THE JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES VOLUME XXXIII 1943 PARTS I AND II CONTENTS M. P. Charlesworth, Pietas and Victoria: the Emperor and the Citizen W. W. Buckland, Gaius i, 166 ' Tutela parentis manumissoris ' Charles Green, Glevum and the Second Legion, ii Norman H. Baynes, The Decline of the Roman Power in Western Europe. Some Modern Explanations. R. P. Wright, The Whitley Castle Altar to Apollo J. M. R. Cormack, High Priests and Macedoniarchs from Beroea I. A. Richmond, Recent Discoveries in Roman Britain from the Air and in the Field Fritz Schulz, Roman Registers of Birth and Birth Certificates, ii Gervase Mathew, The Character of the Gallienic Renaissance Roman Britain in 1942 REVIEWS AND DISCUSSIONS G. Tseretheli, A Bilingual Inscription from Armazi near Mcfyeta in Georgia (by Marcus N. Tod) P. W. Duff, Personality in Roman Private Law, i (by David Daube) H. J. Haskell, This was Cicero : Modern Politics in a Roman Toga (by Hugh Last) E. M. Dohan, Italic Tomb-Groups in the University Museum, Philadelphia (by Paul Jacobsthal) REVIEWS AND NOTICES OF PUBLICATIONS REVIEWS Emanuele Ciaceri, Le origini di Roma: la Donald Atkinson, Report on Excavations at Monarchia e la prima fase dell' Eta repubbli- Wroxeter {the Roman city of Viroconium) in cana (dal Sec. VIII alia meta del Sec. V A.C.) the County of Salop C. E. Smith, Tiberius and the Roman Empire E. Lobel, C. H. Roberts, and E. P. Wegener, John Day, An Economic History of Athens under The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part xviii Roman Domination Transactions and Proceedings of the American K. Lehmann-Hartleben and E. C. Olsen, Dionysiac Philological Association, vol. lxxii (1941) Sarcophagi in Baltimore A. Rostagni, La letteratura di Roma repubblicana H. Kahler, Die romischen Kapitelle des Rhein- ed augustea gebietes S. McA. Mosser, The Endicott Gift of Greek and Chester G. Starr, Jr., The Roman Imperial Navy Roman Coins, including the ' Catacombs' Paul Jacobsthal, Imagery in Early Celtic Art Hoard NOTICES Benjamin D. Meritt, Epigraphica Attica Inscriptiones extra, fines Pannoniae Daciaeque R. W. Moore, The Roman Commonwealth , repertae (ed. Arpad Dobo) Fritz Hellmann, Livius-Interpretationen Arpad Dobo, Publicum Portorium Illyrici V. Basanoff, ' H Pomerium Palatinum ' Indexes PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ROMAN STUDIES AT THE OFFICE OF THE SOCIETY 50 BEDFORD SQUARE W.C. 1 TO BE OBTAINED THROUGH ALL BOOKSELLERS AND FROM THE SOCIETY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Gfoe Society for tfoe promotion of Ibellenic Stuoies 50 Bedford Square, London, W.C.I President: DR. A. W. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, F.B.A. 'T'HE Society, founded in 1879 to advance the study of Greek language, literature, history •*• and art, maintains conjointly with the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 1. A Library of some 16,000 volumes, containing many costly works and rare periodicals. 2. Large collections of classified photographs for reference and research. 3. Some 12,500 lantern slides covering the whole domain of ancient life and art. Besides the general collection, there are sets of slides with lecture texts. Both books and slides can be sent to Members by post. By arrangement with the Society of Antiquaries general meetings are held in that Society's rooms at Burlington House. Piccadilly, W. 1. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, recogn zed at home and abroad as the leading British organ of Greek archaeology, contains articles by first authorities, numerous illustrations and reviews of recent books of importance to classical studies and is published yearly during the war in a single volume, which members receive free of charge, the price to the public being two guineas. The Annual Subscription to the Society is one guinea, with an Entrance Fee of one guinea. The Composition fee for life-membership is ten guineas for persons over fifty years of age and fifteen guineas for others. The subscription for Libraries and Student Associates is one guinea and half a guinea respectively, without entrance fee. Applications for membership or inquiries about the Society should be addressed to the Secretary at the above address. Classical Hssociatton THE objects of the Classical Association are to promote the-development and maintain the well-being of classical studies, and in particular (a) to impress upon public opinion the claim of such studies to an eminent place in the national scheme of education ; (b) to improve the practice of classical teaching; (c) to encourage investigation and call attention to new discoveries ; (d) to create opportunities for intercourse among lovers of classical learning. Membership of the Association is open to men and women alike. The annual sub- scription is Ss. (life composition, £3 15s.). Members receive a copy of the annual Proceedings of the Association and, on a payment of 2s. 6d., of The Year's Work in Classical Studies (both post free). They may also obtain the Classical Review and Classical Quarterly at reduced prices (Review 10s., Quarterly 13s.; combined subscription £1 Is.), though the reduction cannot