FACT SHEET ׀ Vehicle Services Safety and Regulation Division KateenaKateena Street, Regency Park, PO Box 1 Walkerville SA 5081 Phone: 1300 882 248 Facsimile: 8348 9533 PASSENGER CAR TRACK LIST FOR 1970 AND LATER VEHICLES Section 26 of the South Australian Road Traffic (Miscellaneous) Regulations 1999, states that the wheel track of the front and rear wheels cannot be increased by more than 26mm beyond the maximum specified by the vehicle manufacturer. The vehicle details in this Fact Sheet specify the maximum allowable wheel track for each vehicle including the 26mm tolerance allowed under the Regulations. DETERMINATION OF WHEEL TRACK Wheel track is the distance measured across an axle from the centre line of one tyre tread to the centre line of the opposite tyre tread. When Aftermarket wheels are fitted to passenger STEERING WHEELS The fitting of wheels to a vehicle with a cars, or their derivatives, manufactured on or different offset will alter the wheel track. An after the 1st July 1985, the rims must be marked All passenger cars and passenger car increase in wheel track, will result in additional with the following information; derivatives manufactured on or after the load on the wheel bearings, axles, steering and 1st January 1971 are required to comply with suspension components, as well as changing 1. Rim offset. e.g. 10P = 10mm Positive. Australian Design Rule 10 - Steering Columns. the steering geometry of the vehicle. This 2. Rim dimensions. e.g. 7JJ X 14 = 7 inch width, Vehicles that are required to comply with ADR 10 could seriously affect the safety of the vehicle. 14-inch diameter. may be fitted with the standard steering wheel, a manufacturer’s optional steering wheel for that 3. Name of rim manufacturer and the standard to particular make and model or an approved RIM OFFSET which it was manufactured. aftermarket wheel. Offset is the distance between the rim SUSPENSION CLEARANCE mounting face and the centre line of the rim. The diameter of the steering wheel is measured This distance is termed positive when the Under Section 25 of the Road Traffic from the outside of the rim on one side across to mounting face is outboard of the rim centre (Miscellaneous) Regulations 1999, the available the corresponding point on the opposite side of line. i.e. original equipment rims. When the suspension travel of a vehicle must not be the rim. In the case of a non-circular wheel the mounting face is inboard of the rim centre line, reduced by more than one third. The measurement is taken at the widest point. this is termed a negative offset i.e. deep-dish specifications included in this list are the Steering wheels with an outside diameter of less rims. minimum allowable. than 330mm are not permitted. A DECREASE IN RIM OFFSET (i.e. DETERMINATION OF BUMP RUBBER For further information regarding the acceptability negative) WILL RESULT IN A CLEARANCE of an aftermarket steering wheel please contact Vehicle Standards on 1300 882 248. INCREASE IN WHEEL TRACK The suspension bump clearance is the distance between the bump rubber, which is usually MAXIMUM TOWING WEIGHT mounted on the lower control arm or above the upper control arm, and the corresponding This list includes the maximum braked and un- contact point. The clearance