THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Thursday, March 31, 2011 (69th Session) Volume II No. 04 (Nos. 1-10) CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Qu ran……………………………………….. 1 2. Questions and Answers.............................................................. ........ 2-89 3. Leave of Absence....................................................................... ........ 90 4. Laying of the first quarterly Report for the year 2010-2011 of the Central Board of Directors of State Bank of Pakistan ……... 91 5. Laying the recommendations of the National Finance Commission 2009………………………………………………….. 91 6. Laying of the copy of the 4th Address of President of Pakistan on 22 nd March, 2011…………………………………………………... 92 7. Point of Order: The Recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee………………………………………….. 93-99 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat Islamabad Volume II SP.II(04)/2011 No.4 130 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Thursday, March 31, 2011 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad at fifty minutes past ten in the morning with Mr. Chairman (Mr. Farooq Hamid Naek) in the Chair. --------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran „ fl‚ Í „ fl‚ fl ‚Í ‡ „ ‡ fl o3· · ∑ï…â∞3· ∑¥· ¼¾“· `c· ;øú3 Ó fl‚ Í Ó fl‚ ‚Í Ó · s3· ∑µs3· ¼¾“3· ≥Ö· · fl fl ‡ ‰ Ó ‡‡‚‡ ‡ ‚ fl fl flÓ fl flfl Ó fl fl‚ fl Ó fl ‚ ‡ ‚ Í ‚ fl ‡ fl Œ M -øÖ∞3 &'Öµ» Œ % &'g=`•µc·· · 3ø©g3 ∑» |∞3· ¼¾“3 -.π»· M Ë fl › Ó fl‚ Ó fl ‚‚‡‡Í fl fl ‡ fl‚ Ó fl ‡ fl ‡ ‚Í fl fl Ó‡ fl Ó fl Ó ‡ KL ˛˙¦ Ð Ø…HM· --Dfi Ø?·· @AB øº M % --Dfi Ø? ß∞· `w ¼¾“3 ˛˘¦ Ð Kø∏Å9: &4 fl ‡ ‡ fl Þ ‡ ‚Í Í Í Ó ‡ fl fl fl Ó ‚ flÓ fl Ó fl Í Í fl‚ ‡ Ófl fl &4 ´T∞M3· ¼¾“3· f»`c· · 3MVW¨ ∑» |∞3· M NA<Œ 3· M 5øµÖ∞3· z…∞`©¥· fl flÓ ‡ Í Ó fl ‡‚ fl‡ ‡ Ó flÒÓ ‚͉‡Ó ‡ ‡ Ó fl ‚ fl Ófl fl fl Ó fl Ó ‡ Í Ó M ˛¸¦ Ð K`aΩc]3· `Ω»3 zdú3 efMgh`g· ¼¾“3· ij°§3 Ø® ^˛˚¦ Ð KMZ[\]3· fl‚ fl fl Ó fl fl fl Ó fl Ó fl ÓÓflfl Ó fl fl Ó fl ‚ fl fl fl Ó flfl Ó ‡ Ó fl fl ∑ïdtu∞ fHZv3 ∑T∞· q ´±d®· ∑¥· ∑» |∞3· es3· M ´…∞3· -pM3· z©∞ ‡ fl ‚ Ó ‡ fl Ó ‡Ó fl fl ‚Í fl fl Ó Í Ó fl fl‚ fl Ó fl fl fl fl ‡ fl fl ∑¥· ∑ H M zdú`§ ¼¾“3 Øc· ˛˝¦ Ð ∑» Z[\]3· · ∑¥· ∑∏ `wh∞ M ´±µú fl Ó ‚Í ˛˛¦ Ð ∑» ~≠â∞3· · Z Q 8 8 R 8 S Q (2 E\ VYI 2>2WX[ 2)?6H 2@2AB2C@L6 MN 2D@R 2EI 2F@6 T OPU @2?2G??2G< IJK 2;<2=>< : 23567 4 9 Q Q QQ8 8 Q r Q tu hR R R R 8 R 2@2XP Tehj 2X2_2;<2`Ed fk d J 2G?2ad i QTTTpq5 2b>232=><2Fs J 2E] l 2a pv 2cT o mno g w 2a p v <2`E 2E ]^6 Q Q Q Q |tI IQ p} Q Q Q k 2_ <2G@TO6^ 2F 2aT =2=><2G?