
Aflawless collection of traditional, inspirationat and secular songs of the Christmas holiday season recorded in aspecially designed 32-track digital studio to capture the ambient blend of a hundred voices raised in praise. Also featured are cuts from our 1973 International quartet winner The Dealer's 1.~'OIO"'_"'1Ml<-, l .,"'j.',~.R.o_.'~'ln·_ ..", Choice, and our 1990 I.(....lnill"' ...110 -l S"""I,."",,,,,,,, 1\.,,' ,."("tn....,,,<:-,,»! 6 U",llo-'.l<'lJfi.-utlo:r<7 IH" ...~ .. P.,.,. International quartet champion 3 ~e:-...lJf"o',"' ",,~ '" , \01«." .'J ~"'~_" " 1l.'lo"'!JkC...."' Tho-~' ..., Acoustix. Songs include: Carol OfThe. BeUs • Christlll/ls Is Coming. Deck The Halls With Boughs ofHolly. 0 Little Town Of Belhle11em • Tile First Noel· Angels We Hatrc Helml On Higll • Hark TIle Hemld Angels Sing • Joy To TIm WorM. It Cmlle Upon A Midnight Clear. Silent Night· Little Drulllmer Do)' • The Hedlclujah CIlOrils • Uttle Altar Bo)' • A Christmas Celrol • Sweet Little Jesus Bo)' • Alleluia b)' Randelll Thompson Aretrospective collection of the most popular and unique arrangements recorded by the chorus from 1975 through 1982. Each of the following selections was re-engineeredand re-mastered using new computer and digitat conversion technology. Even if you have every one of our original recordings, you'll really hear these songs lor Ihe firsllime in brilliance you never thought was possible: 011 A Wonderful Del)' Like TOOCl)' • How Deep Is The Oceall • With A Song In M)' Heart • Didn't We • MacArthur Park. How Could YOIl Bclicl'C Mc • It's A Sin To Tell A Lie • For Once In M)' Life. Sweet G)'ps)' Rose. A Nightillgufe Sang III Berkelc)' Park· Tltis Is All I Ask • Hm'c A Littlc Talk Witll M)'sclf • TOOa)' • If I Rulet! Tlte World. Who'll Take M)' Place Wilen 1'111 Galle. Here's To Thc \Villllers • Step To TIIf~ Rear I• I. PLEASE RUSH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS TO ME! I HAVE INDICATED THE NUMBER OF ITEMS IN THE BOX. CASSETTES OF "ALLELUIA" 0 CASSETTES OF "BEST OF THE D RECORDING CATALOGS wilh every song $10.00 EARLY YEARS" $10.00 listed on 7Vocal Majority audio recordings, D 6Vocal Majority videos, and 2Acouslix audio COMPACT OISCS OF D COMPACT DISCS OF "BEST OF THE recordings. FREE! D "ALLELUIA" $15.00 EARLY YEARS" $15.00 U.S. Buyers Add $2 P&H OutsIde U.S. Add $7 Method of Payment: Make checks payable 10 The Vocal Majority Name 0 Check 0 IZI 0 rell Address Card# I II II 11[="---- Cit~/State/ZiP Expiration Date Phone ( Signature Phorre fo'lJmlw REOUIRED on all O/(Jqs S'gfIJ'lJreREOUIRED ~"tll Crt'd I card ordt'f$. Mail this order form to: The Vocal Majority • P.O. Box 29904 • Dallas, TX 75229 Call our Toll-Free 1.800.VMSONGS II (214)960..0606 to order recordings ~nd for Number or oca VM Show Information! September/October 1993 'The Volume LUI, No.5 The Harmol/izer(USPS No. 577700) (ISSN 0017·7849) Is the official publication of the Societ)' for the Preserm1ioll and ~a1111onizer Encouragement ofDllrber Shop Quartet SingIng In Amer­ Ica, Inc. (SP.EUSQSA). It Is publlsht'd In the months of Janunr)', l\lnrch, 1\10)', July, Scptrmbcr and NOH'mbcr at A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF 7930 Sheridan Road, KCl\oshll, Wisconsin 53143. Second· SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY class poslagc pllid at KcnoslHl, WiscolIsin,llnd lltnddHlonal mailing