23 Nyctalus (N.F.), Berlin 19 (2018), Heft 1, S. 23-27 New records of Northern bats ( Eptesicus nilssonii ) in boreal clear cuts emphasize the value of green-tree retention for conservation 1HXH1DFKZHLVHGHU1RUGÁHGHUPDXV Eptesicus nilssonii ) unterstreichen den Erhalt von Einzelbäumen auf borealen Kahlschlägen Von SIMON T HORN , Rauhenebrach, SEBASTIAN S EIBOLD , Freising, OSMO HEIKKALA , MATTI KOIVULA , PARVATHY VENUGOPAL , JARI KOUKI (alle Joensuu) Abstract ,QFUHDVLQJ PDQDJHPHQW LQWHQVLÀFDWLRQ RI IRUHVWV ZRUOGZL - et al. 2005). For example, increasingly intensive de has decreased biodiversity across multiple taxonomical forest management has altered forest biodiversity groups. To limit these losses conservationists promote green- across multiple taxonomical groups ( PAILLET et al. WUHHUHWHQWLRQLQFRPELQDWLRQZLWKSUHVFULEHGÀUHVLQERUHDO forests. We evaluated the potential value of retention trees on 2010). To limit these losses various retention ap- prescribed-burned clear cuttings for bats, an important target proaches have been proposed ( LINDENMAYER et al. WD[RQLQQDWXUHFRQVHUYDWLRQ%HQHDWKORRVHEDUNRIÀUHNLOOHG 2012). In case of boreal forests across the north ern retention trees we found two adult male individuals of Epte- sicus nilssonii roosting in less than two meters’ height. This hemisphere retention approaches are increasing- ÀQGLQJXQGHUOLQHVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWUHHUHWHQWLRQRQFOHDU O\FRPPRQO\FRPELQHGZLWKSUHVFULEHGÀUHRI cuttings for nature conservation in boreal forests. varying severity to mimic natural-disturbance dynamics ( GRANSTRÖM 2001; RYAN et al. 2013). Keywords 6XFKDFRPELQDWLRQ\LHOGVVLJQLÀFDQWLPSDFWLQ conservation of rare saproxylic beetles ( HYVÄ - conservation, forest management, Eptesicus nilssonii , pre- VFULEHGÀUHV)LQODQG RINEN et al. 2006), birds and small mammals (FONTAINE & KENNEDY 2012). Hence, variable Zusammenfassung retention has become a common conservation measure at clear cuts in Fennoscandia since the Durch eine Intensivierung der Waldbewirtschaftung sind die mid-1990’s ( GUSTAFSSON et al. 2010). Concurrent unterschiedlichsten taxonomischen Gruppen weltweit ge- fährdet. Um die negativen Effekte der Waldbewirtschaftung with the development of different retention ap- zu limitieren, treiben Naturschützer den Erhalt von Einzel- proaches forest-dwelling bats have become im- bäumen, sogenannten „Retention-Trees“, in Kahlschlägen, portant conservation targets ( JONES et al. 2009). sowie künstliche Feuer in borealen Wäldern, voran. In die- ser Studie haben wir stichprobenartig überprüft, ob diese 6HYHUDOVWXGLHVKDYHEHHQFRQGXFWHGRQWKHÁLJKW Retention-Trees als Quartier für Fledermäuse geeignet sind. activity of these bats through various silvicultu- In Rindenschuppen von verbrannten Bäumen konnten zwei ral treatments using ultrasonic detectors ( MIL - DGXOWH0lQQFKHQGHU1RUGÁHGHUPDXV Eptesicus nilssonii ) in LER et al. 2003). These studies have commonly weniger als 2 m Höhe gefunden werden. Diese Beobachtung untermauert die Bedeutung solcher Bäume als Naturschutz- detected differences in bat activity among vari- instrument in borealen Wäldern. ous harvesting regimes and the impacts of forest edges and fragmentation on them ( HENDERSON Schlüsselwörter et al. 2008; HOGBERG et al. 2002; MORRIS et al. 2010; PATRIQUIN & B ARCLAY 2003). Few studies Naturschutz, Forstwirtschaft, Eptesicus nilssonii , Kontrollier- have exclusively focused on prescribed burning. tes Feuer, Finland. LOEB & WALDROP (2008) reported higher bat ac- tivities in thinned than in unharvested stands of 1 Introduction hardwood forest in North America, whereas the /DQGXVHLQWHQVLÀFDWLRQKDVOHGWRDQLQFUHDVLQJ activity in thinned-and-burned and burned-only pressure on forest ecosystems worldwide ( FOLEY stands was intermediate. S. THORN HWDO1HXH1DFKZHLVHGHU1RUGÁHGHUPDXV (Eptesicus nilssonii) 25 Fig. 1: Northern bat ( Eptesicus nilssonii A URRVWLQJLQDÀUHNLOOHGUHWHQWLRQWUHH ZKLWHDUURZ DWDFOHDUFXWWLQJLQHDVW central Finland (white dot in box B). $EE1RUGÁHGHUPDXV Eptesicus nilssonii A) in einem verbrannten Baum (weißer Pfeil) auf einem Kahlschlag im öst- OLFKHQ=HQWUDOÀQQODQG ZHLHU3XQNWLQ%R[B). than in vital stands and non-salvaged bark beetle- proach to roosting sites of bats, particularly in NLOOHGSORWV7RHQDEOHEDWVWREHQHÀWIURPWKHLQ - intensively-managed forests with low amounts of creased prey abundance at cleared plots it would standing dead or dying tree s ( RUSSO et al. 2010). be necessary to provide roosts nearby foraging grounds for lessening predation rates ( BOYLES & Literature UBREY A 2XUÀQGLQJRIURRVWLQJ1RUWKHUQ BARCLAY , R. & KURTA , A. (2007): Ecology and behavior of bats, which are indeed open-habitat foragers, in bats roosting in tree cavities and under bark. 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