CHARLIE COMPANY, 3RD REIGMENT, USCC amecock 2¢ azette VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 M A Y 2 0 1 1 SECTIONS: 2,3 - Grad Gab A C3 Hail and Farewell By Jeff Hexom „12 4,5 - Current Connections 6 - Game On! 8 - The Funnies 9– What‟s Up West Point? 10-Letter From the Editor INSIDE THIS ISSUE: The Cartoon 2 From Our Experiences... 2 „68 The “Charter Class” 3 General Advice 4 Spring Break 4 Surviving Summer 5 “Game On, Gamecocks!” 5 Sandhurst 6 The Gamecocks? 6 Goodbye Grey 7 The Funnies 8 What‟s Up W.P? 9 Editor‟s Letter 10 Above: CDT‟s Florer and Miscoe pose with their awards, presented to them by C-3 TACS MAJ Rutnarak and SFC Swanson. On Friday, April 29 the com- bye to our Firsties as well as both Ian Miscoe and Sarah pany activities staff held a our Yearlings who will be Florer with miniature com- Hail and Farewell cookout. scrambling to new compa- pany guidons. To end out Hail and Farewells are a nies next year. We also took the night, PVT Pak along with common military tradition in this time to get to know his plebe classmates sang an which the members of a unit some of the new Yearlings original song written for the get together in order to wel- who will become Game- company, recapping the come new soldiers to the unit cocks next year. As a token events of the year . It was an and honor those who will of appreciation for their hard evening filled with food and depart. In the case of our work and sacrifice as com- fun, as well as a great note company, we came to- pany commanders this year, to end the semester on for gether in order to say good- the TAC team presented the Gamecocks. P A G E 2 The “C-3 Fighting Cock” Cartoon By LTC Dave Jones „85 I was a Yearling in C-3 (1983) and tend with! Yearlings were allowed Shirts with the same logo (got one had informally decided/offered to 25 I think… but we were nickel day PMI for the T-Shirt initiative… paint a mural in the C3 Dayroom of and dimed for everything, mind Yep, that was a big deal to us, the Fighting Cock! (One of my hob- you! Including: daily AMI and too!) … (Still have those as well… bies was/is cartooning) … so, it PMIs, dust, uniform discrepancies, though they‟re 27+ years old… wasn‟t “if,” it was “when” the mural haircuts, brass, SAMIs, and Forma- yep, car wash rags now… but with would be done! Yes, even back tion Inspections! (You get the a cool logo!). Thanks for letting me then, there was not enough hours in picture!) Not sniveling… just shar- ramble on in this article… (but not the day… and with Saturday ing “Old Grad Stories”… I am au- sure if your time wouldn‟t have Classes, and SAMIs every week- thorized to do that, because… been better spent RACKING… as end… who had time?!! The rest of yes, I am an Old… really old long as you did not sleep through the story… was, of course, that I was Grad… sheesh, as old as your a class!). I guess this story wasn‟t Top: The C-3 Fighting “sucking” in academics… and the parents, Cadets!… Imagine that! quite as impressive as the story of Cock - for the C3 Day- Dean had me in a choke-hold that … oh, and I was also the Mural in the Mess Hall, but room Mural and the Howit- the Master of the Sword would have “awarded” (interesting word what the heck! Hey, that would zer! (1984) been proud of! As a side note --- choice “awarded”) 4 (hours) have been a COOL Spirit Mis- Bottom Right: Adding a bit not sure if it is the same now, but AREA TOURS… super! (First and sion… Paint a C3 Fighting Cock of intensity to our image- Yearling year was by far the most only Area tours that I ever over the Mural in the Mess Hall! I Hence “COMBAT -3”! difficult Academic year… (No elec- “earned” by the way. So much wish I would have thought of that! tives, and some impressive Core for that 0 Area Tours in 4 years … that would have made me a Courses!)… either that or I was just goal!) Then the idea occurred to Century Man, guaranteed! But, not gifted in areas involving “the me! “Hey, maybe I can paint the what a story would that have Dean” (the latter is a more accurate mural in the Dayroom for AREA been to tell! … a full 2 story C3 assessment, I am afraid!). Anyway, TOURS credit!” (Note: I planned Cock painted in the Mess Hall! Grad Gab: as I was “preparing for classes” – to do that mission anyway!