w.re have a special name for the trees that come from our famis—^ArcticMistJ" When yon order ArcticMist,TM yon are not just buying a tree, but all of the time, attention, and care—from seedling to shipping— that goes into creating a safe, healthy, and beautiful Christmas tree. We plant from seed to achieve maximum quality control. All ArcticMist™ trees are heavily needled and have dense conical shapes. Their lovely blue color, rich fragrance, and good needle retention make them ideal Christmas trees. Fraser, balsam, white spnice, and pine (white, scotch, and red) are available. In addition, we are introducing fralsam, a fraser-balsam cross. Wreaths are also available. Since our famis are in New Hampshire and Vemiont, we harvest our trees later in the season than many other growers. We also do everything we can to minimize moisture loss after harvest and during shipping. You can order the number of trees that is right for you— from 25 to a trailer load. We can anange shipping or you may pick up the trees yourself We respect your schedule and guarantee on time delivery. Our trees arrive individually wrapped and ready for sale. All you need to do is remove the wrappers and set the trees out—no liroken branches, no last minute trimming. T.0 place an order, or to receive specific information about this year's trees: Call us at 800/694-8722 or 603/237-5702. Send us a fax at 603/237-8439. Or write to us at 38 Bridge St., Colebrook, NH 03576. Our internet address is http://www.sibgotree.com SibgoTree Company We know wfmt you want for Christmasl ArcticMist TM Remember, you can only buy ArcticMkP^ at SWgo Tree Company. I CALENDAR CONTENTS January 18 VAPH Annual V/inter Departments Meeting, Holiday Inn, Rutland, VT; 8-9 New England Ckhstmas Tree Pest 3 From the Board Connie Gardner at 802-253-8565. Tim Wo/fe Management Conference, Keene State College, Keene, NH; Marshall 19-22 The Rhode \sland Spring Flower 5 Forum Patmos at 603-352-4550. and Garden Show ("Century in 8 New Hampshire News Bloom"), Rhode Island Convention 9-11 ERNA Expo, Meadowlands 13 Elsewhere In the News Center, Providence, Rl; Nancy Syme Exposition Center, Secaucus, Nj; 23 Member Profile: at 1-800-766-1670. registration: i -800-376-2463. The or Speedway 19-22 The Seventeenth Annual Connecticut 12-13 Connecticut Nurserymen's 31 Diagnostic Update Flower and Garden Show ("Watch Us Association VJinter Meeting, Acqua Turf, Dr. Cheryl Smith Grow"), Connecticut Expo Center, Southington, CT; 860-872-2095. 32 How About Herbs Hartford, CT; 860-529-2123. Tanya ]ackson 12-13 Rhode Island Nursery and 27 Ecological Landscaping Association's Landscape Association (RINLA) Educa- Widlpr Conference, Holiday Inn, Features tional Day and Trade Show, Doubletree Boxborough, MA; Nancy Askin at Inn, Newport, Rl; Ken Lagerquist at 15 Golden Gardeners 978-897-7490. Margaret Hagen 1 -800-758-9260. 17 England's Oldest 13 Maine Landscape and Nursery March New Living Tree Association (MeLNA) Annual Trade 3-5 New England Regional Turf David VanLuven Show, Sheraton Tara Hotel, South Conference, Providence, Rl; Contact 19 Diagnosing Plant Problems Portland, ME; Edith Ellis at NERTCS at 401-848-0004. Dr. Cheryl Smith 207-225-3998. 7-15 New England Flower Show ("Gar- 27 Greenhouse Integrated Pest WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 dening Lifestyles"), Bayside Exposi- Management New Hampshire Plant Growers' Associa- tion Center, Boston, MA; 617-536-9280. ]ames Boone, Michael Brow«- tion |NHPGA|/New Hampshire Landscape bridge, ]ames F Dill, Alan T 11-15 Portland Flower Show ("Poetry Association (NHLA) ]oint VJinter Meeting, Eaton, Bruce L. Parker and in the Garden"), Portland Company Restaurant, Epsom, NH; Margaret Skinner Old Mill Complex, Portland, ME; 207-225-3998. Tim Wolfe at 603-893-5858. 13-15 Verwonf Flower Show, Sheraton Columns 18 FTDA Two-part Meeting-. "Competi- Burlington Conference Center, 10 Kiwi Corner tive Pricing" with Gaylon Pyle/Design Burlington, VT; 802-253-8565. Paul R. Fisher Competition; Comfort Inn, Manchester, 16 Workshop: "Computer Applications 16 Z-Notes NH; Betty Covey at 603-893-4578. |i»! Zablocki and WWW for Ornamentals Firms", 21-22 England Fruit Meeting New (sponsored by UNH Cooperative 20 The Griffin Guru and Trade Show, Sturbridge Host Extension), Cole Hall, UNH, 22 The Green Spot Conference Center, Stur- Hotel and Durham, NH; Nancy Adams at 603- Mike Cherim 603-863-3203. bridge, MA; Bill Lord at 679-5616. 26 Pioneer Pointers 22-24 New England Grows!, Hynes 17 "Workshop: "Computer Applications Convention Center, Boston, MA; and WWW for Ornamentals Firms," 508-653-3009. College of Lifelong Learning, Winter: Greal Bay, photograph by February Lebanon, NH; 603-679-5616. Rick Raymond 5 Lawn Care Seminar, Auburn, MA; 20-23 "The breath of Spring" Flower Mary Owen at 508-892-0382. Show ("Flowers in Wonderland"), The Pluntsmjui Is published In eariy Februaiy, Cheshire Ice Arena, Keene, NH; 6 Maine Landscape and Nursery Associa- April, |une, August, October, and December Curtin at 603-355-6335, ext. 161. Steve the flret of each prior tion (MeLNA) Recertification "Workshop, with copy deadlines being month. While camera-ready ads are preferred, set- Falmouth Country Club, Falmouth, 22 FTDA "Wedding Design Show and up assistance Is available at a nominal fee. Free 207-225-3998. Hands-on "Workshop with Ned Davis, ME; classified advertising Is offered as a member Carbones, Bedford, NH; Betty will cany a short message (no artwork 6-7 Farm and Forest Exposition, service. We Covey at 603-893-4578. or logos) for one or two Issues of Tfie Plantsnuui. Center of New Hampshire Holiday AD SIZE 6x Inn and Convention Center, 23 "Workshop: "Computer Applications 3 3/8-w X 2 l/4-h $120 $30 and WWW for Ornamentals Firws," Manchester, NH; 603-271-3788. 