B10 - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1801 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS Sports, dance set CROSSWORD PUZZLE **sketb«liTnd-ii»awirdBiSS^S—tiori of Carleslmp, a viewing and per- ByRlchard-Sllvestri- —— —— t • i^ *»wwHfj *s> vaww<O4M TIIMI u^f- two unique activities with lots in com- formance of the Dorfman Dance vid- mon, it was reported by Carolyn Dorf- eo "Vjdeo/Vantage," which will draw man. Take for example leaping, twir- on similarities between sports and ling, gliding, stretching and a lot of dance performance*, and excerpts sophisticated teamwork. Basketball from "A Haydn Summer," a 1980 players and dancers will explore that Dorfman dance inspired by team common ground in "The Sport of sports. , Dance/The Art of Sports," during a "This is a terrific opportunity for special benefit performance at Seton me, as an artist, to connect two of the Hall University, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. passions is my life — sports and The dance-filled, sports-filled dance, Dorfman said. "I am also an event will feature Seton Hall's head ardent Seton Hall fan and have a great "basketball coach, P.J. Carlesimo, respect for Coach Carlesimo and his coach of hte 1991 Big Each Champs, Springfield Leader work at the University," he said. and Artistic Director Carolyn Dorf- Proceeds from the event will sup- man of Carolyn Dorfman Dance Co. V0L63 NO.5—SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1991—2* port the Carolyn Dorfman Dance WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS TWO SECTIONS — 50 CENTS of Union as well as performances by Company 10th anniversary perfor- dance company members and former mance season and educational touring varsity athletes, said Dorfman. program, including a proposed ona- . "This is an exciting project for me week summer dance residency at 70 because it will allow us to promote a ' '^s^sl'' Seton Hall. greater appreciation for the artistry of For more information; or to make Candidates square off at League debate sports, while bringing new audiences to dance," she said. reservations, one can contact Carolyn By David Brown nor Florio's role in forcing the town- Dorfman Dance Co. Executive Direc- n 1 Managing Editor ship to apply additional surplus to "Athletes and dancers have a great tor Gloria Perkins, 2780 Morris Ave., Springfield's candidates for Town- further reduce the municipal tax bill deal in common," said Carlesimo. Union, (908) 687-S855. ship Committee, under tho auspices of this year, while questioning 12- and "Athletes must move with power and The Carolyn Dorfman Dance Co. is > the League of Women Voters, met to 18-point tax hikes during the Demo- grace. They must bo in top condition a non-profit, charitable organization. 138 Invit e 1 present their cases to the electorate cratic administrations in 1986 and and have quick reflexes. These are the ' The company, is a recipient of the 60_Cob, 1987. 1 They're ollon 88 Bent it . Connecticut Monday night. same characteristics necessary for New Jeresy State Council on the Arts weighed down 71 Ulmost 31 Omlcrons' 61 Wast ol Just one week before the Nov. 5 At a committee meeting this year, dancers to possess," ho said. "I am 7 My brothel's 72 Unit ol followers (NJSCA) 1992 Distinguished Arts Nashville keeper? conductance 32 Mountain near election, the issues — some new, said Pappas, he "asked the township's pleased to explore the similarities 63 Proponent ol Carolyn Dorfman, artistic director of the Carolyn Dorf- Organization Award. A1989 Distin- 12 Overture 78 Pull down Calanin - some old, some specific and some McCarlhyism?' auditors.what type of financial shape whith those who. love dance." guished Artist award recipient, Dorf- follower 76 Opera set In 34 Less Inhibited-' man Dance Co., Union, above, will explore common . 65 Flat paper general — were given a final assess- 16 Just thy of Memphis 35 Notable lime Springfield is in, and they said excel- The, program, which will benefit man again has been awarded the 66 Stratum ground with P. J. Carlesimo, below, head coach of 17 Accenl lypa 77 List-shortening 38 Okelanokee ment before a lively crowd at the Oau- lent. They" said Springfield is in the 67 Nest-egg Seton Hall Pirates Basketball team, in a special benefit the dance company, will be held in largest NJSCA choreography fellow- 18 39-Down. Kiroly abbr resident acronym dinecr School in Springfield....'.. best shape thaUr has been. Two very ^performance NovV 3-in^Seton HalKs-Theater-ln-the- Seton Hall's Thcater-in-the-Round. It: • ship given in "the field of dance in H.EIwayZ u :_ : : 78 Keyltb liiis 37 Arabian • eulianale ' "68Pate purple ' Following a two-hour forum featur- profound statements in a shaky will include a soccial dance introduc- 1992. 21 Samms ol puzzle Round, South Orange. Dynisty 82 Abounding 38 Inouye' "BB "Z_ which will ing the candidates for the 21st District economy." 