… but (NOTE: DO NOT DO THAT! I am just actually RACKING in between worth asking my TAC any way, kidding!)Hey, maybe I should classes… I made a fatal mistake of right!)… “APPROVED!” I win! Well, have studied harder, instead of Stories, sleeping through a “re-scheduled” I spent well over 4 hours designing, drawing all these cartoons! … No make-up but mandatory class that I prepping, and painting the entire regrets! memories, was NOT previously tracking front wall of the Dayroom with the (obviously). Not even sure what the Mural! It actually went up in 1983 current course was (but let‟s say PHYSICS… and stayed up for at least until because if I had chosen a class to 1996 or so! In 1995, I came back news, and miss that would be my choice)! as a TAC for D3 and saw it in When asked on the absentee re- there… and ordered a cadet to inspiration, port, I wrote my excuse for sleeping pull guard on it and ensure no one through the class: “I guess I was just painted over it, until I left West connecting tired!” … not really… I offered the Point again after my tour was up! only acceptable answer--- (even for (I wonder if he was ever properly the “Old YEARLINGS!) “No excuse!” … mostly relieved or not from that Guard because it was… um true! With that mission?! Humm?… Actually, I Grads” of C- came the logical follow on result: wonder if the Cadet who I gave an 8/4! 8 demerits (we really did the mission to was even in C-3!) 3 to the new! have monthly demerit totals to con- Well after the Mural, came C3 T- From our experiences to yours — Inspiration for Firsties as they make their way into the “Real Army!” (supplied by well informed old grads) “Have a great time before you report for your first duty station or school, but work as hard as you can in your basic school and in your first assignment, follow the rules and play the game. Frankly that strat- egy may leave you less time to play and hang out, but it will give you more options in the Army and in life if you decide to get out. “ -Buzz Murphy, an old Fighting Cock (sorry) P A G E 3 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 „68 “The Charter Class” By Tom Jewel „68 With the help of several of my class- Classmates remember struggling with I still have that mates, I think I have compiled a fairly "C" themes, but when "Fightin' Cocks mug also, and accurate portrayal of how the "Fightin' came up the reaction was swift, and after many Cocks" came to be. the irreverent side quickly over- moves it is whelmed the conservative side. It ap- proudly dis- Plebe year we were in Company L-1. pears that most of the yearlings and played in my Over the summer the original two regi- cows were for the name, most of the finished base- ments were reorganized into four, with firsties against. No one remembers the ment rec room. no additional companies at that time. plebes being at the meeting. It's interesting to note that in the 66 Thus we became C-3. The meeting Howitzer, the company name is re- was held in the basement locker There is some conjecture as to who ferred to as the "fighting gamecocks," room, in the east side (river side) of came up with the name. Joe Jackson, while in the 68 Howitzer it is the what was then called New South Bar- 67, was from SC, home of the Game- "Fighting Cocks." racks. I believe the basement is now cocks. However, Jay Crenshaw, 68, the cadet store. One of my classmates owned a fighting cock in high school, Our firsty year the Corps was ex- remembers playing Frisbee football in and thinks he suggested the name. My panded to eight companies per regi- the hall before the meeting. Another opinion is that probably Joe suggested ment, so some of our faithful were sent who doesn't remember the proceed- "Gamecocks" and Jay followed up to G-3. However, they remained loyal ings was allegedly on the ramp by with "Fightin' Cocks" which stuck. to the "Fightin' Cocks." Over the years what was then the hospital waiting for Within a couple of weeks a modified we have often had the largest repre- the pizza guy. The meeting was held First Cav patch became the company sentation at reunions. This past June, around 2100 hrs. This was during re- emblem. Greg Unangst, 68, still has the 12 of us and our spouses/significant orgy week of 1965.
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