ph&fax CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER PALM BEACH COUNTY ph&fax Tax Deeds Workshop ph&fax Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC O C) @) 0 0 Clerk & Comptroller’s Self-Service Center Clerk▪ &Clerk Comptroller of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is the trustee of the county’s public records and public funds. ▪ The Self-Service Center provides: ❑ User-friendly forms/packets ❑ Public access computers ❑ Free Navigator appointments for document preparation assistance ❑ Notary services and more ▪ Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s office can only provide procedural assistance and cannot give legal advice. 2 MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM | @CLERKPBC Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Overview of the Tax Deed Process Clerk & Comptroller ▪ Role of the Tax Collector • Tax certificate sale ▪ Role of the Clerk • Tax deed sale ➢ Pre-sale ➢ Sale ➢ Post-sale 3 Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Important Dates Clerk & Comptroller ▪ Certificate Real Property Taxes Due: • November 1st for calendar year ▪ Taxes Delinquent: • April 1st of following calendar year ▪ Tax Collector’s Tax Sale: • Next sale: Last week of May – early June Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Tax Collector Certificate Auction Clerk & Comptroller ▪ Online Auction ▪ Face Value of Certificate = Taxes Due + Interest Accrued + Tax Collector Fees+ Advertisement Costs ▪ Sold to ‘low interest’ bidder ▪ Unsold Certificates issued to the County Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Tax Certificate Clerk & Comptroller ▪ “Certificate Holder” can apply for tax deed sale after 2 years have elapsed since April 1 of the year of certificate issuance. ▪ Generally, the tax certificate will expire seven years after the date of issuance if a tax deed has not been applied for. Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Application for Tax Deed Sale Clerk & Comptroller ▪ Application made with Tax Collector ▪ Certificate Holder: • redeems all outstanding certificates on the property • pays delinquent taxes and current taxes if due at the time of application • pays Tax Collector fees and costs ($125 tax deed application fee. $300 for ownership & encumbrance report) Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Ownership & Encumbrance Report Clerk & Comptroller ▪ Paid for by Certificate Holder with their application for Tax Deed ▪ States the persons and addresses to be notified prior to the sale of the property Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Individuals Notified Prior to the Sale of the Property • Legal Titleholder of Record • Lienholders of Record • Mortgagee of Record • Vendee of a Recorded Contract • Anyone who applied to the Tax Collector to receive notice Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Individuals Notified Prior to theClerk Sa &le Comptroller of the Property • Person to whom property was last assessed on tax roll. • Lienholder with recorded lien against mobile home on the property • Contiguous property owners if property is a common element Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Documents Sent to the Clerk Clerk & Comptroller Tax Collector Sends Clerk: • DR 512 – Application for Tax Deed • DR 513 – Tax Collector’s Certification • DR 513 Attachment – Persons to Notify • Ownership & Encumbrance Report Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 ice to Tax Collector of Application for Tax Deed TO: Tax Collector of Palm Beach County: Cler k & ComptrollerIn 3000rdo11ce wi1h Flori<la Statutes, I, FNA NP, LlC, 120 N LASALLE STREET,29TH FLOOR, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, 60602, h0ld'er of the tollowlng ta)( sale ceftificale hereby sum,nd~r same to the Tax Collectof and make tax deed applicotion thereon: CEl'!T NO. DATE LEGA.L DESCRIPTION 789 06/0112013 M-43-40. E 209.6 FT OF W 5055.8 FT OF SEC (LESS N 5165.9 FT) AA<JA AN-506 I agree to pay an delinqu ent laxes, redeem all ou1standing c~rtificaleS not i'1 ""I po,,ie ..ion, pay any omitted ca.e s, and pay c1rrrenl taxes, ii due, covering 11\A land, and pay aJTf i1tereot earned (a) on tax certirJca:es not in my posoession, (I)) on om,ttM 1axe• Of (c) on delinquent laXes. I also agree to pay all Tax Coilectol's fees, ownership and oocumbrance reperts costs, Cieri< ol lhe C<>urt oosls, ohatg&& and lee• and Sherill's cost., ii epprlCSble. At1ad'l<!