DOCUMENT RESUME ED 255 411 SO 016 289 AUTHOR Brown, Lester R.; And Others TITLE State of the WOriO, 1985: A Worldwatch Institute Report do Progres1 toward a Sustainable Society. INSTITUTION Worldwatch Inst., Washington, D.C. REPORT NO ISBN-0-393-30218-0 PUB DATE 85 NOTE 316p.; For 1984 adition, see ED 241 408. AVAILABLE FROMWorldwalch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave.,N.W., Washington, DC 20036 ($18.95, cloth; $8.95, paper). PUB TYPE Collected Works General (020) Viewpoints (120) Books (010) EDRSrPRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Alternative Energy Sources; Conservation (Environnt); Depleted Resources; Developed Nations; Developing. Nations; Economics; Fisheries; Food; Forestry; Fuel Consumption; *Futures (of Society); Global Approach; Hunger; International Cooperation; Natural Resources; Policy Formation; Resource Allocation; Soil Conservation; *World Affairs; *World Problems ABSTRACT The second of a series of annual(reports designed to provide a global assessment of progress towarda sustainable society, this publication monitors changes in the globalresource base (land, .water, energy, and biological support systems), focusing particularly on how these changes affect the economy. Included in the reportare news on innovative or particularly successful technical developments; a look at global economic conditions that policy makers often overlook; a revieW of national policies and programs, including progress toward specific national goals; and a survey of major financial commitments by governments and international development agencies. Following an overview, content is divided into 10 'chapters:, .-"A False Sense of,Security" (Lester -R. Brown), "Reducing Hunger" (Lester R. Brown), "Managing Freshwater Supplies" (Sandra Postel), "Maintaining World Fisheries" (Lester R. Brown), "ProtectingF retts from Air Pollution and Acid Rain" (Sandra Postel), "Conserving Biological Diversity" (Edward C. Wolf), "Increasing Energy. Efficiency" (William U. Chandler),, "Harnessing Renewable Energy (Christophtr Flavin and Cynthia Pollock), "Stopping Population Growth" (Lester R. Brown), and "Getting Back on the Track" (LesterR. Brown and Edwai-d C, Wolf). A list of tables and figures, extensive endnotes, and an index are included. (LH) ***************************************************m******************* * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the beet thatcan be made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** S OPPAMPAtIST OP rouciatoN NA I IONAI INS111)111 Of 1IMICA /ION I (4141A l aitv 4l It1 I,411 1,, iNI , 'Nit 11 III( ,11/1/11.141/ 4.% tr if 148/I11,11."11 it. I I, II.., I.,ho. "Ipt.syll I1/. III 1. 0, / , , I1 , ) ,1 , 1 , " 1 1 1 71 10II I I I/IllOp II 01.58111.1, 1.4111,11Nit 111,kMolt tle guff, "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIALIN ,MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN,gRANTED BY # TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) , A a I Other Norton/Worldwatch Books Lester R. Browni The Twenty-Ninth.Day: Accomtnodating- Human Needs and \itiniber,sto the Earth' Resources Lester R. Brown / Budding tiSustainable Society Lester R. Brown et al. / State ofthe World-1984 ,Lester R. Brown, Chriswpher *Flavin, and.Cohn Norman / Running on Empty: The Future of the . Automobile in an Oil-Short 1Lorld Daniel Denthycy and ChristopherFlavin / Renewable Energy: The Power to Choose )111 Erik P. Eckholm / Losing Ground:EnvirOrNtal Stress and World Food Prospects Erik P, Ecl)holin / The Pictureof Health: S -Environmental Sources of Disease Denis Hayes Rays of Hope: The Transitionto a . Post-Petroleum World Kathleen Newland / TheSister/rood of Man .ar Colin. Norman / The God ThatLimps: Science and Technology in the Eighties , Bruce Stokes / Helping Ourselves:Local Solutions to Global Problems BEST COPY AVAILABLE 'STATE OF THV WORLD 1985 A_Wilidwatch Institute Reporton Progress TowardaSusta" &table: Society PROJEcTDIRECAOR Lester R. Brown PROJECT ASSOCIATE EdWatd C EDITOR bnda Valk( SENIOR RESEARCHERS Lola R. Brown U Chandler Christopher Ffdvin Sandra Postel Tit C.MU" RkSEARCHER 4 Cynthia Pollock WWNoRTON & COMPANY vEW YORK LONDON r IA v I Copyright ® 1985 by the Worldwatchinstitute All rights res&ved. Published simultaneously in Canadaby Penguin Books Canada Ltd, Ontario L3R 104 2601 Min Street, Markham, Printed in be United States ofAmerica The text of this book is composed in Baskerville, with displaytype set in Caslon. Composition and manufacturing by The Haddon Crafisiuen, First Edition I'M 0-393-01930-6 ISBN 0-393-30218-0PBK W. W. Norton & Company,Inc, 500 Fifth Avenite, New York, W. W. Norton & Company N.Y. 10110 ' Ltd., 37 Great RusseT1 Street,London WCIB 3NU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 rd. 5 BEST COPYAVAILABLE) 1. WORLDWATCH INSTITUTEBOARD OF DIRECTORS Orville,L. Freernan, Chairman Hazel Henderson -UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Andrew E. Rice, Vice Ch airman .Anne-Marie Holenstein UNITED STATES SWITZERLAND Lester R. Brown (Ex Officio) Abd El R.ahman Khane UNITED STATES ALGERIA Charles M. Cargille LaiTyMinear UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Carlo M. Ci'polla . Walter Ott Roberts ITALY UNITED STATES Edward S. Cornish Rthel M. Salas UNTIED STATES PFIILIPPINES Marhbub ul Hag Lynne G. Stitt PAKISTAN UNITED STATES WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE STAFF , Colleen Bickrnan\ Marion Guyer Brian Brown Jodi Johnson Lester R. Brown David Macgregor Willi m U. Chandler, Susan Dorris Chris her Flavin Cynthia Pollock 'Bldndt Gravely Sandra Poste!, Edward C. Wolf, OFFICERS Lester R. Brown Bloildeen Gravely PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Felix Correll. Titnothy Atkeson TREASURER GENERAL pOUNSEL a 6 Acknowdgments Producing a State of the World report each at Worldly:itch Institute is the opportu- year depends on the support and aid of nity to test one's ideas against an excep- countless individuals and institutions. tionally talented and knowledgeable set Among the principal groups making the of reviewers both within and outside the report possible are the fundets. This an- Institute. This year outside reviewers in- nual series was initiated with the active cluded Gerald 0. fra-rney, Gail Finster- support of William Dictel, President of bush, Robert Goodland, Scott McVay, the Rockefeller 'Brothers Fund, which and Andrew Rice, who reviewed the en- helped' launch the Institute a decade tire manuscript at short notice; the final ago. In addition to RBF, both the Win- version is stronger due to their eleventh- throp Rockefeller Trust andDavi Rock- hour efforts. The following people re- efeller arc helping fund the report. viewed individual chapters and gener- Beyond this., the report draws on the ously shayed their expertise: Peter Blair, Institute's ongoing research, which is Deborah Meyiss, Leon Bouvier, .john supported by several foundationsthe Bredehoeft, Winston Brill, Tom Bull, Geraldine R. Dodge, William and Flora Clark Bullard, Ben Burr, T.T. Chang, Hewlett, W. Alton Jones, Edna McCon- Donald Duvick, Jae Edmonds, Malin nell Clark, Andrew W4Mellon, and Ed- Falkemnark, Andrea Fella, David L. Flu- ward John Noble Foundations. All these harty,KennethFrederick,Howard provide general support that gives us a Geller, Major M. Goodman, Holly L flexibility and an efficiency in operation Gwin, John Haile, Carl Haub, Maureen that few other research institutes can Hinkle; Judith Jacobsen, Mary Kent, claim. In addition, Worldwatch has en- Carlo LaPorta', Jay Lear, Thomas- E. joyed from its inception financial sup- -Lovejoy, Amoky rovins, Thomas Mer- port*. n theUnitedNations Fundfir rick, Douglas Merry, Alan Miller, David Populati n, Activities, headed by Rafael Moulton, Elliott A. Norse, Helen Peters, Salas. Donald Plucknett,- Fred Potter,' John This year, As iin 1983, Linda Starke ed- Reilly, Peter Rogers, Marc Ross, Ni ited the manuscript, coaxing prose out J.H.Smith, JosephSpeidel, Ma la, of numerous recalcitrant drafts. By shar- Webb, and J.T. Williams. pening .authors' thinking and polishing Special thanks go to Nancy Birdsa o( their writing,..Linda has smoothed the the WorldBank for sharing backgrou d reader's journeyimmeasurably.. Her1papers prepared for the World Develo skills as an editor and her sure sense of ment Report; William Kellogg and Walter graphic design enabled us to produce Orr Roberts of the National Center for State of the World on an accelerated sched- Atmospheric Researchfor reviewing ule without .compromising quality. sections of State of the World thtat deal One of the great privileges of writing with climate; Stephen Schneider, also of. Acknowledpnent3 the Center, for sharin test think- t 3 as well as rt of Chapter 8; ing on the effects ofpop' anon growth rian, Brow Guyer con- on climate; Milena P. Roos for her ex- ,tyibuted to ich and analysis in perienced auimance in unearthing and se eral other citt:rs. Colleen Biel- obtaining documents within the United man's efficient management of publica- Nations system; and Boyd Chugg of the tion sales and devioussense of humor U.S. Department of Agricultbre, whose both proved -indispensable. David M'ac-- historical data on world agriculture ihul gregor designed an ambitious and effec- food production have, provideda (emu- tive mitreach system for State c)f the World datsion for out- analysis. with.* missing a stride in his dutiesas We were fortunate to have sucha di- edito-Vof the Wor,ldwatch Papers. The verse, thorough,and' qualified group' of report's value as ireferencewas greatly reviewers; the authors alone bear there- enhanced by Mice Fins, who joinedus sponsibility for any errors that remain. coming down the home stretchto pro-
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