i The Issue University of No. 909 Surrey Students' Paper 9th May 1997 OXFORD UNION IN THE RED he Oxford Union is up to Page Three girl Debbie Ashby, ballers, who was thrown out of £80,000 in debt after earns funds through member- the 1994 World Cup for drug tak- Tdraining its funds to ship subscriptions, renting out ing, 'held students to ransom' by pamper celebrity speakers. In buildings and sponsorship. The demanding that his entire family Oxford Union headquarters in and entourage be flown over one of the most extraordinary Frewin Court in Oxford is owned Concorde when he attended a outlays, students paid for dis- by a trust. It has an independent debate. graced Argentine striker financial adviser and university Mr Evans predicted the union's Diego Maradona and his fami- elders sit in on committees. Day- financial problems wouid soon ly to be flown to Britain on to-day affairs are left to the Stu- be over. He expects it to return a Concorde when he addressed dent s- including booking famous profit this year He explained that the debating society. Such speakers for debates. Presi- the 'cash crash down' had expenses, coupted with the dent,. Olly Evans is refusing to occurred because the union was students' 'easy-going' attitude say exactiy how much the union being run by 'inexperienced 19 to cash flow, have now was out of pocket. 'We're a Stu- and 20 year oids'. It had always plunged the union into debt. dent society and occasionally prided itself on being run by Undergraduates had been things may happen that are of a students, he said. regrettable nature - this happens 'more interested in drinking Mr Evans vowed to avoid iast in ali societies,' he said. term's 'unacceptable' state of than the finances'. Mr Evans, a classics students, affairs when visitors such as Star The union, which has attracted said Maradona's visit in late Trek actor Patrick Stewart and speakers from OJ Simpson to 1995 cost the union thousands pop star Sting pulied out of Yasser Arafat, Peter OToole to of pounds. He said the foot- debates at the last moment. Don't Formet End of Vear Personals (^^ÉditoÑai CONTENTS 4 JOB HUNTING - NOW AND AFfER GRADUATION 4 RIVSR SPORTS DA.YS - 2IST MAY 1997 6 INTRO WEEK HELPERS NEEDED FEATURES REGULARS 5 LIZ M - THE ART OF SEDUCTION 7 BATTLE OF THE SEXES 3 LEHERS 11 BEEKEEPERS-THE INTERVIEW 8 MUSIC REVIEWS 10 CINEMA TIMES 10 OFU NEWS 12 CLUBS AND SOCIEITIES NOTICES DONt FORGET SU AGM - 6.30PM TONITE IN THE STUDENTS' UNION!!! The Bn^ ÍA Nigh As joa caa probacy tell, this "«peek's Dare Fact» ia a little this on tbc ground. That is tjccaose next week's will be a bumper issue as it is nç' University of Surrey Students' Paper last I can't believe it, 29 issues oa. Union House, University of Surrey, JuBt a cpiick round up of this week's events tien. Probably tie most Guildford, Surrey. GU2 5XH important date for youf diaiy will be Tlnirsd^ 8th May coz it's the stu- dent's union annual general meeting. For those of)^u involved in aiç' of Telephone: 01483 259275 the activities run by the union (and that indudes all the S.U. clubs and Fax: 01483 34749 Advertising: 01483 259275 societies) then thk could be of great importance to you. For those of E-mail: [email protected] you who arc onfy involved in the Union Qub side then never fear http://www.surrey.ac.uk/Union/barefacts/ bccanse this effects yon to - end of term Draw Disco tickets will be Editor - MelcrOe Dean Bore Focfe Secretofv - Eltzobelti Maciouf on saie for airone who attends the ACM. do don't mks it! Technlcoi Ecflfof - Jeff Blockham Features Editor - Tonla Rocks Satnrday 10th May sees the return of the infamojK Beer Fest, one d^ Film Edftof - Bruce Chessman not to be missed in the Uôôl) social calendar. All day fiin and entc^ Mustc Editor - Rob Winder Sports Editor • Mark •GInga' Cusock tainment Irom 12 noon til 12 midnight photographer - Matt Ponnetl Cartoonist - Stuart Paricer Week 14, and thii^ get back to normal with an extra treat on Thursd^ Tvpbt - Claie Hoggett Edftoilal ContrlDutkxis; And/ Gate, Bruce Chc«imcn, ni^t of Cocktails in the Hclyn ßosc Bar. Matt Pannell, SorDonltKi Birmingham, Uz M and ottiere... Must Reviews: Numnuts, VIcId Sr>e)^cve, James Hen-ilncrwi/, For those of you who missed out on the events of week 12. c.g. the ftiul Amani, Al Moone/. Ntato Otas, Mark DeLc*ige, lee Burman. Colours Ball, then unluciy. It was one of the top n^ts of n^ time at Marto Ccmeso and OKier Crtcmeio universtty and most people ^o attended seemed to agree that it wm B»e Facts is an indqiendeni newspaper, piMshed by (he Univeniiir of Surrey Students' tjnion Comnunicattom Office, the best so fer. Well done ôtcvel The views expressed within the paper are ftose of the Editor, the Editorial board andthe auw, and do not necessarily r^resent me views ol the University of Surrey Students' Union or The University of Surrey. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in pan, stored in electronic form, Now read on and enjoy safe in the knowledge that next week is last photocopied or distributed, without express permiHion. issue... We reserve the ri^ to rAse such permission. Submission is no gumtee of publication. All submissions must include Your Notb and Union or Son Number. Arwnymous and FSevdonymous »tides winno)bepU>lished. Weresetveih^right toeditallsubmisuons. Me! XXX ©USSU Communicoitons Office 1997 week's letters dìscuss: i that posters make cam- just the ticket for people pus look unsightiy to visi- taking a break from tors and not the kind of revision. i-i the problems for clubs anA place they'd want to isocieties patting up posters mtÊ hold a conference? I The bars were well staffed which meont jcampus ! think we have a right to know. getting happy didn't take ail night. The sound i- and anotber compliment ^tm Bruce Chapmarì and lights were top FNOÎ quaiity. Security were very secure - even after a queue formed down Dear Editor, yanking our posters Dear Editor to the Mali Bar, nobody from the wall, the mem- had to wait for long in What does the university ber of staff told our pub- Ali too often. Bare Facts think it's playing at? I iicity officer that they ietters page is full of the cold. am referring to the people compiaining were going to fail off The students' union had rather stränge poiicy (or about something. i am anyway, so it wouid a briiiiant atmosphère lock of it) on posters. As going to be différent make his job easier if he ali night and the a member of OFU (the and say a big thank you removed them before dancefioor was campus cinema) to everyone involved they felli Hmmmmmmi packed. Piease keep I posters are cur main with the running of the Sureiy that is iike saying this leve! of entertain- medium of advertising, Friday Night Out in "i'm going to die some ment up. Why can't the yet no sooner than we Week 11. - . day, so I might as weil some peopie work put them up. then they top myseif before 1 do!" every week? are taken right dov>/nl it was really good to have a wide variety of Asked if it was the Thank you ail from a Let me quote a recent music played. Both the method of attatchment bunch of stressed relax- example. Just before main DJ. Chris Hasiam which caused the Prob- ation addictsl the end of the Easter lem, we were toid that and the guest DJ were break, we decided to posters shouid be stuck on top form. The excel- J. Tayior beat the rush by spend- to the waii with sticky lent party section was ing a couple of hours tape only at ali four cor- putting up posters (with ners. This is what we 3rd Annual USFC Open gaffer tape) around then proceeded to do. campus, only to find only to find that by the 5 a-side ZS^nament that by lOam on Mon- Monday, our efforts to day of Week 11 they compiy with régulations had ali been removed! had come to no good CASH É fze Very efficient on the as campus was yet behalf of the grounds again void of ali posters [RS staff, but very annoying Are we the only society Pi] »igr Rulners Up for US. Assuming that it to encounter this Prob- was the evtl gaffer tape lem? Surely not! What Is Dote: Sur Bth Moy^öe confirmed that was to blame, we going on? Are the pow- er F.A Cup Final) went out the next day, ers that be trying to dic- at the Var armed with posters, tate to students what (studded/m sticky tape and blu tac they may and may not boots/trainers required) to repeat the mission. know? Have Estâtes Tea itry Fee: £10 This complied with the and Buildings gone into Enter at the in the Union Foyer rules and regs for a over zeaious frenzy of Mon 12thFri putting up posters trying to purge non- 12pnn - 2pm around the Sabs Elec- academic activity from tion, so we thought campus? is there an or phone Pa we'd be fine. Wrongl officiai University of Sur- On Thursday morning, rey by-law for the our Publicity officer attachment of posters spotted posters being that is kept very quiet? removed agaln.
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