TTIIMMEETTAABBLLEE TUESDAY JANUARY 20, 2015 5:50 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING – RESOLUTION NO. 1345, A RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, CITY OF WAUPACA, WISCONSIN 6:00 P.M. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (Shortly thereafter the Council COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Meeting) COMMON COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CITY OF WAUPACA COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY JANUARY 20, 2015 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 6:00 P.M. CITY OF WAUPACA MISSION STATEMENT: “The city of Waupaca’s mission is to lead creatively, plan wisely and spend prudently to provide the services that ensure a safe and vibrant community.” 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. YOUTH OF THE MONTH – Olivia Petrovs 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. REPORT FROM CLERK ON OPEN MEETING LAW COMPLIANCE 5. ROLL CALL 6. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member or City staff so requests it, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Regular Agenda. The items selected for the Consent Agenda are as follows: Regular and Special Meeting Minutes, Monthly Income Report for the Parks and Recreation Department, Airport Hangar Reports, Monthly Department Head Reports, Payrolls and Bills, Quarterly Weights and Measures Reports, Quarterly Room Tax Reports, Second Reading of Ordinances, if received a unanimous recommendation at the previous meeting, project invoices for projects previously approved by City Council, any low bid budgeted operating or capital expenditure under $25,000 approved by the appropriate Board or Committee and any expenditure of non-city funds that received a unanimous recommendation. A. MONTHLY REPORTS: 1. Treasurer’s Report for the Month of December 2014 2. Building Inspector’s Report for the Month of December 2014 3. Parks & Recreation Department Report and Income Report for the Month of December 2014 4. Police Department Report for the Month of December 2014 5. Director of Public Works Report for the Month of December 2014 6. Economic Development Director Report for the Month of December 2014 7. City Administrator/Clerks’ Report for the Month of December 2014 • WOL.Net Monthly Report – Josh Werner • WOL.Net Revenue and Disbursement Report for December 2014 B. MONTHLY/QUARTERLY/ANNUAL REPORTS: 1. Monthly Airport Hangar Report 2. Waupaca County Economic Development Corp. (WCEDC) December 2014 Report C. ORDINANCES: 1. Ordinance No. 07-14 (2014), An Ordinance Amending Section 17.201(2) of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Waupaca Entitled “Amendments to District Maps” (2nd Reading) D. APPROVAL OF BILLS – CITY GENERAL, WATER, SEWER, AND SPECIAL FUNDS E. MEETING MINUTES: 1. PARK AND RECREATION BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on January 8, 2015 2. POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on January 13, 2015 3. CITY PLAN COMMISSION • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on January 14, 2015 4. LIBRARY BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on January 13, 2015 5. OZ PROPERTY AD HOC COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Special Called meeting on December 18, 2014 6. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION • Minutes of a Public Hearing and Regular Meeting on December 22, 2014 7. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on December 16, 2014 • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on January 2, 2015 F. INVOICES FOR PROJECTS/CONTRACTS HAVING PRIOR COUNCIL APPROVAL: none REGULAR AGENDA 7. NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Thank you letter from the University of Wyoming 2. Presentation on City’s Wellness Program Results over the past years – Polly Elrod and Kristi Smeaton, Thedacare At Work B. PUBLIC INPUT C. DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS 8. NEW BUSINESS: a. Resolution No. 1345, A Resolution Vacating a Portion of South Washington Street, City of Waupaca, Wisconsin – City Attorney John Hart b. Concept Plan, Design and Parking Area for the Educational Center at the Oz Property – Aaron Jenson, Parks and Recreation Director c. City of Waupaca – King Veterans Home Taxi Services Agreement for 2015 – Henry Veleker, City Administrator/Clerk d. Videl Hospitality request for a Temporary Structure Permit for the Waupaca Ale House White House Tent – Ryan Jacobson e. Requested change to the City’s Municipal Code regarding Fireworks Exceptions – Ald. Alan Kjelland f. Change the April 7, 2015 Council Meeting date to Wednesday April 8, 2015 due to the Spring Election being held on that date g. License Report No. 1261, Operator’s Licenses – Henry Veleker, City Administrator/Clerk h. License Report No. 1262, Dance Hall Licenses – Henry Veleker, City Administrator/Clerk 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: none 10. ISSUES/PROJECT DISCUSSION (30 MINUTE