Some Families of Ethiopian Plants and Their Species

Some Families of Ethiopian Plants and Their Species

Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Wildlife Department Some Families of Ethiopian Plants and their Species by Wolde Michael Kelecha Addis Ababa, Ethiopia May, 1979. 6s/ W > o \ /? / C 1? f $ Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Wildlife Department Some Families of Ethiopian Plants and their Species by Wolde Michael Kelecha Addis Ababa, Ethiopia May, 1979. Introduction. This issue of botanical names of Ethiopian Plants is a compilation, mainly from my " Glossary of Ethiopian Plant Names", 1977, There are considerable difficulties in identifiying naturally appearing species of plants in Ethiopi and this publication of botanical names will help to give information to which family, a genus or species belongs. The family name is the most important division of a plant kingdom,. And once the family of a species is known, it may be easy to refer to botanical literature for further information and identification,. Some exotic species found growing in Ethiopia are also included in the list under their corresponding families,, This publication consists of 183 families and about 1840 species with updated botanical namus. In some cases the species and families are followed by synonym(s)c In the indices of botanical names given at the end of the publication the alternative names or synonyms are marked with an asterisk(•)» Although great care has been taken in the preparation of the list of species, the possibility of finding some typing errors cannot be excluded. Therefore, I will be grateful for any error brought to my attention* Addis Ababa, Hay, 19 79. V7olde Michael Kelecha. 1 FAMILIES OF ETHIOPIAN PLANTS AND THEIR SPECIES. ACANTHa CEAE Acanthus arboreus. Forr;k. syn. A.pubescene (T. Thoms.) Engl. Acanthus eminens C.B. Clarke,. Acanthus sennii Chiov. AdhatodaCAdathoda Adansi) schimperiana. Asteracantha longifolia. Barleris ep. Blepharis edulis. 31epharis maderaspatensis(L.) Heyne. ex Roth. Brillantaisia madagascariensis. Dicliptera maculata Nees. Hypoestes sp. Isoglossa sp. Justicia insularis. Justicia schimperi. Ruellia sp. ttGAVACE'AE Agave sp. Agave americana var. marginata. Agave sisalena F*rr. Dracaena afromontana Mildbr. Dracaena draco L. syn. D.ombet Kotschy.& Peyer. Dracaena steudneri Schweinf. ex Engl. Sansevieria abyssinica N.E. Dr. Sansevieria ehrenbergia Schweinf. ex Bak. .../2 2 FAMILIES OF ETHIOPIAN PLANTS AND THEIR SPECIES, AI20ACEAE Delosperma abyssinicum (Regel.) Schwantes. Gisekia pharnaceoides L. Mant, var. pseudopaniculata C„ Jeffrey, Gisekia setiflorus Forsk, Glinus lotoides L„ Hypertelis bowkeriana Soad. Trianthema ceratosepal^ Volkens & Irmsch. Trianthema triquetra Willd. var. triquetra. Tribulocarpus dimorphnnthus (Pax„) S» Moore, Zaleya pentandra(L„) C. Jeffrey0 syn, Trianthema pentandra L„ AMARANTH,iCE/.E Achyranthes aspern L, Aerva persica(Burm* F.) Merr,, Alternanthers nodiflora R, Br. Amaranthus angustifolius Lam. Amaranthus caudatus L. Amaranthus gracilis(Desf.) Poir Amaranthus hypochondriacus Ln syn,A. hybridus L„ var, hypochondri.'cu3 Thell, Ameranthus sylvestris Vill Amarabthus thunbergii Moq, Celosia anthelmintics Asch. Celosia trigyna L, Chionotrix latifolia Rendle* Cyathula globulifera Moq, Cy~.thula uncinulata(Schrad*) Schinz. Cvathula schimperiana . ,/3 3 FAMILIES OF ETHIOPIAN PLANTS r.ND THEIR SPECIES. m MAP.ANTHACEAE continued. Digera alternifolia (L.) Asch, Pupalin lappacea(L.) Juss. syn, P, antropurpurea Moq. Sericomopsis pallida. Seriocostochys tomentosa Lopr, AKa RYLLIDa CEm E. Amarllis belladonna L„ Crinum abyssinicum. Crinum bulbispermum. Crinum kirki. Crinum orn.