offices. Editorial and llch'crtising offices lIrc at the Internatlollal office. Advertlslng rates R\'llllnble upon re­ quest. Publisher assumes no responsIbility for return of unsolicited IlIAlluscripts or artwork. Postmaster: send ad· Features dress c1mngcs to editorial offices of Tile Harmolliz,r, 7930 Sheridan Rond, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143 at least thirty da,"s before the next publication date. A portion of each member's dues is allocated to cowr the magazine's sub­ 4 The Gas House Gang, Masters of Harmony win scriptioll price. Subscrilliiollllrice to non-members is $18 details and highlights of the 1993 convention in Calgary yearly or S3 per Issue; foreign subscriptions are $27 yearly or $4.50 per Issue (U. S. funds onl,·). ©1993 b,· the Society 10 Photos of 1993 quartet contestants for Ihe Pn'sen"ation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc, 21 Quartet and chorus contest scoring recaps 23 Photos of the 1993 chorus contestants International Office 27 Photos of the CQC contestants SPEBSQSA Collegiate Quartet Contest highlights 6315 Third Avenue 30 Barbershop craft Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 \Voodshedding tips Telephone (414) 653-8440 Toll-f.'e. t-800-876-SING (7464) 34 Singing valentines FAX (414) 654-4048 tips from 1993 chapter programs Office Hours: 8 a.m.. 5 p,m. ~Ionday·Friday (Central Time) 38 Harmony Hall a status report on your headquarters building International Office Staff Also in this issue JOE LILES, Executive Director J\IEL KNIGHT, Director of Music F.ducation & Services HtANK SANTA RELLI, DirectorofRnance& Administration GARY STAJ\Ii\1. Director of i\larketing 32 Marketing the Society RUTH BLAZINA·jOYCE. Museum Curator/Archivist KEN lJUCKNEU. J\fanager of Conventions & Meetings RODIN BURKEE, Quartet Regislry 37 In Memory DAN DAILY, EditorofPub1ications JIM DEnUSMAN, r\'lusic SpecialistIDJ\lF1World Harmony 37 Men of Note LANI DIETER, C&J CoonIinator UUSS FaRIS, l\ledia Production Coordinator WARREN LEISEJ\IANN, Milnager of Information Systems 37 Chapter Eternal BRIAN LYNCH, Communications Speciillist llE1Y l'Y MADSEN. Merchandise Orders & Shipping RUTH i\IARKS, Harmony foundation Progmm Coordinator 40 Chapters in Action EV NAU. Music SpecialistlPerfoonance/Markeling DLLL RASILLEIGII, ~Iusic S!X""CialistfYouth Outreach GREG RISI\IOEN, Computer Netll'ork Manager 44 News About Quartets DURT SZABO, J\lusic SpeciaIistll\lusic Publishing PATRICK TUCKER·KELLY, COTS/DI\.W Coordimltor DEE "ESEVICK, Assistant to the Executive Director 46 Barbershop Around the World CHARLIE GREEN, Director of Development Letters to the Editor l\linneapolis, Minn. (612) 929-QO.1I 47 50 New Music Notes Conventions INTERNATIONAL 50 Heartspring and Service 1994 Pittsburgh, Pa , July 3-10 1995 Greater Miami, Fla. .. July 2·9 52 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers 1996 Salt Lake City, Utah .... June 3D-July 7 1997 InrJianapolis. Ind. .. June 29-July 6 On the cover MIDWINTER 1994 Sarasota, Fla. .. .. January 23-30 Front cover: the 1993 international quartet champion, The Gas House Gang, poses 1995 Tucson, Ariz January 22-29 with the Ingraham trophy and individual ASCAP trophies, Back cover: 1993 1996 Jacksonville, Fla January 28-Febmary 3 international chorus champion Masters of Harmony and 1993 collegiate quartet ITHernet: [email protected] champion Heritage Station, September/October 1993 8farmonizer International Officers I"ternatiol/al Execlltil'e COl1llllitlee President: Ernie Nickoson, 1702 Cameron 0., Lexington, KY 40505 Vice President-Trealiurer: Bobb}' Wooldridge, 803 Amberwood Dr.. Tuscaloos11, I\L 35405 Vicc Prcsident: Dick Shaw, 35 Vagabond Lane, In "Seventh" Winter Ha\'en, FL 33881 Vice President: Tim Hanrahan, 215 Hedgecock Court Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Immedillte PllSt President: Terry Arnmillll, 47A Dot Avcnuc, Cllmpbcll. CA 95008 Heaven Exccutive Director: Joe Liles ,-,x officio I"ternatiol/al Board Members by Joe Liles Canlin.1l: Ja)' Butler, 4512 WeJlh.:rsilk Run, Fl W3)n",tN 46SQ..l Executive Director Central Statl'S: Bob SII"tn>Orl, 300 YumJ_ ManhJt1an. KS 66502 Dhil': Dkk Belote, 2.12 Gre.:!e)' Dr,_ N35h.illl. TN 37205 E"l'rgrcen: Tim Knight, 541 Antelope Wa)". Eu£enc, OR 97401 FJrWe;tem: L1o)'d Steinkamp. 103t30r0zooRlXld, S:m Di~go, CA92124 lIIinoi,: Eru-I :\Ie;eth, 15611 Gkn,JJle Lane, Lod;por1,IL ~1-3202 lohnn)' Applesel'd: 10<' Jenkins, 659~ S\r;ltl\(:onJ, Dublin, OH ~J017 Land 0' Lake~: Judd Orff. 115 E. Linden St, SlillwJter, ~IN 550S2 /Ilid·AII:mtic: Jack Belli., 28 OJkk)' Dr.. Huntington StJtion, NY 11746 N~J.l.ll'm: Jim Ki,:;.:lo:k, P. O. BO:l 745, Chi'p.l(het, RI 02814-{}997 f )'01/ have an)' soul worth express­ The massed sing, perfectly situated in the :lppoint~nt) ,'I (lemponu)' ing, it will sholV itselfifl YOllr sing­ bowl-shaped Olympic Park, must have been Ontario: John Casc, RR Itl, NOrpclh, OX NOP IXO CANADA Pioneer: :\like O'Donnell. 1617 FJirl:me A.,I'.. NE. GrJlld Rap:d~, :\II ing." John Ruskin-1865 the largest ever-more than 7,000 people -i9505·-iS26 sent harmony heavenward ... the '''shop'' Rock)' Moontain: Phil HoffnLlll, Jr., 2t40 CI.1rl; A\'I'" Bimng~, MT 59102 Sen«J Land: Goorgl' Cook. t09 De\Ibell)' L:lJll'. S)r.l(usc, NY 13219 All overCalgary and throughout the week, heard 'round the world? Soulhwestcm:Pell)' Baker. 61 06 V30Ce JKkson55. Sm Antonio, TX 78230 a record number ofbarbershop singers gath­ The World Harmony Jamboree sold out SUll5hirw:: OJ\-e Ko!oni:t. t7fJJ NW It4th Loop.. O:JIJ. FL 3--1475 alld Dircctors-at-wrge ered to lift their voices in song. It began on early to a record attendance. The audience Grorge DJ\id>Oll, 7524 E. Costill3 Place, Englewood, CO 80112 Tuesday night with theslIccessful sing-along, was thoroughly engrossed in the entertain­ Eric Jackson. 202 HO\\w St., Rh'~r1on, NJ QS077 organized and energetically run by Interna­ ment, with each performance being a high~ Gn.>r"gI'Shiclili, I V:ll1e)boookDr.#--IDJ,DonMi1Is.OX/Il3B 2S7CANADA Fod Waesd1l', 6 Vi~la 1.:111<:, Met-illl', NY 11747 tional VP Bobby Wooldridge. The crowd light. exceeded our wildest expectations and in~ Those who were privileged to attend the eluded men, women and young people­ quartet and chorus competition witnessed an Affiliate Organizations families singing together-more than 1,600 awesome group of performers, As you AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF MEN BARBERSHOP people expressing themselves in two hours know by now, the new chorus champ is the SIKGERS (AAMBS) Mell /lk/llichMI, Pre,ident, t6 Booral Su«t, BU<krim, Qu~enslJlld 4$56, AU;lr:l1i:l of solid, continuous harmony.
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