M-349 GEORGE EDWARD GRESLEYJACKSON (d. 1907) Captain George Edward Gresley, a formerofficer in the British Navy, was experienced in hydrographical surveying when he was hired, by contract, with theInterior Departmentearly in 1882, to survey sixteen harbors of the Hawaiian Kingdom. In 1877-1879, Captain Jackson commandedthe Hawaiian brig StormBird, on several labor-recruitingexpeditions to Roruma, the Gilbertsand the MarshallIslands. In 1887-1888, he commandedthe H. M.S. Kaimiloa on its abortivetrip to Samoa andback to Honolulu. He died March 25, 1907 in SanFrancisco. Box 1-1 Photocopy excerpts fromfield books kept while surveying Hawaii's harbors, 1881-1885: Hawaii Harbors - Kealakekua, Kailua-Kona, Kawaihae; Maui Harbors - Kahului, Hana, Pohakuloa; Kauai Harbors I - Nawiliwili, Hanalei, Hanamaulu; Kauai Harbors II - Waimea Bay; Oahu Harbors and Coastlines - Maunalua Bay, Barbers Point, West Coast, Kuapa Fish Ponds, Niu Beach, Koko Crater, Makapuu, Pokai Bay; Maui Harbors-Napili, Maalaea, Makena, Honolua; Molokai Harbors - Kamaloa, Kaunakakai; Oahu - Kahana, Waialua, Waimea, Kaneohe Bay M-71 BENJAMIND. JONES 1843 Arrived Honolulu 1860 Ship manifest, fromBaker's Island, mason, April 6, age 50 1865 Ship manifestlists passage to San Francisco,March 28 Box 1-1 Letter fromHonolulu dated April 2, 1862 discusses buildings that he has built and refers tothe building of water tank on a small island (Baker) forthe American Guano Company. M-72 FLORA WOOD JONES (1851 - 1926) 1851 Born Honolulu, March25; daughter of John H. andSarah Wood. Educated Punahou 1880 Married Pierre Jones, November 20, St. Andrews Cathedral. Member of Daughters of Hawaii; in charge of Queen Emma's summer home. 1926 Died Honolulu, January16 Box 1-1 Articles and speeches by Flora Jones on Hawaiian Royalty, including Queen Emma,Ka mehameha II and BernicePauahi Bishop, n.d., 1923, 1924 Box 1-2 Papers, 1875-1910 Box 1-3 Typed journal of Mrs. John H. Wood (her mother) of partof a voyage from Honolulu to New Bedford onthe John Gilpin in 1857; letters, 1857 -1858; 1873 appointmentdiary records social events M-72 Two watercolors: Ilima lei, n.d., signed by F. Jones; and Taro plants, 1900, Oversize signed by F. J. Painting and sketches, n.d., 1909 N2-1 Box 1-4 List of Hawaiian names and definitions,found on August 6, 1934 Box 1-5 Broadsides 1874 Election Box 1-6 Copies of Queen Emma letters, 1881 - 1885 Box 1-7 Articleon water rights ofKaualoa,Metcalf Homestead, Manca,n.d.; Water rights forthe DistrictofKona, Islandof Oahu, May 31, 1888 Box 1-8 Hawaiian legend called A Legend of Hawaii (6 pages) n.d.; Hawaiianlegend, no name (7 pages), n.d. Box 1-9 Pierre Jones papers, in Russian, includingletter written by Emperor Alexander, 1816; and two documents belonging to the Wassiltchikofffamily. Box 1-10 Letters to Mr. and Mrs. PierreJones, July 1883 - September 1917 M-72 Box 1-11 Journalof Captain John Paty, 1853 and JohnPaty obituaries Box 1-12 Papers concerningthe estate of JohnH. Wood, her father M-73 HORACE JONES Box 1-1 Officeraboard USS Charleston, writes fromHonolulu on June 11, 1890, about the social whirl and visits with his cousin Hilary Jones, later Admiral, aboard the USS Nipsic. Another letter dated March 8, 1891 telling of USS Charleston's visit to Honolulu returningthe body of King Kalakauafrom SanFrancisco and about the ceremonies connected with his death. Both letters were written to Isabella Bend (MrsGeorge Wood). 