DFO f\ l ~i ili~~ l l U1~ 1i1 1~f[i1lrque 07000441 SUMMARY RECORD Of MARITIMES REGION FISHERIES SERVICE ENVIRONMENT CANADA AQUACULTURE WORKSHOP Held at HALI FAX LABORATORY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE FISHERIES AND MARINE SERVICE 1707 LOWER WATER STREET HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA B3J 2R3 NOVEMBER 26 and 27, 1973 .. ' SH 37 5 ~.. M ~UC..F Rf:<ilfONAl f,,fSRAR'G M37 fSHERIES ANO OCEANS ~>a fOTH · £QUE ltEGION OU GOLF£ hCHES ET OCEANS 1 CONTENTS Agenda . 3 List of Attendees and Affiliations . 6 Opening Remarks - J.E. Stewart . 7 Session I 7 Session II . 8 Session III 8 Session IV 9 Session V . 11 Summaries of Prepared Statements . .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ... ......... ..... 15 Notes by G. I. Pritchard . 15 Salmonid Diseases Workshops and Expectations by R.M. MacKelvie ... 17 Implications of Recommendations Emanating from Salmonid Diseases Workshops by T. G. Carey . 25 Salmonid Aquaculture Research at St. Andrews by R.L. Saunders .. .. 26 Lobster Culture by D.E. Aiken 27 Sea Ranching by A. M. Sutterlin . 28 Trout Farming Trials Carried out by Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries by J.S. MacPhail .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 Summary of Presentation on ll.lssels, Mytilus edulis by L.L. MacLeod 31 Summary of Presentation on salmonid culture by R.E.H. MacDonald... 34 Acclimation of Kidney-Diseased Atlantic Sa lmon to Salt Water by C. Frantsi and A. Foda . 37 Aquaculture - Oyster Farr'1ing by A. Mciver . 38 Preliminary Studies on Reconditioning Atlantic salmon Kelts (Salmo salar L.) for Release and on Recycling Salmon Kelts for Utilization as 'Broods tock by R. W. Gray . 40 Salmonid Diseases - Program Report by D, Desautels and R.M. MacKel vie . 41 2 Molluscan Disease by M. F. Li and G.S . Traxler...................... 42 Nutrition Repor t to Aquaculture Workshop by J.D. Castell .. .. 44 Ha l i f ax Laboratory Aquaculture Program by J.E. Stewart ....... .. .. 45 Reproductive Physiology of Fish at the Halifax Laboratory by M. S. Mounib . 47 Genet i cs : Aids f or Making Sel ect i ons for Culture by P.H. Odense 49 Aquaculture at t he Mari ne Eco l ogy Laboratory, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia by K. R. Freeman . • • . 50 Smolt Stocks f or Aquaculture by R.F. Hawkins ........ .. .. .. .... .... 52 Economics, Marketing and Cost Accounting in Aquaculture by G. DeWolf 53 Problems and Me t hods Used in Extension Work in Aquaculture by A. Mclver . 54 Need for Extension and Pi lot Plant Work and Possible Arrangements With Industry by R. L. Saunders . 58 Letter from J . S. MacPhail , Director of Resource Development, Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries . .. ... ......... ..... ...... ....... 61 3 Fisheries and Marine Service Maritimes Region Fisheries Service Aquaculture Workshop in Conference Room Halif~x Laboratory Research and Development Directorate Fisheries and Marine Service 1707 Lower Water Street Halifax, Nova Scotia November 26 and 27, 1973 Registration 9:30 - 10:00 a . m. November 26 No Parking Available Agenda Session I 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon November 26 Chairman J.E. Stewart 10:00 a.m. Opening Remarks 10:05 G. I. Pritchard National and Related International Aspects of Aquaculture 10:40 G.I. Pritchard Current Status of Salmonid Disease Regulations 10:50 R.M. MacKelvie Salmonid Diseases Workshops and Expectations 11: 10 T.G. Carey Implications of Recommendations Emanati_ng from Salmonid Diseases Workshops 11: 30 Discussion 12:00 - Lunch 1:00 p.m. 4 S8ssion II 1:00 - 5:00 p. m. ovember 26 Chairman T.G. Carey 1:00 p.m. Opening Remarks 1:05 Program Reports 15 min. each 1. Vancouver - W. Vanstone 2. St. Andrews - R.L. Saunders D. Aiken A. Sutterlin 3. Nova Scotia - J.S. MacPhail 4. Cape Breton Development Corporation - R.E. Drinnan 5. Resource Development Branch - R.E.H. MacDonald C. Frantsi A. Maciver R.W. Gray 6. Halifax Laboratory - J. D. Castell M.F. Li R.M. MacKelvie J.E. Stewart 7. Marine Ecology Laboratory - K. Freeman Session III 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. November 26 Chairman J. S . MacPhail 7:30 p.m. Opening Remarks 7:35 Completion of Program Reports (if necessary) 8:00 R. Hawkins and P. Murray (20 min. address - Discussion) Source of Stocks for Large Scale Commercial Operations 9:00 R. Dewolfe (20 min. address - Discussion) Economics, Marketing and Cost Accounting in Aquaculture 5 Session IV 9 :00 a .m. - 12 :00 no on November 27 Chairman R. L. Saunders 9 :00 a .m. Opening Remarks 9:05 Cons i deration of the most promising species for culture a) Salmonids - Atlantic Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, Chinook, Brook Trout, etc. 1. Which species and why? 2. Type of unit (tanks, c_ages, etc.). Fresh water or Sea water? 3. Family sized units or large scale? 4. Most important problems in order of priority? 5. Who is doing what now in relation to these problems and who contemplates work on any of these problems? 6. Can th.is work be improved through cooperation and collaboration? 