OCTOBER 2017 MOTHER! BLADE RUNNER 2049 CALL ME BY YOUR NAME CINEMASTERS: CLAIRE DENIS SCOTLAND LOVES ANIME AFRICA IN MOTION HALLOWEEN SPECIALS GLASGOWFILM.ORG CONTENTS DIARY 3–5 Oh, Sun 24 The 48 Hour Film Project 13 Vaya 24 Access Film Club: The Boy and the Beast 25 CINEMASTERS: CLAIRE DENIS Almost Heaven 26 35 Shots of Rum 19 Belle de Jour 13 Bastards 20 Blade Runner 2049 10 Beau Travail 19 Call Me by Your Name 14 White Material 20 Captain Underpants 8 EDINBURGH SPANISH FILM Cars 3 7 FESTIVAL Daphne 9 100 Metres 23 The Death of Stalin 12 My Big Night 23 Every contact leaves a trace 21 Rara 23 The Farthest 21 EVENT CINEMA Get Out 11 Bolshoi Ballet: Le Corsaire 28 The Glass Castle 10 NT Live Encore: Hamlet 28 Goodbye Christopher Robin 9 RSC: Coriolanus 28 Grace Jones: Bloodlight & Bami 14 LUMINATE 13 I Am Not a Witch Luminate Short Encounters 27 10 Killing Ground Movie Memories: Whisky Galore! 27 8 The Little Vampire The Sense of an Ending 27 11 Loving Vincent Shane 27 21 Mimosas SCOTLAND LOVES ANIME Mother! 9 The Dragon Dentist 17 My Pure Land 13 Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution Movie 1 16 Nature of the Beast 26 Fireworks 17 notes to eternity 26 Kizumonogatari III 16 The Party 12 Lu Over the Wall 16 Princess Mononoke 7 Tokyo Ghoul - Live Action 15 River of Fundament 21 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust 15 The Room 18 Venus Wars 17 Seat in Shadow 12 GFT REGULARS The Shining 18 Access Film Club 25 La Soledad 9 Crossing the Line 21 Spider-Man: Homecoming 7 Film Discussion Group and Glasgore! 5 Visible Cinema: NT Live Encore: Hamlet 25 Sound & Vision 16 We Are the Weirdos 18 Take 2 & Take 2 Access: Autism-friendly 7-8 The Work 11 screenings Zoology 14 Useful Information 29 AFRICA IN MOTION Visible Cinema 25 Foreign Body 24 1 @glasgowfilm facebook.com/glasgowfilm TICKETS / LOYALTY CARDS OPENING HOURS Full price £9.50 Box Office: Sunday to Friday: from 12noon Concession £7.50* Saturday: from 11am Building and bar: Open half an hour before the 15-25 Card holders £5.50 (ages 15–25) start of the first film. Children £5.50 (ages 14 & under) Box office closes 15 minutes after the start of the CineCard holders £1 off every standard priced final film. screening (Unless otherwise stated) HOW TO BUY TICKETS CineCard subscription £40 per year Online: www.glasgowfilm.org Special features (no booking fee) By phone: 0141 332 6535 £5.50 £5.50 tickets (£1.50 booking fee per transaction) Free but ticketed events Please call within Box Office opening hours. Special ticket price At busy times you will be asked to leave a contact number. Captioned films In person: Within Box Office opening hours. Audio described ACCESSIBLE PROGRAMME 3D films – £1.50 extra GFT offers Audio Description, Captioning 2 for 1 tickets and Autism Friendly screenings on Buy the Sunday Herald for a voucher selected titles. See p30 for full details. for one of our Monday night screenings. www.heraldscotland.com HOW TO FIND OUT ABOUT US With MEERKAT MOVIES, you can get 2 for 1 Enewsletter: Subscribe for weekly listings, cinema tickets every Tuesday or Wednesday, in news and opportunities at person at the box office. www.glasgowfilm.org/enewsletters www.meerkatmovies.com Brochure mailing list: For £8.00 per year Fridays before 5pm you can have this brochure delivered to your All screenings before 5pm on Fridays cost £5.50 home. Sign up at the Box Office or by calling per ticket (unless otherwise stated). 