BFS346 Site Species List

BFS346 Site Species List

Species lists based on plot records from DEP (1996), Gibson et al. (1994), Griffin (1993), Keighery (1996) and Weston et al. (1992). Taxonomy and species attributes according to Keighery et al. (2006) as of 16th May 2005. Species Name Common Name Family Wd? Major Plant Group Significant Species Endemic Growth Form Code Growth Form Life Form Life Form - aquatics Common SSCP Wetland Species No BFS MTB0y (FCT24) MTB02 (FCT24) MTB03 (FCT24) MTB04 (FCT24) MTB05 (FCT17) NAVB0y (FCT16) NAVB02 (FCT29a) NAVB03 (FCT24) NAVB04 (FCT24) Acacia cochlearis Rigid Wattle Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y Acacia lasiocarpa Panjang Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y Acacia rostellifera Summer-scented Wattle Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH/T P 346 y y Acacia saligna Coojong Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y Acanthocarpus preissii Prickle Lily Dasypogonaceae Monocot WA 4 H-SH P 346 y y * Aira caryophyllea Silvery Hairgrass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y y y * Anagallis arvensis Pimpernel Primulaceae Dicot 4 H A 346yyyy yyy Apium annuum Annual Apium Apiaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y Apium prostratum var. prostratum Sea Celery Apiaceae Dicot 4 H P 346 y * Arenaria leptoclados Thyme-leaved Sandwort Caryophyllaceae Dicot 4 H A 346yyyy y Arthropodium capillipes Summer Lily Anthericaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 346 y Atriplex cinerea Grey Saltbush Chenopodiaceae Dicot AUST 3 SH P 346 y Austrostipa flavescens Tall Speargrass Poaceae Monocot AUST 5 G P 346 y y y y * Avellinia michelii Avellinia Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y y * Avena barbata Bearded Oat Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y * Avena fatua Wild Oat Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y Banksia attenuata Candle Banksia Proteaceae Dicot WA 1 T P 346 y * Bartsia trixago Bartsia Scrophulariaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y Baumea juncea Bare Twigrush Cyperaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C P y 346 y y * Brassica tournefortii Prickly Turnip Brassicaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y * Briza maxima Blowfly Grass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y y y y * Briza minor Shivery Grass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y * Bromus diandrus Great Brome Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y y y y * Bromus hordeaceus Soft Brome Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y Burchardia congesta Kara Colchicaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 346 y Caladenia flava subsp. flava Cowslip Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 346 y Caladenia latifolia Pink Fairy Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 346 y y Calandrinia calyptrata Pink Purslane Portulacaceae Dicot AUST 4 H A 346 y Calandrinia corrigioloides Strap Purslane Portulacaceae Dicot AUST 4 H A 346 y * Carpobrotus edulis Hottentot Fig Aizoaceae Dicot 3 SH-H (PR) P 346 y Cassytha flava Dodder Laurel Lauraceae Dicot WA 4 H (CL) P-PAR 346 y y Cassytha racemosa Dodder Laurel Lauraceae Dicot AUST 4 H (CL) P-PAR 346 y y y * Centaurea melitensis Maltese Cockspur Asteraceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y * Centaurium erythraea Centaury Gentianaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y y Centrolepis drummondiana Sand Centrolepis Centrolepidaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C A 346 y * Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-ear Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Dicot 4 H A 346yyyy yyy Chamaescilla corymbosa var. corymbosa Blue Squill Anthericaceae Monocot 4 H PAB 346 y Clematis pubescens Old Man's Beard Ranunculaceae Dicot WA 4 H-SH (CL) P 346 y Page 1 of 4 Species lists based on plot records from DEP (1996), Gibson et al. (1994), Griffin (1993), Keighery (1996) and Weston et al. (1992). Taxonomy and species attributes according to Keighery et al. (2006) as of 16th May 2005. Species Name Common Name Family Wd? Major Plant Group Significant Species Endemic Growth Form Code Growth Form Life Form Life Form - aquatics Common SSCP Wetland Species No BFS MTB0y (FCT24) MTB02 (FCT24) MTB03 (FCT24) MTB04 (FCT24) MTB05 (FCT17) NAVB0y (FCT16) NAVB02 (FCT29a) NAVB03 (FCT24) NAVB04 (FCT24) Comesperma confertum Coastal Comesperma Polygalaceae Dicot WA 3 SH-H P 346 y y Conostylis aculeata Prickly Conostylis Haemodoraceae Monocot WA 4 H P 346 y y Conostylis candicans subsp. candicans Grey Conostylis Haemodoraceae Monocot WA 4 H P 346 y * Conyza bonariensis Fleabane Asteraceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y * Conyza sumatrensis Fleabane Asteraceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y Crassula colorata var. colorata Dense Stonecrop Crassulaceae Dicot AUST 4 H A 346 y y y y y * Crassula glomerata Stonecrop Crassulaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y y y y Cryptandra mutila Cryptandra Rhamnaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y Daucus glochidiatus Australian Carrot Apiaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y Daviesia triflora Three-flowered Daviesia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y * Desmazeria rigida Rigid Fescue Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y Desmocladus flexuosus Desmocladus Restionaceae Monocot 6 S-R P 346 y y y * Disa bracteata South African Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot 4 H PAB 346 y * Dischisma arenarium Dischisma Scrophulariaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y Drosera erythrorhiza