Commission Chair Alameda County Transportation Commission Mark Green, Mayor – Union City meeting as a committee of the whole as the Commission Vice Chair Scott Haggerty, Supervisor – District 1 PLANNING, POLICY AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AC Transit Greg Harper, Director MEETING NOTICE Alameda County Monday, May 9, 2011, 11:00 A.M. Supervisors 1333 Broadway, Suite 300, Oakland, California 94612 Nadia Lockyer – District 2 Wilma Chan – District 3 (see map on last page of agenda) Nate Miley – District 4 Keith Carson – District 5 Chair: Director Greg Harper Vice Chair: Councilmember Olden Henson BART Thomas Blalock, Director Members: Mayor Mark Green Supervisor Scott Haggerty Supervisor Keith Carson Mayor Jennefir Hosterman City of Alameda Mayor Marshall Kamena Councilmember Joyce Starosciak Rob Bonta, Vice Mayor Staff Liaisons: Beth Walukas Tess Lengyel City of Albany Executive Director: Arthur L. Dao Farid Javandel, Mayor Clerk of the Commission: Gladys V. Parmelee City of Berkeley Laurie Capitelli, Councilmember AGENDA City of Dublin Copies of Individual Agenda Items are Available on the: Tim Sbranti, Mayor Alameda CTC Website -- www.AlamedaCTC.org City of Emeryville Ruth Atkin, Councilmember 1 Pledge of Allegiance City of Fremont Suzanne Chan, Vice Mayor 2 Public Comment City of Hayward Members of the public may address the Committee during “Public Comment” on Olden Henson, Councilmember any item not on the agenda. Public comment on an agenda item will be heard City of Livermore when that item is before the Committee. Only matters within the Committee’s Marshall Kamena, Mayor jurisdictions may be addressed. Anyone wishing to comment should make their City of Newark desire known by filling out a speaker card and handling it to the Clerk of the Luis Freitas, Vice Mayor Commission. Please wait until the Chair calls your name. Walk to the City of Oakland microphone when called; give your name, and your comments. Please be brief and Councilmembers limit comments to the specific subject under discussion. Please limit your Larry Reid comment to three minutes. Rebecca Kaplan City of Piedmont 3 Consent Calendar John Chiang, Vice Mayor 3A. Minutes of April 11, 2011 – page 1 A City of Pleasanton Jennifer Hosterman, Mayor 3B. Summary of the Alameda CTC’s Review and Comments on City of San Leandro Environmental Documents and General Plan Amendments Joyce R. Starosciak, Councilmember prepared by Local Jurisdictions – page 5 A Executive Director Arthur L. Dao Alameda County Transportation Commission PPLC Meeting Agenda, May 9, 2011 Page 2 of 2 4 Planning 4A. Approval of Guaranteed Ride Home Program Annual Evaluation - page 7 A 4B. Approval of Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP)/Transportation Expenditure Plan Project and Program Submittal List – page 37 A 4C. Review of Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS)/Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP)/Transportation Expenditure Plan Information – page 91 I 4D. 2011 Congestion Management Program (CMP) Update: I 4D1 Presentation on Community Design and Transportation (CDT) program by Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority – page 103 4D2 Presentation on Automobile Trip Generated (ATG) measure for assessing transportation impacts by San Francisco County Transportation Authority – page 113 5 Legislation and Policy 5A. Legislative Program Update – Approval of Legislative Positions – page 123 A 6 Staff and Committee Member Reports 7 Adjournment/Next Meeting: June 13, 2011 Key: A – Action Item; I – Information Item; D – Discussion Item * – Material will be available at the meeting (#) All items on the agenda are subject to action and/or change by the Committee. PLEASE DO NOT WEAR SCENTED PRODUCTS SO INDIVIDULAS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITIES MAY ATTEND Glossary of Acronyms MTC Metropolitan Transportation Commission ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments ACCMA Alameda County Congestion Management MTS Metropolitan Transportation System Agency NEPA National Environmental Policy Act ACE Altamont Commuter Express NOP Notice of Preparation ACTA Alameda County Transportation Authority (1986 Measure B authority) PCI Pavement Condition Index ACTAC Alameda County Technical Advisory PSR Project Study Report Committee RM 2 Regional Measure 2 (Bridge toll) ACTC Alameda County Transportation RTIP Regional Transportation Improvement Commission Program ACTIA Alameda County Transportation RTP Regional Transportation Plan (MTC’s Improvement Authority (2000 Measure B Transportation 2035) authority) SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Transportation Equity Act BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District SCS Sustainable Community Strategy BART Bay Area Rapid Transit District SR State