0141 332 6535 Tuesday Treats Glasgow Film Theatre £5.50 tickets for selected Tuesday evening screenings (see p5 for details) 12 Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RB *Concessions apply to full-time students, over-60s, Jobseekers @glasgowfilm Allowance or Income Support recipients, and registered disabled people. Please produce proof of eligibility when purchasing or collecting tickets. facebook.com/glasgowfilm Tickets are non-refundable. Please note that late entry to the cinema for ticket holders is at the discretion of the manager. glasgowfilmfest Cinema management reserve the right of admission and their decision is final. Please note programme may be subject to change. GFT – A Legacy For Life For many film-goers GFT has been more than a cinema to you. A home from home. You are part of GFT’s story and what makes this a very special place in the heart of Glasgow. By leaving a donation in your Will, however small or large, you can continue your special connection with GFT for perpetuity. GFT is a Charity (SC005932) and your gift will keep cinema alive for all the future generations of film fans. If you would like to discuss making a gift to GFT in your Will, or any other ways of supporting our work, please contact Liana or Lorna on 0141 352 8604, or email [email protected] or write to Development, GFT, 12 Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RB. BUY TICKETS ONLINE WWW.GLASGOWFILM.ORG 22 DIARY FRI 29 SEP WED 4 OCT MON 9 OCT Mother! p9 Mother! p9 Blade Runner 2049 p10 12.45 £5.50 / 15.15 £5.50 / 12.45 / 15.15 / 17.45 / 20.15 12.50 / 16.15 / 19.35 17.45 / 20.15 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 The Glass Castle p10 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 13.15 / 15.40 / 18.05 / 20.30 13.05 / 15.45 / 17.45 £5.50 £5.50 13.15 / 15.40 / Daphne p9 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 18.05 / 20.30 14.20 / 18.40 15.25 / 20.30 p9 Daphne Killing Ground p10 The Work p11 14.00 £5.50 / 16.15 £5.50 / 16.30 / 20.45 13.20 18.30 / 20.45 THU 5 OCT Loving Vincent: Preview + SAT 30 SEP p11 Mother! p9 Satellite Q&A Mother! p9 12.45 / 15.15 / 20.25 18.45 15.15 / 17.45 / 20.15 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 TUE 10 OCT Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 13.15 / 15.40 / 18.05 Blade Runner 2049 p10 13.15 / 18.05 / 20.30 Daphne p9 12.50 / 16.15 / 19.35 Daphne p9 16.30 / 20.55 The Glass Castle p10 14.00 / 16.15 / 18.30 / 20.45 Killing Ground p10 15.00 / 20.10 Beau Travail - 35mm p19 14.20 / 18.50 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 15.40 NT Live Encore: Hamlet p28 13.05 / 15.30 / 20.35 Take 2: 18.45 35 Shots of Rum - 35mm p19 Spider-man: Homecoming p7 17.50 11.30 £5.50 FRI 6 OCT p9 Blade Runner 2049 p10 La Soledad SUN 1 OCT £5.50 13.00 £5.50 / 16.20 £5.50 / 19.40 12.50 Mother! p9 Access Film Club: The Boy and 14.15 / 19.15 The Glass Castle p10 14.30 £5.50 / 17.35 / 20.15 the Beast p25 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 18.00 £5.50 12.30 / 16.45 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 13.45 £5.50 / 18.20 WED 11 OCT Daphne p9 Blade Runner 2049 p10 14.50 The Work p11 16.15 £5.50 / 20.45 12.50 / 16.15 / 19.35 Dekalog see glasgowfilm.org SAT 7 OCT The Glass Castle p10 11.00 15.10 / 20.15 Hustler White