11:00 b) Oysters, Eels, Musse ls, Lobsters, Seaweeds Repeat of considerations under Item a. 12:00 - Lunch 1:00 p.m. Session V 1:00 p.rn. - 5:00 p .rn. November 27 Ch airman J.E. Stewart 1:00 p.m. Opening Remarks 1:05 R. E J-l . MacDonald (20 min. address - Discussion) Regulations Concerned with All Aspects of Aquaculture Operations 2:00 A. Maciver and R. L. Saunders (20 min . address - Discussion) Need for Extension and Pilot Plant work and Possible Arrangements with Industry 3:30 Should a comprehensi ve Atlantic Region meeting on aquaculture, includi ng universities, provincial government o_rganizations and indus tries, be held in March 1974? Should an in-service \vorkshop of the general type just completed be held again? I f so, how often and what should be its general structure? 4:15 p.m . Closing Remarks at Completion of Workshop. 6 In Attendance Name Affiliation D.E. Aiken Fisheries Service, St. Andrews, N.B. R.L. Saunders Fisheries Service, St. Andrews, N.B. A.L. Sutterlin Fisheries Service, St. Andrews, N.B. E.B. Henderson Fisheries Service, St. Andrews, N.B. W.E. Vanstone Fisheries Service, Vancouver, B.C. K.R. Freeman Marine Ecology Lab., Dartmouth, N.S. R. E. Drinnan Marine Ecology Lab., Dartmouth, N.S. & DEVCO T.G. Carey Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. A. Mclver Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. P. Woo Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax , N. S. R.E.H. Macdonald Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. S.R. Baker Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. R.E. Cutting Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. R.F. Hawkins Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. G. Robbins Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. A. Foda Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Fredericton, N.B C. Frantsi Res. Dev. Branch, Fisheries Service, Fredericton, N.B David Newton DEV CO L. Boudreau DEV CO J. Stuart MacPhail N.S. Dept. of Fisheries, Halifax, N.S. L. MacLeod N.S. Dept. of Fisheries, Halifax, N.S. P. Murray Fisheries &Marine Service, Ottawa G. I. Pritchard Fisheries &Marine Service, Ottawa T. C. Clarke SSRB, Fisheries &Marine Service, Ottawa G. DeWolfe Economics Branch, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. B.C. Muise, DEVCO, St. Andrews, N.B. W.D. Paterson Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. J. D. Castell Halifax Laboratory, Fi sheries Service, Halifax, N.S. J.E. Stewart Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. D. Desautels Halifax Laboratory, Fi sheries Service, Halifax, N.S. B. Zwicker Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. B. Arie Halifax Laboratory,,Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. J.W. Cornick Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. R.M. MacKelvie Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. M.F. Li Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N. S. G. Traxler Hal i fax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. J. MacLean Hal ifax Laborat·ory, Fisheries Service, Hal if ax, N.S. L.W. Regier Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. H.S. Shieh Halifax Laboratory, Fisheri es Service, Halifax, N.S. M.S. Mounib Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. V. Logan Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. P.H. Odense Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. M.W. Gilgan Halifax Laboratory, Fisheries Service, Halifax, N.S. Maritimes Region Fisheries Service 7 Aquaculture Workshop The workshop arranged by T.G. Carey, R.D.B. and J.E. Stewart, R & D, Fisheries Service, was mostly in-service and represented an attempt to bring government people up-to-date on what was happening in government and in closely related projects. The emphasis was largely, but not exclusively, on salmonids. The prepared statements listed in the agenda were presented and in some instances were illustrated with slides. Summaries of most of these statements were prepared by the authors and have been included in the written record. Discussions provoked by the prepared statements and by other points raised by different participants have been summarized briefly and presented below largely without attribution and should be read in conjunction with the various authors' summaries. Included as well is a copy of a highly relevant letter from J.S. MacPhail, Director of Resource Development for the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries. OPENING REMARKS - J.E. Stewart This is a particularly appropriate time to hold a workshop on aquaculture, since even to the most casual observer it has become apparent that there is a multiplicity of private, university, federal and provincial government projects going by the name of aquaculture and costing a great deal of money. With the increasing competition for research funds it is unreasonable to expect continued financing of any research area unless the participants offer evidence of doing something useful and of deriving the maximum benefit from the money spent on the various projects going to make up the whole.
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