Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy Free Schoo l Prop osal The Excellence Academy Excellence Academy Ltd. Dire ctor’s Statement Our aims, vision and ethos are all centred around narrowing the achievement gap and raising the educational standards of children from deprived areas. We welcome the challenge and aim to deliver an education that will provide every student with the qualification and skills to become a successful graduate. This proposal for The Excellence Academy really excites us as we believe that this school will truly change the lives of children from areas that are cons idered to be deprived. Children in thes e areas his torically have low as pirations which in turn affect their achievements. Now its time to make a change to inherited outcom es and s tart to m ake a difference where it really does m atter. The aims, vision and ethos of the Excellence Academy are a result our passion to raise s tandards in the areas that we have been raised. The drive and dedication of our Principal Designate has led to the design of a sm all s econdary school that includes many features of exem plar Charter schools in the States. We are committed to providing whatever support is necessary to ensure that the Excellence Academy is an exemplar free school. We will work closely with all stakeholders and im prove the life chances for youngs ters in Sandwell and Birmingham. We look forward to s eeing our students and families smiling when the Excellence Academy delivers its vision which is focussed on providing students with a high quality education, and a pathway to univers ity. On behalf of the Board, we would like to thank the Department for Education for allowing us to s hare our visions for the firs t school truly guaranteeing to rais e achievement within deprived areas within the Midlands. On behalf of the Directors of The Excellence Academy Free Schoo l Prop osal The Excellence Academy Principal Designate Statement “I feel compelled to play my part in raising the educational standards of children in Sandwell” Teaching is a career that continues to challenge and inspire m e. I am pass ionate that every child has potential and can achieve, even in the m os t challenging environments. This belief stems from m y up- bringing as one of five children raised by parents on a low income in Sandwell. Being s uccess fully recruited onto the Future Leaders programm e has exposed me to sm all s econdary charter schools in the s tates that achieve great outcomes for their students. I was emotionally m oved as I witnessed the calmness and focus brought about by routines and rituals, and the im pact of raised aspirations on the academic rigour. All this in the Bronx in Newark in New York! I left New York ins pired to implement what I had witnessed into the British education s ystem, in particular Sandwell to counter act the inefficiencies of large secondary schools. I am hugely excited to s ubm it my des ign for the Excellence Academy – an innovative small s econdary school with many characteris tics incorporated from charter schools in the States. Why? Because I passionately believe that every child has great potential, and I feel com pelled to play m y part in raising the educational s tandards of children in Sandwell and preparing them for univers ity. Once set up and success ful, I would look to s hare the design and implementation of the Excellence Academy s o that the num ber of children achieving great things increases, and the achievement gap decreas es. I hope you like the des ign, and support us in turning this free school propos al into an exceptional university preparatory school for children in Sandwell. Kindes t regards, <Redacted> <Redacted> <Redacted> Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy What we will do for you The Excellence Academy Free School Proposal has been created with the following aims at the heart of its design To drive up the quality of provision and standards within secondary education To provide parents with greater choice in the schooling of their children To establish innovation as a driving force in reshaping the education system To provide a value for money small secondary school based on exemplar Charter Schools in the States Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy www.ExcellenceAcademy.org.uk Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy Contents 1. Applicant Details 2. OutIine of the school 3. Educational vision 4. Educational plan 5. Evidence of demand and marketing 6. Organisational capacity and capability 7. Premises 8. Financial viability 9. Suitability and declarations Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy Section 1 ' Appll icant Details In this section • A company limited by guarantee has been created for the Excellence Academy • Details of the company have been completed in the template provided • The appropriate declarations have been signed Free Schoo l Prop osal The Excellence Academy Section 1: Applicant details As Companies Limited by Guarantee, certain details will be publicly available on the Companies House website. However, personal inform ation will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We realis e that not all of this s ection will be relevant or appropriate to exis ting Academy s ponsors. Details of Compan y Limited by Guarantee Name: The Excellence Academy Ltd Company address: <Redacted>, West Bromwich, West Midlands <Redacted> Company regis tration number: 7645858 Main contact Name: <Redacted> Address : <Redacted> Em ail address : <Redacted> Telephone num ber: <Redacted> Members and Directors Pleas e confirm the total num ber of (a) Com pany Directors = 2 and (b) any other members of the Governing Body 0 appointed to date and list them below. Pleas e also confirm who the proposed Chair of the Governing Body is. Name: <Redacted> Position:Chairman and Director, and proposed chair of the governing body Name: <Redacted> Position: Director Name: Position: Related organisatio ns Does the Company Lim ited by Guarantee have any links (through the members, directors or otherwise) with any other charitable or commercial organis ation? Y/N If Y pleas e provide their name and Charity Commiss ion num ber and describe the role that it is envis aged to play in relation to the Free School: If your organis ation is an exis ting independent school, please provide your s ix digit unique reference num ber: Free Schoo l Prop osal The Excellence Academy Declaration to be signed b y a Compan y Director I confirm that the inform ation provided in this application is correct to the bes t of m y knowledge and that if the application is s uccess ful the Company will operate a Free School in accordance with the requirements outlined above and the requirements of the Independent Schools Standards* and the Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State. Signed: Print Nam e: Date: Each Member and Director of the Company should also com plete and return the personal information and declarations from Section 9 (which is in a s eparate downloadable form). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The requirements of the Independent Schools Standards are not applicable for 16-19 Free Schools. Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF A PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY Company Number. 7645858 The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales, hereby certifies that THE EXCELLENCE ACADEMY LTD is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 as a private company, that the company is limited by guarantee, and the situation of its registered office is in England and Wales. Given at Companies House Cardiff on 4th May 2011 : Companies House - for the record- The above information was communicated by electronic means and authenticated by the Resistrar of Companies under section 1115 of the Companies Act 2006 Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy Section 2 · Outline of the school In this section • The proposed school name • Age range • Proposed numbers in each year group • Religious character- Not applicable • Single sex - Not applicable • Local authority Free Schoo l Prop osal The Excellence Academy Section 2: Outline of the school Proposed school nam e: The Excellence Academy Age range: 11 to 18 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Proposed numbers in Receptio n each year group at point Y ear 1 of opening and Y ear 2 explanation of how pupil Y ear 3 num bers will expand to fill Y ear 4 the school over time. Y ear 5 Y ear 6 If your application Y ear 7 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Y ear 8 60 60 60 60 60 60 includes nursery Y ear 9 60 60 60 60 60 provision, pleas e add Y ear 10 60 60 60 60 additional rows as Y ear 11 60 60 60 appropriate. Y ear 12 60 60 Y ear 13 60 If an exis ting independent school, provide details of your lates t inspection (including the report), Not applicable current num bers on roll and total capacity of school. Will your school have a religious character (i.e. be a faith school)? If Y, pleas e specify which Not applicable. faith. Pleas e s ee notes below (at the end of this table). Is this an application for a s ingle-s ex school? If s o, Not applicable. please tick the relevant box. Local authority area in which the school would Sandwell Local Authority be situated (and if near to a LA boundary please Local authority boundary: Birm ingham include names of neighbouring LAs ). Free School Proposal The Excellence Academy Section 3 · Educational Vision In this section • Rationale of the school • Vision and ethos Free Schoo l Prop osal The Excellence Academy The Excellence Academy is distinctive and different from other schools in Sandwell.
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