Thursday, March 23, 2017 | Volume 46 • Number 6 StuttgartCitizen.com Photo by Kevin S. Abel, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs USAG Stuttgart is officially the best garrison in the Army after being awarded the 2017 ACOE gold medal. Local events, like “The Run to Re- member,” July 16, 2016, encouraged community participation. This event began in 2008 at the request of the chaplain for 1st Battalion, 10th Spe- cial Forces Group (Airborne) to re- member those who lost their lives in the post- 9-11 era. USAG Stuttgart takes ACOE gold by John Reese Stuttgart community,” said Col. Glenn of a garrison. and services in support of Soldiers, U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart K. Dickenson, garrison commander. The garrison was specifically grad- their families and civilians. Baldrige- Public Affairs The award reflects how USAG ed on seven categories: leadership; based performance assessments pro- Stuttgart consistently excelled at strategy; customers; measurement, vide opportunities to identify best The Army Chief of Staff an- providing base operations, training analysis, and knowledge manage- practices in installation management nounced that U.S. Army Garrison support and quality of life services to ment; workforce; operations; and re- and reveal potential opportunities to Stuttgart has received the 2017 Army Soldiers, families and civilians. sults, Dickenson explained. apply appropriate performance im- Community of Excellence Gold “Simply put, it is the all-en- The Malcom Baldrige National provement tools. Medal award as the top installation in compassing installation award,” Quality Award criteria is used as a This isn’t the first time USAG the Army. Dickenson said. “There are awards framework for the ACOE perfor- Stuttgart has been recognized by “I’m extremely proud of the amaz- for installations that look at specific mance assessment by helping Army ACOE. In 2014, it was the only ing garrison team that supports the areas like supply, energy, environ- installations and communities focus units and family members of the ment; the ACOE looks at the totality on providing excellence in facilities See ACOE page 5 Stuttgart ACS staffing model sets standard of excellence for centers worldwide By Holly DeCarlo-White awards recognize outstanding efforts that family and recreational program USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs Office in advancing and progressing human budgets across the Army were slated capital management in the Public to be reduced by $105 million in fiscal U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart’s Sector. year 2017. Army Community Service (ACS) Within the application process, “The solution here at USAG received first place in the “Public Tawania L. Kovacs, Stuttgart ACS divi- Stuttgart ACS, is the deploying of the Sector Innovation Award for the 21st sion chief, addressed program organi- ACS Generalist Model,” said Kovacs. Century” based upon its submission zation and innovation demonstrating The Generalist Model was a best prac- to the Human Capital Management the level of services USAG Stuttgart tice of the Air Force’s Airmen and in Government (HCMG) 10th annual ACS provides despite fiscal realities Family Readiness Centers in 2004- awards. and challenges. 2005, she explained. The HCMG awards event brings Funding for Family and Morale, “In the Air Force model, each team together key stakeholders from Welfare and Recreation programs, member trains to become proficient throughout the Federal and Defense under which ACS falls, has been sig- in 80% of the portfolio of family pro- Human Resources community to dis- nificantly reduced. However, the grams offered … this allows constant cuss best practices for managing hu- needs of military service and commu- Photo courtesy of ACS program coverage with no disruption man capital, improving efficiency and nity members remain high. In October The HCMG award on display at ACS, advancing innovation. The HCMG 2016, Defense news media reported Panzer Kaserne. See ACS page 5 Daylight saving time 2017 in Germany will begin at 02:00 this Sunday (March 26). Remember to change Invest time, save money Piranhas rack up 96 medals Fast forward to future your clocks! with OHA survey, p.3 at championship, p. 9 fests, p. 12 Page 2 NEWS The Citizen, March 23, 2017 Kiss & ride — slowly — or be ticketed by the MPs Stuttgart High School and Stuttgart where the sports fields are located Elementary School is not a drop off point or parking lot. News Release It is for emergency vehicles, deliver- ies, and trash pickup only. If you’re one of the drivers The schools will monitor the bus dropping off passengers at ei- lanes and the back of the school for ther Stuttgart Elementary or High compliance and report violations to schools, the administrations wish the Provost Marshal. The Military to strongly remind you that the bus Police are authorization to ticket lanes directly in front of the schools vehicles. No POV’s without advance drop-off/pick-up at the “Kiss & any vehicles in these areas. are for buses and emergency vehi- coordination with the schools are Ride” along the