Issue 4 DECEMBER 2018 ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT NEWSLETTER NORTHERN CAPE P a g e 2 ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT EXECUTIVE MAYOR’S MESSAGE management and staff push them- selves to ensure that they produce qual- ity work. On behalf of the Executive Mayor, Cllr Abraham Vosloo and Council, I would like to congratulate the District Munici- pality for yet another clean audit. We have seen improvements in the dis- trict as whole, the progress is there. I am happy that our Government Depart- ments have been highly visible and hands on during the public participa- CLLR. M. MASHILA tions conducted by Local Municipalities. Acting Executive Mayor We are ending the year 2018 on a very I am very delighted to have been lead- high note, and I am hoping that we will ing this well oiled machine that is ZF start 2019 on the same level and con- Mgcawu District Municipality for this tinue to help one another to improve short while. It has not been smooth sail- the services we deliver to our communi- ing, but the dedication of staff that I ties. have witnessed has shown that it is I wish everyone a merry Christmas and possible to achieve anything. I also a prosperous new year. have first hand experience of how the P a g e 3 South Africa marks International Day for Disaster Reduction The Minister of Cooperative Governance ness and early warning for adverse events and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Dr Zweli are all important and will surely assist in Mkhize led South Africa’s celebration of the medium to long term to reduce the risk of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduc- disasters. tion (IDDR) in Upington, Northern Cape on The significance of commemorating IDDR the 16th of November 2018. The pro- lies in the fact that through Disaster Risk gramme was held over a 2 day period, 15 Reduction (DRR) countries can build resili- & 16 November 2018. ence to disasters, promote sustainable de- IDDR was started in 1989 after a call by velopment, protect persons and their prop- the United Nations General Assembly for a erty, livelihoods, health, as well as cultural day to promote a global culture of risk- and environmental assets. awareness and disaster reduction. The day Minister Mkhize was joined by the MEC re- celebrates how people and communities sponsible for Local Government in the around the world reduce their exposure to Northern Cape, Mr Bentley Vass, the Acting disasters and raise awareness about the Executive Mayor of ZF Mgcawu District Mu- need to reduce the risks. nicipality, Cllr Mpho Mashila and the Execu- The theme this year focused on reducing tive Mayor of Dawid Kruiper Local Munici- disaster economic losses in relation to pality, Cllr Limakatso Koloi. global GDP by 2030 and is entitled; The programme was also well represented “Investing in disaster risk reduction for re- by key stakeholders including Councillors, silience”. Heads of Government Departments, Senior Government has, with the 2018 celebra- Managers of Municipalities, emerging farm- tion, emphasised that reducing exposure to ers, Traditional leaders and representa- hazards, lessening vulnerability of people tives of private sector institutions. and property, wise management of land and the environment, improving prepared- P a g e 4 ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT P a g e 4 ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT NEWSLETTER MoU signed between Dawid Kruiper and Keetmanshoop Municipality The Dawid Kruiper Municipality (D.K.M) re- ing in its communities. The fact that the land- cently signed a Memorandum of Understand- scape and history resonate similar features is ing (MoU) with the Keetmanshoop Municipali- but one important highlight where the ty. An MoU is an agreement that is designed D.K.M can take its lessons from. The tourism, to mutually benefit two or more institutions. It added dynamics in economic, as well as com- is not a formal contract but rather an intent to munity development is central in its advances. ensure that issues of mutual assistance can The municipalities hope to contribute mutually be adhered to. through the African renaissance program, as well as taking mileage from organizations The MoU is aimed at: such as the Southern African Development Facilitating information and knowledge Community (SADC), Organisation of African sharing with the community and the in- unity (OAU) and broadly through the Forum on stitution; China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and the Bra- zil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Building managerial and technical ca- (BRICS) concepts on industrialization. pacity; The MoU is immediately implementable with Promoting of a regional hub as an attrac- tive location for interactive investment social programs attached. This is further ce- and tourism; mented through the Province’s social and eco- nomic stream agreements and enhances de- Developing partnerships with the inten- velopment in education and community/ tion to expand business and community business interests. involvement; Council has adopted a Policy for Municipal Highlighting regional challenges that may have a local impact: International and Governmental Relations (MIR). Any MoU with