Pennsylvania Automated Vehicle Summit 2018 Program Summary Table of Contents Introducton . .1 Thank You from Summit Co-Hosts . .2 Opening Remarks . .3 monday, april 9th - Day one Introducton: Welcome and Opening Remarks . .5 Plenary Session: Ensuring Automated Vehicle Safety . .10 Breakout Session . .16 Lunch: Developing and Maintaining Our Workforce of the uture . .25 Luncheon Speaker . .26 Breakout Sessions . .28 Plenary Session: Economic and Social Roundtable . .37 Tuesday, april 10th - Day Two Breakfast and eatured Speaker . .40 Pennstart Testng and Training acility . .43 Executve Chat: Policymaker Meets Pioneer . .44 Plenary Session: The Legal Landscape . .48 acilitated Session: eedback . .51 gallery PA AV Summit 2018 Moments . .55 appendix Appendix A - 2018 Pennsylvania Automated Vehicle Summit Panelist Bios . .57 Appendix B - PA AV Summit 2018 Atendees . .70 Appendix C - White Paper - The ‘Why’s’ of AVs . .73 Appendix D - Resources . .77 Appendix E - Media Coverage . .78 2018 PA Automated Vehicles Summit Atendees eedback Survey . .79 Introducton package, including an update to the 2016 testng safety policy recommendatons of the PA Autonomous Vehicle Task orce. PennDOT will call on testng enttes in Pennsylvania to pledge compliance to those policy recommendatons for safe AV testng, while the Department contnues to ask the General Assembly to enact legislaton to grant PennDOT authority to oversee AV testng safety. On Day 2 of the summit, PennDOT, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, and Penn State University announced joint plans for a state-of-the-art advanced technology training and testng facility (PennSTART). Roger J. Cohen, The full text of both announcements is included in this Pennsylvania Department of Transportaton, summary document. Senior Advisor to the Secretary Of course, the essence of the summit is the interchange among subject-mater experts and decision-makers, opinion leaders, and engaged citzens of the Commonwealth. Many When the first Pennsylvania Automated Vehicle (PAAV) important points emerged; a few notable items follow. Summit convened in September 2017 in State College, the • There is concern regarding potental inequites in access discussions among the 275 atendees reflected such to technology between rural and urban/suburban regions enthusiasm and urgency that the conveners, Pennsylvania that must not be neglected; Department of Transportaton (PennDOT), and the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic • Local officials (county and municipal) need to be more Development (DCED) decided to convene a second summit in engaged and involved in thinking how vehicle automaton the spring. will affect their communites, partcularly regarding land use, tax revenues, and law enforcement. The second PAAV Summit met April 9-10, 2018, in Pitsburgh—the birthplace of vehicle automaton technology • Public transit represents one of the most promising areas thanks to the pioneering research of Carnegie Mellon for developing vehicle automaton solutons that bring University and related enttes. More than 400 atendees widespread public benefit, but transit agencies will need registered for the summit, whose themes were threefold: to address the workforce and labor-relatons issues that AV safety, infrastructure planning, and workforce may arise. economic development. • Workforce impacts are a concern, but as a leading voice Pennsylvania is one of a handful of leadership states in of organized labor said at one summit panel, vehicle automated vehicle development, and is consistently automaton will ultmately be a force that generates new, recognized for leadership in citzen/public engagement. more, and beter job opportunites. The AV summits are structured with the goal of fostering • The public discussion needs to focus less on what safe, interchange among the industry, policymakers, advocates of deployment-ready AVs will look like, and more on how to various stripes, local officials, service providers, and opinion ensure testng safety so the technology can contnue to leaders. In doing so, PennDOT and DCED aim to build a improve and advance toward deployment readiness. foundaton of partcipaton in these issues--both in the discussion and related decision-making—so that the • There is an understandable fascinaton with autonomous outcomes will be informed by public input to ultmately vehicles, but just as much atenton needs to be put optmize benefits to the Commonwealth and all its citzens. toward connected vehicle infrastructure and the Every summit atendee is now an ongoing member of our tremendous safety and mobility benefits these “community of partcipaton.” We do this as a long-term technologies can deliver. investment in public acceptance and support of PennDOT and DCED will contnue listening closely to the vehicle