BUSINBSS TRANSACTBD DURING d FOURTEENTH KE.RALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY RESUME OF BUSINESS 1TRANSACTBD DURING THE TWENTIETH SESSION 681,2020. I ! TWIINTIETH SESSION FOURTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATryE ASSEMBLY Tweatieth Se8siotr Date of Commcncement .. August 24,2020 Date of Adjoumment .. August 24, Z02O Date of Prorogation .. August 24, 2020 (At the conclusion of its sitting) Number of sittings .. 1 (Obe) Plnrv posmoN or FounrsrNrH Kerale LEGISLATYE AssEMaLY (As ou Aucusr 24,2020) Ruling Cornrnunist Party of India (Marxist) ..59 Communist Party of India .. 19 Janata Dal (Secular) .. 03 Nationalist Congress Party .- 02 Congress (Secular) ..01 Kerala Congress @) .. 01 National Secular Conferencs .. 0l Independents ..05 Opposi.tion Indian National Congress .. 21 Indian Union Muslim l-eague .. l8 Kerala Congress (M) ..05 Kerala Congress (Jacob) ..01 Bharatiya Janata Party .. 0l Independent. ., 0l Total .. 138 Speaker '. 0l Grand Total .. 139 * * 106-Kuttanad and 1l7_Chavara vacant. 1 Speaker Srm P. Sngrer'rernsrnrer Deputy SPeaker Srnr V. SAsl Council of Mihistorr ' 1. Shri Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister , 2, Shd A. K. Balan, Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Law, Culture and Parliamentary Affairs 3. Shri E..Chandrase*hann, Minister for Revenue & Housing " 4. Dn. K. T. Jaleel, Minister for Higher Education, Welfare of Minorities, Wakf & Hajj Pilgrimage 5. Shri E. P. Jayarajan, Minister for Induitries, Sports & Youth Affairs ' 6. Shri M. M. Mani, Minister for Electricity ' 7. Shri K. Krishnankutty, Minister for Water Resources 8. Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Minister for Fisheries, Halbour Engineering & Cashew Induslry 9. Shd A. C. Moideen, Minister for l,ocal Self Governments ; ' 10. Shri K. Raju, Minister for Forests, Animal Husbandry and Zoos 11. Shri Ramachandran Kadannappalli, Minister for Ports, Museums and . Archeology . 12. Shri T. P. Ramalaishnan, Minister for Labour & Excise 13. Prof. C. Raveen<lranath, Minister for General Education 14. Shri A. K. Saseendran, Minister for Transport t5. Smt. K. K. Shailaja Teacher, Minister for Health, Social Justice and Woman and Child DeveloPment. 16. Shri C. Sudhakaranj Minister for Public Works & Registration 17. Shri V. S. Sunil Kumar, Minisler for Agriculture 18. Shri Kadakampally Surendran, Minister for Co-operation, Tourism & Devaswoms 19. Shri P. Thilothaman, Minister for Food & Civil Supplies 20. Dr.. T. M- Thomas Isaac; Minister for Finance & Coir. Leader of the House Smr PrN.lneu VrilyeN kader of Opposition SH Rar.aesH CneNr.rIrHeLA Govemment Chief Whip Sxnl K. RareN Secretary Surl S. V. Ul.tNxntstlrlax Nern CONTENTS , TweNneH SEssroN Page 1. Obituary Refercnce .. I 2. Panel of Chairmen .. I 3. No-Confidence Motion .. I 4. Papers laid on the Tabte ..J 5. Presentation of Reports ..3 6. Suspension of Rule for the consideration of the Kerala Finance Bill, 2020 and the Kerala Finance (No.2) Bill, 2020 7. Govomment Resolution (Under Rule 118) 8. LegislativeBusiness 9. Financial Business 10. Visitors ll. Termination of the Session 12. Appendices 6812020. RESUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED DLTRING