^tum. Crinum schimperi. Haomanthus multiflorus, Haemanthus nutans, Hippeastrum sp, ANACAP.DIACEAE. Anacardium occidentalo L. Heeria insignis(Del.) 0. Ktze.var, latifolia. syn, /inaphrenium abyssinicum Hochst var. latifolia Oliv, Heeria rcticulata Bak. f. Lngl. Lannea fruticosa(Hochst, ex A. Rich.) Engl, Lannea schimperi Hochst. ex. A. Rich. Lannea triphylla(Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Engl. Lannea welwitschii(Hierru ) Engl. »./4 4 FAMILIES 0? ETHIOPIAN PLnNTS a ND THEIR SPECIES, ANACARDIa CEAE continued Mangifera indica L, H.s-V.-'cia hinensis Bunge var, falcata(Beccari. ex Marielli.) Z-hary. t-istacln lentiscus L. var, emarginata Engl, syn. Lentiscus aethicpica Lencz ex DaL_ & Greenway« Rhus abyscinica Kochst. ex Oliv, syn, Rhus villosa, Rhus glutinosa Hochst. ex a ,Rich. Rhus natalensis Bcnth, ex Krauss, Rhus quartiana A* Richo Rhus rotinorrhoea Steud, ex Oliv, Rhus ruspolii Engl, Rhus vulgaris Meikle, .’ch:: . n^lle L„ Sclerocarva birrea(/.0Rich. ) Hochst, AKK'0HAC5>\E Annona cherimolia Mill, Annona chrysophylla 3o j , syn, A. senegalensis Pers, Annona muricata Lt Monodora sp, Uyaria angolensis Oliv. a PI -,CE/.E( --UM3ELLI:-'ERAC) Amni majus L.. Anethum graveolc.ns L 0 Apium graveolens v-nr, dulcc. DC. Cr.rum cc.rvi L. , 5 FAMILIES OF ETHIOPIA PLANTS AND THEIR SPECIES. APIACE»E(= UMBELLIFERAE) continued Caucalis incognita Norn on„ Caucalis melanantha(Hochst.) Benth. Hock. f. ex Hiern. Conium maculatum L„ Cc.riandrum sativum L. Cuminum cyminum L„ Daucus carota L. var.- sativa. Diplolophium africanum Turcz. Ferula communis L„ syn. F. abyssinica A. Rich. Foeniculum piperinum (Ucria) Persia Foeniculum vulgare Mill. syn. F. copticum Tcurn. ex L. Heracleum --'byssinica( Boiss. ) Norman. Heteromorpha arbcrenscens Cham. & Schl. Heteromorpha trifoliata(Endl.) Eckyl„ & Zeyh. HydrocQtyle mannii. Lefeburea abyssinica A. Rich. Oenanthe palustris. Pastinaca L. Petrostlinum crispum(Mill.) Nym. syn. P. sativum Hoffm. Pimpinella anisum L. Pimpinella hirtella A. Rich. Steganotaenia araliacea Hochst. Torilis arvensis(Huds.) Link* Trfichyspermum copticum(L.) Link. syn. Carum copticum Benth. c Hook.f. ../6 6 tw.i-.^LIES OF CTHIOPIAN PL,’.NTS »ND THEIR SPUCI^S. .. r'OCY \V.C5. ,E Adtnium honghel DC. Adenium rr.ultiflorum Klotzch. Adeniun somalr isis Balt, f . Adenium speciosum Fenzl. Carissa def lersii (Schweinf , ex Lewin.) Fichon. Carissa edulis (Forsk«.) V-.hla Carissa schimperi DC. syr.„ Acokanthera schimperi (DC.) Oliv. Catharanthus roseus G. Don. syn. Vitca rosea L. Funtunin elastica(Preuss.) Stapf, Landolphia florid?. Benth. Landolphia owarensis Bcp.u v . Nerium oleander L. Plumeria acuminata Ait. Saba comorensis(Boj„ ex DC.) Pichon„ Vinca minor L„ /»q u i f o l i 1': Ilex mitis (L.) Radik» m RACEA L A^.orphophal] ■j'-. nbyssinicus (A.Rich.) N.E. Br. syr.. A. schweinfurthii (Engl.) N.E.Br. Arisaem? sp. /.risnema enneaphyllum Hochst. ex A.Rich. Arisr.em;.'