y O 30/18:147-49 cites Vol. 30, No. 18 (June 15, 1917) pp. 247-49. Circ 1:1 cites Official Circular No. 1 (Nov HOW TO DSB THIS INDEX 1886), page 1. Geographical Index Circ Apr 95:1 cites Official Circular, April 1895, page 1. The Geographical Index provides citations under current country name. In general, the citations are 10/YB:45-48, 53 cites Vol. 10, American ordered by general and postal history material first, Philatelist and Year Book of the American then by postal issues, semi-postal, official, statio­ Philatelic Association (Nov. 1896), pp. 45- nery, revenues, etc. (each in chronological order), 48, 53. following Scott Catalogue conventions. Citations give short descriptive identification of content; because 26/3:Supp. 10-11 cites Vol. 26, No. 3 (Dec. 1, the index covers a century of citations and is inten­ 1912), Supplement (Convention Proceedings), ded as a permanent and universal reference, no attempt pp. 10-11. has been made to provide Scott or other catalogue numbers. For the United States section, sub-headings Advertising pages were not numbered in the first have been furnished following the system in Scott's seven volumes; where indexed, they have been cited by Specialized Catalogue. lower-case Roman numerals in parentheses, e.g., "(iii- iv)." There were numerous instances of mispagination Citations throughout the history of the AP. When these mistakes were not subsequently corrected, the page numbers have Citations consist of volume number (/Arabic been cited as printed, in parentheses. numerals) and issue number, separated from the inclusive pages by a colon. It is important to note In those instances where the pagination was later that until 1968 issue 1 of each volume was October, revised, and/or use of the original (incorrect) and not January. Official Circulars are designated by numbers could prove misleading, the correction has the abbreviation "Circ" followed by a number (for the been cited followed by the numbers as initially First Series, No. 1-5, 1886) or date (for the Second printed, in parentheses, thus: "28/1:2(286)." It is Series, 1893-95). The American Philatelist and Year assumed that most users of the index will want the Book of the American Philatelic Society (Association) number as it appears on the page they are looking up, is designated by the volume number and the which is why the incorrect number is provided; at the abbreviation "YB": supplements and sections are shown same time, earlier annual and cumulative AP indexes as "Supp" and "Sec" respectively. Thus, have already adopted the corrected numbers, so the dual listing is given as a caution flag. 1 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Abd-al-Kuri--Fantasy Andorra--Air Mail 1969, fantasy issue 84/1:5-6 1932, experimental flights (Fink) r ADyssinia see Ethiopia Andorra—Air Mail Stamps - 92/6:538 Afghanistan—General 1932, "semi-officials" (Fink) Background (Simonds) 45/1:6-8 1932, "semi-officials": bogus (Romo) 92/3:216; 92/6:538 New stamp issuing policy, 1964 (Murch) 77/7:541 Andorra—Postage Stamps 97/12:1079-84 Philatelic policy, 1964 (Brooks)(Union Postale) 78/1:16-18 1928-57, stamps, postal history (Bennett) Afghanistan—Postage Stamps Andorra—Postal History 91/12:985-91; 92/5:457-61 1871-77 (H.Appleton) 37/6:316-23; 37/7:385-91; 37/8:443-47; Spanish stamps sold, used in Andorra (Romo) 99/4:343-48 37/9:514-22; 37/10:585-92; 37/11:642-46; 37/12:717-25; 1928-53, stamps, postal