THE TWENflEIII SESSION OF XHE FOURTEENTII KERALA LEGISLIITTVE ASSEMBLY The Summons dated . August 14, 2OZQ for the Tlventieth Session of the Fourteenth Kerala Legislative Assembly was issued to the Members on August 14 2020. The Session dommenced at 9.00 a.m. on Mondat August 24 2020 and adjourned sine-die at 9,27 p.m. orr the same day. The House nansacted business for 12 hours and 27 minutes. Obituary Rcfcroncc The Speaker made reference on the demise df former Minister and Member of Parliament M. P. Veerendra Kumar and former members . P. K. Kumaran, V. K. Babu and P. Narayanan. As a mark of respect to the deceased, the Members stood irt silence for a whi]e. Palel of Chairmen The foltowing Members were nominated to the Patrel of Chairmen for the day's sitting. l. Shri Mathew T. Thomai 2. Shri K. Dasan 3. Shri M. Vincenl No-Confidonce Motion The Speaker informed the House that a notice for leave giveq of by Shri V. D. Satheesan to make the motion exprcssing want of confrdence in the Council of Ministers headed by Shri Pinaral Vijayan has been received and he read out the motion "@'l,6jl5rDoc(0l onB(ooql o(r,gcu@rutle@ a@naDsadld pe (Tus onolluo:cmlo coo.roggg<nc" As there were more than t'l,eRty members in favour of moving the motion, the Speaker'granted leave to make the motion. 6812020. tr2 The Speaker anuounced that the discurision on the no-confidence motion shall tak€ place aft€r the complotiron of th,e business scheduled for the day. The Speaker firther announced that 5 hous nill be allotted fsr the drscussion. At the appointed time Slri V. D. Satheesan movedrthe following no_confidence motion. lj<O1. nJlemocott qnso|oa0 a(I)(o(d)Joro.tgtnrr o{@laDaadld gqo m)e GyaoJlsoJocDo ooalods@(rra,' The motion was . seconded. The following Memb€rs took part in the discussioni Shri V. D. Satheesan Shri Thiruvanchoor Radhahisbnan Shri S. Sanna Shri K. M. Shaji Shri Mullakara netnakaran ,Shri P. J. Ioseph Shri A. Pradeep kumar Shri Mathew T. Thomas Shri P. T. Thomas Shri Mani C. Kappan Shri Kovoor Kunjumon Shri Anoop Jacob Smt.Ve€na Georg€ Shri O. Rajagopal Shd K. B. Ganesh Kumar Shri P. C. George Shri M. Ummer 3' Shri Chitrayam Gopakumar Shri Shafi parambil Shri M. Swaraj Dr. M. K. Muneer Shri James Mathew , Shri Ramesh Chennithala, Iraler of Opposition. ' Shri E. Chandrasekharan Minisler for Revenue and Housing, Shri G. Sudhakaran, Minister for public Worts and Registratio", S.a *. K. Shailaja Teacher, Minister for Health, Socjial Justice, Women and Chitd Development . and Shd Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Mnisler replied to Ae poin* oir"O in J" discussion. The no-confidence Motion was p* a declarcd lost, (For 40-Against 87). "o*'*a Paporr laid oa tbo Tablc. The details of paperb that werc laid on the Table arc given in Appendix_L Prcrcntatiol of Rcportr The following Reports wer€ presented during the Session: l. The Reports of the Subject . Committees I to Xnr' on the action taken on the recommendations contained in the Fourth Rcport on th" ,;ti"; of demands f-o-r gants for the financial yezr.Zol9_20 peiodical ano R"p*;; 3p March 2020. 2. The One hundred and fourlh to One hundred and ninth Reports of the Committee on Public Undertakings. 