Camperdown Contact CAMPERDOWN COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Term 2, Week 7, 28th May 2015 Official opening of the Senior Campus Food Technology Centre th Wednesday 20 May 2015 10am—10.30am Pictured top left and right: Senior School Captains Noah Boyle and Tilly Morgan; Middle left: VCE waitresses Olivia Fenton, Tamara Emery, Saffron Scott and Caitlin Teal; Middle right: past student Eddie Lucas speaks to Food Technology teacher Julie McPhee and Councillor Ruth Gstrein; Bottom left: Principal Cherie Kilpatrick with painter Shane Arnold, joiner Bruce McSween and builder Murray Lucas; Bottom right: Councillor Ruth Gstrein with SRC President Sierra Ryan. SENIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1617 CAMPERDOWN COLLEGE JUNIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1438 Website: http://camperdowncoll.vic.edu.au From the Principal’s Desk… This has been a very busy and rewarding very appreciative of the generous contribution of time and fortnight for Camperdown College, with expertise from the various presenters, some of whom were students and staff from both campuses themselves students of Camperdown College, or welcoming many visitors into the school. Camperdown High School, in times gone by. A team of Last Wednesday was a particularly full day student helpers assisted with room preparations and the with a number of activities and celebrations smooth operation of the day and our Parents & Friends did taking place across the school. Our Prep a wonderful job catering for our many visitors. open classroom enabled prospective new families to Congratulations must go to Libby Swayn for coordinating experience a Literacy lesson first hand and talk with early such a successful event. years teachers, Jacinta Tolland and Kim Clark, about the I am very pleased to be sharing a new document with our transition from kindergarten to school. school community in this week’s newsletter. School The Official Opening of the Food Technology Centre Council has considered feedback from students, staff and brought together students (present and past), staff, parents, families to develop a Mutual Accountabilities Statement School Councillors, participating trades people, community that clearly sets out the expectations for all members of the representatives and well wishers to acknowledge this school community. Please take the time to familiarise exciting new development. Two past students of yourself with this document. We all have important roles Camperdown College, Eddie Lucas and Jarrod Bell, played to play to ensure that the students of Camperdown College an important role in the opening ceremony by sharing their get the most out of their school experience and achieve experiences in the food industry. SRC President Sierra high levels of learning. Students themselves must be aware Ryan and Corangamite Shire Councillor and recently of their responsibilities and we appreciate the support of retired School Councillor, Ruth Gstrein, cut ribbons to parents in reinforcing the school’s expectations. The formally declare the Centre open. Our VCE Food and actions of parents and staff are highly influential and this Technology students prepared and served refreshments in a document seeks to capture the key actions that assist in the fitting acknowledgement of the opportunities afforded by maintenance of a strong and successful school community. this new facility. Respectful relationships are at the heart of our Mutual Our Education Week Open Night, also on Wednesday 20th Accountabilities document and we will continue to work May, was very well attended. It is always an honour to open hard to ensure that these expectations are embedded in our the doors of the College to our families and interested school culture. The public events of the past fortnight have visitors. Proud students and staff showed visitors around the given our students many opportunities to shine. The Senior Campus and the new Food Technology Centre and it feedback I have received about our students and our was wonderful to hear parents who are past students of the school is very flattering and reflects widespread awareness school note the many changes that have occurred over time. of, and commitment to, school values and agreed behaviours. At the Junior Campus, students and families enjoyed a range of Crack the Code activities in open classrooms In closing this week, I wish to advise the school before coming together to enjoy performances from our community of the impending retirement of two long VSSS dance team and our budding Indonesian singers. standing staff members of Camperdown College. Both Some fine renditions of the Macarena were noted – well Paula and David Robertson will be taking long service done to our parents, grandparents and staff! leave from the end of this term then retiring from their The College hosted the combined schools’ Year 7 Maths positions at the school. We wish Paula and David a very and Science @ Work Expo this Wednesday, with 185 enjoyable retirement and thank them for the significant students and staff from Camperdown, Timboon and Colac