TELEVISION (RA<Ho«) MISCELLANEOUS 91 AUTOMOBILES 1129 AUTOMOBILES .112 AUTOMOBILES 112* AUTOMOBILES 11 Thursday, September 23, '1954 T O R R A M C E PRESS Page FOR SALE i»/«^«*-«'V--^V-''K^w*w*'S>'W*««'S*~-w'^^ mahogany open face console AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES 1129 AUTOMOBILES TV. A real buy at only $84. M) 112 at Grlffey Elertrir. 212 S. Pa­ cific Ave.. Redondo Beach AT FACTORY $1499 $1399 FR. 2-2R1B. Open eventnfcs * 1953 CHEVROLET 2 - door. 1952 CHEVROLET Bel Air all day Sunday for your con­ Radio, heater. Powerglide TIME Very low mileage, 2-tone, HUNTING venience. FRIDAY & SATURDAY heater. 2-tone, original Inside and out. 200 Only Fred GledhllJ Chevrolet BOSS HAS GONE TO Back to School Specials 12'4-IN. ZENITH table model TV. (All metal. Brand new) 104 E. Anahetm St. Fred Oledhll! Chevrolet leatherette cabinet. Can be ton^- TK. 4-.1491 ,104 E. Anaheim St. yours for only SM.60. Ju»t Wllmlngton TE. 4-3491 SHOOT A DEER living any distance from school . who rome In to Oriffey Electric, for those 212 8. Pacific Ave., Redondo Bird Cages SO GRAB YOUR POKE Bear;h. FR. 2-2«llB. Open eve­ need transportation . here are some good low - nings and all day Sunday for HERE your convenience. Large roomy for $999 AND COME OUT Parakeet-Canary 1952 FORD V-8 pickup truck. 1951 CHEVROLET 4-door. Ra- priced cars with many miles of service left in them. TABLE MODEL TV Popular (Large enough for 2 birds) Radio and heater. Clean dln. heater, sr>at covers. Jet make. Mahogany finish. Mak* car. blark. WE'LL SELL WE'LL TRADE good second TV. $6 down $5 Fred Gledhill Chevrolet Fred Gledhlll Chevrolet . Priced Right, too! month. Oambl*'« W**torn Auto St. Supply Co, FA. 8-1575. 304 B. Anaheim 304 E. Anaheim St. WE'LL BET WE'LL FADE $2.98 Wilmington TE. 4-3491 Wllmlngton TE. 4-3491 12V4-IN. DUMONT mahogany ron- Complete. SO PICK YOUR CAR AND nole. Perfect condition. Sacri­ with 4 hardwood 1947 STUDEBAKER Champion 1948 STUDEBAKER Command­ fice. $7.V E>f. fi-6515 Perenea. awing*, handle ant! glass cups, copper, brain THE DEAL IS MADE Business Coupe Radio, many er Sedan Overdrive, radio, Ifl53 21-TN. ADMIRAL Take over and <T flnt>ih»>K payment of $14.74 month. Bal­ $1199 other extras, ideal second car. condition ance $17*.8R. 1951 FORD V-g Country 1952 HUDSON Wasp 4-door ********* heater, excellent DA. fl-2!H» after 4:30 Squire. Radio, heater and Radio and heater, immacu- BALDWIN'S ovrrdrlve. New paint. $199. $399. Fred Gledhlll Chevrolet Frcd Gledhill Chevrolet '52 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA SEDAN Radio > MISCELLANEOUS M4 E. AnahHm St. 304 E. Anaheim St. 10518 Hawthorne Blvd. Wilmlngton TE. 4-34B1 Wilmlngton TE. 4-3491 FOR SALE (5 block* Houth of Century) and heater. Cleanest we've seen. Price 1951 PLYMOUTH Club'Coupe 1953 HUDSON Super Wasp- OR. R-378J) TNOLKWOOD you wouldn't believe it. Come and see Radio, heater, custom tai­ Dual range Hydra-Matic, radio, PIANO CO. 21-Inch RAYTHEON $399 Special for heater. Looks like a brand new A3 LOW AS "Your piano atoro. ninre 1947" $699 J!)48 FORD Pani'l, 12!).000 ac­ DOLLAR lored seat covers. NPW. ii*od. All guaranteed 1950 HTUDP:BAKKR ut tual milex. Don't waste time LOW car. Must see to appreciate, $ 169.95 Name Your Own Terma '2-door. Radio, lioater and on this one. this weekend Only $599. 