Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02077-1 — The Cambridge History of China Edited by Albert E. Dien , Keith N. Knapp Index More Information GLOSSARY–INDEX Abbey of the Pervasive Anxi 安喜, 69 Dao (tongdao guan), 574 Anxi jiangjun安西將軍 (General abdication, 14, 40, 48, 72, 84–85, 117, Pacifying the West), 109 197n37, 240, 253, 254, Anyang 安陽, 66, 375, 673 259, 266 Apocrypha, 489, 490, 501, 510 accounts of anomalies. See zhiguai arcane, study of the. See xuanxue (Dark 志怪 Learning) Acker, William R. B., 21 armor, 142, 286–287 agriculture. See also Qimin yaoshu 齊民要 cuirass-style, 301 術 (Essential Techniques [or Arts] Eastern Wei loss of, 215 for the Common People) horse, 124, 286–287 in southern China, 371–373 lamellae, 399 Ai Jiangnan fu 哀江南賦, 264, 614 art and visual culture, 662–663 Aida Daisuke, 228–229 calligraphy, 564, 603, 662–663, Airtam (Afghanistan), 708 687–689 alchemy, 564 funerary art, 663–675 Amitā bha Buddha, 549, 550 painting, 663, 687–697 Amu Darya (Oxus) river, 374 religious art, 676–687 An 安, Emperor of Eastern Jin. See Sima autobiographies, 615, 616–617 Dezong localities discussed in, 617–619 An Jia 安伽, 379, 380, 382, 402, Avars, 173, 185, 185n2, 187, 195, 198, 409n116 263, 306 An Lushan 安祿山, 382 [A]yuwang xiang [阿]育王像 (King An Shigao 安世高, 544 Aśoka image), 685 An Xiuren 安修仁, 381 Analects. See Lunyu Ba 巴 people, 124, 145–146 Anding 安定, 74 ba bing 八病 (Eight Maladies), 646 Anguo 安國 (Bukhā rā ), 374 Ba Di 巴氐, 145n3 animal husbandry, 367–368 ba huang 八皇 (Retreat of the Eight animals, supernatural, 588–589 Resplendent Ones), 566 Anle 安樂, 77 ba jie 八節 (Retreat of the Eight Anlu 安陸, 221 Nodes), 566 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02077-1 — The Cambridge History of China Edited by Albert E. Dien , Keith N. Knapp Index More Information 840 glossary–index Bachhofer, Ludwig, 21 Beijing 北京, 375 Bachu 巴楚, 375 beimihu 卑彌呼 (Himiko), 298n12 Ba-Di 巴氐, 124 beiren 北人 (northerners), 330 Badong 巴東, 151, 153 Beishan lu 北山錄, 544n30, 546n36 Bai lun 百論, 544n29 Beiting 北庭, 375 Bai Zhiyu 白志宇, 411n125 belt sets, 397–400 baibao Xianbei 百保鮮卑, 198 benxiang bing 本鄉兵 (native place Baidi 白帝, 72 militia), 381 baiji 白籍 (white [tax] registries), bestowal of surnames, 217–218, 223 101, 335 bi 婢 (female slave), 370 Baima 白馬, 222 bi 鐴 (moldboard), 363 Baima lun 白馬論 (Treatise on the White Bian 卞, Lady, 40, 44 Horse), 521n49 bianhua 變化 (change), 528 Balász, Étienne, 18 biansai shi 邊塞詩 (frontier poetry), 643 Baling 巴陵, 349 biao 表 (memorial), 604 Ban Gu 班固, 636 bi 璧-discs, 393 Ban Jieyu 班婕妤, 693 bili 篳篥 (reed pipe), 714 Ban Zhao 班昭, 447n14 binghu 兵戶 (military households), 290 Banshun Man 板楯蠻 (Plank-Shield bingjia 兵家 (military families), 290 Man-barbarians), 146 Binglingsi 炳靈寺 caves, 677–678, banwa 板瓦 (flat tiles), 411n124 682 Bao Jing 鮑靚, 567 Bingzhou 并州 (Bing Province), 28, 32, Bao Linghui 鮑令暉, 653 204, 226, 232, 375, 379 Bao Zhao 鮑照, 617, 619, 643–645, Binyang 賓陽 caves, 413n135, 549 653, 654 Central Cave, 679, 697 Baochang 寶唱, 615 