roles they have played in the lives of so many participating in the day. Westvic Dairy, Schools Connect Camperdown College students. Replacement positions and our Local Learning and Employment Network joined have been advertised and students will be notified of forces to bring 26 representatives from the local dairy arrangements for semester two once this process has been completed. industry together to demonstrate the maths and science principles and processes that underpin their work. We are Ms Cherie Kilpatrick, Principal Camperdown College Policies As part of the regular cycle of policy review, School Council is presently reviewing the Community Grievance Policy and would welcome your feedback. You will find this policy on the College website (www.camperdowncoll.vic.edu.au) and also our Skoolbag App or it can be collected from either campus office. You are welcome to read the policy and contribute feedback by either writing it onto the document and returning it to either campus office, or by emailing your feedback to ([email protected]) with the subject heading: Community Grievance Policy Feedback. The Policy sub-committee will collect and consider all feedback prior to making recommendations to School Council. th Please submit your feedback by Wednesday 10 June. Our Mission: Camperdown College will provide exemplary teaching and learning programs within excellent facilities which foster school pride, aspiration and persistence to achieve high levels of learning for all students. Senior Campus News Maths and Science @Work: Over one hundred Year 7 students from Colac Secondary College and Timboon P-12 School joined our Year 7 students for a series of workshops yesterday aimed at examining a variety of careers in the dairy industry and how they use mathematical and scientific principles. The students in small groups attended a variety of hands on workshops with titles such as: Ice, cream, air: What is in ice cream? How to design a cow yard. Who moved the cheese? and Is that safe to eat? It was pleasing to see a number of ex-students conducting workshops and passing on their knowledge to the next generation. Year 8 students: Annabel Lucas, Georgia Bailey, Alinea Ellerton, Olivia Henzen and Casey Smith proved to be excellent ambassadors for the College as they worked tirelessly all day directing students to workshops and running errands for presenters. Thank you to Parents & Friends for catering for the event. Congratulations to: Sarah Delwig who represented the Hampden League in Under 14 netball on the weekend. Charlie Lucas and Nicholas Borinelli who represented the Hampden League in Under 16 football on the weekend. Olivia Henzen who has been selected to represent Warrnambool City in the interleague competition this weekend. Kurt McDonald for being awarded Triathlon Victoria Junior Triathlete of the Year. Callum McIlveen who was selected to boundary umpire for the Geelong District interleague match. Inter school Cross Country Carnival: Congratulations to all students who represented the College on Monday at the Interschool Cross Country. It was wonderful to see so many students involved resulting in our team placing third overall in the competition. Well done to Jack Helmore and Kurt McDonald who won their age group and will represent the region at the next level in towards the end of term. End of Semester Reporting and Exams: Exams have been prepared for all students in Year 10/11. Students have placed the times and dates for each examination in their Organisers. Some students will have a clash between their Year 11 exams and the GAT, these students will have their Year 11 exam rescheduled. They have been reminded that if they cannot attend an exam, that they must produce a medical certificate. The Year 10/11 exam timetable is: Year 11 Mid-Year Exam Timetable: Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Studio Arts Studio arts Health and Health and Tuesday th Product & Design Product & Design Human Human 9 June Development Development Maths Methods Maths methods Wednesday Physical Food Food Physical Education 10th June education Technology Technology Psychology – General General Part 2 History Thursday Psychology – th Biology 11 June Part 1 Accounting Accounting History Physics Physics Friday English English Geography Geography 12th June Year 10 Mid-Year Exam Timetable: History – Week Prior Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Tuesday English English 9th June Wednesday Mathematics Mathematics Science Science 10th June Thursday Business 11th June Studies Friday Physical Physical Art 12th June Education Education GAT: Students studying a Year 12 subject must sit the GAT (General Achievement Test) which will be held in the Senior Campus Hall on Wednesday 10th June from 10.10am – 1.15pm. Students are to assemble at the hall by 9.45am. Students will have a late lunch after the GAT and attend Periods 5/6 as normal. An information session on how approach the GAT will be held after school this evening for all students as was outlined in a letter sent home to parents last week.
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