21fl N. Market overdrive, whltpwall tire*. '49 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-DOOR SEDAN $1499. EXTRA Rood full nlzed box aprlng Fr«vt Gledhlll Chevrolet ' Fred Gledhlll Chevrolet Griffey Electric and mattre«n for double hooT 304 E. Anaheim St. :?04 E. Anaheim St. 212 S. Pacific Ave. Reasonable. FA. 8-5668 Wilmlngton TE. 4-3491 Wilmlngton TE. 4-3401 Hydramatic, radio and heater. Custom 1948 OLDSMOBILE Convert­ REDONDO BEACH 1949 LINCOLN Sport Sedan- iFR. 2-2616 FR. 4-2616 covers. Sharp. ible Hydra-Matic, white wall MISCELLANEOUS 100 Overdrive, radio, heater, motor WANTED $399 $595 tfres, $299. completely reconditoned in our $499 4-door. 1948 CHEVROLET WANTED: Died furnltnr*. High 1048 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe. Radio, heater and spot­ eet orlrea paid. Call DAvon Radio and heater. light.. shop, $799. port fi-5772 LOMITA CAU NASH HARD TOP COUNTRY CLUB 6 Club Fred Gledhill Chevrolet Fred Gledhlll Chevrolet '52 1948 HUDSON Super LER1ES. 2015 Parlflo CnuA E. AnahHm St. MILK Highway tn LomlU. 304 E. Anaheim St. M04 COUPE (Sleeper). Whitewalls, radio Wilmlngton TE. 4-3491 Wilmlngton TE. 4-3491\ Coupe Radio, heater, custom 1947 HUDSON Sedan Priced Two-tone. The works. 171/2 WANTED and heater. tailored seat covers $199. to sell, $99. USED FURNITURE It Doesn't Take the FBI MAKE A BID I / c qt. \V« will pay top prices for 1954 V-8 Sedan Radio, heat­ 1947 FORD V-8 Club Coupe- your used furniture! ... to find out how luperior ouf Used Cars are! / '51 STUDEBAKER STARLIGHT V-8 COUPE er. Another weekend special, Radio and heater. A very VERBURG: MID-CITY Drive in to Automatic drive. Equipped with heat, $599. clean car, $399. DAIRY Appliance Co. time and music. Stanley 8. Gilbert Walter G. Linch As Low As $25 Down on Approved Credit 23223 Narbonnt Ar«. 8158 CRENSHAW OA. 65115 TODAY AND DOUBLE CHKCK ANY OF THE CLEAN. WE'LL MATCH YOU POWERFUL VALUES ON OUR LOT MEnlo 4-333 r PETS, POULTRY 104 '52 MERCURY COUPE. Dove grey, merc-o: (Supplies) Buy on Our Exclusive 2-Day Unconditional matic, nylon seat covers, all extras. We' OSCAR MAPLES 2093 W. I74TH- CHIHAUHAU PUPPIES $20 UP Money Back Guarantee MEnlo 9-1191 STUD SERVICE - - - - flB wheel and deal on this one. CHOCOLATE COLORED WE MAKE NO WILD CLAIMS. NO TRICK ADVERTISING. YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER TE. 4-23R4 OPEN DAILY WE TREAT OUR CUSTOMERS AS WE WANT TO BOXERS 6 wka. Flanhy ch. atk. BE TREATED WHEN WE BUY. $.15 and up. 214 Standard St. $1495 1420 Cabrillo . FAirfax 8-5014 (rear apt.) El Segundo. CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES The Greatest Asset We Have Is Your and Used Car Lot Open 'Til 8 p.m., and Sundays Long and abort coat. Nice se­ '50 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR. Power-glide. I Showroom lection. Stud »<>rvlre. OS. «-2*!!4 Goodwill and Satisfaction owner car. Radio and heater. Green fin­ Chadron, Gardeha ALCRAFT DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE DOWN PAYMENT. ish. A steal at WE CAN ARRANGE TO GET YOU THE MORE AUTO REPAIRING 107 