3. The Twenty second Report of rhc Commifiee on Subordinate kgislation. 4. The NineEenth Report of thc Committee on Environment. Surpouion of Rolo for tho coarldontlo! of tho Kotrt. Fitllco BiII, 2020 snd tho Korilr Flaarco (No. 2)Bl .,2O2O The Chief Mnistcr moved a modon to suspcnd Rulc 76(l) for the day,s sitting. The Houie adopted the motion. (ml3Jdl . ooq6ooQrorml m(d6c(6 o)gcocco' @6 cuomocm cuddocd (n(d&Coam' fiD@(5)141€o G)'l(Eoj(I)oooJoo (Encococ.{ onoc(I)(oDcotgo aDiocoJatl(ddololdocoogg (u)l(aoccro nogoto(u)l(rr. o)roto,c(8 rDl(o,laofrDqol* (gD(ofo"l(I)c(d, oDo(ruoc(no|o)Jool ooJJgorcdfJoJqo, (ruo(:uoco) mddoJotooe qd.ol(ruooocor crDel@co)5rBgq en-qg6o,lo-rcoo oc.g1od,d,0/t ccro)f,dogos €ndl@c(oaJo. rlr@"l(,)orD'l4o6c6rg 2020 ol'oef 19_oe, a&@ o1)ddord o)l&roc(r)o oJ(r)scmlauoqD'l€o6rDoofiroo, ofl(Eot(I)cDnJoo ollac(nolocolgolu),loo! ao(dco)csoJo crsdtrtl.do (IDoousJ(T) fiuddocol(T). .Jrbcg!(dE)qgg aoou:dj.on.- do" (r)cfadrDoo(roo oeog fir1o,oduc aa@fiD6doco'locrcg 6ne5riroolaocra,;' The Resolution was unanimously adopted by the House. Legislative Business I. Bills Passed: (A). The following Bills were considered and passed by the Assembty during the 204 session 1. The lGrala Finance BilI, 2020. (Bi[ No. 25D 2. The Kerala Finance (No2) BiI, 2020 (Bill No. 2Sg) As the session was conducted in the midst of the COVID_19 pandemic, the Kerala Finance Bill, 2020 and rhe Kerala Finance (No.2) itrll, 2020 which were inEoduced ln the Assembly during the 19th session were hken up for consideration without refening to the Subject Commiftee. The House paslcd the BiUs with amendments and devoted 29 minutes in total for the business The Kerala @). Appropriation (No.3) Bilt, 2020 (Bill No. 269) \!as introduced taken up for consideration atrd passed in this session. Details regading the date of IntroductloD and passing of Bills mentioned above a'" given in Appendlx-2. The salient features of the aJoresaid Bilts are given in Appendix -: 3. I II. Laying of BiIIs Assented to 1. 'Ihe KeralaAppropriation BiU, 2020. (Bi No. 2ff) . 2. The Kerala Aplmpriation (No. 2) Bill, 2020. (Bill No. 2S9) IIL Bills publislrccl anil circulateil to the.Members In addition to the Bills mentioned under item I, five Bills were published and four of them werc cirqrlated to the Members. Details thereof are given in Appendix- 4. Financial Busincss (L) Supplementary Demands for cronts for 202G21 The First Batch of Suppllnenary Financial statement for the year 202G21 was laid on the Thble by the Minlster for Finance on 2z!B-2020 and was Dassed on the same day. The House devoted.6 milutes for the business. The Minister for Finance and Coir i roduced'The Kerala ApFopriation (No.3) Bi[ 2020 ' in respect of the Fint Batch of Supplementary Demands for Granls for the year 2020-2021 oa 24-8-2020. The Bill was taken up for consideration and passed on the same day. The House devoted Z minutes for the business. ; visitors In view of the COVID-1g pandemic, visitors were not allowed. Tbrmination of the Session The Twentieth Session of the Fourteenth Kerala Legislative Assembly was prorogued witlr effeat from A.ugust 24, 2020 at th€ conclusion of the sitting vide Notifr cation No. 3l0f/T able-l! 2}201Leg. d^Ed 2AU2O2O.
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