history (Bennett) 91/12:985-91; 38/1:13-22; 38/2:77-80; 38/3:138-43; 38/4:208-13 Andorra (French)—Postage Stamps 92/5:457-61 1871-77, RPSL Expert Committee discusses forgeries 38/7:428-36,454-55 1932, definitive issue, design background (Boggs) 1871, lsa black, cut square tied to cover: Sotheby sale 1979 93/10:886 1975, Europa 80c, Crucifixion: missing color (Bennett) 45/12:583 1934, independence issue, subject background (Boggs) 47/10:514-15 Andorra(Spanish)—Postage Stamps 93/8:721-22 1960-63, control on sale of commemoratives, FDCs (Murch) 76/9:691-92 1972 issues, speculation (Romo) 1961-63, speculative issues; foreign agency contract 79/1:22 Angola—Postage Stamps 98/11:1110-12 •Afghanistan—Postal History 1870-85;,; crown issues; genuine and counterfeit (Sousa) Services and operations, 1963 (Brooks)(Union Postale) 77/5:365-66 1921 ^provisional issue, quantities ( ,. 79/7:529-30 Aitutaki—Postage Stamps ,-v Angola—Postal Tax Stamps ' " 34/12:465 1972 issues: speculative (HornadgeK Stamp News) 87/4:285-86 1955-65, le "young boy" stamps (Ostrow) 79/2:148; 79/4:308; 79/7:560 Aitutaki—Postal Markings 1903-32 (Morris) Anguil la—Postage Stamps 63/6:431,435 1967, Independent-Anguilla overprints 81/3:222 Ajman—Postage Stamps (Raymond) Background, 1968 (Karachi Dawn-Express) 1967, Independent Anguilla overprints 83/3:270-71 82/12:1125 1967, Independent Anguilla overprints (Lidman) 83/3:560-62 Albania—Bogus Issues 1967, Independent Anguilla overprints: forgeries 1956, Government in Exile issues 70/6:423 86/1:32 Albania—Occupation by Italy (Coleman & Ramkissoon) . 1967, Independent Anguilla overprints (Theimer) 94/5:433-36 Saseno overprints (Sumner) 82/11:998 Albania—Postage Stamps Anguilla—Postal History Occupation by Great Britain, 1969 83/7:664 1863-1951,-historical overview (Warth) 76/8:575-79 Anguilla—Postal Stationery—Aerogrammes 1914, Korce" and Tepelene issues 33/4:134 Albania—Postal History - *• n" Annam1967 and, Tonkin—Postag Independent Anguille Stampa sissu e •82/1:86- 1863-1951, historical overview (Warth)'" Issues of 1888 (W.C. Stone) 76/8:575-79 2/11:251-52 1913 issue, counterfeits (Thompson) 57/8:602 Antigua—Postage Stamps 1913 issue, originals and forgeries (Eckhardt) 62/8:613-20 1862-71 issues (F.0. Melville) 29/12:142; 29/14:169; 29/15:179-80 Algeria—Air Mail 1862, 6p, imperf (note) 1930, Algiers-Paris first flight 43/10:550 1882-86, lp and.6p, imperf (note) 2/10:223 Algeria—Bogus Issues 1882-86, bisects 3/21:325 "Libre" overprints (Murch) 71/12:869 Argentina—Air Mail 2/9:200 Algeria—Postage Stamps 1912, aviation propaganda label 54/5:305-06; 54/8:526; 57/6:452 1954, Millon commemorative; subject background (Graf) 67/10:746,795 Algeria—Postal History 1925, air mail postal marking . 39/4:243 1944-45, Algerian stamps, Free French military mail (Keys) 85/8:694-95 1927, flight planned to South Pole, postponed 40/5:329 Allenstein—Postage Stamps 1929, Comodoro Rivadavia-Bahia Blanca flight, mail volume 43/4:199 1932-33, new rates, new routes 45/11:540 1920 issue: usage (Johnson) 99/4:300,302 1938, Mermoze label Alsace-Lorraine see France—Occupation Stamps—Alsace-Lorraine 54/7': 421-22 Amora—Fantasy Argentina—Air Mail Stamps Argentina—Genera1930, Zeppeliln set 43/10:540-41; 43/11:615 Amora stamps: chocolate firm promotional (Rooke) 87/2:132 Demonetization of commemoratives and air mails 47/8:442; 47/11:582 Introduction to collecting (Bartleson) 75/10:773 GEO-1 Investment value 37/1:7 