. schimperianum Schott, Colocasia antiqucrnm Schott- n.o/7 FAMILIES OF ETHIOPIA PLANTS AND THEIR SPECIES. ARACEAE continued Colocassia scandens. Sauromatum nubicum Schoot. Stylcchiton hypogeum Lepr. Zantedeschia aethiopica L„ syn. Calla aethiopica L. /vRa LIu CE, . E o Cussonia arboreci Hochst. ox A. Rich. Cussonia holstii Harms, ex Engl- Cussonia cstinii Chiov. Polyscias ferrugenea (Hiern.) Harms. syn. P. fulva (Hiern.) Harms. Schefflera abyssinica(Hochst. ox A, Rich. Schefflera polyscindia Harms. Schefflera volkensii Harms. AR,vUC.'RlACEAE Araucaria excelsa R. Br. KEC. .CE. E (■•= FALMnE) Bcrassus aethiopium Mart. Cocos nucifera L. Hyphaene thebaica (L.) Mart. Phoenix abyssinica Drude. syn. P. dactylifora L» Phoenix reclinata Jacq. 0 Fa m i l i e s o f Et h i o p i a l .-.n t s a n d t h e i r si-e c i e s , ARISTOI.QCHI.'.CLm E Aristolochia bracteata Retz. .. SCLEF IADj.CEAE Asclepias macrantha Hochst. ex Decne. Brachystclma lineare A. Rich. Calotropis procera(Ait.) Dryand. Caralluma penicillata(Def1.) N.E. Br. Caralluma rivae Chiov Ceropegia abyssinica Decne. Ceropegia affinis Vatke, Ceropegia aristolochoides Decnc. Ceropegia convolvuloides .i. Rich. Ceropegia vign?.ldiana A. Rich. Cynanchum altiscadens K. Schum. Dregca abyssinica(Hochst.) K. Schum. Dregea schimperi Bullock. Edithcolea sordida N.E. Br. Gomphccarpus fruticcsus(L„) R. Br. Gymnema sylvestre(Retz.) R. Br. ex Schult. Kanahia laniflcra(Fersk.) R. Br. Pergularia daemia(Forsk.) Chiov. Periploca linearifrlia A. Rich. & Quart. - Dillon. Sarcostemma viminale (L») R.Br. Secamone punctulata Decnc. Socotorai visciformis(Vatke.) Bulldcck. syn. Periploca ephedriformis Schweinf. ex Defl. Stathmostelma angustatum Hochst. ex K.Schum. Tacazzea apiculata Oliv. Tacazzea vencsa Hochst. ex Decne. Vincetoxicum sp. *> o m / '9y 9 F;.rilLIES OF ET!lIOri/.\' PLANTS AND THCIR Sl-ECICS. , .STERACE,.E ( =COMPOSITAE) Ageratum conyzoides L. Artemisia abyssinicn Sch. - Bip. ex A„ Rich. Artemisia afra Jacq. ..rtemisi? rehan Chicv. Bidons pilosa L. Carduus ellenbeckii. Carduus leptacanthus. Carduus nyassanus . Carthamus flavcscens Wild. Carthamus tinctorius L. Chrysanthemum cenerarirefilium. Chrysanthemum hortorum Bail. Chrysanthemum maximum Ramond. Cichorium endivia L. Cichorium intybus L. Cirsium engleranum. Cirsium vulgare. Conyzn stricta Willd. syn. C. schimperi Sch. - Bip. ex A. Rich. Coreopsis boraniana Sch. - Bip, Cosmos bipinnatus cav. Cr assocephalum macropappum. Crassccephalum rupens. Crepis rueppellii Sch. Cynara scolymus L. Dahlia variabilis(Willd.) Desf. Di~nthos<_ris sp. Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Bl.) DC. o / ^ ^ 10 FAMILIES OF ETHI01- Hii i L/J'ITS AND THEIR SPECIES,, ,'STE.r<;.CEAE( = COML-OSIT.tE) continued. Dichrc.cephala integrifclia (L.f.) Ktze. Echinops amplexicaulis Oliv* Echinops ellenbeckii O* Hoffm. Echinops giganteurr. h , Kich. Echinops spinosus L„ Emilia sonchifolia. Erlangea abyssinica (Sch„ - Bip„) Moc-re. Galinsoga parviflora Cav. Guizotia abyssinica Cass- Guizotia scabra(Vis.) Chiov. Helianthus annuus

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