Shohei Juku Aikido Canada Monthly Newsletter September, 2009. Number 57 If a Man Will Not Work He Shall Not Eat. The summer holiday is almost over. This is probably the time the children are not looking forward to. I remember when I was an elementary school student trying to finish my summer homework in the last minutes and telling myself if only I had done this everyday, the last part of my summer holiday would have been much more enjoyable. But playing with my friends was more important than doing homework. It’s too late for regrets! One day my husband, who normally doesn’t take much holiday, said “I took time off for 2 weeks”. I didn’t know if I heard him right so I said “What did you say? Did you say you took some time off?”. When he replied “I am off from tomorrow”, I got happy thinking we could take a family trip but then he said “Before the fall let’s all clean the yard! Let’s do a big summer clean up!”. From that day on, the last part of my summer time was spent cleaning the yard with my husband. I knew he would give me a lot of work to do. I suppose he doesn’t look at me as someone weak so I ended up doing a lot of heavy labour cutting the over grown trees and branches and weeding. I was not happy so I complained to him “Why do I have to do such hard physical labour? It’s not fair!”. He quietly replied in one word…”It’s good for you!”. I kept cleaning but I got tired towards the end so I said to him “I am going to stop now…” but his reply was “I am not going to touch what you started. You have to finish it”. I was upset and frustrated but I finished what I started. But I enjoyed our dinner on the last day of our cleaning while looking over our nice looking yard! There is a Japanese proverb “If a man will not work he shall not eat”. It means if you don’t work you can’t eat. It tells us the importance of working and not to be lazy. If you keep working one day you will be rewarded whether that’s with money or goods. While cleaning the yard I appreciated water after being thirsty, delicious food after being hungry, and the peace and calmness within my heart that comes when I look at my clean yard. I earned all these by working. Perhaps working proves that we are alive. Tamami Nakashimada P.S. “If a man will not work he shall not eat” – it would be nice if this quote was used in the current primary school education. ””働かざるもの食うべからず 夏休みも、もう終わりに近づいてきました。子供たちが一番イヤーに思うときだと思います。小学生の頃、 学校から出された夏休みの宿題、毎日きちんとやっていれば、こんなにあせらず、あわてず、夏休みの最後 をもっと楽しく過ごせたのに。。。なんて毎年思ったのですが、子供の頃はやっぱり、宿題は後回し、友達 とせっせと遊ぶ事の方が何よりも先でした。”” 後悔先に立たず です! なかなか休みを取らない主人が、ある日突然、” 俺、2週間の休みを取ったから。。。 ” と言いました。なん か聞き間違えたのかな???と思い、””” 今なんて言った?休みを取ったって言った? と聞き返し、 明日か らとったよ。” 主人の返事を確認した私は、これで今年の夏こそは家族旅行が出来る、と喜んだのもつかの 間、”” 秋が来る前に、皆で庭の掃除をしよう!夏の大掃除をしよう! と言う事になりました。。。 それからです。私の夏の最後は毎日が庭の掃除、それも主人と一緒。こき使われるのは分っていたのです が、やっぱり彼は私をか弱い女と思っていないのか、汗だくだくで、伸びすぎた樹を切り、枝を切り、雑草 を取りと、力仕事ばかりさせられました。ちょっとむすっとなり、私はついに彼に抗議、” どうして私がこ んな力仕事しないといけないの?不公平だよ!” 主人は静かに、それも簡単に。。。”It's good for you!”(君に はとってもいいことだよ!) それで終わり。私は黙々とそれも必死に掃除に集中したのですが、最後の方 は疲れてきたので、””” もうここで終わるから。。。 と主人に言いましたが、彼からの返答は。。 君が始め たから、僕は手をつけないよ!君が最後までしないといけないよ!” それを聞いて、悔しくて悔しくて、最 後までやり遂げた私です。