GEO-2 o o ) n Argentina—Semi-Postal Stamps Argentina—Local Issues 1959, Pan American Games, 20c+10c, color error 73/4:293 Tierra del Fuega; Popper issue (Hurt) 71/3:172-81 Arr-jntina—Telegraph Issues Argentina—Postage Stamps Telegraph stamps and forms, 1887-B8 (W.C. Stone) /• > 4/6:140 61/12:957-61 Antarctic issues (Falklands/Malvinas) (Homey) Argentina: Buenos Aires Classic issues: commentary (Batousek) 92/5:463-64 1858-61 issue, counterfeits (Kimble) 55/5:287-91 Telegraph stamps, 1887-89 (W.C. Stone) 4/7:164 1858, Argentine Confederation issues (Batousek) 95/6:509-10 Argentina: Cprdoba 1862, 15c vertical tete beche pair, unused; not prev. known 73/5:381 1858 issue, 10c value, plating characteristics .(H.Griebert) 36/3:99-101 1862, 15c vertical tete beche pair, unused (Hubbard) 90/5:365,A-13 Armenia—Essays and Proofs. 1867-68, 1888-90, 5c: distinguishing features (Batousek) 94/3:249-50 1877 and 1882 issues, surcharge errors 2/9:197 1920, independence issue: unissued (Pedersen) 91/9:706-09 1882-88 issues, errors/varieties 3/11:325 Armenia—Postage Stamps 1884, surcharge varieties (note) 2/10:223 1922-23 surcharges, forgeries 40/4:Supp 52 1888-89, 1890, lc: distinguishing features (Batousek) 94/2:121 Australia—Air Mail 1890, rate reduction, destruction of 2 l/2c values (off. decree) 5/3:41 1892, Columbian issue, forgery 24/1:9 Use of high denominations justified (from Australian 47/8:488 1892-98 issues (Kimble) ' 54/3:148-59 Stamp Journal, 1934) 1892-98 issues, 2c, varieties (Kimble) 54/6:374 1928-35, Southern Cross flights (Porter) , 53/2:106-09 1892-95 issue, 5c orange; printer's proof 55/3:183; 55/10:651 1931, England-Australia flights ("Flown Cover") 45/1:26-28 1902, Rosario port, souvenir folder; essay? (Kimble) 51/5:453-55 1934, new air mail routes 47/9:481-82 1910-31 issues, remainders to be auctioned 46/12:617 1934, trans-Tasman mail flight 47/9:482-83 1911-15,,laborer issue 47/9:478-79; 48/7:379 1957, 40th anniversary flight; vignette, covers 72/4:276 1916, Centenary of Independence, quantities 30/4:44-45 1963, hovercraft mail 76/12:902 1918-19, 5c value, forgery (Bartleson) 48/7:379 Australia—Air Mail—Rocket Mail 1918-19, 5c value, forgery to defraud post (Batousek) 94/6:526-27 1921, Pan-American Postal Congress issue, quantities 35/2:58 1934, first Australian rocket flight (from Australian 48/11:597 1923-31, San Martin, 20c, double impression (Cohoon) 74/7:502 Stamp Monthly) 1931-33, San Martin, 25c, variety 54/8:526 1935, rocket mail experiments 49/3:143 1932, Refrigeration Congress, design background (Boggs) 46/2:118 Australia—Air Mail Stamps 1934, Eucharistic Congress, subject background (Boggs) 48/3:162-63 1935-51, 10c value, forgery to defraud post (Batousek) 94/6:526-27 1939, 3p; wet and dry printings ("Experimenter") 64/1:57 1945-47, 20p value, forgery to defraud post (Batousek) 94/6:526-27 Australia—Essays and Proofs 1945, Rivadavia, 2Uc Mausoleum,'blanks in sheet 73/6:426* 1947-64, sunken die proofs given away 78/5:387; 78/6:470 1964, Antarctic territories; claim to Malvinas 77/8:599 Australia—General Argentina—Postage Stamps—Manufacturing Five-color Giori press (Kehr) 65/3:184-88,242 Conversion to decimal currency, 1966 n 79/2:116 Argentina—Postal History lp stamps used as currency, 1919 32/8:304 General Directorate of Posts, founded (de Castro Esteves) 81/2:176-80 Philatelic activities, market trends, 1922 (J.
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