The Art of the Ex Libris - Ex Libris Bibliography [ Home ] [ Introduction ] [ Table of Contents ] [ Heraldic Bookplates ] [ Ex Libris/Bookplates ] [ What's New 2005 ] [ News 2005 ] [ Bibliography ] [ Contact ] [ Ex Libris Ring HP ] This Bibliography on Ex Libris does not pretend to be exhaustive and generally does not include references to the numerous articles (and sometimes of essential reading) included regularly on Ex Libris periodical literature of the various countries where Ex Libris societies are active. Countries not included, do not necessarily mean absence of books on the subject. Also, we believe that many more books have been published all over the world, but we haven't had access to them. © 2005, by José Vicente de Bragança Bibliographies Bibliographies Arellanes, Audrey Spencer, Bookplates; a selective annotated bibliography of the periodical literature, Detroit, Gale Research Co., c. 1971 Australia Bragaglia, Egisto,Bibliografia italiana dell'ex libris, Trento, 1987 Argentina Ferson, Mark J., Australian literature on bookplates: a bibliography (1899-1988), Sydney, Book Austria Collectors' Society of Australia, 1988 Belgium Rödel, Klaus, Bibliografi over Skandinavisk Exlibrislitteratur, Frederikshavn 1968 (Exlibristen 14) Brazil Scheffer, Heinrich, Österreich - 100 Jahre Österreichische Exlibris, Wien, 2004) Bulgaria Schwencke, Johan, Bibliographie En Andere Gegevens Over Het Nederlandsche Exlibris, Maastricht, Uitgeverijfa. Boosten & Stols, (1933) Canada Stock, Karl F., Österreichische Exlibris-Bibliographie 1881– 2003, München, 2004 China __________Elsässische Exlibris-Bibliographie. Bibliographie de l'ex libris alsacien, Graz, Stock & Stock, 2001 Croatia __________., Exlibris-Zeitschriften. Bookplate periodicals. Bibliographie, Graz, Stock & Stock. 2000 Czech Republic Witte, Klaus, Exlibris-Bibliographie europaischer Kunstler, 3 vols., Frederikshavn. Exlibristen. 1996-1997 Denmark file:///C|/jvarnoso/exlibris/bibliogr.htm (1 of 37)26-08-2005 16:10:16 The Art of the Ex Libris - Ex Libris Bibliography Vanicek, Lubomir Bibliografi over tjekkoslovakisk exlibrislitteratur, [Frederikshavn], Exlibristen, Estonia 1975. Finland Top France Germany Argentina Holland Mas, Cynthia del, El exlibris en la cultura del libro, Buenos Aires, Torraspapel, 2000 Hungary Top Ireland Italy Australia Japan Barnett, P. Neville, Australian book-plates and book-plates of interest to Australia, Sydney, P.N. Barnett, 1950 Lithuania __________, Souvenir of Australian book-plates and book-plates of interest to Australia, Sydney, P. Luxembourg N. Barnett, 1951 Mexico __________P. Neville Barnett and His Books, Sydney, P. Neville Barnett 1952 Bidgood, Jeff; (Editor), Special-Purpose Bookplates of Australian Libraries (I). Dixson Library Of New Zealand The University Of New England. Studies In Australian Bibliophily No. 2, Syd.,Bookplate Collectors' Soc.of Aust., 1995 Norway ________,Special Purpose Bookplates of Australian Libraries (Ii). State Library Of Queensland. Studies In Australian Bibliophily No. 4, Syd,Bookplate Collectors' Soc.of Aust., 1997 Poland Bidgood, Jeff & Ferson, Mark (eds.) Australian bookplates: an illustrated collection from members Portugal of the Book Collectors' Society of