be guaranteed unless the subscription is paid before 31st January in each year. Greece and Rome may be obtained for an annual subscription of 7s. 6d. Applications for membership should be addressed to the Hon. Treasurer, Miss E. C. Gedge, Westfield College, London, N.W. 3. Inquiries should be sent to either of the Hon. Secretaries of the Association (Mr. J. J. R. Bridge, Mutcombe, Fairfield Park, Bath, and Mr. L. J. D. Richardson, University College, Caidiff)or to the Hon. Secretary of any one of the District Branches—viz., Aberystwyth, Bedfordshire, Birmingham, Bristol, East Anglia, Cardiff, Hull, Kent, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Northumberland and Durham, North Wales, Nottingham, Oxford, Reading, Sheffield, Southampton, South-Western, Sussex, Swansea, Taunton and West Somerset. THE JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES All rigkts reserved z>//••/£ THE JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES VOLUME XXXIII PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ROMAN STUDIES AT THE OFFICE OF THE I SOCIETY, 50 BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1 \ 1943 STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, LTD.. ORIENTAL AND GENERAL PRINTERS, HERTFORD CONTENTS PAGE M. P. CHARLESWORTH, Pietas and Victoria : the Emperor and the Citizen . .' i W. W. BUCKLAND, Gaius i, 166. ' Tutela parentis manumissoris ' . • n CHARLES GREEN, Glevum and the Second Legion, ii. Evidence of the Pottery, Metal Objects, etc. 15 NORMAN H. BAYNES, The Decline of the Roman Power in Western Europe. Some Modern Explanations ............ 29 R. P. WRIGHT, The Whitley Castle Altar to Apollo 36 J. M. R. CORMACK, High Priests and Macedoniarchs from Beroea 39 I. A. RICHMOND, Recent Discoveries in Roman Britain from the Air and in the Field . 45 FRITZ SCHULZ, Roman Registers of Birth and Birth Certificates, ii . -55 GERVASE MATHEW, The Character of the Gallienic Renaissance ...... 65 Roman Britain in 1942 . ... • 71 Reviews and Discussions ............ 82 Reviews and Notices of Publications- Reviews ... ........... 101 Notices . .119 Indexes :— (i) Names and Subjects ... 123 (ii) Literary Authorities . 125 (iii) Inscriptions . .126 (iv) Papyri .............. 126 (v) Coins .............. 126 Title Page iii List of Contents v List of Reviews and Discussions ........... vi List of Reviews and Notices of Recent Publications . vi List of Plates and Illustrations in the Text . vii List of Officers and Council for the year 1943-4 . viii VI REVIEWS AND DISCUSSIONS PAGE G. Tseretheli, A Bilingual Inscription from Armazi near Mcheta in Georgia (by Marcus N. Tod) 82 P. W. Duff, Personality in Roman Private Law, i (by David Daube) ..... 86 H. J. Haskell, This was Cicero : Modern Politics in a Roman Toga (by Hugh Last) ... 93 E. M. Dohan, Italic Tomb-groups in the University Museum, Philadelphia (by Paul Jacobsthal) 97 REVIEWS AND NOTICES OF PUBLICATIONS REVIEWS E. Ciaceri, Le origini di Roma : La Monarchia e la prima fase dell' Eta repubblicana (dal sec. VIII alia meta del Sec. V a.C.) 101 C. E. Smith, Tiberius and the Roman Empire . .104 John Day, An Economic History of Athens under Roman Domination . 105 K. Lehmann-Hartleben and E. C. Olsen, Dionysiac Sarcophagi in Baltimore . 107 H. Kahler, Die rb'mischen Kapitelle des Rheingebietes . .109 Chester G. Starr, Jr., The Roman Imperial Navy . .110 Paul Jacobsthal, Imagery in Early Celtic Art . .112 Donald Atkinson, Report on Excavations at Wroxeter [the Roman city of Viroconium) in the County of Salop . 113 E. Lobel, C. H. Roberts, and E. P. Wegener, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part xviii. 115 Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, vol. Ixxii (1941) . 117 A. Rostagni, La letteratura di Roma repubblicana ed augustea . .118 S. McA. Mosser, The Endicott Gift of Greek and Roman Coins, including the ' Catacombs ' Hoard . .119 NOTICES Benjamin D. Meritt, Epigraphica Attica . .119 R. W. Moore, The Roman Commonwealth . .120 Fritz Hellmann, Livius-Interpretationem . .120 V. Basanoff, ' II Pomerium Palatinum ' . .121 Inscriptiones extra fines Pannoniae Daciaeque repertae (ed : Arpad. Dobo) . .121 Arpad Dobo, Publicum Portorium Illyrici. .121 LIST OF PLATES Charles Green, Glevum and the Second Legion, ii. Plate 1. Gloucester and neighbourhood : bronze Brooches and Ornament and stone Spindle-Whorl. R. P. Wright, The Whitley Castle Altar to Apollo. Plate 11. Whitley Castle, Northumberland : Altar to Apollo found in 1837. I. A. Richmond, Recent Discoveries in Roman Britain from the Air and in the Field. VI REVIEWS AND DISCUSSIONS PAGE G. Tseretheli, A Bilingual Inscription from Armazi near Mcheta in Georgia (by Marcus N. Tod) 82 P. W. Duff, Personality in Roman Private Law, i (by David Daube) ..... 86 H. J. Haskell, This was Cicero : Modern Politics in a Roman Toga (by Hugh Last) ... 93 E. M. Dohan, Italic Tomb-groups in the University Museum, Philadelphia (by Paul Jacobsthal) 97 REVIEWS AND NOTICES OF PUBLICATIONS REVIEWS E. Ciaceri, Le origini di Roma : La Monarchia e la prima fase dell' Eta repubblicana (dal sec. VIII alia meta del Sec. V a.C.) 101 C.
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