biographies, 614–615 baoping 寶瓶 (precious vase), 433 localities discussed in, 617–619 Baopuzi 抱朴子 (The Master Who Biqiuni zhuan 比丘尼傳 (Biographies of Embraces Simplicity), 615 Nuns), 615 Baotou 包頭, 188 bixie 辟邪 (“repel-evil beast” charm), 441 Bashi 巴氏, 145n3 bizhao 辟召 (summoning to office bawang zhi luan 八王之亂 (Disturbances system), 493 of the Eight Princes), 94, Bo Ya 伯牙, 703–704 96, 108, 117, 331, Bohai 渤海, 188, 475 561, 637 Bolang shan 白狼山, 32 Baxi 巴西, 149, 151, 340 Boling 博陵, 472 beads, 394, 395, 440 Boodberg, Peter A., 20 bei 碑 (traditional Chinese stele), 682 book classification systems, 614 bei 杯 (type of cup), 424 Book of Changes. See Yijing (Book of Bei Qi jiaoshu tu 北齊校書圖 (Collating Changes) Texts in the Court of Northern Book of the Lis of Shu (Shu Lishu Qi), 691 蜀李書), 145 Beifu bing 北府兵. See Northern boshi 博士 (erudites), 490 Headquarters Troops Bosi 波斯 (Persia; a type of silk), 407 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02077-1 — The Cambridge History of China Edited by Albert E. Dien , Keith N. Knapp Index More Information glossary–index 841 Bowuzhi 博物志 (Treatise on Manifold buquan 布泉 (a type of coin), 318 Topics), 618, 634 burial customs, 413–416, 663–675 boxue 博學 (broad learning), 488 Bushan 布山, 422 bronze artifacts, 396–400, 422–423, buyao 步搖 (dangling pearls headgear), 430–431 132, 400 bu 布 (type of coin), 318 Bu 步, Lady, 61 Cai Jun 蔡雋, 188 Bu Chan 步闡, 88 Cai Yong 蔡邕, 514 Bu Zhi 步騭, 57 calligraphy. See art and visual culture Buddha nature, 544 cangfu 傖父 (northern lout), 636 Buddhas, images of, 548, 549 cangzi 傖子 (émigrés; literally Buddhism, 24, 138, 229, 256, 262–264, “outcasts”), 100 296–297, 301–302, 304, 306, Cao 曹 family, 86, 91 483, 484, 487, 494, 531–533, cao 草 (cursive script), 689 551–552 Cao Biao 曹彪, 631 cave chapels, 662–663, 665, 670, 677, Cao Cao 曹操, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53–56, 57, 679–683, 687 68, 69–70, 71–72, 82–83, 84, commoners and, 475–478 122, 123, 129, 147, 224n49, compared with Confucianism, 275, 284, 286, 289, 518, 558, 505–506, 508–509 626, 631 competition with Daoism, 539 appointment of officials, 34–35 devotion, 532, 533, 534, 547–551, ban on expensive funerals, 413 659, 676, 677, 681, 682, 687 capital city, 328 doctrine of rebirth, 532, 535, 547, expansion of territory, 35–39 550–551, 552 forms of revenue, 33–34 at the imperial court, 533–539 law enforcement, 35 monasticism, 539–547 literary circle, 39–40, 604 music and, 701 manufacturing under, 319, 320 royal acceptance of, 171 memorials, 604 Sogdian transmission of, 375, 383 monetary sytem under, 317 spread of, 169–170, 473 poetry, 39, 629, 630–631 supression of, 169–170, 536–537 rise in status and creation of an empire, women and, 453–456 39–42 Buddhist art, 394, 395, 396–397, rise to power, 30–32 405–406, 410, 535, 676–687 search for the meaning of life, 519 Buddhist scriptures, 542–547, 551 settlement farms, 310 Buddhist temples, 552, 676–677, state governance, 32–35 683–687 succession, 44–45 Bukhara, orchestral