Australia, Croydon, N.S.W The Society, 1994 Russia Book labels of Australia. Catalogue of an exhibition in the Queen's Hall, State Library of Victoria, 15 June - 31 July 1987, Melbourne State Lib. of Victoria, c. 1987 Serbia & Fletcher, John, The Jane Windeyer bookplate collection in the University of Sydney Library: a Montenegro Catalogue, Sydney, Book Collectors' Society of Australia, 1990 Slovakia Jewell, Edwin W., Australian bookplates as ephemera, Melbourne, Lytlewode Press, 1997 South Africa Lane, F. C. V., The bookplates of Norman Lindsay, Adelaide, The Wakefield Press, 1944 Spain Littlewood, Robert Clive, Keith Wingrove ex libris: being a consideration of a life devoted to the acquisition of art, books and bookplates in Australia, Melbourne, Littlewood Press, 1996. Sweden ________________, The bookplates of Edward B. Heffernan, Canberra, Jester Press, 1982 Switzerland file:///C|/jvarnoso/exlibris/bibliogr.htm (2 of 37)26-08-2005 16:10:16 The Art of the Ex Libris - Ex Libris Bibliography __________, The ex libris of Sir Lionel Lindsay, 1874-1961, Melbourne, David Syme & Co., 1978 Turkey Peake, Andrew Guy, Australian personal bookplates, Dulwich, S. Aust., Tudor Australia Press, United 2000. Kingdom Top Ukraine U.S.A. Austria Alexander, Th., Alfred Cossmanns Exlibris und Gebrauchsgraphik. Ein kritischer Katalog, Wien, Verlag von Dr. Th. Alexander 1930 Alexy, Z. G., Ex Libris Armales 1984, Hermann Bohlaus Nachf, Graz, 1985 Cossmann, Alfred, Die Magie des Kupferstichs, Osterreichische Ex Libris Geselchaft, Wien, 1947 Eggeler, Stefan, Fitzbauer, Erich, Stefan Eggeler, Ex libris Werkverzeichnis der Holz- und Linolschnitte, Wien, Ed. Graph. Zirkel, 1999 Ernestus, Ursula, Hermann Huffert en tysk grafiker og exlibriskunstner, [Frederikshavn] : Exlibristen, 1973. Karolyi , Claudia & Smetana, Alexandra, Aufbruch und Idylle. Exlibris österreichischer Künstlerinnen 1900-1945, Wien, 2004. O'Dell, Ilse, Deutsche Und Osterreichische Exlibris 1500-1599 Im Department Of Prints And Drawings Im Britischen Museum (Sixteenth Century Ferman And Austrian Bookplates in The Department of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, London 2002 Stava, Julius, Alte graphische Exlibris des Landes Österreich ob der EnnsSonderveröffentlichung der österr. Exlibris-Gesellschaft;60 - Anhang Wien, Österreichische Exlibris-Gesellschaft, Wien, Ö. E. G., 1956 Stawa, Georg von, Alte Exlibris aus Tirol, Innsbruck, 1958 Top Belgium Briele, Luc Van Den, Boek en exlibris - Het boek als inspiratiebron in de hedendaagse exlibriskunst, Leuven, Ceuterick, 1986 _______, Modern Erotic Bookplates, London, Primrose Hill Press, 1999 _________, Sommets de l'art contemporain des ex-libris en Europe, Bruxelles, 1997 file:///C|/jvarnoso/exlibris/bibliogr.htm (3 of 37)26-08-2005 16:10:16 The Art of the Ex Libris - Ex Libris Bibliography Gaudaen, Gerard & Guffanti, Ernesto, Gerard Gaudaen - ex libris, Lurago Marinone, Artifex, 2000 Linnig, Benjamin, Bibliothèques & Ex-Libris, d'amateurs Belges aux XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe Siecles, 2 vols. Paris, H. Daragon, 1906-1908 ____________, Nouvelle série de Bibliothèques et d' Ex-Libris d'amateurs Belges aux XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, Bruxelles. G. van