subsp. erythrorhiza Red Ink Sundew Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAB 346 y y Drosera pallida Rainbow Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAB 346 y y y Dryandra lindleyana Couch Honeypot Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH (PR) P 346yy yy Dryandra sessilis var. sessilis Hills Parrotbush Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y * Ehrharta calycina Perennial Veldtgrass Poaceae Monocot 5 G P 346 y * Ehrharta longiflora Annual Veldtgrass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y y Eremophila glabra subsp. albicans Eremophila Myoporaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y * Erodium cicutarium Common Storksbill Geraniaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y Eucalyptus decipiens subsp. decipiens Limestone Marlock Myrtaceae Dicot WA 2 M P 346 y Eucalyptus gomphocephala var. gomphocephala Tuart Myrtaceae Dicot WA 1 T/M P 346 y Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata Jarrah Myrtaceae Dicot WA 1 T P 346 y * Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge Euphorbiaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y y Ficinia nodosa Knotted Clubrush Cyperaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C P 346 y Frankenia pauciflora Sea Heath Frankeniaceae Dicot AUST 3 SH P 346 y y Gahnia trifida Coast Sawsedge Cyperaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C P y 346 y * Galium aparine Goosegrass Rubiaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y * Galium murale Bedstraw Rubiaceae Dicot 4 H A 346yyyy y Gastrolobium capitatum Common Nemcia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y Gompholobium tomentosum Common Gompholobium Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y y Grevillea preissii subsp. preissii Limestone Spider-net Grevillea Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346yy yyy Hakea prostrata Harsh Hakea Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y Hardenbergia comptoniana Hardenbergia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH (CL) P 346yyyy yy * Heliophila pusilla Heliophila Brassicaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y Hibbertia hypericoides Common Hibbertia Dilleniaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y y y Page 2 of 4 Species lists based on plot records from DEP (1996), Gibson et al. (1994), Griffin (1993), Keighery (1996) and Weston et al. (1992). Taxonomy and species attributes according to Keighery et al. (2006) as of 16th May 2005. Species Name Common Name Family Wd? Major Plant Group Significant Species Endemic Growth Form Code Growth Form Life Form Life Form - aquatics Common SSCP Wetland Species No BFS MTB0y (FCT24) MTB02 (FCT24) MTB03 (FCT24) MTB04 (FCT24) MTB05 (FCT17) NAVB0y (FCT16) NAVB02 (FCT29a) NAVB03 (FCT24) NAVB04 (FCT24) Hibbertia racemosa Stalked Hibbertia Dilleniaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y y Hibbertia spicata subsp. leptotheca Limestone Hibbertia Dilleniaceae Dicot P3/p,s,e WA 3 SH P 346 y Homalosciadium homalocarpum Homahoma Apiaceae Dicot WA 4 H A 346 y Hyalosperma cotula Hyalosperma Asteraceae Dicot WA 4 H A 346 y Hybanthus calycinus Native Violet Violaceae Dicot WA 4 H-SH P 346 y y Hydrocotyle diantha Pennywort Apiaceae Dicot WA 4 H A 346 y * Hypochaeris glabra Flatweed Asteraceae Dicot 4 H A 346yyyy yy Isolepis cernua Nodding Clubrush Cyperaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C A 346 y y y y y y Kennedia coccinea Coral Kennedia Papilionaceae Dicot s WA 4 H (PR) P 346 y * Lagurus ovatus Hare's Tail Grass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346yy yy 231) Lepidosperma Cyperaceae Monocot WA 6 S-C P 346 y Lepidosperma squamatum Common Lepidosperma Cyperaceae Monocot WA 6 S-C P 346 y y y y Leucopogon parviflorus Beard Heath Epacridaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y y y * Lolium rigidum Annual Ryegrass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 346 y y Lomandra maritima Coast Lomandra Dasypogonaceae Monocot WA 4 H P 346 y y y y Lyginia barbata Lyginia Restionaceae Monocot 6 S-R P 346 y y Macrozamia riedlei Riedlé's Zamia Zamiaceae Cycad WA 3 SH-H P 346 y y Meeboldina coangustata Meeboldina Restionaceae Monocot 6 S-R P y 346 y Melaleuca huegelii subsp. huegelii Chenille Honeymyrtle Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y y Melaleuca rhaphiophylla Freshwater Paperbark Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P y 346 y Melaleuca systena Yellow Honeymyrtle Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346yy yy Melaleuca teretifolia Swamp Honeymyrtle Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P y 346 y * Melilotus indicus Common Melilot Papilionaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y Mesomelaena pseudostygia Semaphore Sedge Cyperaceae Monocot WA 6 S-C P 346 y Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass Poaceae Monocot AUST 5 G P 346 y Millotia tenuifolia var. tenuifolia Soft Millotia Asteraceae Dicot AUST 4 H A 346 y y * Minuartia mediterranea Sandwort Caryophyllaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y y * Moraea flaccida One-leaf Cape Tulip Iridaceae Monocot 4 H PAB 346 y y Nemcia reticulata Reticulate Nemcia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 346 y Olearia axillaris Coastal Daisybush Asteraceae Dicot AUST 3 SH P 346 y Opercularia vaginata Opercularia Rubiaceae Dicot WA 3 SH-H P 346 y * Orobanche minor Broom Rape Orobanchaceae Dicot 4 H A-PAR 346 y * Parentucellia viscosa Sticky Bartsia Scrophulariaceae Dicot 4 H A 346 y * Pelargonium capitatum Rose Pelargonium Geraniaceae Dicot 4 H-SH P 346 y Pelargonium littorale subsp.

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