ensembles, 714–717 tomb of, 17 buluo 部落 (tribe), 161 Cao Fang 曹芳 (Prince of Qi), 45–46, 47, buqu 部曲 (originally battalions and 82, 83 companies but later agricultural Cao Huan 曹奐 (posthumously Emperor dependents), 41, 64n15, 107, Yuan of Wei, r. 261–266), 47, 289, 291, 294 48, 85 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02077-1 — The Cambridge History of China Edited by Albert E. Dien , Keith N. Knapp Index More Information 842 glossary–index Cao Jingzong 曹景宗, 260 painting of, 696–697 Cao Mao 曹髦, 47, 48 Caochangcheng 操場城, 411n124 Cao Pi 曹丕 (posthumously Emperor Cao-e 曹娥 river, 349 Wen of Wei, r. 220–226), Caoguo 曹國, 374 40–41, 47, 48, 49, 72, 74, Catalogue of the Scriptures from the Pearl 275, 500 Satchel of the Three Caverns discussions on literature, 604–605, (Sandong zhunang [jingmu] 三洞 609–610, 624–625 珠囊[經目]), 575 exchange of goods with Wu, 350 ce 策 (imperial conferral), 85 favor shown to Simi Yi, 81 cefeng tizhi 冊封體制 (investiture literary collections, 608 system), 298 literary works, 621 Celestial Masters (tianshi 天師), 68, monetary system under, 317 146–148, 151, 555–566, policy on burials, 663 568–571, 574, 577, 648 prohibition of yinsi (excessive Ba membership, 145 cults), 594 scriptures, 575 rebuilding of the imperial university Cen Zhijing, 652 (taixue), 490 cewen 策文 (examination questions), 607 reign of, 42–46 Chan hui wen 懺悔文 (Buddhist rivalry with Cao Zhi, 631 confession), 616 Cao Poloumen 曹婆羅門, 699 Chang, Madame 常氏, 172 Cao Ren 曹仁, 35, 38 Chang Qu 常璩, 67n4, 145, Cao Rui 曹叡 (posthumously Emperor 558n15, 618 Ming of Wei, r. 226–239), 40, Chang’an 長安, 29, 31, 32, 33, 37, 51, 49, 81–82 68, 74, 79, 93, 119, 126, 127, ceremony at the tomb of, 83 133n75, 133, 164–166, 170, monetary system under, 317 190, 191, 208, 375, 382, 543, policy on the recruitment of civil 544, 545, 629, 657, 657, officials, 518 659, 660 reign of (226–239), 44–46 Buddist temples in, 676 Cao Shuang 曹爽, 45–47, 82–83 fall of, 96, 97 Cao Song 曹嵩, 30, 31 foreign orchestras in, 698, 715 Cao Teng 曹騰, 30 Huan Wen’s attack on, 110 Cao Xi 曹羲, 82, 517 Liu Yu’s attack on, 117 Cao Xiu 曹休, 45, 413n137 musical instruments, 714–715, 718 Cao Xun 曹訓, 82 changdao 長刀 (saber-staff or Cao Yu 曹宇, 45 long-handled saber), 285 Cao Zhang 曹彰, 40, 44 Changsha 長沙, 51, 92, 243, 244 Cao Zhen 曹真, 45, 82 households, 466, 468 Cao Zhi 曹植, 40, 44, 45, 604, Liu Bei’s occupation, 55 627n15, 656 population, 58 correspondence with Cao Pi, 610 settlements, 462 literary works, 605, 615, 620, Changshe 長社, 221 631–632 Chao Lake 巢湖, 36 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02077-1 — The Cambridge History of China Edited by Albert E. Dien , Keith N. Knapp Index More Information glossary–index 843 Chao Yuen Ren, 20 Chen Yuankang 陳元康, 196 Chaoyang 朝陽, 375, 410n120 Chen Zhi 陳祗, 76 charitable associations, 465, 471, Cheng Duan’er 程段兒, 548 476–478 cheng 丞 (magistrate), 50 Chavannes, Edouard, 17 Cheng 成, Emperor of Eastern Jin.
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