<l ls 1he above-mentioned lax sale oer1ificate on wtilch lh application Is based a,id all other e"M,cat~ of !he same legal de5Cription wtiich are in my po••~•ion. ,:.ln:,,a,enpl"""lc_.p.,im=f.ein.,.n,_,rty=)._ _ ____________________ 06/18/ 20 15 Applicant's Signature O3t<l Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 x Colle-ctor's C•rtlfieation Thi,-is to ~rtiry lh!!I FM-' NP, L LC, llold'.eratTa,c Sa:le-Cer1iflcale N\Jmber78t,, lw.ued ltle 11-1 dlillY of J 1,.n141 , 2-(H3, .indiw'hic::tl I fQlli;,Nirt!I Qe~cd pl'$J)el1~ 10ea'tb1 in ,r-.e .county of Pa1m SU~h. 51111.e ot F'k>rida. to Mt PiU<ltl 10· t.lu-.rnl;,4'r: OG-4D-ll..'14 .CIII.OOO..fl?2.'0 LC',•IC.:~ ; 14,.,.3-40. E 20il_6 FT OF W 50!15-8 FT OF SEC jlESS N 51 e5.9 FT) A/KIA AN,506 tla$ MlrAtTidt.:,red Hrt14S iri my i;iffle<! ~n(I MM'e wfltlen awticationi torta~deed Ir, accordencsv.ilh Florida s,;.1urln, • oortify th;;r rax oe-rtifica~. lt'ltflre.&L OVfTit1~hiP .anO eneurnt:M'11~ tCl)(lr'I see, &1'd T.ax Cc&!:eK1r11 :IE!es ti.ave been paict C1:t1lftcelH own•d Ap~k -inl 11nd fl l ■ d ~n Connectlon Wit.II thlll Ta:at Dii!!l!!d A l lc1:tl0n! Ce~ NtJIK\flr Oi-,c ,afSale T.-Vcar FaceArroi.Jnl Qj!Cef't/fieai'JeClerk & Comptroller 7B9 00/01/13 2012 $2.976.31 $141Ul-2 $3,125.13 Cwr1llici1IB:li Ra-dnmt:d by .o\,,pplici~nt ar Included CCourr "1 in Canooctlon with tlil• Tax O..d Aooll<-1Mn; Cenikatet\lt.trnber ~gcfS,ale Ti111Y eai F~~of 1oxCo11oe1ar iltcrcit TOIII c.t,ift~ille F.. 80 ◄ 01131115 2014 $3,~1 93.,0 $6.2S $1~9Jl7 Sl.l59.35 1064 0€/01114 2013 $2,5C17,26 ll)c25 $143..36 Sl.016.e! Sue.J CTTQ AU. OUTSTANDING TAXES Amoontl!I Certified by TH Coll!ocio,- (Unos 1 • 71: 1_ Total of ell Cerrac.t.1a in AJ;Pltt.- ~" Potsession 3J'ld Cos4 of' the Certlica1es Aedeemed by APC:licant or lf:'lcJudt!(ll tCount~) W-501,36 2· Total cc De llnquer.rt Taxes Paid b'(Tax Deed Appk.a~ion v,ear, ......... ,- Recepr r: _._ ______ l . TQtidC~nlTI:!~~ Paid ~Tax Deed Ap pWcanll Y9-illr. ,., ,, ... ,, R4~ipt,c 4. Ownerstlll .al"!d E~nee Repon F·ee $300.00 S.. T.ax Oeed Applil;iltign F~u: $125.00 6. Tatel lnteres.1 Accrued byTa;ic ·Co'Uet:{(lrPJ,.ir-$1,.1~1 to Sectio11197.542., f.S. C .S% per moniih. 52,531.22 T. Tatel tllne:-9 1 -'6-) $ 12 4;;7.~7 Amounl,; Cortifled by Clork of Court (L.lne, 8 • 21): 8~ C1:ert: ofCoun. Statuto,y FM for Pt-oces,ing Tb' ~ I ~. Cieri< ofCoort C,,m!ied Mall Cn•111• 1O . Clerk of ·C011.rt A:tver1islng Charge 11 , Clerk of Court Raeo<di,-=i F-te !i:t" Certlka1e cif Nc.tk:e 12. Sllerttt"s. Fe,0; 13. Interest Compu11!:d by Clolk of CO-urt Pul'$ij1'1II tQ :Seeton 197..5o$:2, F'.$..@ --·-··-·-¼ 14. T<>lal (unoo 8- 13) 1 ~- Qrle,,1'.a lr Of Ile, 8-'!ISSBM!d v.alue D1 hDIT"IIIS.1Bad property, ii ~pptic~:l;:i= pur..u;:1111 la Section 1'97.502w ,:-.S . 1S. Add111an.alTi111 Pursuant to S&tion:t 1 97.502 8M 11)7.542., F_S_ 17. Oller' Adjll'Slr'rt~til.$ (lfapplle&ble~ 18, Credit ror B;tnli(ruptcy P8ymeme. I~. S~Morr (Opening) S.d, Tolal of ll""' 7, U and 1!.-IB (~•PDlioablo) 20. Co'leClliM F"l!f! $6.25 21 , Total ~-;:}_lo R<>do em 1 •Oon,o ,hi> ~y c f AoJ . Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 Attachment DR 513: Persons to Notify Clerk & Comptroller M. Gannon Tax Colfilc!Or 301 Ncrth Olive Avenue 3rd Floor West Palm Buch, FL 33401 Phone: l:561> 355- 6385 Fa>.: (561) 351:i· 6760 www.pb<JtaJi:.com Persons To Notify of Pending Tax Deed Appllcatlon Pursuant to Florida Statute 197 .522 PARC!L ID N UMBiR: 00-40~43• 14•00·000-622.0 HOMl!!STl!AD: No CERTIF?CATI!: 7S51 ASSESSED VALUl!i $:127,535 .00 YeAR: 201:Z LAST ASSESSED PARTY ON TAX ROLL: BASS JAMES A 17 DB9 W A~N B~CK BLVD LOXAHATCHEE, FLORIDA 33470-3675 UNITED STATES OTHER NAMES TO BE NOTlllIED: FNA NP1 LLC 120 N LASALLE ST RE ET ;l.9TH FLOOR. CHlCAGO, IL 60602 Q_ WWW.MYPALMBEACHCLERK.COM I @CLERKPBC C) C) @) ~ 0 0 C!~EOULE CERTIFICATE NO. 2013-789 Instrument> and manors found of rKOrd to bt notlctd: PUBUC RECOIIOS RESCAIIC>i, I Ownership •nd Encumb~na-s Title lllepon I, Mort111e in f1vor of Fldelily Feder,I a,nk & Trust reconled u/u/03Clerk in Ofl'oaol Rtcord Book & Comptroller 16302, Pllf 759 Addltsl snown I I! 20S OIMI StrHl Wost P1lm Boac:h, fl 33•01 CERTll'ICATE NO 2013-789 PCN : 00-40-43•14~6220 2. Probate matte11 found of record: Nont EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME: 11/03/2016 at 911D A.M.
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