そして庭仕事の最後の日、すっきりときれいになった庭を眺めながら、食べた夕 食の美味しかった事!! 日本の諺で”” 働かざるもの食うべからず と言う諺があります。その意味は、働かないものは食べる事が出来 ないと言う事だと思います。身体を使って働く事の大切さ、怠けていてはいけませんよ!と言っているのだ と思います。働けばいつかきっと自分に報酬が入ってくる、それがお金だったり、品物だったり。私はこの 何日間の庭仕事を通して、のどが渇いたときに飲んだ水の美味しさ、お腹がすいて食べたときのご飯の美味 しさ、きれいになった庭を眺めて得られた心の落ち着き、それら全て、働いて得たものだと実感していま す。働くと言う事は生きている事の証明ではないでしょうか? 中嶋田玉美 追伸:”” 働かざるもの食うべからず 今の学童教育に引用してもらいたい諺です。 Shohei Juku Dayori (September 2009) Representative Mr. Toshihiro Horiuchi) held its seminar and testing at Budokan in Himeji-city. On Summer Intensive Training Sunday Aug 31st Kobe Shoheijuku (Representative The morning and evening winds are starting to Mr. Masami Kawabata) also had its seminar and suggest a touch of autumn in the air. The 10 day testing at Kakehashi Centre in Tarumiku. There summer intensive training took place in various were many participants from Uji Shoheijuku, Shoheijuku dojos and ended on Aug 12th. For the Okayama Shomonkai, Yokohama Shomonkai, gift to those who had perfect attendance, I wrote Izumiotsu dojo and Aikido club Kakogawa. I “Value each day. Enjoy each day” with a picture of would like to apologize for not being able to train daruma. There is a saying “A day is an epitome of well for 2 days because of my back pain. Mr. life”. We want to appreciate and enjoy each and Yutaka Gotsu was a great help for these 2 days. every day that is given to us. The number of people Thank you. Now is the time when the seasons are with perfect attendance are as follows: 4 members changing. Please take good care of yourself. from Main dojo, 6 members from Ijiri, 8 from Takasago, 9 from Fukuoka, 1 from Gokoku, 7 from Sad News: Mr. Kyusuke Tsukuda, the former head Tenjin, 11 from Fujisaki, 11 from Oonojou and 7 instructor of Hitoyoshi dojo, passed away on from Chikushino. For Mr. Yosuke Jozaki, this will August 21st. He was 90 years old. My deepest be his 31st time. condolences to his family and may god rest his soul in peace. Harima Shoheijuku, Kobe Shoheijuku On Saturday Aug 29th Harima Shoheijuku (Main Morito Suganuma 祥平塾だより(平成 21 年 9 月) 日本の言葉に、人の振り見て我が振りなおせと いうのがあります。ほかの人の良いところ、悪 暑中稽古実施 いところをみて自分を改めるという意味です 朝夕の風にもどことなく秋の気配が感じられる が、最近、ある人があ まりにも怠け者で、自分 頃となりました。祥平塾各道場では八月十二日 の大事な事なのに後回し、おまけに最後まで知 に終わる日程で十日間の暑中稽古を行いました。 らぬ振りをしていたために後でとんでもないこ 今年の皆勤記念には達磨絵に”一日を惜しめ一日 とになり、周りに迷惑をかけて、お金もた くさ を楽しめ”と書きました。”一日は一生の縮図な ん使う羽目になったのを見て、つくづくとこの り”という言葉もありますが、与えられた今日一 言葉を思い出しました。お稽古もそうだと思う 日を大切にして楽しく生きていければと思って のですが、誰のためにめんどくさいことをする おります。各道場の皆勤者数は次の通りです。 のか?誰のため でも無く、自分のためなんです 本部四名、井尻六名、高砂八名、福岡九名、護 よね。人間ですから時々、あ~めんどくさい、 国一名、天神七名、藤崎十一名、大野城十一名、 後でと思うことはありますが周りを巻き込んで 筑紫野七名。城崎陽佐氏は三十一年間連続皆勤 まではいけませんよね。まだまだ勉強せんとあ です。 かんな~と思う今日この頃です。 播磨祥平塾、神戸祥平塾 偲 八 月二十九日(土)播磨祥平塾(堀内利宏氏代表) の講習会と審査が、翌三十一日(日)は神戸祥平塾 Tama-sensei, (川端政美氏代表)の講習会と審査がそれぞれ姫路 市の県立 武道館と垂水区のかけはしセンターに Hope you are doing well. Ten days have passed て行われました。講習会には宇治祥平塾、岡山 since I went back to Japan. It’s still early for me to 祥門会、横浜祥門会、泉大津道場、合気道同好 move onto the next thing as I am still enjoying my 会加古川からも参加。今回私 は腰を痛めてしま time in Vancouver. It’s very hot in Japan even in い二日間満足な稽古も出来ず皆さんに余計な心 the shade so I am not going outside as much. From 配をかけてしまい大変失礼しました。二日間五 this morning I started jogging. I went jogging in 通豊君に同行していただき助かりました。