Dudley Schools Forum Tuesday 3rd October, 2017 at 6.00pm At Saltwells Education Development Centre, Bowling Green Road, Dudley Agenda - Public Session (Meeting open to the public and press) 1. Introductions by the Chair 2. Apologies for absence. 3. To report the appointment of any substitutes for this meeting of the Forum. 4. To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 20th June, 2017 (attached). 5. Any other matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting of the Forum held on 20th June, 2017, not included on the agenda for this meeting. 6. Childcare Sufficiency – Free early education places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds places for the 30 hours free extended entitlement (Pages 1 - 9) 7. Schools Revenue Funding (Pages 10 - 18) 8. Schools Forum Membership Update (Pages 19 - 23) 9. De-delegated Service Options: 2016/17 Outturn and 2018/19 Proposals (Pages 24 – 64) 10. Update on the former Coseley School and Site (Pages 65 – 67) 11. Pupil Growth Fund 2017/18 and 2018/19 (Pages 68 – 73) 12. Lead for Education Outcomes/Strategic Director Update (Verbal) Chief Executive Dated 25th September, 2017 Distribution: Members of Dudley Schools Forum Mrs Belcher; Ms Clatworthy; Mr Conway; Mrs Cooper; Mr Cox, Mrs Hannaway; Mr Jasper; Mr Kulyk; Mr Leyshon; Mr Lloyd; Mrs Mander, Mrs Mann; Mr Moody; Mr Mynott; Mr Nesbitt, Mr Oakley; Mr Patterson; Mr Payne; Mr Ridney; Mr Roe; Mrs Ruffles; Mrs Stowe; Mr Ward; Mrs Withers; Mrs W ylie. Non-Voting Attendees Councillor A Millward - Cabinet Member for Children’s Services; Councillor A Lees - Chair of Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee; T Oakman – Strategic Director People; S Edwards – Lead for Education Outcomes; K Cocker – Finance Manager People Services; S Coates – Senior Principal Accountant. Please note the following important information: • In the event of the alarms sounding, please leave the building by the nearest exit. There are Officers who will assist you in the event of this happening, please follow their instructions. • There is no smoking on the premises in line with national legislation. It is an offence to smoke in or on these premises. • The use of mobile devices or electronic facilities is permitted for the purposes of recording/reporting during the public session of the meeting. The use of any such devices must not disrupt the meeting – Please turn off any ringtones or set your devices to silent. • If you (or anyone you know) is attending the meeting and requires assistance to access the venue and/or its facilities, please contact the contact officer below in advance and we will do our best to help you. • Information about the Council and our meetings can be viewed on the website www.dudley.gov.uk • The Democratic Services contact officer for this meeting is Karen Taylor, Telephone 01384 818116 or E-mail [email protected] Minutes of Dudley Schools Forum Tuesday 20th June, 2017 at 6.00 pm At Halesowen College, Whittingham Road, Halesowen Present: Mrs J Belcher, Ms K Clatworthy, Mrs A Hannaway, Mr A Jasper, Mrs L Jeynes- Bate, Mr P Leyshon, Mr G Lloyd, Mr M Moody, Mr M Mynott, Mr B Oakley, Mr S Payne, Mr L Ridney, Mr B Roe, Mrs H Ruffles, Mrs M Stowe and Mrs G Withers. Officers: S Edwards – Lead for Education Outcomes (People Directorate), S Coates – Senior Principal Accountant, K Cocker – Finance Manager People Directorate and H Shepherd – Democratic Services Officer (Chief Executive’s Directorate) Also in attendance Councillor A Millward – Cabinet Member for Children’s Services; Councillor A Lees – Chair of Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee; and two observers. 1 Election of Chair for the 2017/18 municipal year Resolved That Mr L Ridney be elected as Chair of Dudley Schools Forum for the 2017/18 municipal year. 2 Appointment of Vice-Chair for the 2017/18 municipal year Resolved That Mrs R Wylie be appointed at Vice-Chair of Dudley Schools Forum for the 2017/18 municipal year. 3 Introductions by the Chair The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, in particular welcoming the new Forum Members to their first meeting and the observers that were in attendance. -1- 4 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence from the meeting were submitted on behalf of Mrs J Cooper, Mrs R Wylie, Ms P Rogers, Mrs R Mann and Mr T Oakman. 5 Appointment of Substitutes It was noted that Mr S Derham and Mrs A Mander had been appointed as a substitute member for Mrs J Cooper and Mrs P Rogers, respectively, for this meeting of the Forum only. 6 Minutes Resolved That the minutes of the Dudley Schools Forum meeting held on 21st March, 2017, be approved as a correct record and signed. 