theSpartanDaily.com Volume 131, Issue 26 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 WEDNESDAYOCTOBER CSU APPLICATIONS ON THE RISE 15 University tries to control 2008 OPINION PAGE 5 enrollment while getting the highest demand ever RYAN BUCHAN applied to SJSU than in 2004, a Staff Writer 37 percent increase. Th at same Just 12 days into the college Web site shows that SJSU has application period, the Califor- also increased the amount of nia State University system has students enrolled at SJSU ev- seen an increase in the number ery year, with 1,203 more stu- of students who have applied dents enrolled at the university for admission for next fall. in 2008 than 2004, an increase Textbooks: Th e CSU system has re- of 33 percent. ceived about 50,000 applica- “Personally, it does not af- tions, a 21 percent increase fect me,” said Mike Yow, a se- What are we from last year, according to nior business management ma- a news release from the uni- jor. “It does not bother me.” versity system. Th e amount is With the new California state even paying for? system-wide, and includes new budget, it is harder for SJSU to freshman, transfer students and increase the number of students. graduate students. Pat Lopes Harris, direc- The Web site stated that tor of media relations at SJSU, the number of high school se- said the state government gives STUDENT niors applying for admission money to the university based thus far is 33,306, an increase on its enrollment numbers, but CULTURE PAGE 6 of 14 percent. only to a certain point, and the “It was really competitive to budget has not allowed SJSU get into colleges,” said Kristy any room to grow. Kay, a freshman animation il- Th is is true of all CSU cam- lustration major. “It sucked. puses, said Teresa Ruiz, a media But I’m happy to be here.” representative for the CSU. Th e largest increase is with “We want to accept as many as transfer students applying with we can,” she said. “At some point an increase of 39 percent for we have to cut it off because we the fall, the Web site reported. don’t have the money to accept Th is trend has gone on at everyone we would like to.” SJSU over the last fi ve years. In a news conference on An SJSU Web site showed that in 2008, 9,000 more students INCREASEpage3 Concert Students study in the Engineering Building. MIKE ANDERSON / Spartan Daily Review: Authorities crack down on resale of VTA stickers YA-AN CHAN token with the intent to evade the “If I don’t need it and I know Babatunde Staff Writer payment of a fare, according to the someone who does, I would proba- Some students look into any SJSU Transportation Solutions bly do the same thing,” Galias said. possible way to save and earn mon- Web site. Jennie Loft , the public informa- Lea Quartet ey, even selling their Associated “Unfortunately, some people tion offi cer for Santa Clara Valley Students Eco Passes — without resell their stickers,” said Andy Transportation Authority, said the knowing it may be a risk. Chow, commute coordinator of transit authority issues between Any sale or transfer of the A.S. Transportation Solutions. “It’s ille- 30,000 and 35,000 stickers per se- Eco Pass sticker to others is consid- gal, and it’s always been a problem mester to SJSU, and there has been ered a violation of California Penal every semester.” an average of six SJSU-related cases PAGE 2 Code 640, which involves evasion Vannia Galias, a senior graphic involving unauthorized use of Eco NEWS of the payment of a fare of the design major and a daily VTA rider, Passes per month, a total of about A student Eco Pass provided by the Valley public transportation system and said she understands why people Transportation Authority and Associated Abortion misuse of a transfer, pass, ticket or would sell their Eco Pass. VTApage3 Students each semester. proposal goes Author Ana Castillo reads her work, Business grad school ranked among the before voters speaks to students about inspiration PETER HIRONAKA top 296 in the county Staff Writer Award-winning Chicana novel- RIE NAKANISHI ist and poet Ana Castillo spoke to a Staff Writer crowd in the Engineering Building Th e SJSU Lucas Graduate School of Busi- Tuesday. Castillo read from a few ness has been listed in the “Best 296 Busi- of her novels and poems, answered ness Schools, 2009 Edition” guidebook by questions from the audience and the Princeton Review, but it is not surprising ended the night signing books. news for the department. During the question and answer “It isn’t a brand new thing for us,” said portion of the night, a member of the Ellen Manganiello, program coordinator of audience asked Castillo how we as SJSU Lucas Graduate School of Business. students can become a bett er writer. She said the graduate school has been “It’s my opinion that writing chosen for the same ranking before, as it par- isn’t a natural human process,” ticipated the survey conducted by the Princ- Castillo said. “It takes a lot of