22 Infinitive lor Calo ' 63 Rub away 39 Eight hits live tn inlamy ; 23 All lha latest 84 Matter ol will? 40 Sibedus's. FOR m Assembly and Senate seats, the town- Democratic candidate Myma Was- .*.' 24 She's coming out 85 Unkrutzy countrymon 70 MOM mogul ship committee hopefuls presented to serman cited her campaign record and 73 Put some speed horoscope 28 A as In Aachen? 86 Faze 43 Thoalor dlnlrlcl about. ISO Springfield residents their experience in the township in seeking 27 Match a bet 87 Wintertime 43 Dust Bowl on ' .-28 Maximally :.. 3!!Siafl .necessity, roluqee ' -74 Fplkloreheavy - •- _assessmenLoLtho_state-oLthc:town-_ ...the., support of. Springfield voters. 1 For week or Oct. 28-Nov. 4 LIBRA (Sept 23 to Oct. 22) Focus is / 30 Speak one's ^4B~Dox6r shorts ' -76Proloe ship, a trend each candidate recom- "Tho truth is I won three elections to mind 48 Nimblo 78 Do-over for ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Workis on privacy and introspection. Take the ' 32 New Haven . ' mended appealed for continuation or the Springfield Board of Education. Myma Wasserman Harry Pappas Steven Firsichbaum 1 Some are' 3i Over 80, Bocker . on the , forefront, focus on keeping - time to look at your values and listen to collegian reversal. ctarMen . perhaps.. •• 80 Compellloi-lor' And the- fact is, Springfield Voters to sit home and see my name in print picture of the township's condition. ous" campaign tactics, centered on the the decrease to sound fiscal manage- balanced. Plan fun activities for tip your dreams. 33 Following orders 34 'At around Iho -Johnny and .evenings. ' 2 Douglass fatal As they have espoused since start- have elected me more times that either in a positive or negative fashion. I "When I think how far we've come taxes, and the responsiveness of the ment. "The only reason we were able SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Dis- 38 Bode atlract.on" comp. Arsonlo •1 British verb sulllx ing their campaign, Republican Mr. Katz or Mr. Pappas," she said, chose to run because I don't believe since 1986 JCS both exciting and sob- TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Spark cuss your hopes and wishes with others. 40 Petal ousher? 3 Tickle Ihe funny 55 Wore sackcloth present administration to the people to lower taxes was because we gener- some romance into your old relationship. 41 Sign nl Ine future boon incumbent Jeffrey Katz, and fiis run- outlining her activities in the the present administration has led ering," said Katz, who served 'two of Springfield. ated the surplus to do it," Katz said, Friends can help you achieve your goals. 42'0'Hn Fossay's Surpriseyour mate with a night on the 4 Rnngor's ' ning mate, newcomer Harry Pappas, township. Springfield in a positive direction. terms as mayor. "It's exciting because Fiscal condition debated reiterating a point made frequently town. Take some risks. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec 21) ' subjects description ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 1 • 44 Triple |ump told tho .voters Springfield was on a "Before 1991, what interest did Mr. "I think I would reverse that trend this team has been responsible for so GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You Discover your hidden strenghs and utilize K j 3 Mo*e than -er Wasserman, citing the state's role during the course of the campaign. DAgmnihg , 6 Nol backup solid financial footing and that the in conjunction with. my four other . much positive change. It's sobering may need to readjust your plans in achiev- Ihoso talents to gain success in your Pappas have in Springfield during the in providing Springfield with munici-. Calling the present administration's career. 47 Anwar's 7 Tropical troal township was finally running effi- committee .persons," said Firsich- ing goals at work. Don't let them interfere Crcaccossor • 8 Workout 18 years he's lived here?" Wasserman because there's still so much to do," pa] aid under the second Quality Edu- fiscal policy unsound, Firsichbaum CAPRICORN (Dec 22 to Jan. 19) 49 Dd an tnsido I ill Hi ciently after years of neglect. with your domestic life. altormalh also pointed to several areas in the baum, formerly Ihe township prosecu- he said, outlining the debt service, and cation Act, and additional funds from said, "Tho future of our children is You may be focusing on travel, but wait a ,ob-> 0 Soon to be CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Com- "There's no question taxes have municipal operation she believed to tor. "I chose to run because I saw our what he perceived to be deficiencies the deferred school tax, dismissed the month to plan. Look at the philosophical 50 1/-syllable oolm 10 Somewhat being mortgaged. Our children arc munication is at a high.
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