Snorri Sturluson Edda Skáldskaparmál 2 Snorri Sturluson Edda Skáldskaparmál 2. Glossary and Index of Names Edited by ANTHONY FAULKES VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 1998 © Anthony Faulkes 1998 First published by Viking Society for Northern Research 1998 Reprinted with minor corrections 2007 ISBN: 978 0 903521 36 9 Volume 1 978 0 903521 38 3 Volume 2 Printed by Short Run Press Limited, Exeter Contents of Volume 1 Introduction ............................................................................. vii Title ....................................................................................... vii Synopsis ...............................................................................viii The composition of the work ............................................... x Date and authorship.............................................................. xi The verse quotations ..........................................................xiii The flulur .............................................................................. xv The dialogue frame...........................................................xviii The prose narratives .......................................................... xxii The analysis of poetic diction .......................................... xxv Purpose............................................................................xxxvii Manuscripts ..................................................................... xxxix This edition ............................................................................ li Table of verse quotations and their preservation.............. lv Bibliographical references ...................................................... lx Manuscript sigla..................................................................... lxx Glossary of technical terms ................................................. lxxi Text ............................................................................................. 1 Textual notes ......................................................................... 135 General notes......................................................................... 153 Contents of Volume 2 Glossary ................................................................................. 231 Index of names...................................................................... 443 GLOSSARY The glossary is full but not complete: some ordinary words are omitted, and references are selective for words of frequent occurrence, but all technical words and all kennings in the verses are included with virtually complete references. References to the text are by page and line number except when preceded by ‘v’, when they are to verse and line number. In references, ‘n.’ refers to a word in the General Notes, ‘t. n.’ to a word in the Textual Notes. The following abbreviations are also used: a. adjective nom. nominative abs(ol). absolute(ly) num. numeral acc. accusative obj. object adv. adverb(ial) ord. ordinal art. article o–self oneself aux. auxiliary p. past comp. comparative part. partitive conj. conjunction pass. passive dat. dative pers. person def. definite pl. plural e–m einhverjum poss. possessive e–r, e–n einnhverr, einhvern pp. past participle e–r(ri), e–rar einhver(ri), einhverrar prep. preposition(al) e–t eitthvert pres. (p.) present (participle) e–s, e–u einhvers, einhverju pret.-pres. preterite-present f. feminine pron. pronoun gen. genitive rel. relative imp. imperative sg. singular impers. impersonal s–one someone indecl. indeclinable s–thing something inf. infinitive subj. subject instr. instrumental subjunc. subjunctive interrog. interrogative subst. substantive intrans. intransitive sup. superlative irreg. irregular sv. strong verb m. masculine trans. transitive md. middle voice vb. verb n. neuter v. l. variant reading neg. negative wv. weak verb -a neg. suffix v44/3, v59/2, v82/7, v93/7, v94/7, v168/1, v172/5, v175/5, v178/7, 59/17, v192/3, v217/1, v314/1 á (1) see eiga á (2) f. river 17/13, 25/3, 4 (gen. pl.), 41/11 (gen. pl.), 41/15, 45/4, 48/10, v303/1 (metaphor for a poem reaching its end), v479 t. n. (gen. pl.); in kenning for rock, ár ste›i v317/4 (the form áar would make up the usual complement of syllables; see note to verse 143 and Háttatal 7 and note) ábyrg› f. liability; hafa mikit í á. have a great deal at stake 21/17 232 Skáldskaparmál á›an adv. a little while ago v250/1 t. n. á›r adv. before v64/7 (with ræ›r, ‘was the first to’), 42/5, 109/20; previously, already v58/3, 85/15; above (in a book) 11/26, 18/1, 20/18, 69/5, 75/16, 78/22; á›r ok sí›an early and late v343/2; as conj. before 21/6, v83/5, v309/3, until v45/3 (or adv., previously?), v71/1 (links with e›r ólaus in preceding stanza), v97/5, 41/31, v160/7, v172/6, v175/7, v408/2 afar adv. extremely v205/2 afarmenni n. mighty man, overbearing person 106/9, v441/2 áfenginn a. strong (of drink) 1/13, 49/11 afgelja f. blather 109/6 afglapi