automaton. people of the Commonwealth and be steered by their Noteworthy policy news was unveiled at the summit. On day guidance as we actvely partcipate in this next profound 1, Pennsylvania Secretary of Transportaton Leslie Richards transformaton in transportaton technology. announced a strong and balanced interim testng safety 1 Thank you from Summit Co-Hosts On behalf of our respectve organizatons, we thank everyone who atended and contributed to this year’s AV summit. Our primary goal was to increase understanding of the many issues that surround this transformatve technology. As part of this, we have prepared this summary of the summit’s proceedings as a resource for you as you work within your sphere of planning for AV. To our speakers, exhibitors, and poster session presenters… thank you for taking tme to share your expertse with our summit partcipants. Your enthusiasm and positve spirit helped make our tme in Pitsburgh both productve and worthwhile. Thank you too for your comments and suggestons on the summit’s exit survey evaluatons. We want to assure that each will be given thoughtul consideraton so that future events will Chris Prisk, President be planned and designed to be even more relevant and useful. The Mid-Atlantc Secton of the Insttute of Again, thank you for being part of the Automated Vehicle Transportaton Engineers Summit. Our organizatons look forward to the prospect of contnuing our work with PennDOT as it seeks to maintain Pennsylvania’s leadership status natonally in AV. Kevin Conahan, President Intelligent Transportaton Society of Pennsylvania 2 opening remarks We are proposing actons reflectng the shared responsibilites of government and the industry: • I will convene a meetng of the testers regarding the interim policies. • We will reconvene the Autonomous Vehicle Policy Task orce to update testng policy recommendatons. This task force was formed two years ago and presented policy recommendatons to the General Assembly in November 2016 • Untl enactment of legislaton based on those recommended policies and sought by the administraton, PennDOT will ask all testers to comply with the following testng policy: Leslie S. Richards, Secretary oTesters would submit a “Notce of Testng” to PennDOT, with: Pennsylvania Department of Transportaton oBasic Informaton, including name of the company, address, phone number, e-mail; and principal point of Thank you for joining us here at our second Pennsylvania contact for the testng; Automated Vehicle Summit. oVerificaton atestng that the HAVs meet all federal Thanks to our hosts, MASITE and the Intelligent and state safety standards and meet the policies Transportaton Society and our sponsors and exhibitors for adopted by PennDOT; their support in helping PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development oProof of a driver/operator training program. We convene this important gathering. recommend that HAV operators have clean driving records. This gathering reflects the leading role Pennsylvania and Governor Tom Wolf’s administraton have played and are oCertficaton that all drivers have met and passed playing to foster the research into this technology here in program requirements; Pitsburgh and Pennsylvania and to ensure that safety oName of approved “drivers,” with valid Driver remains paramount. License numbers; I wanted to outline some steps we in Governor Wolf’s oA list of vehicles that will be involved in the testng administraton believe are critcal at this moment when some and their VIN and/or plate numbers; may be questoning the safety of this emerging technology. oRoutes or geographic locaton for testng; We value the contributons the companies and other enttes engaged in Highly Autonomous Vehicle research and oBasic overview of Operatonal Design Domain (ODD) deployment bring to Pennsylvania. But we can’t ignore our including constraints. The ODD describes the specific concern that safety remains paramount. conditons under which a given HAV is intended to operate including where (such as what roadway types With the recent tragedy involving a pedestrian death in and speeds) and when (under what conditons, such Arizona caused by a collision with an HAV, the Wolf as day/night and weather limits. We are not seeking administraton wants to immediately lay out an acton plan to any trade secrets or propriety informaton. further ensure public safety in Pennsylvania. oProof of insurance. While the Pennsylvania experience has been good so far, featuring open communicaton with testers, adequate safety • The immediate halt in testng of any HAV that knowingly guidelines are necessary. Untl the General Assembly passes shares hardware or sofware with a vehicle that is part of authorizing legislaton giving PennDOT oversight, an interim
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