must be measured braked weight that can be towed by that vehicle, with the vehicle on level ground, in its normal according to the vehicle manufactures operating but unladen state. specifications. This includes the weight of the trailer, or vehicle, being towed and any load DETERMINATION OF VEHICLE EYEBROW being carried in it. HEIGHT It should be noted that some manufacturers Vehicle bump clearance specifications as stipulate speed restrictions and towing designated with the symbol (E) signifies the equipment or towing packs required for the vehicles minimum eyebrow height. This distance vehicle to be able allow the maximum weight is measured from the centre of the wheel specified. This information is generally available vertically upward to the edge of the vehicles in the Owners Manual or available from the mudguard, with the vehicle in it's normal vehicle manufacturer. operating but unladen condition. October 2020 PASSENGER CAR WHEEL TRACK LIST – 1970 AND LATER VEHICLES DEPARTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT PLEASE NOTE!!! TRUE FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (4x4) VEHICLE DETAILS ARE NOW TO BE FOUND IN THE FACT SHEET ‘FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES 1970 AND LATER’ Jan 2021 PASSENGER CAR WHEEL TRACK LIST – 1970 AND LATER VEHICLES Page 1 of 317 <KN#3870789> DEPARTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT ALFA ROMEO MODEL MAXIMUM MIN BUMP MAX TOWING MAX TOWING LARGEST TRACK CLEARANCE/ WEIGHT UN- WEIGHT BRAKED AVAILABLE EYEBROW HEIGHT BRAKED ORIGINAL (E) WHEEL SIZE Ti 1.3 & 1.6 F 1335 Apr 68-71 R 1295 N/A - - 1750 Spider F 1350 68-70 R 1300 N/A - - 2000 Spider F 1335 71-76 R 1295 N/A - - 1750 F 1345 67-72 R 1295 N/A - - 2000 72-76 “ N/A - - GT Junior 1.3 & 1.6 F 1350 72-74 R 1300 N/A - - ALFASUD Ti 1.2 F 1410 N/A - - Apr 74 - 78 R 1377 Ti 1.5 F 1423 N/A - - Jul 79 - 82 R 1390 Super Sedan F 1418 N/A - - Feb 82 - 83 R 1385 ALFETTA GTV & L - 2.0 F 1386 N/A - - 77 - 80 R 1375 1.8 N/A - - Apr 74 - Nov 78 “ 2.0 F 1392 N/A - - Mar 78 - 82 R 1392 2.0L & L F 1386 30 - - Dec 82 - 84 R 1384 56 GT F 1386 N/A - - 75 - 76 R 1376 N F 1410 N/A - - 74 - 76 R 1377 Jan 2021 PASSENGER CAR WHEEL TRACK LIST – 1970 AND LATER VEHICLES Page 2 of 317 <KN#3870789> DEPARTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT ALFA ROMEO MODEL MAXIMUM MIN BUMP MAX TOWING MAX TOWING LARGEST TRACK CLEARANCE/ WEIGHT UN- WEIGHT BRAKED AVAILABLE EYEBROW HEIGHT BRAKED ORIGINAL (E) WHEEL SIZE BRERA F 1619 380(E) Coupe 4cyl (48) 500kg 1450kg R 1601 365(E) Feb 2006 - Coupe 6 cyl (48) F 1605 362(E) May 2006 - R 1585 347(E) “ 1500kg Coupe 5cyl Dsl (48) 370(E) May 2006 - “ 355(E) “ “ Coupe & Cnvtbl V6 (51) 362(E) May 2006 - “ 347(E) “ “ Coupe & Cnvtbl F 1619 359(E) “ 1450kg 4 cyl (59) R 1601 342(E) May 2006 - Coupe & Cnvtbl F 1605 359(E) “ 1500kg 5 & 6 cyl (59) R 1585 338(E) May 2006 - GIULIETTA F 1386 Apr 80 - 83 N/A - - R 1384 1.4 & 2.0 Models F 1580 377(E) 1300kg 500kg 18” Nov 2010 – R 1580 363(E) 2.0L 600kg (CPA 42205) 1.8 TB GDI 362(E) “ “ 1300kg 18” Nov 2010 – 352(E) (CPA 42205) GT F 1570 393(E) 400kg 1300kg 2.0 R 1558 399(E) Jun 2004 - 3.0 F 1570 365(E) “ 1400kg Jun 2004 - R 1596 370(E) GTV F 1371 N/A - - 72-76 R 1321 2000 F 1412 N/A - - Mar 77 - Jun 81 R 1410 F 