Olympic Games World Ranking Number

Olympic Games World Ranking Number

Olympic Games Olympic Games Rio 2016 Gold medalist Niccolo Campriani ITA 50m 3x40 freerifle Silver medalist Sergey Kamenskiy RUS 50m 3x40 freerifle_____ Bronce medalist Alexis Raynaud FRA 50m 3x40 freerifle_____ Silver medalist Jonghyun Kim KOR 50m Prone freerifle____ Bronce medalist Kirill Grigoryan RUS 50m Prone freerifle____ Olympic Records 2016 Quali Record Sergey Kamenskiy RUS 1184 Pt. 50m 3x40 freerifle Final Record Niccolo Campriani ITA 458.8 50m 3x40 freerifle_____ Sergey Kamenskiy RUS 50m Prone freerifle____ Olympic Games London 2012 Gold medalist Niccolo Campriani ITA 1180 Pt. 50m 3x40 freerifle Olympic Games Beijing 2008 Bronce medalist Warren Potent AUS 50m prone freerifle World Ranking Number “1” Alexis Raynaud FRA ____________ 03/2018 Records (new rules, since 2013) World record 2019 Jan Lochbihler SUI 1188 50m 3x40 freerifle World record 2019 Michael D’Halluin FRA 300m 3x40 freerifle World record Women Jun. 2018 Zeru Wang CHN 1179 50m 3x40 freerifle World record Men 2018 Haoran Yang CHN 1187 50m 3x40 freerifle Final World record 2018 Haoran Yang CHN 465.3 50m 3x40 freerifle World record Women 2018 Anjum Moudgil IND 1180 50m 3x40 freerifle World record Women 2018 Binbin Thang CHN 1180 50m 3x40 freerifle World record 2016 Matthew Emmons USA 464.1 50m 3x40 freerifle____ Quali record 2016 Sergey Kamenskiy RUS 1184 50m 3x40 freerifle____ Final record 2016 Niccolo Campriani ITA 458.8 50m 3x40 freerifle____ ____________________ 2016 Sergey Kamenskiy RUS 50m prone freerifle___ World record 2015 Petra Zublasing ITA 464.7 50m 3x20 sport rifle___ World record 2015 Sergey Kamenskiy RUS 633 50m Prone freerifle World record 2015 Stefan Raser AUT 600 300m Prone freerifle World record 2015 Team France FRA 1751 300m 3x20 standardrifle World record Jun. 2015 Haoran Yang CHN 1181 50m 3x40 freerifle World record 2014 Beate Gauss GER 628.5 50m Prone sporting rifle World record 2014 Cyril Graff FRA 1179 300m 3x20 standardrifle World record 2014 Cyril Graff FRA 589 300m standardrifle World record 2013 Cyril Graff FRA 1179 300m 3x40 freerifle World record 2013 Team France FRA 3522 300m 3x40 freerifle Records (old rules) Olympic record 2012 Niccolo Campriani ITA 1278.5 50m 3x40 freerifle final Olympic record 2012 Niccolo Campriani ITA 1180 50m 3x40 freerifle World record 2010 Vebjoern Berg NOR 600 300m prone freerifle Oceanian record 2010 Warren Potent AUS 600 50m prone freerifle World record 2010 Warren Potent AUS 600 50m prone freerifle World record 2010 Henry Josselin FRA 600 300m prone freerifle CISM World record 2010 Linda Olofsson SWE 598 50m prone sportingrifle Final World record 2009 Warren Potent AUS 704.8 50m prone freerifle World record 2006 Solveig Bibard FRA 597 300m prone freerifle World record 2002 Marcel Bürge SUI 589 300m 3x20 standardrifle European record 2002 Norbert Sturny SUI 590 300m 3x20 standardrifle World shooter of the year 2002 Marcel Bürge SUI 50m small bore rifle World record 2002 Glenn Dubis USA 589 300m 3x20 standardrifle 03/2018 World champion World champion ISSF 2019 Rajmond Debevec SLO 300m prone freerifle World champion ISSF jun. 2019 Hong Xu CHN 50m 3x20 freerifle women World champion ISSF Team 2019 Team France FRA 300m prone World champion CISM 2015 Vebjoern Berg NOR 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion ISSF 2014 Beate Gauss GER 50m 3x20 sporting rifle World champion ISSF 2014 Beate Gauss GER 50m Prone sporting rifle World champion ISSF 2014 Warren Potent AUS 50m Prone freerifle World champion ISSF 2014 Valerian Sauveplane FRA 300m Prone freerifle World champion ISSF 2014 Ole Kristian Bryhn NOR 300m 3x40 freerifle World champion ISSF 2014 Cyril Graff FRA 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion ISSF 2014 Andre Link GER 50m 3x40 freerifle junior World champion ISSF 2010 Marcel Bürge SUI 300m 3x40 freerifle World champion ISSF 2010 Henry Josselin FRA 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion CISM 2010 Linda Olofsson SWE 50m prone sportingrifle World champion CISM 2008 Marcel Bürge SUI 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion CISM 2008 Rajmond Debevec SLO 300m 3x20 rapid fire World champion CISM 2008 Linda Olofsson SWE 50m 3x20 sportingrifle World champion ISSF 2006 Solveig Bibard FRA 300m prone freerifle World champion ISSF 2006 Rajmond Debevec SLO 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion CISM 2005 Jason Parker USA 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion CISM 2005 Rajmond Debevec SLO 300m 3x20 rapid fire World champion ISSF 2002 Marcel Bürge SUI 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion ISSF 2002 Norbert Sturny SUI 300m prone freerifle World champion ISSF 2002 Marcel Bürge SUI 50m 3x40 freerifle World champion CISM 2000 Glenn Dubis USA 300m 3x20 standardrifle World champion CISM 2000 Glenn Dubis USA 300m 3x20 rapid fire European champion European champion 2019 Petr Nymbursky CZE 50m 3x40 freerifle European champion 2019 Yulia Zykova RUS 50m 3x40 freerifle European champion jun. 2019 Valentina Caluori SUI 50m prone freerifle European champion jun. 2008 Jan Lochbihler SUI 50m prone freerifle European champion 2007 Solveig Bibard FRA 50m prone freerifle European champion jun. 2007 Nicolas Rouiller SUI 50m prone freerifle Asian champion Asian champion Men 2019 Jonghyun Kim KOR 50m 3x20 freerifle Asian champion Women 2019 Mengyao Shi CHN 50m 3x20 freerifle 03/2018 Schweizer Rekorde Männer 50m Gewehr 3x40 2019 Jan Lochbihler 1188 WC Rio de Janeiro 300m Standardgewehr 3x20 2019 Jan Lochbihler 590 CISM WG Wuhan, CHN 300m Gewehr 3x40 2019 Gilles Dufaux 1181 EC Aarhus, DEN 300m Militärisches Schnellfeuer 2018 Gilles Dufaux 575 CISM WC Thun, SUI 50m Gewehr 3x40 Final 2017 Jan Lochbihler 459.5 IWK Berlin, GER 50m Gewehr liegend 2017 Jan Lochbihler 629.4 IWK Berlin, GER 50m Gewehr liegend Sen. 2017 Rudolf Grimm 622.5 SM Thun, SUI 300m Standardgewehr 3x20 2017 Gilles Dufaux 588 EC Thun, SUI 50m Gewehr liegend Veteranen 2014 Pierre-Alain Dufaux 623.3 SM Thun, SUI 50m Gewehr 3x40 2012 Marcel Bürge 1181 GP Pilsen, CZ 50m Gewehr 3x40 Final 2012 Marcel Bürge 1278.0 GP Pilsen, CZ 50m Gewehr liegend 2011 Marcel Bürge 599 SM Thun, SUI 50m Gewehr liegend Final 2011 Marcel Bürge 702.2 SM Thun, SUI 300m Standardgewehr 2x30 Sen. 2011 Kurt Maag 590 SM Thun, SUI 50m Gewehr liegend 2009 Jan Lochbihler 599 Alpencup München, GER 50m Gewehr liegend Final 2009 Jan Lochbihler 702.2 Alpencup München, GER 300m Gewehr liegend 2009 Marco Müller 600 EC Weimar, GER 50m Gewehr liegend 2008 Marcel Bürge 599 WC München, GER 50m Gewehr liegend Sen. 2008 Frédéric Hünenberger 595 SM Thun, SUI 300m Gewehr liegend Sen. 2008 Pierre-Alain