any municipality or insti- Assist both countries’ challenges in glob- tution will be dealt with according to the pre- al understanding, solidarity and peace. scribed policy and must be confined to its Dawid Kruiper Municipality has already budget. This will deal with the covering the learned through its interactions how Keet- costs of the MoU between Keetmanshoop Mu- manshoop Municipality takes pride in invest- nicipality and Dawid Kruiper Municipality. ZF Mgcawu reguleer straatvoedsel Die Omgewingsgesondheid afdeling van ZF Persone wat in die Z F Mgcawu Distriks Muni- Mgcawu Distrik Munisipaliteit en Departe- sipale area handeldryf in voedsel moet by die ment Gesondheid in samewerking met Kai ! ZF Mgcawu Distrik Munisipaliteit registreer Garib Munisipaliteit het die afgelope maande deur aansoek te doen op n voorgeskrewe die informele straatvoedsel handel in Kaka- aansoek vorm. Inspeksie sal deur die mas gereguleer en georden. Omgewingsgesondheids praktisyns gedoen word en n geskiktheidsertifikaat aan die Die projek is inisieer deur die aansoeker en sy perseel uitgereik word in- Omgewingsgesondheid praktisyns by name dien daar aan alle vereistes voldoen word. Me Blacious Wolf en Mnr Bootje Knouwds. Die straatbraaiers te Kakamas is Ingevolge die nuwe Regulasies R638 van 22 byeengeroep om aansoek vir hul geskik- Junie 2018 wat handel oor die Algemene hi- theidsertifikate te doen. Me Blacious Wolf giene vereistes vir voedsel persele en die het hulle opgelei in basiese voedselhigiene vervoer van voedsel moet enige person wat en inspeksies van hul besighede is gedoen. handeldryf in voedsel in besit wees van ‘n geldige geskiktheidsertifikaat. Die braai stalletjies wat kwalifiseer vir hul geskiktheidsertifikate in Kakamas is onder Die Regulasies definieer ‘n andere, Mama’s Kitchen van N. Mapatane, "voedselhanteerder" as ‘n person wat in die Trudy’s Braai van G. Rickert, Kleinbegin Kom- loop van sy of haar normale roetine-werk op buis van A. Mangaliso, Talita’s Catering van voedselpersele direk of in kontak kom met T. Olyn, Florence Kitchen van T. Tlhage, verpakte of onvoorbereide kos, voedsel Sello’s Kitchen van S. Sesinyi en Discount toerusting en eetgerei of voedsel kontak op- Corner van M. Rahman. pervlakke en moet gevolglik aan voedsel higiëne vereistes voldoen. Enige person wat voedsel verkoop moet in besit wees van ‘n geldige Geskiktheidsertif- Behoudens subregulasie (11) en regulasie ikaat. 14 (4) en (5) mag 'n persoon nie voedsel hanteer of toelaat dat voedsel hanteer word Vir verdere navraag is u welkom om in nie op ‘n voedselperseel ten opsigte waarvan verbinding te tree met die 'n geldige geskiktheidsertifikaat nie uitgereik Omgewingsgesondheid afdeling van die ZF is nie. Mgcawu Distrik Munisipaliteit. In geen spefieke volgorde: Me. B.Wolf (Omgewingsgesondheid: Dept Gesondheid) Tersa Olyn, Lettie Mochochoko, Florence Tlhage, Annamari Mangaliso ,Patrys Titus, Mo- hammed Rahman, John Ma- patane, Sello Sesinyi, Trudy Rickert (Afwesig) P a g e 6 ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT Performance Rewarded at ZF Mgcawu District: employees of the year 2017/2018 Since 2010, the ZF Mgcawu District Munici- Management Framework is the creation of a pality has implemented a Performance Man- municipality's performance culture among all agement System, which is being reviewed officials, including recognition of outstanding annually and approved by the Council. With performance and the reduction and correc- this system, staff are evaluated quarterly on tion of poor performance. the basis of their individual performance plans. The performance plans are developed according to the job descriptions of employ- Councillor Mashila emphasized in her speech ees and they are evaluated based on the indi- to the staff that the institution is making pro- cators set out. gress to ensure that it is financially viable and sustainable but that this goal can only be On an annual basis, the employees of the ZF achieved by the hard work of its staff. The Mgcawu District Municipality are rewarded acting Executive Mayor commented on the for the performance delivered during a spe- role that the District Municipality should play cific financial year. This event takes place in in terms of legislation and building the capac- the presence of the Executive Mayor and Mu- ity of Local Municipalities, more so in areas nicipal Manager. During October 2018 the such as town planning, IT, Internal Audit and same principle was followed and employees financial viability. were rewarded for outstanding work for the 2017/2018 financial year. "Thank you to the acting Municipal Manager and the Directors for their leadership but, The Acting Executive Mayor, Councillor Mpho above all, thank you to the workers who does Mashila, praised all employees who received the physical work to bring about the sustaina- performance rewards. "I'm proud to be part of bility of a clean audit," concluded Cllr. Ma- this winning team. Your dedication and col- shila. lective hard work as a team has led us to have a clean audit for the 2017/2018 finan- The ZF Mgcawu District Municipality wishes cial year, not only in the District but also in to congratulate the staff who earned the the entire Province.
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