@w 5| x<2`Eyi 2G@6 OP u ~s 2@2XTe hj 2X2_>2=><2Eyd f d i 2z<>2E w 42I<{ TOh9 Q Q ƒ Q • Qk U 8 I p p 8 2EKw <>2E @•RT <2G@ €‚w 2_>2Ed wI ?24 di„O 2E 2G? o9 x<2F2;<2?2=><2a6 H Tfd 2a T } 2D@2ERd f I 1 8 Q 9 Œ‡ 8 I l† pf 2=><2?2E‰dio B2Š 2@2EP w 42CB@I 6 O • 2F 2=><2<? ‹ 2E I 2;< 2En … 2@TOI 2?mdf @6 ‡ 2A<2>B23vˆ 2`a T d R 7 IQ I Z 2?2Edim\iv ]2E 2Cx<2?h6 H 2`Ey 2@ghH 2@2@6 ‡T O I 2_>2ŽV• 2F 2G<2=><2ŽV • 2F 2Cx<2• h N 2E… w ƒ 8 Q 8 Z Q 8 ps 5r R p f Q 2=><2EJ 2aTT @2?2B@42‘6‡sdi6 69 2A=@ v’R 2=>X2?2@“ w T O I 2WX [ 2E w 2Š24<23 J” 2ad 2A=4 J Z Q Q 8 8 I k p} • Q R 24„N 2EI 2•<2=><2>42CB@I 6O• 2F 2_2;<23d –—6s 2E J\w 2?2Edi 2aT 2G?<>2E K @ •R <2G@ € ‚ w 2Š Q 2`?di =2=<4 J 8 8 Q 8 66 2@s 261 2C@Ts x<2V† 4K <2b=? ‹ Questions and Answers tH 7 ™ 6w ƒ Q We may now take up 2`ŠT 4<2aKQ š › 4<2;<2Š K 2 :aQ Tp} XeOT hH 2C@6 O6H QQ RR Q R Z w Q 2`2aTppfvd 2a T 2B? 6HU ?2_ž6 2•6H @Ÿ 24=>2=><2aT9 T ppfv d 2a T 2B? 6 HU ?2• 6 H @ Ÿ 2_ ™ T V2=@¡ • 2C<2226 questions Q £ Q R R Z 8 Q 2aTpv 2B??2_ 6H U ž6 2•@6 H Ÿ 2b@ N 2_ ¦ § 2VY• 2`aTpfd 2E‰oKp¤ 2E 2{¥6w 2E IwI 2E x<2E 2•@ 6 H Ÿ 24=>22?2¢<?2•<T9 I ‹ 8 Q Q p Q žR Z p© p 2aT df 2E‰oKp¤ 2E 2{¥6w 2E IwI 2E x<2E 2•@ 6HŸ 24=>2_T96 2¢<?2@2Cx<2•@‹ P h 6O H Ÿ 2{T \ =?2X H ¨ T >422`ah 9 T fd Q • TtK • R ª Z Q `E‰…o^ 2«42Xh96 e5 2¢<?‹ 242 h 9 behalf 2EI 2_t6s 2{@dfN 2Cx<22•h 6H @ Ÿ 2{<=` d f 65. *Senator Shahid Hussain Bugti: Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state whether it is a fact that PIA has recently signed an agreement with Turkish Airline under which all passengers of PIA will be carried by Turkish Airline from Istambul to European and American destinations? Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar: On 29th December, 2010, MD PIA and CEO of Turkish Airlines signed a äRecord of Discussionã (RoD. The RoD does not have any legal validity as its name suggests. Hence, question to transport PIA passengers through Turkish airlines does not arise. Moreover, it has also been formally announced by the Minister for Defence on the electronic media that there is no 2 agreement and that any proposal received from the aeronautical authorities of Turkey to the Ministry will be examined thereafter. As of today none has been received. Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary . ƒ ƒ Z 8 Q S S 8 Q Q ƒ I Q Q Q † • p \ 2A{@df ¥U 22E‰oIK 2E 2C=?2Eh Tw I 2A<2Fx<2F2D@h R N 2E I 2X es z24 9<2³ 49 2:G@‡ 2{<=2{df 5 l 2X eOT TO ƒ Q ƒ S Q pvR 8 S ™Tw p }8 p } 2F?I 2@´Tw <232=>s <2Eyi 2aT 2C@2F?2_6sI <23” 2Ey iI 2@T OvJ 2@ˆ 2a T 2C<?6 6 H 2E 2•<2`@ •R 2¢<? ‹ 2a T 2A=@2E6 s I • ƒ ƒ Z Q Q SQ8 • † Q 8 „OK k 24h9 2G?w =?h w 4 9<2µ?2GB2•B˘DKhH ˘=@2•h‡66H 2˘F?2¢@X2• d i sMOd f 66 6 H ˘@h 2=? ‹ 2@9 <2• 6 H 2aT 2Eyi 2@T O I 2E w 2Š2b{ d d f @ ¥ U Q ƒ R••• R k 8 • I S S 2Š<2•<2@TTTTOsOI 2`@@ id 2?I 2·B2Š<2EwI 2Cx<2{h¥ 6w 2E 2•<2`_d =2¢@X2F sONd f 2Ž@ \ 2A=@ 2E Ii2A<2F x<2Fh 2=><2Ey = 8Q 8 ƒ ƒ Q ¦pvR ¦ Q ¦ Q S8 S • 2?2_2aw}T 24J <2=><2˚Eyi 2@TOI 2b>2?2Ey w i 2_2<X } [ 24J <2˚_2<X} [ 2F?I 2? I 2•<2@TTOI 2=><2@ •OR 2@ I 2b{@df ¥U 2F? I 2@ ´ Tw <2Ew 2·B I ˚Eyi 236‡ >2@TOI 2F 2•< • Q ƒ Q `•@6 H Ÿ 2Xe´ p} 2_267:aQ Tp} XeOT hH 2C@6 O6H ƒ Q 8 ƒ S 8 tp‡6 Q Q 8 Q † record of 32˘F?2C@2_TTsdi 6s 23 s ! C@6 O6H :( ¹@B2E© w <424=>69T 9 ) =@O^ 2{57 <2·={?d f hH 8 8 8 • 8 Q 8 Q ˆQ ˆ pfS8 p }w p f tntTp6s • ž R I 2C@gw 2D h^232Ds h ^ 2?2aw TTTd 2F42C@2aI6s 2³x<2˘ah d 2_ 2•6 6H 2G@TT OsO9 =@2>B2`_h 242B@h 9 p 6s 2F 2discussion 8 • Q 2 at the end of the day, they do sign on those papers 2aTpfd 2Ew @2E‰6‡ o I 2C? w 8 QQ žR I8J8Q • R8 Z Q | I 8 J k which was not 2_ 2F2?ªO¼ 2D@R N 2EIw 2G<2E 2·B2Š<23T O\ 42»V2_J • <2`Ey iw 2F2? ª O ¼ 2E 2Š2323 d T s ” Q pvR 8 ™Tw 2aT 2C@2_6s <23” 22valid, which was not legal, he kept on telling the media Z | • 2=?‹ 24h9 2_ <2EK <>2@Ts {TOU 2=><2 But the media wanted this to be highlighted 2`Eyi Q Q ƒ 8 pOJ p } t9 žR • | † 2@vˆ 2Ew 2G?uR <2`aTT 2x<2a 2½hT 6 2_6 2G@TT OsO9 =@2_h @ \ 22It became a national issue `Eyi =2E w @hM ƒ 8 • QQQ Q 9 pOJ S žtI 9Q 9pp vRm v R k We 2`@TOJ 2a6 2issue 232=><2aTTsTTTTT 2F?2_di <2¾B2•<2aXT s T e hj 2·=@N 232`E s J 2aB2a 2E o ‡ ]2a <2Š d 8 \ tH 232¿T s ?<2_K 2·=@5dk 2 will not do anything which is detrimental to the PIA.
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