DOCUMENT RESUME ED 063 194 SO 002 791 AUTHOR Abrams, Grace C.; Schmidt, Fran TITLE Social Studies: Peace In the TwentiethCentury. INSTITUTION DadeCounty Public Schools, Miami,Fla. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 62p. BDPS PRICE MF-$0.65 BC$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Activity Units; Behavioral Objectives;*Conflict Resolution; Curriculum Guides; *ForeignRelations; Grade 7; Grade 8; Grade 9; HumanRelations; *International Education; Junior HighSchools; Modern History; Nationalism; Organizations(Groups); *Peace; Resource Guides; *Social StudiesUnits; Violence; War; World Affairs; World Problems IDENTIFIERS Florida; *Quinmester Programs ABSTRACT This study of the effort and failuresto maintain world peace in this century is intended as anelective, quinmester course for grades 7 through9. It encompasses the concept of nationalism and the role it plays inthe decisions that lead to war, and organizations that havetried and are trying topreserveor bring about peace. Among other goals for the course areforthestudent to: 1) assess his own attitudes andbeliefs concerning peace and generalize about the nature of war; 2)examine the social, political, and economic reasons for war; 3)analyze breakdowns in world peacein this century and the resultant humanproblems; 4) investigate and suggest alternatives toWar as a means of settling conflict; and, 5) describe ways and means an individual canwork for peace. The guide itself is divided into a broad goalssection, a content outline, objectives and learning activities,and teacher/student materials. Learning activities are highlyvaried and are closely tied with course objectives.Materials include basic texts,pamphlets,records, and filmstrips. Relateddocuments are: SO 002 708 through SO 002718, SO 002 76.8 through SO002 792, and SO 002 947 through SO002 970. (Author/JLB) FILMED FROMBEST AVAILABLECOPY CY" 'Pr% .40 CD AUTHORIZED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FOR THE U I PEACE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY 61478,07 64214.05 6470,29 SOCIAL STUDIES DIVISION OHNSTRUCTION1971 SOCIAL STUDIES PEACE IN THE 6470.296414.056478.07TWENTIETH CENTURY Grace C. Abrams byand Fran Schmidt OZ'-=00>CnMC171ii5ikDO! Division offor Instruction the mzNto,>rm00-1MMr.Z00w>02.21.84i19g0=loom Om>moc.c.4c="31-mm-im zEiCel>>> mm Dade CountyMiami, 1971Public Florida Schools 7"olccr:sr:"-nm<--nczqo0331273-mmwm mo8mzems.mbmmM r-Mr4 DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Mr. Williim Lehman, Chairman Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Ethel Beckham Mrs. Crutcher Harrison Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers Dr. Ben Sheppard Mr. William H. Turner Dr. E. L. Whigham, Superintendent ofSchools Dade County Public Schools Miami, Florida 33132 Published by the Dade County School Board Copies of this publication may be obtained through Testbook Services 2210 S. W. Third Street Miami, Florida 33135 Price: $. 75 3 INTRODUCTION effort to revise curriculum to fit the are'mearitresources,planquinmester f!Thisinstructional coursetoandadministrative be other neitherof programs, studyfactors. all-inclusive wasorganization writtentaking into as norof a accountschooli:prescriptive;part of studenta Thetotal materialsbut needs rather, and and ancharacteristics, informationaide to teachers in thisavailable as guidethey .r porateofcontent, studi:-)Teachers\--The iblo teachingmajor their intent lessons.strategies, may of then this accept classpublication theactivities, model is.to framework provideand materials ina broadtotal all frameworkor relateddraw ideas ofto goalsa fromdescribed and it objectives,to courseincor- ororientedand corequisitelearningThe guideinformation activities, isexperiences. divided for and theInto 4)Theteacher; 1)mate_rial contenta broad "indicators outline goalsThe firstsection,illustrates, of success"section2) a inprovidescontentrefers general to outline,descriptive suggestedterms, 3)the objectives andrerequisitesco goal-nd-- mai-o-i-iiffiaiiiiiionscategories:aprovides set of agiven totalessential learning 'picture of textualtheactivities. of course. the or concept otherTheThe objectives material;ormaterials main idea and alternatesection andlearningspecific of classroom theactivities guidebehavioralmaterials lists section, objectivesresources to hopefully,use in inforfour placecourse:mentary Anyoneof studentore.g., inhaving additionpretests, resources. recommendations to readings, theThe aforementioned; appendix vocabulary,relating may toinclude etc.thissupplementary publicationother material teacheris urgedappropriate resources; to write andfor them supple-a specific down and send to : Social Studies Office, Room 306, Lindsey Hopkins,A-1. JamesSocial A. Studies Fleming Consultant COURSE DESCRIPTION: '")1 STUDY OFENCOMPASSES TUE EFFORTS THE AND CONCEPT FAILURES OF NATIONALISMTO MAINTAIN WORLDAND THE PEACE ROLE IN IT THIS PLAYS CLUSTER: ANDWOPIDINCE:TTURY. THEARE