fence. For safety Additionally, drivers are strong- cles only. authorized behind the barriers at reasons, don’t double park adjacent ly advised to mind their speed with- The barrier arms are raised for any time! Motorists are reminded to the K&R. in the parking lot — children’s lives the busses, not for privately owned to follow the regulations for student Also, the back area of the schools are at stake. April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month Compiled by John Reese intervene. To do their part, they have to harassment and sexual U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart act. If a service member — or a DoD ci- assault issues by focus- Public Affairs vilian — sees a crime or inappropriate ing on increasing ca- behavior unfolding, he or she needs to pabilities in the areas National Sexual Assault Awareness step in to prevent it. All members of the of prevention, inves- Month (SAAM) is an annual campaign military community need to add their tigation, prosecution to raise public awareness and educate voice to the call to end this crime. and survivor support/ communities on the prevention of sex- The Department of the Army’s protection. ual violence. As a public health, human theme for 2017 is "Sexual assault. Senior Army lead- rights and social justice issue, sexual vi- Sexual harassment. Not in our Army." ers consider the sexual olence affects many and has secondary The Army’s SAAM observance is in its harassment and sex- and tertiary effects on society. During 13th year and continues to convey the ual assault prevention the month of April, state, territory, tribal Army’s commitment to achieve cultural strategy an integral and community-based organizations, change by eradicating sexual assault part of the Profession rape crisis centers, government agen- and sexual harassment through its pre- of Arms doctrine. cies, businesses and campuses recog- vention, investigation, prosecution and These principles are nize SAAM through planned events survivor support/protection efforts. based on ethical be- and activities to reinforce prevention Agencies and organizations liefs, the capacities of efforts. throughout the Army will plan and ex- self-command, empa- The Department of Defense theme ecute appropriate commemorative ac- thy and morale pride. for 2017 SAAM is “Eliminate sexual as- tivities to observe SAAM. Commanders Professional Soldiers sault: Know your part. Do your part." may authorize their military personnel must be immersed in The key messages in the theme are to to wear civilian attire, in the specific the environment and “eliminate sexual assault, know your form of denim, on April 27, National culture of the profes- part and do your part.” Every service Denim. Contact your unit Sexual sion of arms early in member, at every level, must know, un- Assault Response Coordinator or their careers. One of derstand and adhere to service values Victim Advocate to learn more about the Army’s prevention and standards of behavior in order to SAAM activities that may be scheduled initiatives is to focus eliminate sexual assault and other in- in your community. on achieving cultural change to elimi- responsibility, be motivated to act, appropriate behavior. By knowing their The Army has significantly raised nate sexual assault and sexual harass- overcome their fears to intervene and part, all service members have a unique awareness about sexual harassment ment from the ranks. Indoctrinating establish an environment free from role in preventing and responding to and sexual assault through the prolif- new recruits and first-term Soldiers on sexual harassment and sexual assault. sexual assault. Service members must eration of required training in all units, prevention of sexual assault will lead recognize their part in stopping this in primary military education courses, to a collective and committed team Editor’s note: The information in this crime, starting with their own aware- and among first responders. It will con- across the force. In addition, lead- article was compiled from Department ness and knowing when and where to tinue to aggressively address sexual ers at all echelons are required to take of the Army and Army.mil sources. published by UNITED STATES ARMY USAG STUTTGART Managing Director The Citizen is an authorized news- and has a printed circulation of 7,000 GARRISON STUTTGART PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE John Thompson paper, produced in the interest of the copies. Everything advertised herein Building 2949, Panzer Kaserne Commander General Manager U.S. Army community in Stuttgart shall be made available for purchase, Col. Glenn K. Dickenson Army Post Office Mailing Address Bret Helenius by the U.S. Army-Garrison Stuttgart use or patronage without regard to Unit 30401, APO AE 09107 Senior Enlisted Adviser Newspaper Layout/Designer Public Affairs Office. Contents of the race, color, religion, sex, national Command Sgt. Maj. German Mailing Address Manuel Flaetgen, Alexander Pütz Citizen are not necessarily the offi- origin, age, marital status, physical Mariano Z.
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