季節 Noma Oike Park but it was little annoying to see の 変わり目、皆様も体調管理には充分留意され the sunflowers around the park cutting off the ますよう。 wind. I think the best is a wild boar course in Kashima. I miss the green colour of rice plants. I 訃報 am planning to start Aikido from September and I 去る八月二十一日、前人吉支部長佃恭助先生が do Aikido stretches when I get up in the morning. 逝去されました。(九十歳)ご冥福をお祈り申し上 Please send my best regard to Aikido members. げます。 Take care. 菅沼守人 Haruko Tasaki Messages From Members 玉先生、 There is a Japanese proverb: One man’s fault is お元気のことと思います。帰国して10日にな another’s lesson. It means to improve yourself after りました。次に何かを始めるには、まだ早いよ seeing other’s good and bad behavior. Recently I うで、バンクーバーの余韻を楽しんでいます。 saw this very lazy person put important things こちらは、日影でも暑く外出は控えています。 aside and leave them so late. Because of this that 今朝からジョギングを始めました。野間大池公 person caused trouble for others and also ended up 園へ行ったのですが、公園のまわりに・ひまわ spending a lot of money. Then I remembered this りを植えてあり、走っていると、そのひまわり phrase. This applies to our practice too. Who are が風をさえぎり、うっとぅしく感じました。淲 we practicing for? It’s not for others but for やっぱり鹿島のイノシシコースが一番ですね。 ourselves. All of us procrastinate once in a while 稲の緑色が恋しいです。 合気道は、9月から始 but we shouldn’t wait until it affects others. I still めようと思います。朝、起きた時は、合気道の have a lot more to learn. ストレッチをやっています。合気道のみなさん によろしくお伝えください。では、お元気で。 Shinobu 田崎春子 Messages From Members suggesting something” and it may be so. You have a strong and healthy image in everybody’s mind Tama-sensei, but please take care of yourself. I am not the right person to talk but please take care. You are very How are you? I am visiting my parent’s place in important to everyone and your family. Kumamoto. Two weeks has already gone by since I moved from Fukuoka. It’s August yet the rainy This morning my parents handed me an envelope season isn’t over. The weather has been great for and said “Just in case you need it one day. Spend it the past few days but then it’s hard to tell. (As I for yourself because we won’t be able to do much write this mail, I hear the news about the end of the once you are there”. I had so many words to tell rainy season in the Kumamoto area). them but I could only say “Thank you…”. While I was staying at my parent’s place, they said many Thank you for always sending the newsletter and times “Eat this because it may be your last time” card. I read them over and over again and as you “Let’s go because it may be your last time” “It may can imagine I get emotional reading them… Thank be your last time”. But today I really realized that you. I was planning to write a letter to you this “I am going far away from them”, “I am getting time. I should have more time now but with many married”, and “I won’t be able to see them for a visitations and invitations I can’t seem to find while”. time…so here I am writing e-mail again. But I also know that I am not much of a letter writer. And now, from my yard I see this beautiful sunset in the red-orange-pink colour, just like the ball of After spending 2 weeks at my parents house, I truly fire at the tip of the sparkler.
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