The Inventory of the Elliot Norton Collection #858

The Inventory of the Elliot Norton Collection #858

The Inventory of the Elliot Norton Collection #858 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Norton, Elliot, 1903- #858 April 1990-March 1995 Balcony Aisle 13 After.#89 D The collection of eight boxes includes seventeen folders of correspondence from actors, playwrights, directors and others with whom Elliot Norton was associated in his 48 years as drama critic for a Boston newspaper and interviewer for the weekly radio and television program "Elliot Norton Reviews" from 1958-1982. Some carbon copies for Mr. Norton's letters are also present. He was affiliated with the major American theater orgi;inizations and drama critic groups, as founding member, president or committee member of most at one time or other. Fourteen folders are devoted to correspondence, programs and publicity for his numerous awards and honors. Among other materials in the collection are typescripts of his lectures, transcripts and other documents related to his television program, and biographical pieces written during his career and on his retirement in 1982. 1 Norton,· Elliot, 1903- Inventory Outline I. CORRESPONDENCE (1930-1994). 17 folders. Selected alphabetical list of correspondents. II. SUBJECT FILES A. Affiliations-14 folders American College Theatre Festival American National Theatre and Academy (ANTA) American Theatre Critics Assocition Boston Press Club Committee Memberships. 6 folders Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities, 1966-1976 National Critics Institute New England Theatre Conference Provincetown Playhouse B. Awards and Honors. 6 folders Awards and Honors, 1947-1988. 3 folders Elliot Norton Awards: 1983-1993. 2 folders Honorary Degrees 1956-1980. C. Broadway Down East D. Foreign Tours. 4 folders Edinburgh, 1953. Notebook Foreign Language League Drama Work 1967 Israel, 1970 Theatre Guild Abroad, 1970 III.MANUSCRIPTS A. Lectures, 1948-1989. 9 folders B. Radio and Television Programs. 9 folders "Elliot Norton Reviews" Transcripts, etc. 1963-1982, 5 folders Correspondence, 1958-1982 1 folders Printed Materials 1 folder Videotape Inventory 1 folder Radio and Television Programs-Other 1 folder C. Writings 2 folders D. Manuscripts sent to E.N. 1 folder 2 IV. PRINTED MATERIALS 5 folders A. ByE.N. B. AboutE.N. C. About E.N. --Retirement D. MentionE.N. E. Collected by or sent to E.N. V. 1969 APPOINTMENT CALENDAR VI. AUDIO and VIDEO MATERIALS VIL PHOTOGRAPH 3 Norton, Elliot, 1903- Inventory of Papers April 1990-March 1995 I. CORRESPONDENCE (Chronological arrangement) 17 folders Box 1 Fl 1930-1950 F2 1951-1959 F3 1960-1962 F4 1963-1964 F~ 1965-1966 F6 1967-1968 F7 1969-1970 F8 1971-1973 Box2 Fl 1974-1975 F2 1976-1977 F3 1978-1979 F4 1980-1981 F5 1982 F6 1983-1990 F7 1991-1994 Box 3 Fl Undated by approximate decade. F2 Correspondence with Edward Sheehan about his play, American Innocence, 1982-1984. Selected List of Correspondents: Adlow, Elijah TLS May 31, 