STUDIES DECISIONS.THATTRYING TO PRESERVE LEAD ORTO BRINGWAR, ANDABOUT ORGANIZ PEACE TIONS THAT HAVE TRIED COURSEGRADE LEVEL: STATUS: V_ELECTIV3 COURSEINDICATORS RATIONALE: OF SUCCESS: NONE"We ain't gonna study war no more ..." is part of a song sungby many peoDle portantareNormanofaround living, not the Cousinsjobprepared notworld. that oftells faceseducationally,dying.Nations us us, " peoplewhichare tired emotionally isare how ofnot towar educated create and wantspiritually ato lasting towage get peace, designforto thethe thatfor businessim- we 'thebusinessspirituallynItpeace." behooves human ofHe mind PEACE.further educatorsthe can young andstates, to peoplemust get invent onfor"war with thepeaceis thegreatestan withjobinvention ofjustice." challengeeducating of the facing human"emotionally mind"them: andthe and D.COURSE THE STUDENTGOALS: MLL CRITICALLY ASSESS HISOWN ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS CONCERNING PEACE AND GENERALIZE 2. FORTHEABOUT PEACE.STUDENT THE HATURE WILL OFEXAMINEINVESTIGATE WAR. THE SOCIAL,AND ASSESSPOLITICAL THECOMMUNICATIONS AND ECONOMIC MEDIAREASONS AHD FOP ITS WAR. ROLE IN EDUCATING 4.3. BASEDRESULTANT STUDENTON RE:ZARCH, INAN WILL PROBLEMS. INVESTIGATETHE STUDENT INTERNATIONALWILLANALYZE BREAKDOWNSAND NATIONAL IN ORGANIZATIONSWORLD PEACE IN WHICH THIS ARECENTURY ENGAGEDAND INTHE 6.5. PEACE-KEEPINGTHE STUDENT WILL OR PEACEDESCRIBEINVESTIGATE EDUCATION WAYS AND AND ENDEAVORSSUGGESTMEANS ANALTERNATIVES ANDINDIVIDUAL ASSESS THEIRTOCAN WAR WORKEFFECTIVENESS. AS FORA MEANS PEACE. OFSETTLING CONFLICT. Cr) - .4. ! _ COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE I I . Persona). Attitudes V. Organizations Educating for Peace A. Aggrassion B.A. NationalInternational .1 D.C.B. NatureWarInter-1. CulturalInborn nersonalconflictof AGression VI. AlternativesC. Local to War A.EducatingMass2. Mediafor Peace WaysB.A.PeaceHumanTechniques and Meansand Technological andan IndividualMethods Development canWork for E.D.C.B. ArtLiteratureMusicSymbols B.A.C. EducationOthersAction III. B.A.ReasonsPoliticalSocial for War IV. A.EffortsC. EconomicOr3aninations of Peace B. 2.War's1. FailuresEnvironmentHumanSuccesses Resultant Problems and Casualties GOAL: GLTERALIZETHE STUDENT ABOUTWILL CRITICALLYTHE NATURE ASSESS OF WAR. HIS 07111ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS CONCERNING PEACE AND INTRODUCTIONFOCUS OBJECTIVE 1. beThe(ask part student each of studenthis LEARNINGwill PEACE know to ACTIVITIES NOTEBOOK) keepthe followingan on-going words glossary and terms:to d.b.a.c. -peaceaggressionpacifistwar e.h.g.f. disputeinstinctiveconflictconscientious behavior objector 2. mentsThea. teacher warThethat andstudent willwill peace. be givewill utilized thecollect following during cartoons theon-going ninedealing weeks;assign- with b.c. Theinzinesketches the studentarticles world of willindividualstoday. dealing collectbe collecting with andnewspaper areas organizationsbibliographical of andconflict maga-work- d.e. ThelievesAnysongsing forstudentother and willpeace. literatureitems addill toorcompile thematerialsdealing quality a list withthe ofof teacherpeace.themovies Quin. be-and RELATIONS..RE:STUDENT'SINTER-PERSONAL ATTITUDESA. Thebeliefsowncritically studentattitudes concerning assesswill and his 1 questionsThea. studentHow(1) arebetween(orally will disputes be childrenoras!;.ed by settledessay): to reactin yourto thefamily? following war.aboutpeace andthe generalizenature of b.c. Howadultout(2) areofbetween in school?disputes conflictsauthority? parents settled resolved between betweenfriends-in youand anand d.e. DoaWerethe meansyou incident?you condone ofever settling anpxy the use enoughadispute? of forceto use Canasviolence ayou means recall asof 1 f. Didsettling you ever a dispute? act as peacemaker? FOCUS A. (cont.)OBJECTIVE 1. (cont.) LEARNING ACTIVITIES 2. theGeneralfeelingsThe studentsconsequences class and should ideasdiscussion: lf in befamilies anencouraged informal"What could tocouldmanner. notexchange resolvebe some tIgleir theirof in"Whatconflict general are peacefully?" theto helpmeans "Howsolve available do conflict?" you toreact families when youand seepeople 3. yOunDidandinviolenceAsk athewerebetween T.V.you student: a enjoybeing show,child? nations playingusedin a Doof asnovel, you thewitha means enjoyworld?" inGuns a of war movie,or settling moviesweapons in thetoday?" disputeswhen news, 4. beTheonlythewonderful. 286 teacher beginningbeen out atof willAnd peace theof i.are. readrecordedlast about the3,525So 8% following:rare,history, ofyears." the in time.fact,the "Peace,world thatThat hassinceit's would- peaceabouttoClass react withthediscussion to historyhis quotation(from fellow whereMinutes,of man man.and students and exchangeFeb. his 1968) willfailure their be encouragedtoideas live openly in AGGR2SSION.THE NATURE OF B. nationsThethesisformulate student
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