MAXIMUM) – NO ACTION REQUIRED: none 11. COMMUNICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MAYOR 12. ADJOURNMENT /s/ Henry Veleker, City Administrator/Clerk PLEASE NOTIFY THE CLERK’S OFFICE IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND. PLEASE ADVISE THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS. THE CITY OF WAUPACA PROVIDES EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS. City of Waupaca, Wisconsin Finance Director/City Treasurer Ph: 715-258-4411 Fax: 715-258-4426 http://www.cityofwaupaca.org Finance/Treasurer Monthly Report – January 2015 The City’s external auditors, Johnson Block & Company, were in Tuesday, January 13th for the preliminary audit of the 2014 Financial Statements. This meeting was good as it allowed me to get a better understanding of the financial position of the City. The auditors are scheduled for the final audit visit on February 17th and 18th. We are tentatively planning on presenting the 2014 Financial Statements to Council in April or May. I am continuing to work on processing and getting the accounts up to date. The December 2014 financial report presented for this Council Meeting has most of the bills submitted for payment or approval that were to be included in the 2014 Budget, however, are not the final amounts. I am in the process of reviewing each department and finalizing the information prior to the auditor’s last visit in February. I plan to present to Council a post-audit report before the auditor’s presentation. This will help in providing a picture of where 2014 ended and any impact on the 2015 Budget. The 2015/2016 Capital Projects financing was reviewed and ways to look at reducing the amount of interest paid on the debt issue is under discussion with the City Administrator and department heads. Incorporation of this debt issue with the long-range capital plan will be necessary to determine the level of savings and to accommodate the needs of the departments in replacing equipment or payment on the project construction. As I work through the month, I am looking at ways to make the department more efficient and hopefully these future changes will assist the other departments in creating efficiencies in their area. As of right now, the reports provided to Council are only the payment approvals and the account statuses. I am in the process of changing the cash flow and cash requirement reports to provide the Council with a better picture of the cash position of the City. The past reports, in my opinion, provided the Council with bank statement information only and if you would like to continue to see that type of information, please feel free to contact me. I hope the new payment authorization-check listing and format of the financial information are meeting your needs. I will be expanding the reporting in the future to help you better understand the reports and what they are showing you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Kathy Kasza Finance Director/City Treasurer 111 South Main Street, Waupaca, Wisconsin 54981 12-30-14 Parks and Recreation Department Report – December 2014 During the month of December staff has been working on a number of projects that will be implemented as we move into 2015. Staff will be implementing a web based check in system for all youth who attend our youth nights at the Recreation Center on Friday and Saturday nights. Staff will be trained in January with the hopes to begin implementation in February. This system will provide us information on who is in the building at specific times, what ages are most using the building, and reports on user volume on a month to month basis. These reports will be valuable when evaluating staffing hours on weekends throughout the year. We would like to thank city council on granting us the permit to shoot fireworks off for our Winter Recreation Fest on February 7th. Since the permit was granted Beneficial Re-use Management and Faulks Brothers have agreed to donate $1000 each which will cover the total cost of the show. Now we are all looking for a little snow! We have reached out to Stalker Flooring out of New London and Baseman Floors out of Appleton for proposals on the Augie Austin Gym Floor. We have reviewed the different proposals and are looking to write a spec based on the most recent proposal sent in by Baseman Floors. Details of this proposal will be included in the Parks and Recreation Board packets. We feel this proposal will give us the floor system we need at the most affordable price. Baseman Floors is a reputable area company who has done floor systems all of over the state including the Neenah High School Gymnasium and multiple NCAA and NBA floors. Staff will have a spec sheet together before the January 19th council meeting and would like to go out for bid no later than late January. This timetable would allow for companies to bid on a project that would start late April and end before Memorial Day.
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