSky, 315, 317, 319, 320, 335 Barnes, J., 385 Bender, M., 100 BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.), 442 Barnes, S. B., 462 beneficence, 85, 87, 91 board games, 370–1 Baron, Naomi S., 112–13, 118, Benin, 201, 202 Boas, Taylor C., 195 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, Benjamin, Walter, 45 Bober, M., 75, 88, 349, 362 131, 390, 394, 397, 399 Benkler, Y., 455 Bødker, M., 277 barriers to entry, 373 Bennett, D., 425, 428, 430, 435 body politics, 273 bars, 286 Bennett, James, 420 body-to-body encounters, 275 Barthes, Roland, 461 Berg, M., 215 Boler, M., 77 Bartle, Richard, 328, 340, 370, Berger, P. L., 54 Bolivia, 257 374, 380n Berker, T., 70, 71, 72, 73 Bolter, J. D., 259, 407 Barzilai, G., 242 Berland, J., 331, 343–4 bonding, 375, 396 Barzilai-Nahon, K., 242 Berners-Lee, Tim, 29, 53, 457 Boneva, B., 67, 120 Basu, K., 197 Bernhardtz, V., 292n Bont, A. de, 215 Bateson, Gregory, 51 Berry, C., 289, 293n bootlegs, 378 Batt, E., 385 Berry, D., 103 borderless territory, 261 Battlefield, 1942 375 Bers, M. U., 175 boredom, 131 Bauman, Z., 65 beta-testing, 378 Borgmann, A., 310, 313, 319, 321 Baym, Nancy, 12, 14, 132, 233, Bible-reading, 125 Bornstein, Kate, 274 237, 305, 314, 318, 319, bilateral treaties, 151 Boston Globe, 168, 416 323, 385, 388, 393, 394, Bimber, B., 195 boundaries, 278, 283, 322 395, 397, 398, 454 biomedical research, 84, 86 legitimate, 378 BBC (British Broadcasting Biraban, 263 national, 379 Corporation) bisexuals, 292n teenagers challenging, 360 children’s website, 360 hostility towards, 285 unified, 408 seven-day archive of programs, mailing-list community for, 276, Bourdieu, P., 75, 312, 391 413 291n Bower, R. T., 47 streamable program content, BitTorrent, 372 Bowker, G., 355 420 Black Death, 133 boyd, d., 349, 358, 385–6, 388, World Service, 409 black feminism, 291n 389, 391, 393, 394, 395, BBS (bulletin-board systems), 90, BlackBerries, 216 397, 398, 421, 453, 454, 264, 252, 304 blacklists, 339 456, 460, 462 early days, 372, 380n BlackPlanet, 174, 386, 387, 390 boys and toys, 270 fan communities, 4, 237 Blacksburg Electronic Village, 67, Brace, I., 99–100 networked gaming brought to 321 Brady, H.
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