'I M-74 J. WALTERJONES (d. 1940) 1889 ArrivedHonolulu, appointed Supreme court stenographer 1893 National Guard, 1st Lt., Co. D, February 24 1894 Stenographer, Supreme and Circuit Court, September 1 1908 Appointed Adjutant General, Hawaiian National Guard commissioned Colonel 1922 Collector of InternalRevenue under President Harding. Founded Eli-Jab home fororphans with Mrs. Platts 1928 Involved in publicized divorce and alimony case 1940 Died in Honolulu, January 18 Box 1-1 Draftletter from Annexation Club to JamesH. Blount dated May 15, 1893 giving Number on AnnexationClub rolls, signed J. W. Jones, Secretary. Letter from James A. Blount, June 23, 1893, asking fortotals, by nationalities, of people in AnnexationClub. Box 1-2 Letter fromPaul Neumann, February9, 1895, ascounsel forLiliuokalani asking for the returnof her diaries now that the trial is over, addressed to President, MilitaryCommission. M-75 MAUDE JONES (1889-1955) 1889 BornHonolulu, January12, daughterof Pierre and Flora Jones 1908 Graduate Punahou Assistant Librarianfor 18 years, Libraryof Hawaii 1931 Librarian,Public Archives 1935-37 Custodian, Hulihee Palace in Kona 1937 Returnedto job at Public Archives Hawaiian Historical Society, trusteeand secretary 1955 Died January 24 Box 1-1 Funeral book, 1855 Box 1-2 Pierre Jones family papers including a copy of a letter fromTsar Alexander I, 1816 to DimitriProkofievitch Wassiltchikoff, n.d., 1877, 1915 Box 1-3 Dismissal case as librarian of the Public Archives, 1935; Newspaper articles, n.d., 1919, 1935 Box 1-4 Personal papers, n.d., 1931 - 1939 Box 1-5 Historical papers: Biographies 1936 -1952; The Queen's Hospital 1859 - 1882; Shortarticles by Kuykendall 1943; IolaniPalace and grounds, n.d.; Letter from Pat Baldwin Cooke to BerniceJudd dated October 1944; Pearl HarborFebruary 1935; Schooner Olga by Herbert H. Baker, May 17, 1906; Paper by Marion Cooke, August 21, 1937; Paper by J. Ross Smith, n.d. Box 1-6 Hawaiian cemetery records, Hawaii and Maui, deaths 1878 -1939 Box 1-7 Historical papers: Papers regarding Queen Emma,n.d., 1855, 1862, 1866, 1864, 1867; Articlestranslated regarding purchase ofNiihau by Robinsons, April 9, 1864 and June4, 1864; Lt. Francis BayardRhein's The Okies(Okinawans), n.d.; Alexander Adam's journal of islands discovered by differentnavigators, Pacific M-75 Ocean, 1821; KamehamehaThe Conqueror, sketches by Walter MurrayGibson, The PacificCommercial Advertiser, August 13, 1881; The Fort At Kailua by Maude Jones, n.d. Box 1-8 NaturalizationIn Hawaii, 1795 - 1900, compiled by Maude Jones, Librarian, Board of Commissionersof Public Archives Box 1-9 Geography, Mission Press, 1832 Box 1-10 Japan and Hawaii, Treaty of Amity and Commerce, 1871; Agreement of the farmersand labours; Samuel G. Wilder to Dr. Hutchison regarding Japanese immigration, August 6, 1868; Memo regarding Japaneselabor, n.d.; Excerpt fromPacific Commercial Advertiser,March 21, 1893; Article in theHonolulu StarBulletin writtenby Francis N. Kiniregarding Hawaii born students active In Japan, July 1935. Box 1-11 Letters fromJohn CoffinJones Jr to Josiah Marshall, 1826- 1830 Box 1-12 Letters fromCharles R. Bishop to Elisha H. Allen, 1869 - 1874 Box 1-13 N. C. Brooks notes on Hawaii, Midway, Nekar andother small islands, n.d., 1894 Box 1-14 "Kaukehialii and Kaililaukoa, A Legend of Kauai" by RobertStandard Andrews, n.d. M-76 PETER CUSHMANJONES (1837 - 1922) 1837 