Humanities Bee 2015-2016 Round 3 Round 3 Bee Round 3 (1) One of these dances included 32 fourett´esen tournant [foo-eh-TAY's ahn toor-nahn] by Pierina Legnani. For Swan Lake, Anna Sobeshchanskaya hired Marius Petipa to write a new one of these dances. They typically involve an entrance, an adagio, a variation by each dancer, and a concluding coda, and are usually performed by the principal dancers of the company. For the point, give this French term for a multi-movement dance for two dancers. ANSWER: (grand) pas de deux (prompt on dance for two or other English descriptions before the end; prompt on \ballet") (2) This man argued that the mixing of natural resources with one's labor endowed one with a certain right. That one of this man's positions had \property" removed in favor of \the pursuit of happiness" by Thomas Jefferson for the Declaration of Independence. This philosopher argued that the mind at birth was tabula rasa, or a blank slate in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. For the point, name this English philosopher and author of Two Treatises of Government. ANSWER: John Locke (3) This man became the father of the Mycenaean king Sthenelus after marrying the betrothed of Phineus, and he was the grandfather of the Persian Achaemenes. He was conceived when Zeus appeared as a shower of gold to Dana¨e,and was given a difficult task by Polydectes. This husband of Andromeda used used a shield as a mirror to freeze a snake-haired Gorgon and behead her. For the point, name this Greek hero who slew Medusa. ANSWER: Perseus (4) This author wrote to \Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo" in his poem \Grass." In another poem, he wrote that \I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again," and he called the title entity \Fierce as a dog," a \Player with Railroads," and a \Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat." This man also referred to that \City of the Big Shoulders" as the \Hog Butcher for the World." For the point, name this American poet, who wrote \Chicago." ANSWER: Carl Sandburg (5) Rel 3.1 ANSWER: A (6) Nelson Rockefeller destroyed an artwork of this type after Diego Rivera refused to remove Vladimir Lenin from his Man at the Crossroads. A set of these commissioned by Pope Julius II include The Creation of Adam, which Michelangelo painted in the Sistine Chapel using fresco style. For the point, name these large artworks that are painted directly onto walls or ceilings, rather than on canvas. ANSWER: murals (accept frescos before it is read) Page 1 Humanities Bee 2015-2016 Round 3 (7) A Spanish conquistador disguises himself as a rebel in El Capitan, an operetta by this composer. One of this man's works was used as the theme song for Monty Python's Flying Circus. This inventor of a portable tuba directed the U.S. Marine Band and wrote works like Semper Fidelis and The Washington Post. For the point, name this American composer of The Stars and Stripes Forever , and The Liberty Bell March, known as the \March King." ANSWER: John Phillip Sousa (8) In one of this director's films, a general is inspired by Abraham Lincoln's Bixby letter. In another film by this man, a red coat worn by a little girl disrupts the otherwise black-and-white color scheme. This man directed a 15-minute sequence depicting the landing at Omaha Beach in a 1998 film. For the point, name this director who won Oscars for Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan and worked with composer John Williams on Jaws and E.T.. ANSWER: Steven Allan Spielberg (9) Saussure described a \structural" form of this academic discipline, and Grimm worked in this discipline to propose a \Law" tracking the development of Proto-Germanic. Noam Chomsky works in this discipline, which describes phonology, morphology, and syntax to explain the sounds and patterns of speech. For the point, name this academic discipline that studies the evolution and structure of language. ANSWER: linguistics (10) In this work, a character originally played by Michael Crawford tells another to \turn your face away from the garish light of day." This work includes a production of the fictional Don Juan Triumphant. Sarah Brightman originated the female lead in this musical, singing in the duet \All I Ask of You" as the soprano Christine Daae. \The Music of the Night" is sung in, for the point, what Andrew Lloyd Webber musical about a disfigured, mask-wearing man who haunts a Parisian opera house? ANSWER: The Phantom of the Opera (11) This man had a relationship with his student Camille Claudel, who inspired this man's Galatea. He was accused of casting from a living model