TRANSGENDER ISSUES THROUGH TRANSGENDER CHARACTER IN GLEE TV SERIES A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) FARA KURNIA PRAMESTI 11140260000057 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2019 ABSTRACT Fara Kurnia Pramesti, Transgender Issues through Transgender Character in GLEE TV Series. A Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019. This Research aims to know the representation of transgender issues of transgender character named Wade Adams from Glee TV series. This research explained Wade’s transgender issues that has been reflected from the show. The writer uses qualitative descriptive analysis method to reveal the findings. All data are collected from the scenes, action, and dialogues from eight episodes of Glee. The writer finds that Wade is a transwoman character who transforms himself from a man to be a woman. Wade is seen more confident by being a woman. He also often says that he is a black woman. Wade always embraces his femininity by wearing dress, high heels, wig, fancy jewelry and make-up. However, Wade faces few transgender issues such as self-identity which he identifies himself as a black woman and find a new name for himself which he wanted people called him “Unique”, violence, discrimination from institution that made him got banned from school play, discrimination in public facilities that make him cannot choose the right bathroom for him, and discrimination in environment which made him scared to walk on the street alone. Keywords: Transgender, Transwoman, Transgender Issues, Glee i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and the Most Merciful First of all, praise be to Allah SWT who as the creator of universe with depiction as the creative work of His hand. He has the ability and recourses to give many blessings and good fortunes but will never expect anything in return. Then, peace and blessing be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW and all of his followers. The writer would like to give her deepest and sincerest gratitude to her beloved parents, Buchori Muslim, and Maysuri, who always give her much loves, support and always pray for her and being there for her especially when she dropped down. Another special thanks is also given to Ms. Maria Ulfa, M.Hum as the writer’s advisor for her great times, advices, and contribution in finishing this thesis. May Allah SWT always bless her and her family. The writer also would like to convey her sincere gratitude particularly to: 1. Prof. Dr. SyukronKamil, M.A., the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd, as the Head of English Letters Department. 3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Letters Department. 4. All lectures in English Letters Department who have taught her and educated her during all her studies at the university which the writer cannot mention one by one. 5. The writer’s younger sister and cousin: Mutiara Ramadita and Nadira Ayu Ninggar for bringing happiness and joy into her life. v 6. The writer’s classmates in Literature concentration class: Alyssa Ibrati, Angelina Dewi, Ario Bagus, Irvin Vizan, M. Nur Fadhli, Shabrina Farahiyah, and M. Wildan Mustofa. 7. Thanks to all of friends in the ExocticA class and English Letters Department class of 2014. 8. Thanks to all friends of KKN 3R 9. To all writer’s student at Bimbel Level One who always cheers the writer when she was exhausted especially to Avisha, Nasywa, Cemile, and Freziya. Also all the teachers in Bimbel Level One that cannot be mentioned one by one for all the supports. 10. Last, Thanks to all of the writer’s family and friends who cannot be mentioned one by one, who already give their support, attention, and care to the writer so the writer herself could finish this thesis. In the end, I hope this research will be useful for the readers and I realize that this research is not perfect. Therefore, it is really a pleasure for me to receive some suggestions and critics to make this research better. Jakarta, January 23rd, 2019 Fara Kurnia Pramesti vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ i APPROVEMENT................................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION ................................................................................................. iii DECLARATION .................................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDMENT ........................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... vii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Research ....................................................................... 1 B. Focus of Research ................................................................................. 5 C. Research Question ................................................................................ 5 D. Significant of Research ......................................................................... 5 E. Research Methodology ......................................................................... 6 1. The Objectives of Research ............................................................... 6 2. The Method of Research ................................................................... 6 3. Technique of Data Analysis .............................................................. 7 4. Research Instrument .......................................................................... 8 5. Unit of Analysis ................................................................................ 8 6. Research Design ............................................................................... 9 CHAPTER II: THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Research ............................................................................... 11 B. Character and Characterization ........................................................ 16 1. Character 16 a. Stock Character and Stereotypes ............................................... 17 b. Static versus Dynamic or Developing Character ........................ 17 c. Flat versus Round Character ...................................................... 18 2. Characterization of Characters ........................................................ 19 a. Characterization through Appearance ........................................ 19 b. Characterization through Dialogue ............................................ 20 vii c. Characterization through External Action .................................. 20 d. Characterization through Internal Action ................................... 21 e. Characterization through Reactions of Other ............................. 22 f. Characterizations through Contrast: Dramatic Foils ................... 22 g. Characterization through Caricature and Leitmotif .................... 22 h. Characterization through Choice of Name ................................. 23 C. Transgender ........................................................................................ 23 1. Definition of Transgender ............................................................... 23 2. Transgender Issues .......................................................................... 26 a. Discrimination in Public Facilities ............................................. 26 b. Discrimination in Employment .................................................. 27 c. Discrimination in Housing ......................................................... 27 d. Discrimination in Institution ...................................................... 27 e. Health 28 f. Violence 28 g. Inaccurate Identity Documents .................................................. 29 h. Marriage and Family ................................................................. 30 i. Immigration 31 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Transgender Issues through Wade Adams Character ...................... 32 1. Self-Identity .......................................................................................... 32 2. Violence ............................................................................................... 41 3. Discriminations in Institution ................................................................ 43 4. Discriminations in Public Facilities ....................................................... 47 5. Discriminations in Environment ............................................................ 50 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions .......................................................................................... 52 B. Suggestions .......................................................................................... 53 WORKS CITED .................................................................................................... 55 APPENDIX…........................................................................................................ 59 viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of Research Transgender around the world are experiencing a unique moment in history. Rising visibility, fighting the advocacy, and changing public opinion to provide transgender people
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