Oest & Cie. 1910 Roose, A. C., Victor Stuyvaert, Bruges, Éditions A. G. Stainforth, 1951 Top Brazil 1ª. Exposição Luso-Brasileira de Ex-Libris, Rio de Janeiro, Centro Educacional Municipal Calouste Gulbenkian, [1980?] Berger, Paulo, Catálogo de Ex Libris Brasileiros, 1ª ed., 1995; 2ª ed. 2002 Esteves, Manuel, O Ex Libris, Editora Gráfica Laemmert, 1ª ed., 1954; 2ª ed. 1956 Ex-Libris - Coleção Biblioteca Pública do Paraná,Curitiba: Biblioteca Pública do Paraná, Imprensa Oficial, 2002 Top Bulgaria Shiklev, Stoian Stefanov, Ekslibris (v. Bulgaria), (Sofiia : Nar. bibl Kiril i Metodii, 1971) Top Canada Prescott, Winward, ed. A list of Canadian bookplates: with a review of the history of Ex Libris in the Dominion. Boston and Toronto: Society of Bookplates Bibliophiles, 1919. Stacey, R. H., Canadian Bookplates,Toronto, Subway Books, 1997 Top file:///C|/jvarnoso/exlibris/bibliogr.htm (4 of 37)26-08-2005 16:10:16 The Art of the Ex Libris - Ex Libris Bibliography China BOOKPLATES: The Cream of International Ex Libris, Compiled by Hong Kong Ex Libris Association, Hong Kong 1991. Top Croatia Medunarodna izlozba Ex libris : 500 godina od rodenja Julija Klovica : 370 godina od osnivanja sveucilisne knjiznice Rijeka, studeni-prosinac 1997, galerija Kortil, hrvatski kulturni dom na Susaku, Rijeka, Strossmayerova 1 Hrvatsko drustvo likovnih umjetnika Rijeka, sveucilisna knjiznica Rijeka = 1st International Exhibition Ex Libris : 500th birth anniversary of Julije Klovic : 370 years founding anniversary of Rijeka University Library, November-December 1997, Kortil Gallery, Croatian House of Culture Susak, Rijeka, Strossmayer st. 1 / Croatian Society of Artists in Fine Arts-Rijeka, Rijeka University Library, 1st ed., Rijeka, Croatia : Hrvatsko drustvo likovnih umjetnika Rijeka : Sveucilisna knjiznica Rijeka, 1997. Medunarodna izlozba Ex libris : 50 godina Vijeca Europe, galerija Kortil, hvratski kulturni dom na susaku, Rijeka, Strossmayerova 1, travanj-svibanj, 1999 Sveucilisna knjiznica Rijeka, odbor za Proslavu 50 godina Vijeca Europe = 2nd International Ex Libris Exhibition, 50th Anniversary of the Council of Europe, Kortil Gallery, the Croatian Cultural Centre, Susak, April-May, 1999 / University Library of Rijeka, the Comittee for Organization of Celebration of 50th anniversary of the Council of Europe = 2eme Exposition Internationale Ex Libris, 50 ans du Conseil de l'Europe, Galerie Kortil, la Maison de la Culture Croate, Susak, avril-mai, 1999 / Bibliotheque Universitaire de Rijeka, Comite pour la Celebration du 50 ans du Conseil de l'Europe, Rijeka, Croatia : Sveucilina knjiznica Rijeka, 1999. Stara pisma : 3. medunarodna izlozba ex-librisa : 900. obljetnica Bascanske Ploce : 470. obljetnica rada Rijecke Glagoljske tiskare Simuna Kozicica Benje (1530.-1531.), studeni 2001 = Old scripts : 3rd International Ex-Libris Exhibition : 900th anniversary of the Baska Tablet : 470th anniversary of Rijeka's Glagolitic printshop of Simun Kozicic Benja (1530-1531), November 2001, Rijeka, Croatia : Sveucilisna knjiznica Rijeka, 2001. Top Czech Republic Kaizl, Mirko, Jaraslav Kaiser--en tsjekkisk grafiker og hans exlibris [indledning
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