1 THE MALTESE PRESENCE IN NORTH AMERICA E-NEWSLETTER Issue 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 John Pass (Giovanni Pace), a native of Cospicua, Malta, co- forger, with John Stow, of the “Liberty Bell” in 1753, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, operated an iron works in Mount Holly, New Jersey by 1746. Louis Shickluna (Luigi Scicluna), a native of Senglea, Malta, the earliest known Maltese immigrant to what is now Canada, first arrived in Quebec, Lower Canada (now Quebec) in 1826 and found work helping to build ships. In 1835, he built his first boat, a schooner, at Youngstown, New York, and by June 1838 had taken over the shipyard in St. Catharines, Upper Canada (now Ontario). 2 EDITORIAL COMMENT Maltese communities of all North sence in North America, both now America. (pages 8-9) and in the past (pages I’ve been receiving two free, While most of the Maltese who 18-19). electronic Maltese newsletters from immigrated this continent ended up As the Catholic faith has been one Australia, namely The Journal of in the United States and Canada, it of the central features of Maltese Maltese Living in Malta and Abroad is hoped that the newsletter will also culture, and as there is presently and The Voice of the Maltese, for encompass those who went to but one Maltese national parish in several years and wondered why Mexico, Central America and the all North America, I have asked Fr. there wasn’t something similar Caribbean. With this in mind, a brief Manuel Parnis if I might use representing the Maltese communi- account is given here of a failed extracts from the Sunday bulletin of ties in Canada and in the United attempt on the island of Grenada in St. Paul the Apostle Parish in States or all of North America for the Caribbean (page 9). Toronto as a regular feature in this that matter. It is hoped that such a newsletter newsletter (page 3). I’ve been editor of the bi-monthly as this will serve as sort of a Unlike some of the newsletters, newsletter for The Maltese Cana- “clearing house” for news pertaining journals and newspapers I have dian Club of London, in Ontario, to Maltese organizations through- consulted, I would like to see this Canada, for more than eight years out all of North America. The noti- newsletter contain articles written in and, with the dissolution of the Club ces for Leħen Malti, the Maltese- English only as virtually all the this past December, decided to Canadian Museum Archives and readership is fluent in this language attempt to edit a free, electronic Visitors Centre and St. Paul the and, dare I say, less than half would newsletter which would serve the Apostle Church are meant to be be in Maltese. steps in that direction. Likewise, in this day and age, with CONTENTS With this in mind, one can virtually everyone having access to envision, for example, a person in the Internet, I don’t believe there is 3. Gleanings from the Sunday Toronto seeing that an event within a need for news about Malta or Bulletin the Maltese community in San other places in the world with a 4. Convention of 1945 Francisco will be taking place while large Maltese presence, such as 5. The Situation of the Maltese in st he or she is in the latter city and Australia, in this publication. Canada on the Eve of the 21 might decide to take part in it. For the present, I envision this Century Just having names, addresses, newsletter appearing bi-monthly 8. The Early Years of Judge telephone numbers and hours of and being at least 20 pages in Rosemarie Aquilina’s Family in opening of the Maltese clubs length. Michigan scattered throughout the continent Your feedback and opinions, 10. The Failed Attempt to Settle would be useful. which could then be shared with the the Maltese in Grenada I invite the various associations to readers, are welcomed (page 20). 11. Charles E. Puglisevich: A forward such information and These, in turn could help to shape Maltese Immigrant’s Success encourage those connected with subsequent issues. in the Oil Industry Worldwide such organizations to submit a Between now and the next issue, I 12. Fr Aurelio Ciantar and Fr write-up on the same. hope some will join with me in Eugene Fiteni: Two Augustin- You are encouraged to send me forming some sort of advisory group ian Friars in the United States articles, either new, such as that by or board of directors for this 13. George Bonavia Mark Caruana on Fathers Aurelio newsletter. This in turn may lead the 16. Francis and Joseph Cutaiar: Cianter and Eugene Fiteni (pages newsletter in a different direction Two Maltese Immigrants to the 12-13) or previously published, from what is presently envisioned. United States in the First Half such as Richard Cumbo’s on the My intent was to get this news- of the Nineteenth Century Maltese of Powell River, British letter up and running and then worry 18. Early Maltese Emigrants to the Columbia (page 21). about how it will be managed and Canadian Prairies Also welcomed are items which the direction it would take down the 20. Maltese Immigration to the San will assist on-going projects, such road. Francisco Bay Area Project as Charlie Vella’s piece on the For the present, I’m very grateful 21. Four New Members from Maltese Immigration to the San for the encouragement received Canada and the United States Francisco Bay Area Project (page from many, largely who used to Join the Council for the 20), or aid others in tracing their receive the club newsletter I pre- Maltese Living Abroad Maltese roots, such as the article by viously edited. 21. The Maltese of Powell River, Gabrielle Cutair Caldwell and My heartfelt thanks goes to those British Columbia myself on the Cutaiar brothers who agreed to submit articles for 22. Joe Calleja (pages 16-17). this first issue, in some case on very 24. The Founding of the Maltese What I envision is a newsletter short notice. Social Club in Guelph which showcases the Maltese pre- Dan Brock 3 GLEANINGS FROM THE SUNDAY BULLETIN forward again. You are a stepping stone to me when you understand me and listen to me. It Is not Good for a Human Being to be Alone In the beginning of life, when we were infants, we needed others if we were to survive. And at the end of life, we will again need others so that we can survive. The Bible says, “it is not good for a human being to be alone.” Sometimes it is a good and necessary thing for us to be alone-but not as a permanent condition. Human beings are social animals. Of ourselves we are incomplete. Humanity can never be acquired in Fr. Manuel Parnis, MSSP is pastor of St. Paul the solitude. We need others. Apostle Parish, Toronto, the only Maltese national In marriage God answered the human need for parish in North America. These “gleanings” are extracts friendship, companionship, closeness and warmth-all from his commentaries on the Sunday readings which those things we long for, but find so difficult. These are published in the Parish’s Sunday Bulletin. needs can also be met by belonging to a community. And those who have a close relationship with God are Stepping Stones vs. Stumbling Blocks never alone. When people get married, they bring to it, Modern life has brought us closer to one another than not only their strengths, but also their weaknesses. ever before. We influence one another in all sorts of ways. God wants us to be stepping stones for one Happiness and Joy another. Unfortunately, sometimes we are stumbling In thinking of others, we are enjoying happiness in our blocks to one another. Here are some examples of the hearts for all that we do with so much love. The secret way we can be a scandal, that is, a stumbling block, to of happiness consists in being faithful to one’s another person. commitments and responsibilities while at the same You are a scandal to me when you are unkind or time enjoying life. It is easy to be happy when we are unjust in the way you treat me. You make me small. doing what we want. But to find happiness in what we You damage my self-confidence. You are a scandal to have to do, not simply in what we want to do, this is a me when you fail to understand my weakness, blessing from God. Happiness is not a shallow self- mistakes, and sins, and write me off as a result of them. satisfaction. There can be no happiness for us as long When you condemn me, you make feel that I am evil. as the things we do are different from the things we You are a scandal to me when you humiliate me believe. And there can be no happiness without love. A because I do not live up to your expectations. You hurt sadness falls upon us when we say No to Love. my pride and damage my self-image. You are a scandal Something else so important to think about is that we to me when you keep me down, or hold me back. When must not equate joy with pleasure. Pleasure is of the you grab the limelight, I am forced to retreat to the body; joy is of the spirit. You can quickly become tired shadows and made to feel inferior.
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