for his sculpture The Age of Bronze. The writings of Dante inspired this man's sculpture The Gates of Hell, which include this man's depiction of Francesca and Paolo da Rimini, The Kiss, as well as a man hunched over and resting his hand on his chin. For the point, name this French sculptor of The Thinker. ANSWER: Auguste Rodin [or Fran¸ois Auguste Ren´e Rodin] (12) This location's ruler disguised himself as \High," \Just-As-High," and \Third," and presides over the daily consumption of Saehrimnir [SAY-hrim-neer], who regenerates daily in this location. This location receives the einherjar [EYN-hair-yahr], who are not taken to F´olkvangr at Freyja's request. This massive building is decorated with golden shields and spears, since half of the warriors slain in battle are carried to this place by Valkyries. For the point, name this mead-hall ruled by Odin in the Norse afterlife. ANSWER: Valhalla (or Valh¨oll) Page 2 Humanities Bee 2015-2016 Round 3 (13) In the directions for this work, women's choruses are to be placed in nearby rooms with the doors gradually closed, creating a fade-out in the \Mystic" finale. One section of this work is a setting of the poem \I Vow to Thee My Country." Subtitles of this work's other movements include \Winged Messenger" and \Bringer of War." For the point, name this seven-movement orchestral suite by Gustav Holst that does not include movements for Earth or Pluto. ANSWER: The Planets (Opus 32) (14) In this novel, Svidrigailov shoots himself after he dreams of a flood and a five-year old in a hotel. This novel's protagonist is investigated by Porfiry Petrovich, and he compares himself to extraordinary men like Napoleon Bonaparte to justify killing an old pawnbroker with an axe. For the point, name this novel about the student Raskolnikov, who commits a murder and is sent to Siberia in this work by Fyodor Dostoevsky. ANSWER: Crime and Punishment (accept Prestupleniye i nakazaniye) (15) Rel 3.2 ANSWER: A (16) This architect designed the former Sundrome terminal at New York's JFK International Airport, which was demolished in 2011. This man later built a presidential library named for Kennedy at Harvard. Another of this architect's buildings, located on the shores of Lake Erie in Cleveland, is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He designed a glass pyramid which serves as the entrance to the Louvre in Paris. For the point, name this Chinese-American architect. ANSWER: I(eoh) M(ing) Pei (17) Orchestras tune to an oboe playing this note at the standard 440 Hertz frequency for \concert pitch." The lowest note on an 88-key piano is this note, and a trombone can play multiple octaves of E and this note in second position. The major scale beginning and ending with this natural note plays sharps on F, C, and G. For the point, name this note, enharmonic to B double-flat, which is found on the second space from the bottom on a treble clef staff. ANSWER: A (18) This author was the father of the mathematician Ada Lovelace. He wrote a poem describing the \cloudless climes and starry skies" of the night. This author of \She Walks in Beauty" died while fighting in the Greek War of Independence and was friends with Mary and Percy Shelley. He satirized a legend about a Spanish womanizer in Don Juan [JEW-un]. For the point, name this Romantic poet and Lord. ANSWER: George Gordon, Lord Byron) Page 3 Humanities Bee 2015-2016 Round 3 (19) This man played with pianist Earl Hines on the single \Weatherbird." He sang Gershwin duets like \They All Laughed" and \Let's Call the Whole Thing Off” with Ella Fitzgerald. This singer won a Grammy in 1965 for a song that notes \It's so nice to have you back where you belong," and he was the first to record a song that describes \trees of green/red roses too." \Hello, Dolly!" and \What a Wonderful World" were sung by, For the point, what jazz singer and trumpeter, nicknamed Satchmo? ANSWER: Louis Armstrong (accept Satchmo before it is read) (20) This man painted a philosopher in flowing sleeves and a large hat resting his hand on a marble bust in Aristotle with a Bust of Homer. In a dark-varnished work by this man, one of the few illuminated people is a girl with a dead chicken, who stands behind the sash-wearing Captain Frans Banning Cocq. This man also painted seven observers watching Dr. Nicolaes Tulp manipulate a cadaver's arm tendons. For the point, name this Dutch master who painted The Night Watch and The Anatomy Lesson. ANSWER: Rembrandt van Rijn (21) In this work's chapter \Of Clemency and Cruelty," Hannibal's behavior towards his soldiers is praised.
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