3 3/8-w X 4 3/4-h $160 $40 Plymouth State College, Plymouth, 7-w X 1 l/4"h SI60 $40 10 Agricultural \ndustry ]ob Fair, NH; 603-679-5616. 7"w X 4 5/8"h S250 $50 Student Union Ballroom, University 7-w X 9 l/2-h $400 $100 of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA; 25 UNH Greenhouse Facility Tour, For further Information, please contact the edno 413-545-2222. Durham, NH, sponsored by NH Elizabeth Wiernasz at Robert Parker at the UNH Research Greer Chapter, New England Wild Flower houses, Durham, NH 03824, 603-862-2061; or P Society; Anne Moore at 603-964-1982. Box S, Newflelds, NH 03856. 603-778-8353. DLCEMBER 1997 «. JANUARY 1998 7 Insurance Problems? No PrOblBin' Wltli a ladenoon Greenhouse Your Insurance Comes Bulll-in Jaderloon's Gutter Connect Greenhouses have the leading structural & polyethylene gutter design in the industry All aluminum extruded gutter provioes practically unlimited life compared Jaderloon's Quonset Greenhouses to galvanized gutters • Quonsets have a truss with every Unique structural design of the gutter gives bow. providing superior strength over other types ofgreenhouse structures. I-beam type support for extra strength Deadmen bracing provide extra wind & • Unique system of cross connectors maintains 100% of structured integri- snow load ty. Most other areenhouse companies Kwic-Klip'" polyethylene film fastening bolt their purlins to the bows resulting system is extruded as an integral pan into in a 25% loss of strength where the connection occurs gutters providing watertight seal and efficient installation of poly coverings • Free-standing greenhouses include 2x4 enduiall brackets, a tremendously helpful feature in framing out your endwalls Qallied Quality CreentiHUSps&Equipmeni Contact Your Northeast Product Specialist: Rimol Greenhouse Systems (603) 629-9004 Wholesale Horticultural Distribution Centers Grea t Selection: DEDICATED TO SERVING: Shade, Flowering & Evergreen Trees, The Professional Landscaper, Deciduous & Evergreen Shrubs, Nurseryman, Grounds Manager and Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Perennials & More.... Golf Course Superintendent, with Available All Season Long the highest quality & selection ofplant In The Sizes & Quantities You Require! materials & horticultural supplies. Distributors of: • PennMllch • Nature Safe • Hydroseeding Mulch • Lofts TiiRF Seed • OlyOla Edging • Concrete Pavers • AllGro Compost • Anderson Turf Fertilizer • Permaloc Edging • Wallstone • Bulk Mulch • Lebanon Turf Fertilizer • Spreaders & Sprayers • Bluestone • Par Aide Golf Accessories • DeWitt Landscape Fabric • Gelscape • Bulk Stone • AND MUCH MORE! T\yo Locations For Your Convenience: 1 6 PiNKHAM Rd West U.S. Route 5 Barrington, NH White River Jct., VT (603) 868-71 72 (802)295-21 1 Grow your business to new heights with Your Source structures, products, and accessories from Rimol Greenhouse Systems, Inc. FOR THE Greenhouse Structures • Drip Irrigation & Fittings GH Film and Polycarbonate • Fertilizer Injectors & Timers Finest in Heaters, Fans, &. Vents • Plant Carts & Monorail Systems Environmental Controls • Shade Cloth & Ground Cover Greenhouse Generators & Sensaphones • Benches & Expanded Metal Technology. New Company, New Ideas, New Way of Doing Business 670 N. Commercial Street INRIMOL^ Manchester, NH 03101-1149 Greenhouse Phone: 603-629-9004 Fax 603-629-9023 Systems, Inc. "Helping You to Grow" B.E. Supply GREENHOUSE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Hemlock Road, Langdon Mailing Address: P.O. Box 0, Charlestown, New Hampshire 03603 Nu'Form Products • Restricted Pesticides Landmark Products • Kord Products Pre-filled Flats & Pots • Fertilizers Klerks Films • Distributors for Hyde Park & Sunshine Soils Work: 603/835-6930 Home: 603/835-2523 Fax: 603/835-2180 THE PLANTSMAN — FORUM Recertification ENDOWMENT UPDATE On October 29, the NHPGA held its biennial pesticide applicators' the 70% $70,000!!! We've reached mark— recertification meeting at the Inn at Amoskege Falls in Manchester Peter van Berkum A free service to members, this offers a large group of credits in a concentrated amount of time those of you unfamiliar with the New Hampshire Horti- For a useful thing for many people. this is a fund that will be used to pay cultural Endowment, This year, there was a morning for practical research projects in New Hampshire projects — session (for three credits) only, serve our specific Green Industry needs.
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