NECESSARY CASH VERY EASILY. BOAT CO. - j~irmj*L-*- -v"- _ _ ^j-*- -*- *-_"--"-, _i u -_rvO !8-ft. Unpainted TODAY'S SPECIAL: $825 Transportation CABIN CRUISER Virgel's 1952 DODGE «-pa*senger aedan. Loaded with extra equip­ '51 HUDSON HORNET. Two-tone finish, FOR $825 ment, ahowroom clean and mechanically otitManrflng. One nlrent cars we have. Beautiful new two-tone with NEW of the A real YOUR MONEY 35 BRAND Fiberglassing and hydramatic, radio and heater. Frame & Wheel cuetom aeat covers to harmonize.. Than you could possibly Repairing NOW ONLY . $1005 buy. How much cash can you spwre. 22515 S. VERMONT get elsewhere. TORRANCB ALIGNMENT SERVICE BRAKE IERVICE WALTER G. LINCH $1045 1947 LINCOLN TRY TAIT'S 1760 W. Caraon FA. 8-8158 4-door Sedan WE BUY CASH 312 SOUTH PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY W« aell, trade and finance 1954 We wrerk all model* TRAILERS (Sales) 111 ***** * NEW MOTOR REDONDO FR. 2-2122 NEW GENERATOR AUTOMOBILES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 21205 S. MAIN NATIONAL, AL.fOA, TERRY NEW BUICKS FOR NEW RADIATOR HERE Butane Service RIGHT HERE IN TORRANCE NEW CLUTCH -EAVING TOWN Must «arr)flce Bank Financing NEW BRAKES 3 rooms furniture Including Innu ranee Service G. E. 2-door refrigerator, Hohman & Hadenfeldt, Inc. GMAC or BANK TERMS NEW MUFFLER Chrome , dinette *<-t, Holly­ NEW 100 LEVEL TIRES CHEVROLETS wood bed. mattre«*, uprlnffi 25313 V* Cypre« Ht., LomTt* $2f>0 worth of butnn* equip- fuH DA. <J-lfW) 3142 Pacific Coanf Hwy. Your Local Pontiac Dealer ment Runs cheaper on DA. B-2200 thtn tny on* of th« low priced JUTBOARD MOTOR Martin 60. LOMITA three. 7'4-h.p. Good condition. Beat NICE 1951 2-btdroom trailer for AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE off»r taken. ale or trad* for truat deed on J. CANTRELL 22978 Cabrillo DA. fl-MOft real *-M.ate. 1M47 S. Vermont ME. 4-7906 1100 W. Oltve. Compton 8p. 42 2084 TORRANCE BLVD. RED. GREEN an* WHITE fVnce 505 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach 1-WHEEL TRAILER Heavy MUST BE SOLD ^ paint. J2.25 eal.: FLAT WALL k PAINT, wafer thinned. S3.4fl ateel. Needa i FA. 8-6272 FA. 8-6272 1953 MfcRCURY * gal. ; BONDEX. WALLPAPER. DA. FRontier 4-8987 ard top. radjo and heater. Merc- " large selection ef new d»«lgna: -nistK white walls. Special in- NASON auto Iarqu»r» and irior. only e n a m el t>. SANDERS. AIR AUTOMOBILES 112 "WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE" COMPRESSOR! and POLISH­ ERS for r*nt. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE $2298 During Paul's Chevrolet September Rubber ha**? nalnt. $5.15 gal CAIRNS . General t'alnt Store 1948 PACKARD 7-pa*KenKer. 2 Distributor of ATTENTION 1948 STUDEBAKER radios, overdrive, boater, beau­ FRANK H. GENERAL TAINT J'RODUCTI Commander 4-door with P.lj*nty tiful Jet black flnlah. Thn In- Shop 926 N. Avalon Blvd.. of extras including overdrive. Only alde and outside of thla car Wllmington DUCK ha* had the flnoat of care. |346 Hour*: R 'til 5:30. Mon -Sat. down. AFTON Co. TE. 4-4254 Free Parking $548 DILDAY. TK. 4-8114 Where Your Dollar Will Buy More We give Green Stamp* HUNTERS ' Cosmopolitan.
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