Route BRT Bus Rapid Transit SRS Safe Routes to Schools Caltrans California Department of Transportation STA State Transit Assistance CEQA California Environmental Quality Act STIP State Transportation Improvement Program CIP Capital Investment Program STP Federal Surface Transportation Program CMAQ Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air TCM Transportation Control Measures Quality TCRP Transportation Congestion Relief Program CMP Congestion Management Program TDA Transportation Development Act CTC California Transportation Commission TDM Travel-Demand Management CWTP Countywide Transportation Plan TEP Transportation Expenditure Plan EIR Environmental Impact Report TFCA Transportation Fund for Clean Air FHWA Federal Highway Administration TIP Federal Transportation Improvement FTA Federal Transit Administration Program GHG Greenhouse Gas TLC Transportation for Livable Communities HOT High occupancy toll TMP Traffic Management Plan HOV High occupancy vehicle TMS Transportation Management System ITIP State Interregional Transportation TOD Transit-Oriented Development Improvement Program TOS Transportation Operations Systems LATIP Local Area Transportation Improvement Program TVTC Tri Valley Transportation Committee LAVTA Livermore-Amador Valley Transportation VHD Vehicle Hours of Delay Authority VMT Vehicle miles traveled LOS Level of service Directions to the Offices of the Alameda County Transportation Commission: 1333 Broadway, Suite 220 Oakland, CA 94612 Public Transportation Access: BART: City Center / 12th Street Station AC Transit: Lines 1,1R, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 40, 51, 63, 72, 72M, 72R, 314, 800, 801, 802, 805, 840 Auto Access: • Traveling South: Take 11th Street exit from I‐980 to 11th Street • Traveling North: Take 11th Street/Convention Center Alameda County th Transportation Commission Exit from I‐980 to 11 1333 Broadway, Suite 220 Street Oakland, CA 94612 • Parking: City Center Garage – Underground Parking, (Parking entrances located on 11th or 14th Street) PPLC Meeting 05/09/11 Agenda Item 3A Alameda County Transportation Commission PLANNING, POLICY AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 2011 Chair Greg Harper convened the meeting at 11:18 AM. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 3A. Minutes of March 14, 2011 3B. Report on Environmental Document/General Plan Amendments Reviewed A motion to approve the consent calendar was made by Supervisor Haggerty; a second was made by Councilmember Henson. The motion passed 6-0. 4. PLANNING 4A Approval of 2011 CMP Update: Recommendations for the CMP Level of Service Standards Regarding Roadway Network and Multimodal Level of Service Saravana Suthanthira requested input on two options for revising and re-evaluating the threshold for including roadways as principal arterials on the CMA network and a process for using multi-modal level of service standards for CMP purposes. She said that based on ACTAC and PPLC inputs, staff will revise Chapters 2 and 6. The two options are: (1) Option 1: Re-evaluate and revise as appropriate the original 30,000 average daily traffic threshold criteria for selecting principal arterials on the CMP network and apply new criteria to identify new roadways; (2) Option 2: Develop a set of qualitative criteria to identify new roadways to be included and surveyed. Roadways identified using the qualitative criteria would be monitored for informational purposes only and would not be used in the conformity findings process. The qualitative criteria policy would be reviewed periodically. After some discussions, a motion to recommend that the Commission approve Option 2 and a process for using multi-modal level of service standards for CMP purposes was made by Councilmember Henson; a second was made by Mayor Kamena. The motion passed 7 – Aye; 1 - Nay (Mayor Green). 4B Review of Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS)/Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP)/Transportation Expenditure Plan Information Beth Walukas stated that project/program applications are due to Alameda CTC on April 12, 2011. These will be screened and a preliminary list of CWTP projects and programs will be developed. Then a draft list of projects and programs recommended for inclusion in the RTP will be developed and will be submitted to MTC by April 29, 2011. Both the CWTP and RTP draft lists will be presented to Alameda CTC committees in May culminating in a public hearing at the May 26, 2011 CWTP-TEP Page 1 Page 3 Page 4 PPLC Meeting 05/09/11 Agenda Item 3B Memorandum DATE: April 26, 2011 TO: Planning, Policy and Legislation Committee (PPLC) FROM: Laurel Poeton, Assistant Transportation Planner SUBJECT: Summary of the Alameda CTC’s Review and Comments on Environmental
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