BornBoston, December 10 1857 Arrived Honolulu 1862 MarriedCornelia Hall 1866 Partnershipwith C. L. Richards 1871 PartnerC. Brewer & Company 1883 President and manager of operations, C. Brewer & Company 1891 Retired fromC. Brewer & Company 1892 FormedHawaiian SafeDeposit & Investment with son Edwin A. Jones November 8, House of Nobles, Minister of Finance under Liliuokalani Returnedto C. Brewer & Companyas president 1893 January 17, reappointed Minister of Finance to March15 January26, Commissioner of Crown Lands 1895 April 20, reappointed Council of State to May 4, 1898 June 23, Council of State September 7, Electric RailwayCommission 1922 Died April 23 Box 1-1 Papers, cards, invitations, notes: from S. M. Damon (August 15, 1892), J. Mott Smith (November 5, 1892), C.R. Bishop (December 9, 11, 1892), Mrs. Cartwright (Teresa Wilcox) (January 12, 1893), fromJohn Stevens (February21, 1893), T. H. Davies (February22, 1896); Certificates1891, 1893; Newspaper Articles ofKalakaua's burial, February16,1891 and February28, 1891; Newspaper articlesof the AnnexationTreaty, n.d. \ M-77 CHARLESSHELDON JUDD (1881 - 1939) 1881 BornHonolulu, July 11 1907 Graduate Yale ForestrySchool 1910 Married Louise Luquiens in New Haven, Connecticut 1911 July, TerritoryLand Commissioner 1912 Resigned to returnto Federal Forestry Service 1915 Superintendent of Forestry, Chief Fire Warden, TerritoryBoard of Agriculture & Forestry 1916 ConservationCommission; became active in Boy Scouts 1923 Bishop Museum ScientificEx pedition to Necker Island 1939 Died Honolulu, June 29 Box 1-1 Judd family genealogy Box 1-2 Judd familyCoat-of-Arms Box 1-3 Papers, pictures, maps of Judd Road on island of Hawaii, 1928 - 1939 Box 1-4 Judd family cemetery, 1928; Letters to the members of the Judd family, 1925, 1927, 1928; Ideasfor the Judd Pageant, n.d. Box 1-5 Name cards;Postcards , 1916; Envelopes Box 1-6 Christmascard sketches, n.d. M-77 Watercolors of Hawaiian flowersand plants and other sketches, n.d. Flat Bl Box 1-7 Personal notes, n.d.; Travel diaryof Charles S. Judd, n.d. M-77 Box 1-8 Newspaper articles, n.d., 1935 -1939 Box 1-9 Papers, souvenir ships passenger lists, passport, auto payment books. telegrams, negligee shirt order, house building contract, contracts, agreements, minutes of the HawaiianRifle Assn, 1928; Bill of Lading. 1828; Forest Assistant Examination results. 1907; West forest/dryforest map of the State of Hawaii; Memorandum ofHawaiian products Show, 1936; Memos, map ofNorth America 1924; Stock account fromBishop TrustCo Ltd as of January1936; Letter, n.d. Box 1-10 Christmas cards1938; Songs andpoems, n.d., 1905, 1906, 1907 Box 1-11 Programs1890 -1937 Box 1-12 Forestry materials; Lists of plants, n.d. Box 1-13 Correspondenceregarding Piko Club, 1931 - 1934 Box 1-14 Correspondenceregarding Piko Club, 1935 -1937 Box 1-15 Personal letters,1885 -1938 Box 1-16 Correspondence,1904 - 1913 Box 1-17 Correspondence,1914 - 1920 Box 2-1 Correspondence,1921 - 1939 Box 2-2 Articles written by Charles S. Judd, 1905 -1929 Box 2-3 Articles andstories by Charles S. Judd, n.d., 1936 Box 2-4 Magazine, pamphletsand articles,1910 -1931; The Elihu Club list of members, 1923 Box 2-5 National Sportsmanpapers, 1914-1917 Box 2-6 Department Agriculture,of 1907 -1911 Box 2-7 Boy Scouts of America, 1916- 1935; Map of Honolulu, Hawaii, 1927-28; "FourteenMile Hike" written by CharlesS.
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