time Gil Villagrán (right), lecturer of Child DEREK SIJDER / Spartan Daily eton Review. to develop.” Welfare and Human Rights, gets his book signed by award- According to the Princeton Review Web Castillo was also asked about winning author Ana Castillo after a discussion with audience. site, the rankings include 11 diff erent cat- what infl uences her work. egories, such as best professors, best career “Having the big picture is my in- “I think it was a conviction that bring to the students, is top quality.” prospects, best classroom experience which spiration,” she said. “Having some I felt that I had something that Th e crowd, which featured are based on surveys in which students rate sense of social injustice is what needed to be said,” she said. people from a large age range, re- their schools. drives me.” This being her second visit fl ected on what Castillo spoke Th e surveys were conducted during 2005- She also spoke of her education to SJSU, she spoke highly of its of during the event. Some of the 06, 2006-07 or 2007-08 academic years, ac- at the University of Chicago. It institution. audience members did not know cording to the Web site. was there that Castillo decided to “I’m really impressed with the much about the acclaimed author. Manganiello said SJSU’s business admin- make the switch from law school seminar,” she said. “Th e writing pro- to writing. gram, with what they are trying to CASTILLOpage3 BUSINESSpage2 theSpartanDaily.com 2 News WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15 2008 Voters set to decide fate of parental involvement proposal for abortions KELLY ENOS would vote no; among registered should have when it comes to the abortions without the notifi ca- opinion and own decision be- gone wrong 14 years ago. Staff Writer Republicans, 50 percent would right to choose. tion of a legal guardian. cause it is their child,” she said. Students surveyed said they Voters will decide this Novem- vote yes and 37 percent would Mario Deleon, a sophomore Stefenie Enriquez, a freshman Th e proposition has been would not support Proposition ber whether to disallow women vote no; and among “decline to sociology major, said he feels criminal justice major, also said named “Sarah’s Law” aft er a girl 4, Jackson said. under the age of 18 from gett ing state” voters, 26 percent would strongly against the proposition. she disagreed with Proposition 4. who lost her life to an abortion. “I think these survey results an abortion without parental vote yes and 58 percent would “I am absolutely not support- “I would vote that the minor Supporters of the proposi- show that SJSU students tend to notifi cation, according to the vote no,” she said. ing it, the number one reason should be able to have an abor- tion use the story of a 15-year- be quite liberal onsocial issues California State Voter’s Guide. According to the Yes on Prop- being that it is not our right, espe- tion without parental notifi ca- old girl named “Sarah” for the such as abortion, and even the If passed, the proposition would osition 4 Web site, it is not a new cially being a man. It should be a tion. I feel it is their life and their basis of the initiative. According Republican students are fairly also require that the abortion initiative but one that has ap- woman’s right to choose,” he said. body and even though they may to Proposition 4’s supporters, libertarian, with only half support- wait two days aft er notifi cation peared on the ballot before. “Th e second reason in theory be underage, I think it is their “Sarah” died from an abortion ing the parental consent initiative.” has been made. According to the Web site, is a lot of people can go to their Melinda Jackson, a politi- “Th is is not a new idea. Parental parents and seek help, but not cal science professor, said she involvement laws (that is, laws re- every person has that situation at SSPARTAPARTAGGUIDEUID EVENTS CALENDAR recently conducted a campus- quiring either parental notifi cation home. Th ey do not have that sup- based survey and was surprised or parental consent before an abor- port network and they may be in the fi ndings. tion can be performed on a minor) endangering themselves if they “Looking at the breakdown have been passed in 44 states and go home.” 15 TODAY by party, 18 percent of registered are in eff ect in over 30 states.” Voting no on Proposition 4 Democrats said they would vote Students had diff ering opin- would keep the current law in Indoor Soccer Sign SJspirit Meeting The Rock yes and 73 percent said they ions on what rights a minor place and allow minors to receive Ups Come learn about the only Are you a musician struggling in Students who want to participate progressive and fully inclusive the midst of this business-esque in Campus Recreation’s Indoor Christian organization on campus! atmosphere? Come to the Rock Soccer Intramurals need to sign 5 p.m.
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