m. simpleton (someone who can be completely taken in) 106/17 afi m. grandfather 107/15, v446/2 afkvæmi n. offspring, progeny 50/15, 107/19 afl (1) n. strength 46/23, v166/5; gen. obj. of freista v24/3 (i. e. his strength); af afli with force, powerfully v80/7 (with flur›i), v91/3 (with vá), v356/2; af ƒllu afli with all his strength 1/29 afl (2) m. forge v87/7 (dat. with so›num, in a forge), 42/2, 3, 5 afla (a›) wv. with dat. be able to do v269/2; with gen. a. sér build up for o–self, increase for o–self, earn, acquire 106/2 (the second obj. is acc., though T and C have gen.; cf. ljá and 25/2 n.) afláti m. inactive person, one who gives up v441/5 t. n. aflgjƒr› (-ger›) f. powerful activity, in kenning for battle, or›a a. naglfara bor›s ok tungu me›alkafla mighty word-activity (parliament, meeting) of shield and sword v401/4 (acc. with drap sér á, cf. note) aflraun f. test of strength, difficult achievement, great feat of strength v81/2 afspringr m. offspring, progeny, descendant 107/19, v448/3; sword- name, ‘which springs back, rebounder’? v459/4 ágætr a. magnificent, splendid, famous 5/37, 6/3, v325/2, 101/22, v394/2 (with hjálmi, but cf. v279), 103/14; sup. 46/22, 101/10; ágætastr af most notable for 58/4 ái m. forefather, great-grandfather 107/15, v446/1 aka (ók) sv. drive, travel in a vehicle (at to) v65/5, v108/1, 83/16; with the vehicle in dat. (of sailing ships conceived as waggons) v266/2 ákafliga adv. furiously, violently 6/8, 21/15, 37, 59/25 ákafr a. furious, violent; sup. n. as adv. sem ákafast as hard as he could 4/39 akarn n. acorn; in kenning for heart, dólgs a. v82/1 (pl., subj. of drápu; see note) akka f. arrow (of bone or with a bone point) v465/1 Glossary 233 akkeri n. anchor v500/6 (Falk 1912, 78) akr (rs) m. ploughed field, cornfield v263/1 t. n. aktaumar m. pl. ropes attached to a bar across the rudder to steer a ship (LK 179; not used in medieval times, see Falk 1912, 76); ropes attached to the ends of the yard (or to the clews of the sail, see Foote and Wilson 1970, 246) to adjust the angle of the sail (Falk 1912, 65; LK 208) v500/3 ákve›inn a. (pp.) agreed, appointed 2/1 ala (ól) sv. nurse; metaphorically, have in one’s mind, brood over v38/1 (inf. with flurfut); pp. bred v169/3; alnar vi› bred on v125/3 (of Ægir’s daughters or the winds); alin var at was born for (i. e. in order to bring about) v202/1 alda f. wave v478/1 (most of the other words in this list are proper names); in kenning for (the mead of) poetry, Ó›reris (hafs) a. v34/3 (see note) aldaflopti m. old rowing-bench mate 107/21, v445/2 aldr m. life v143/4, v390/3 (acc. with bi› ek); (long) period of time, lifetime 99/5; at aldri in age 58/8; acc. as adv. always v34/4? aldrhaf n. eternal, ancient sea? sea of life? in kenning, vágr aldrhafs v34/4, see note aldri(gi) adv. never v105/1 (‘never will any young ruler . .’), v194/5, v379/2 (v. l. aldre(g)i, aldregin (U, ‘alldreginn’)), v406/1 aldrminkandi m. (pres. p.) who diminishes the life (e–s of s–one), life-curtailer; in kenning for fiórr, killer of giants, a. Ellu steins aldar v91/7 (dat. with of bella) álfheimr m. the world of elves, where elves dwell v91/4 (gen. with bliku). See Index álfr m. elf 5/20, 40/16, v332/5 (understand kalla, call it), similarly v380/5; in kenning for war-leader, sóknar á. (Jƒrmunrekkr) v155/2 (gen. with sveita or dƒgg) álfrƒ›ull m. ‘elf-wheel’, a name for the sun 85/20, v517/7 (Gylf., Vafflrú›nismál, Skírnismál 4; cf. Index); in kenning for gold, á. elfar v117/1 algífri n. complete monster v251/8 (descriptive gen., ‘completely monstrous’, with úlfs: that complete monster of a wolf (i. e. Fenrir); or úlfs algífrislifra ‘the wolf’s most monstrous sister’, see NN 193) algildr a. completely worthy, excellent v21/1 (with allvald) alinleygr m. (fore)arm-flame, gold ring v234/2 (gen. with fleygjendr) alinmunnr m. ‘(fore)arm’s mouth’, hand, fist; dat. (instr.) with the mouth of his arm v53/4 (with gein) alinn see ala álit n. appearance (pl.) v166/6 áll m. (1) trench (in the sea) v477/7; cf. hrafnáll 234 Skáldskaparmál áll m. (2) eel v488/5; in kenning for sea, áls hrynbraut v194/6, for snake, áll Fjƒrgynjar (i. e. of the earth) v317/2 (gen. with hrynbe›s) allfrægr a. very renowned 2/23, much spoken of 21/16 allhræddr a. very frightened, quite terrified 21/29 allmargr a. very many v374/2 (with hús or øx?) allmikill a. a very great deal of 45/25 allr a. all v66/1 (with vé), v98/3, v101/5, 72/24, v257/2, v271/3, v348/3, v381/1, v405/2; the whole v28/1 (with asksƒgn), v106/4 (with sjár), v143/3, 50/15, v185/1 (with ævi), v254/5, v269/4, v277/4; the whole of, completely v58/2 (with Kjallandi); complete v148/4 (with varn, i. e. vƒrn); (my) entire 25/27 n.; every, all kinds of v194/7 (with framræ›i); allir everyone (else) v295/2, they all (sc. Jƒrmunrekkr’s warriors) v157/6; ƒllu everything v270/3 (obj. of of valda), with comp. than everything v273/3; n. as adv. alt all the way 72/9; gen.
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