Dufaux 597 SM Thun, SUI 300m Standardgewehr 2x30 2002 Pierre-Alain Dufaux 592 SM Thun, SUI 300m Standardgewehr 3x20 2002 Norbert Sturny 590 EC-Final, Liestal SUI 300m Gewehr 3x40 2001 Marcel Bürge 1183 EC Suisse, Thun, SUI Frauen 300m Gewehr liegend 2019 Silvia Guignard 600 EC Aarhus, DEN 300m Gewehr 3x20 2019 Silvia Guignard 588 SM Thun, SUI 300m Gewehr 3x20 2017 Silvia Guignard 588 SM Thun, SUI 300m Gewehr 3x20 2014 Marina Schnider 588 EC Lahti, FIN 50m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2011 Annik Marguet 590 WC Fort Benning, USA 50m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2008 Annik Marguet 687.2 ISC Hannover, GER 50m Gewehr liegend 2005 Andrea Winkler 599 SM Thun, SUI 300m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2002 Oriana Scheuss 589 EC Suisse, Thun, SUI Junioren 300m Gewehr 3x20 2016 Christoph Dürr 577 SM Thun, SUI 50m Gewehr liegend 2015 Manuel Lüscher 626.2 SM Thun, SUI 50m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2011 Jan Lochbihler 1166 Schwadernau, SUI 50m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2011 Jan Lochbihler 1264.6 Schwadernau, SUI 50m Gewehr liegend 2010 Jan Lochbihler 703.0 Junioren IWK, Suhl, GER 50m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2009 Pascal Loretan 1166 Junioren IWK, Suhl, GER 50m Gewehr liegend 2009 Jan Lochbihler 599 Alpencup München, GER 03/2018 Juniorinnen 50m Gewehr 3x40 2018 Franziska Stark 1170 ISSF Junior WC Suhl, GER 50m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2004 Andrea Brühlmann 584 Junioren IWK, Suhl, GER 50m Gewehr 3 Stellungen 2004 Andrea Brühlmann 680.6 SM, Thun, SUI Schweizerrekorde SSV 300m Standardgewehr (2x30) Senioren 2011 Kurt Maag 590 SM, Thun, SUI 300m Standardgewehr (3x20) Nachwuchs 2010 Marion Breitenmoser 576 SM, Thun, SUI 300m Standardgewehr (2x30) Männer 2004 Pierre-Alain Dufaux 592 SM, Thun, SUI Schweizerrekorde CISM 300m Standardgewehr (3x20) 2008 Marcel Bürge 589 CISM-WM, Boden, SWE 03/2018 Worldcup Delhi 2019 Silver medalist Jonghyun Kim KOR 50m 3x40 freerifle Silver medalist Mengyao Shi CHN 50m 3x40 sportingrifle Bronce medalist Yelizaveta Korol KAZ 50m 3x40 sportingrifle Worldcup Beijing 2019 Bronce medalist Zhonghao Zhao CHN 50m 3x40 freerifle Silver medalist Sang Hee Bae KOR 50m 3x40 sportingrifle Worldcup Munich 2019 Gold medalist Zhonghao Zhao CHN 50m 3x40 freerifle Silver medalist Jonghyun Kim KOR 50m 3x40 freerifle Bronce medalist Zicheng Hui CHN 50m 3x40 freerifle Gold medalist Yulia Zykova RUS 50m 3x40 freerifle Bronce medalist Katrine Lund NOR 50m 3x40 freerifle Worldcup Rio de Janeiro 2019 Silver medalist Sanjeev Rajput IND 50m 3x40 freerifle Bronce medalist Changhong Zhang CHN 50m 3x40 freerifle Silver medalist Jehee Kim KOR 50m 3x40 sportingrifle Asian Shooting Championship Doha, Qatar 2019 Gold medalist Jonghyun Kim KOR 50m 3x40 freerifle Silver medalist Zhonghao Zhao CHN 50m 3x40 freerifle Gold medalist Mengyao Shi CHN 50m 3x40 sportingrifle Silver medalist Yesugen Oyunbat MGL 50m 3x40 sportingrifle European championship 2019 Gold medalist Petr Nymbursky CZE 50m 3x40 freerifle Gold medalist Yulia Zykova RUS 50m 3x40 sportingrifle Gold medalist Valentina Caluori SUI 50m prone sportingrifle Silver medalist Maria Martynova BLR 50m 3x40 sportingrifle Silver medalist Denis Kryzs

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