see glasgowfilm.org Blade Runner 2049 p10 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 £5.50 12.30 / 16.20 / 19.40 17.00 13.30 / 16.00 / 17.50 Every contact leaves a trace The Glass Castle p10 17.45 / 20.15 La Soledad p9 see glasgowfilm.org 13.05 19.50 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 14.00 / 20.30 RSC: Coriolanus p28 MON 2 OCT 18.45 Mother! p9 The Work p11 14.30 Film Discussion Group p5 12.45 / 15.15 / 17.45 / 20.15 18.30 35 Shots of Rum - 35mm p19 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 THU 12 OCT 13.15 / 15.40 / 18.05 / 20.30 15.50 Almost Heaven + Q&A p26 Blade Runner 2049 p10 Daphne p9 12.50 / 16.15 / 19.35 14.20 / 18.40 18.05 Take 2: Cars 3 p7 The Glass Castle p10 Killing Ground p10 13.15 / 18.05 16.30 / 20.45 11.30 £5.50 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 TUE 3 OCT Take 2 Access: Cars 3 p8 12.00 £5.50 12.30 / 15.00 / 20.30 Mother! p9 SUN 8 OCT La Soledad p9 12.45 / 15.15 / 17.45 / 20.15 16.00 / 20.45 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 Blade Runner 2049 p10 12.05 / 15.30 / 18.50 Get Out p11 13.15 / 15.40 / 20.30 17.45 £5.50 The Glass Castle p10 Daphne p9 FRI 13 OCT 16.30 / 20.45 16.30 / 19.20 The Party p12 Killing Ground p10 Goodbye Christopher Robin p9 12.45 / 17.35 13.30 £5.50 / 15.15 £5.50 / 14.20 / 18.40 £5.50 17.00 / 21.00 Beau Travail - 35mm p19 The Work p11 15.15 / 20.00 Loving Vincent p11 18.05 12.45 £5.50 / 15.00 £5.50 / Glasgore! Horror/Cult Film Shane p27 17.15 / 18.45 13.00 Discussion Group p5 Blade Runner 2049 p10 18.30 13.15 £5.50 / 16.35 £5.50 / 19.35 3 @glasgowfilm facebook.com/glasgowfilm Tokyo Ghoul - Live Action p15 WED 18 OCT My Pure Land p13 20.10 13.15 / 17.40 The Party p12 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust p15 13.45 / 16.45 / 21.00 The Party p12 23.00 20.10 Loving Vincent p11 SAT 14 OCT 14.30 / 18.45 Zoology p14 13.30 The Party p12 Blade Runner 2049 p10 13.00 / 18.55 12.50 / 16.15 / 19.35 Bolshoi Ballet: Le Corsaire p28 15.45 Loving Vincent p11 Belle de Jour p13 16.35 / 20.40 15.30 / 18.10 MON 23 OCT Blade Runner 2049 p10 48 Hour Film Project Part 1 p13 The Death of Stalin p12 13.15 / 16.15 / 19.35 20.30 13.20 / 15.45 / 18.05 / 20.30 White Material - 35mm p20 THU 19 OCT I Am Not a Witch p13 13.45 13.35 / 16.00 / 18.45 The Party p12 Lu Over the Wall p16 14.30 / 16.00 / 18.50 The Party p12 14.45 14.45 / 16.45 / 21.00 Loving Vincent p11 Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution 16.15 / 20.40 Visible Cinema: NT Live p16 p25 Movie 1 + Q&A Blade Runner 2049 p10 Encore: Hamlet 17.30 12.50 / 16.15 / 19.35 18.30 £5.50 Kizumonogatari III p16 Movie Memories: TUE 24 OCT 20.30 Whisky Galore! p27 The Death of Stalin p12 Take 2: Princess Mononoke p7 10.30 13.20 / 15.30 / 17.50 / 20.30 11.30 £5.50 Belle de Jour p13 I Am Not a Witch p13 SUN 15 OCT 13.40 / 18.10 13.45 / 16.00 £5.50 The Party p12 48 Hour Film Project Part 2 p13 The Party p12 14.15 / 16.00/ 20.00 20.30 13.15 Loving Vincent p11 FRI 20 OCT Bastards p20 12.00 / 17.45 18.10 The Death of Stalin p12 Blade Runner 2049 p10 13.20 £5.50 / 15.45 £5.50 / Rara p23 15.20 / 18.40 18.05 / 20.30 20.30 The Dragon Dentist p17 I Am Not a Witch p13 WED 25 OCT 14.15 16.30 £5.50 / 20.45 The Death of Stalin p12 Fireworks p17 My Pure Land p13 13.20 / 15.45 / 18.05 / 20.30 16.50 14.15 £5.50 / 18.40
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