1966 Aherne, Brian, TLS Dec 5, 1969 Albee, Edward, 1928-TLS, April 25, 1968; ANS, Dec. 1 1975 with CTLS from EN Aldrich, Nelson TLS Dec. 30, 1958 Aldrich, Richard, 1902-1986. TLS, Sept. 27, 1954; Telegram, Jan. 6, 1955; ALS Dec. 2, 1968; 4 Atkinson, Brooks, 1894-1984, ALS, Mar. 23, 1958;TLS Nov. 5, 1959; TLS Dec. 31, 1959; ALS Nov. 1, 1961; TLS Aug. 10, 1970; TLS Feb. 5, 1974; TLS Aug. 11, 1974 ALS, Sept. no year; TLS "Tuesday", no date. Bacharach, Burt. TLS, Aug. 6, 1969 Bailey, Pearl Mae, 1918-1990. TLS May 3, 1968; TLS Jan. 16, 1970; ANS, n.d. Ballard, Kay 1926-ANS June 7, 1947, ALS Apr. 19, 1974 Banks, Talcott TLS March 12, 1962, TLS Feb. 17, 1982 Bean, Orson ANS n.d. Benedict, Paul TLS April 2, 1986 Bentley, Eric, TLS Oct. 14, 1973; TLS Dec. 8, 1973; TLS Jan. 6, 1974; TLS May 26, 1974 Berg, Gertrude ALS Jan. 28, no year Berlin, Irving, 1888-1989. TLS May 23 1962 , Bloomgarden, Kermit Telegram Nov. 19, 1955; TLS Jan. 3 1962, with his CTL to Forrest Tucker Brown, Francis Telegram Feb. 20, 1967 Brown, Joe Evan, 1892-1973. ALS n.d. ca. 1940s Brustein, Robert TLS May 31, 1978 TLS July 28, 1978; TLS August 12, 1978; TLS Dec. 14, 1978; TLS April 25, 1983; TLS Dec. 28, 1988; TLS May 21, 1991 TLS Feb. 6, 1992; TLS March 21, 1994. Canham, Erwin D. TLS Nov. 29, 1949 Cantor, Eddie 1893-1964. TLS Aug 8, 1947 Capp, Al, 1909-1979. TLS Aug. 29, n.y. Carlisle, Kitty, 1915 - ANS Nov. 26, 1986, ALS May 3, 1988; 2 ALS n.d. Carney, Art, 1918-ALS Aug. 9, 1963 Carson, Mildred ALS Oct. 9, 1956 Case, Harold (BU) TLS March 1, 1967 Celler, Emanuel TLS March 8, 1956 Channing, Carol, 1921- ALS June 11, 1977; ANS n.d. Telegram, July 6, 1982 Chapman, Robert TLS March 16, 1977; TLS April 1, 1977 Chayefsky, Paddy 1923 - 1981 TLS March 25, 1958 Chodorov, Jerome TLS Aug, 23, 1962 Christy, Marian ALS Nov. 20, 1978 Clurman, Harold TLS April 30, 1974 TLS May 8, 1974, TLS Nov. 8, 1977, Photocopy ALS May 26, 1979 Como, Perry TLS, Nov. 5, 1947 Conway, John (historian) TLS May 4, 1961 Cornell, Katharine, 1898-1974. ALS Feb. 10, 1958;ANS 5 n.d. [1971]; ALS Mar. 31, 1973; ANS on card with photograph, XMAS, 1973) Cousins, Norman, 1912-1990. TLS June 13, 1955 TLS Nov. I, 1955 Coward, Noel, 1899-1973. TLS Oct. 8, 1963 Crane, Bob ALS July 3, no year Crawford, Cheryl TLS Oct. 22, 197 6 Cronyn, Hume, 1911- TLS Sept. 19, 1956;TLS July, 20, 1957;TLS July 18, 1963; TLS April 30, 1970 TLS Mar 22, 1974; TLS Sept. 23, 1977; TNS April 25, 1978. Photocopy. TLS (to Spring Sirkin) Dec I, 1992; TLS Feb. 20, 1994. ANS n.d. 1980s (?) Crouse, Russel, 1893-1966. TLS May 4, 1964 Signed Buck. See also Lindsay, Howard. Cummings, Constance ALS Dec. 22, 1978 Cunningham, Bill (Boston Herald) TLS April 1,6, 1959 Davis, Hallie Flanagan TLS June 5, 1947 Denker, Henry TLS April 6, 1961 Dickson, Harry Ellis TLS Nov. 4, 1969, TLS Feb. 12, 1975 Douglas, Kirk, 1916- TLS Nov. 26, 1963 Dowling, Eddie, 1894-1976 ALS Feb. 20, 1948, ALS July 24, 1949 ALS Dec. 12, 1967. Drake, Alfred, 1914-TNS Mar. 20, 1958 Duke, Patty, 1946-ALS n.d. Duncan, Sandy, 1946-ANS [1981 from Chicago] Dunnock, Mildred, 1904- ALS June 2, 1969 Durante, Jimmy Telegram Feb. 5, 1939 Ebsen, Buddy, 1908-TelegramAug. 