7 Matters Arising from the Minutes In referring to Minute no. 66 – Secretary of State Disapplication Request, the Senior Principal Accountant confirmed that the disapplication request submitted in relation to the closure of Coseley School and the subsequent budgetary adjustments had been approved by the Secretary of State. Use of former Pensnett School Site Vacant Buildings The Finance Manager People Directorate provided Forum Members with an update in relation to the former Pensnett School site following a request at the previous meeting. It was stated that part of the site was still currently occupied by the Pensmeadow Special School’s post 16 annexe, but that the vast majority of the site was now vacant. It was acknowledged that security at the site had been provided since its closure in 2012, but despite the preventative measures the site had recently been subjected to bouts of vandalism and arson which had resulted in the property no longer being useable and would therefore be demolished. The Forum was advised that there were no definitive plans for the site following the demolition, however there was a desire to relocate the entire Pensmeadow Pre 16 School from Ridge Hill, but it was recognised that a major rebuild of a school would require significant capital funding, which had yet to be identified. -2- Resolved That the information presented at the meeting in relation to the use of former Pensnett School site vacant buildings, be noted. 8 Centrally Retained Funding – Capital Expenditure Funded from Revenue A report of the Strategic Director People was submitted on the Centrally Retained Funding – Capital Expenditure Funded from Revenue. The Finance Manager People Directorate presented the report and in doing so referred to the discussions had at previous meetings in relation to the centrally retained budget earmarked for heavy duty catering equipment in schools. It was noted that there was a total fund of £138,000 available and the Head Teachers Consultative Forum - Budget Working Group at its meeting on 5th May, 2017, considered options as to how this budget should be allocated in the future. As a result of these discussions, a proposal had been put forward by the Head Teachers Consultative Forum - Budget Working Group for consideration to be given to allocate the full amount of funding to all categories of schools in a one- off lump sum basis. Arising from a question raised with regards to the possible impact from the disbursement of the funding, the Finance Manager People Directorate commented that the funding was of a small amount and therefore any impact, in particular if there were changes to the free school meals initiative or further meal initiatives introduced, would be inconsequential. Resolved That the information contained in the report in relation to the Centrally Retained Funding – Capital Expenditure Funded from Revenue be noted and that a one-off lump sum in 2017/18 at a value of £1280 per school from the heavy duty equipment budget, be allocated to all Dudley Schools. 9 Schools Forum Membership Update The Forum considered a report of the Strategic Director People on the Schools Forum Membership and in particular the changes that were effective from 1st May, 2017. The Senior Principal Accountant presented the reported and outlined the membership changes as a result of the recent election process. -3- Resolved That the updated position in respect of the membership of Dudley’s Schools Forum, effective from 1st May, 2017, be noted. 10 Schools National Funding Formula: Proposed Changes to Mainstream Local Funding Formula 2018/19 A report of the Strategic Director People was submitted to provide the Forum with the latest information with regards to the proposed changes to Dudley’s Local Funding Formula for mainstream schools for 2018/19. The Senior Principal Accountant presented the report, referring Members to paragraphs of specific importance. Previous discussions with regards to the possibility of a partial implementation of the changes were referred to, however the Senior Principal Accountant advised that following an initial financial modelling exercise, undertaken by the Finance Team, it was established that this would not be possible as figures did not correlate with those from the implementation of the National Funding Formula. The proposed financial models for changes to Dudley’s local funding formula for 2018/19 had however been shared with representatives of the Head Teachers Consultative Forum – Budget Working Group in May 2017. The Senior Principal Accountant stated that the outcomes from the Stage 2 consultation were still outstanding and were expected to be released by the DfE at the end of July 2017, however anticipated that this date may be delayed due to the recent General Election. The Senior Principal Accountant therefore indicated that there was still a risk that any proposed changes to Dudley’s Local Funding Formula for 2018/19 were subject to change until the National Funding Formula had been confirmed by the DfE.
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