1390 Jul 81- Jun 83 N/A - - - R 1384 F 1399 Jul 83 - N/A - - - R 1378 2000 F 1525 364(E) - - - Aug 99 – Dec 2000 R 1532 392(E) Jan 2021 PASSENGER CAR WHEEL TRACK LIST – 1970 AND LATER VEHICLES Page 3 of 317 <KN#3870789> DEPARTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT ALFA ROMEO MODEL MAXIMUM MIN BUMP MAX TOWING MAX TOWING LARGEST CLEARANCE/ WEIGHT UN- WEIGHT AVAILABLE TRACK EYEBROW HEIGHT BRAKED BRAKED ORIGINAL (E) WHEEL SIZE F 1525 365(E) GTV - 500kg 2.0 Sedan R 1532 385(E Jan 2001 – Jul 03 385(E) Aug 03 - “ 405(E) - “ 2.0 Cnvtbl F 1525 365(E) - - Nov 99 – Dec 2000 R 1532 385(E) 340(E) Jan 2001 - “ 360(E) 0kg 0kg Medio F 1515 Jan 2001 - R 1522 “ “ “ GTV 6 F 1399 N/A - - March 83 - R 1378 3.0 V6 F 1534 364(E) - - Aug 99 – Dec 2000 R 1556 392(E) 365(E) 500kg 900kg Jan 2001 – Jul 03 “ 385(E) 3.2 V6 1000kg Aug 2003 - “ “ “ 33 Series F 1418 318(E) - - May 84 - R 1401 318(E) 4WD F 1423 335(E) Mar 85 - R 1401 350(E) - - 16V F 1392 305(E) - - Aug 90 - R 1411 305(E) 16V S AWD 295(E) Aug 90 - “ 335(E) - - 75 Series F 1399 310(E) 2.0, 3.0, & V6 - - R 1388 335(E) Nov 86 - F 1392 345(E) 90 Series - - Jun 85 - R 1384 315(E) Jan 2021 PASSENGER CAR WHEEL TRACK LIST – 1970 AND LATER VEHICLES Page 4 of 317 <KN#3870789> DEPARTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT ALFA ROMEO MODEL MAXIMUM MIN BUMP MAX TOWING MAX TOWING LARGEST TRACK CLEARANCE/ WEIGHT WEIGHT AVAILABLE EYEBROW HEIGHT UN-BRAKED BRAKED ORIGINAL (E) WHEEL SIZE 147 Series F 1542 365(E) 1.6 Sedan 400kg 1300kg R 1530 367(E) May 2001 – May 2004 2.0 Sedan (40) F 1538 May 2001 – May 2004 R 1535 “ “ “ 1.6 3 & 5 Dr F 1542 372(E) “ “ Jun 2004 - R 1530 384(E) F 1538 380(E) “ “ Jun 2004 – Nov 2005 R 1535 386(E) F 1542 373(E) “ “ Dec 2005 – May 2008 R 1535 386(E) F 1538 380(E) “ “ Jun 2008 - R 1535 386(E) Dsl (52) F 1542 381(E) “ “ Jun 2008 - R 1535 388(E) GTA F 1554 360(E) 0kg 0kg Jun 2004 - R 1551 365(E) 156 Series F 1537 355(E) Sedan inc 2.5 V6 500kg 1400kg R 1524 350(E) Jan 99 – Sep 2001 350(E) Oct 2001 - “ 350(E) “ “ 2.0 F 1539 384(E) “ 1300kg Apr 2004 - R 1526 389(E) 2.5 V6 370(E) “ “ 1400kg Apr 2004 - 375(E) 3.2 V6 GTA F 1548 360(E) “ “ Apr 2004 - R 1535 365(E) S/Wagon 2.5 V6 F 1537 355(E) 500kg 1400kg Jan 99 - R 1524 350(E) 2.0 & 2.5V6 F 1539 382(E) 1400kg “ Apr 2004 - R 1526 362(E) 2.0 1300kg 3.2 V6 GTA F 1548 360(E) “ 1400kg Apr 2004 - R 1535 365(E) Jan 2021 PASSENGER CAR WHEEL TRACK LIST – 1970 AND LATER VEHICLES Page 5 of 317 <KN#3870789> DEPARTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT ALFA ROMEO MODEL MAXIMUM MIN BUMP MAX TOWING MAX TOWING LARGEST TRACK CLEARANCE/ WEIGHT UN- WEIGHT BRAKED AVAILABLE EYEBROW HEIGHT BRAKED ORIGINAL (E) WHEEL SIZE 159 Series F 1619 385(E) Sedan 4cyl Ptrl & Dsl 500kg 1500kg R 1601 371(E) Mar 2006 –Sep 2006 Sedan 4 cyl (53) F 1619 359(E) “ “ Oct 2006 - R 1601 348(E) 5cyl & V6 (49) F 1605 378(E) 1500kg “ Mar 2006 – Sep 2006 R 1585 366(E) V6 1700kg 5 & 6 cyl (54) 359(E) Jul 2007 – Jan 2008 “ 348(E) “ 1700kg V6 (53) Oct 2006 - “ “ “ “ 6 cyl Petrol (58) 362(E) “ “ “ Feb 2008 - 344(E) S/Wagon F 1619 385(E) 4 cyl Ptrl & Dsl(50) “ 1500kg Mar 2006 –Sep 2006 R 1585 371(E) 5 cyl & V6 (50) F 1605 378(E) 1500kg “ Mar 2006 – Sep 2006 R 1585 366(E) V6 1800kg 4 cyl
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