29, 1940 Edelson, Stan & Bobbi. TLS Dec. 12, 1968 Ehrensperger, Harold (B.U.) Feb. 21, 1963 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1890-1969. TLS Dec. 8, 1950 Engel, Lehman, TLS April 8, 1958 TLS March 10, 1975 TLS April 30, 1975 TLS, May 13, 1975 Enters, Angna, 1907-1989. ANS Nov. 18, 1941; TNS Dec. 3, 1944 ALS,Feb. 8, 1967 Ernst, Morris TLS March 7, 1956 Fabray, Nanette, 1922-. ALS June 15, 1946, ALS, n.d. Fairbanks, Sir Douglas, 1909- TLS Aug. 1, 1971 Farrell, Glenda ALS n.d Ferrer, Jose ALS on card Aug. 3, 1991 6 Fiedler, Arthur, 1894-1979. TLS Aug. 10, 1944 Fonda, Henry, 1905-1982 Telegram Mar. 26, 1959 Freedley, George TLS Oct. 10; 1956 Garson, Greer, 1908- TLS (with autograph note) Dec. 6, 1960 Gassner, John, TLS Oct. 9, 1956 TLS Jan. 7, 1962; ALS Dec. 31, 1965 Gelb, Arthur (NYT) TLS Feb. 18, 1957, TLS April 15, 1962 Gelbart, Larry, ANS Feb. 12, 1976, ALS Jan. 8, 1977 Gibson, William, TLS April 18, 1976, TLS on postcard Nov. 14, 1983, TLS Oct. 24, 1964 with EN letter of Nov. 28, 1974 Gish, Lillian, 1899-1993. TNS Dec. 14, 1982 Golden, John, ALS May 8, 1941 Goldston, Eli TLS, March 22, 1965; TLS Dec. 3, 1965, TLS Jan 10, 1966; TLS Jan. 25, 1966. Gordon, Ruth, 1896-1985, ALS May 8, 1969, ALS n.d. ALS May 29, 1969; ALS June 10, 1969; ALS June 11, 1969 Telegram, n.d.; ALS June 27, 1969; AL,S Feb. 8, 1971 ANS Mar. 22, 1971; ALS n.d.; ALS Apr. 7, 1971 ALS May 19, 1971; ALS Dec 15, 1977 Norton, Elliot to Ruth Gordon CTLS Mar. 18, 1971 CTLS Apr. 4, 1971; CTL to R. G. and GarsonKanin Dec. 31, 1977 Gould, John TLS May 29, 1982 TLS May 18, 1992 Green, Abel TLS Nov. 6, 1944 Green, Yvonne (Mrs. Martyn) ALS March 21, 1975 Greenwood, Charlotte 1893-1978. ALS n.d. Gross, Gerald (BU) TLS July 20, 1981 Grossman, Max TLS March 19, 1965 Guernsey, Otis TLS Jan. 27, 1965, TLS April 19, 1966 Gurney, Arthur TLS May 21, 1962 Guthrie, Sir Tyrone, 1900-1971. TLS June 23, 1964 Reply from E.N. CTL (holo corr) July 7, 1964 Hagman, Larry ALS, n.d. Haigh, Kenneth, ALS "Monday" no year Halliday, Richard TLS Oct. 8, 1963 Hammerstein, Dorothy (Blanchard) ALS July 29, 1958 Hammerstein, Oscar, 1895-1960. TLS April 23, 1954; TLS Oct. 26, 1958 (from O.H. and Richard Rodgers) TLS Nov. 10, 1959 Harris, Julie, 1925-ANS May 30, 1982; ALS June 19, 1991; ANS Mar. 1, 1992; ANS on Postcard Apr. 16, 1992; ANS May 2, 1992 ANS May 22, 1993 Hart, Moss 1904-1961. TLS Nov. 9, 1943; TLS 7 June 23, 1960; TLS July 18, 1960; TLS Aug 1, 1960 TLS Feb. 28, 1961 Hartman, Paul TLS Apr. 17, 1948; TLS June 12, 1958; ALS, n.d. Hayden, Jeffrey ALS July 4, 1974 Hayes, Helen, 1900-1993. 1NS Jan. 11, 1991 (to Ms. Sirkin); 1NS June 26, 1991 Hayward, Leland, TLS Nov. 12, 1954 Heckart, Eileen, ALS n.d. Hellman, Lillian, 1906-1984. TLS May 6, 1958;TLS May 23, 1961; TLS Dec. 7, 196l;ALS n.d. Hepburn, Katharine, 1909-1NS Feb.

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