Centipedes, Hawaii Marine Basketball A-11 Volume 27, Number 40 October 29, 1998 B-6 ARFF comes to injured Marine's rescue Lance Cpl. David Salazar the helicopter by rescue workers from Sgt. Larry Horn, a crew chief at Lyons was transported to Queens I just took everything one step at a time, Combat Correspondent Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting here. ARFF, was one of the Marines who Medical Center in downtown Honolulu just like in training and accomplished the "The noncommissioned officer-in- responded to the call. by an airlift provided by the 68th A member of Marine Heavy Army mission," he said. charge of ARM-. received a phone call "We used the airbag lifting system to Medical Detachment. Two weeks and several surgeries later, Helicopter squadron 362 here was res- from the 911 dispatcher that we had a lift the aircraft six to eight inches off of "This was probably the most severe Lyons said his condition is improving. cued and hospitalized Oct. 14, after being Marine trapped under a helicopter in the individual shortly before we drug him accident I've been involved with," Horn "I'm doing a lot better," said the pinned under a CH-53D helicopter while Hangar 101," said Warrant Officer out and put him on a backboard," said said. "When I got there, it was much Denmark, Wisconsin native. "I've making repairs on it. Charles W. Thompson, officer-in-charge Horn, who is also an emergency medical worse than what I had envisioned, the improved with leaps and bounds but I Lance Cpl. Peter Lyons, an airframer - of ARFF. technician. whole scene kind of took me by surprise. can't wait to get back to work." with HMH-362. was pulled from under 1999 Defense. Authorization Act approved Jim Garamone Force Reserve, 74,243. American Forces Press Service Reservists will be allowed to use the commissary and exchanges 24 times a WASHINGTON --- A 3.6 percent year rather than the 12 previously autho- military pay raise, a TRICARE demon- rized. Reservists who have to fly to get stration project, revamping of the mili- to drills will be allowed to get govern- tary pharmacy system and changes in ment rates when they buy their tickets. reserve component benefits are just a The act also authorizes the president few of the programs in the 1999 Strom to call up to 200,000 reserve component Thurmond National Defense members in the event of or threat of an Authorization Act. attack by terrorists or rogue nations The act, named in honor of the 95- using weapons of mass destruction. year -old South Carolinian who chairs The act orders the department to pro- the Senate Armed Services Committee, vide separate and secure housing for also authorizes $1.86 billion for fiscal male and female trainees during basic 1999 Bosnia operations. training. This must be in effect by April The pay raise was .5 percent more 15, 1999. Also in the legislation is a than President Clinton requested in his sense of the House provision saying budget proposal. The raise matches that male and female recruits should be scheduled for federal civilian workers. assigned to separate flights, platoons or President Clinton has already agreed to divisions during basic training. This a 4.4 percent pay raise in fiscal 2000. provision does not have the force of law. The act increases flight pay for The act covers the defense health sys- Photo by Sgt. Steven Williams enlisted mem- tem. Health A team of Marines from Marine Corps Base Hawaii and Sailors from Amphibious Construction Unit I , San Diego, Calif, bers. E-7 to E- affairs will monitors a humvee os it's lowered to a barge that will carry it to shore for Exercise Foal Eagle/Freedom Banner. 9 will receive The receive a total $240 per legislation of $9.6 billion month flight forbids the in fiscal 1999. Marine/NaVy team proves that pay. E-6 per- department from The act calls sonnel will on DoD to receive $215; breaking overhaul the deployment is always possible E-5s, $190; military phar- up the Defense Sgt. Steven Williams Lego-like decks, "carry more than equipment, but we still have to get it and E-4s, macy system. Combat Correspondent 2,500 C-141 plane loads of cargo." there in a timely manner." $165. The act Commissary Agency. The depart- - POHANG, South Korea The barges, called lighterage, "The Marines had to put all their will also allow ment must - Marines and Sailors began a five-thy employed to carry the gear ashore con- knowledge into play," said Sgt. members in active guard and Reserve report its plans to Congress by March 1, operation to crane vehicles and equip- sist of 90-foot by 21-foot sections. Douglas R. Quinn, a platoon sergeant status to receive selective re-enlistment 1999, and those plans must include pri- ment from the Motor Vessel Pfc. These sections include the beach end, with Motor Transport Company. bonuses. vate sector "best practices." DoD must Dewayne T. Williams during an exten- the front of the vessel used to "stab the CSSG-3. "Safety is the main thing. The act authorizes special retention report estimated redesign costs both to sive, instream ship-to-shore mission beach;" the sea end, the section used to They know how to get the job done, incentives for critically short military the government and to TRICARE bene- for Exercise Foal Eagle/Freedom power the barges; and the intermediate they just have to take every safety pre- specialties. Incentives include family ficiaries, and it must assess customer Banner. sections, added to the middle for caution to get the equipment to its des- support and leave allowances, increased satisfaction and any impact the pharma- The maritime prepositioning force length. tination." re-enlistment bonuses, government cy changes have on military readiness. evolution proved the relationship "By myself, I can pile up to five sec- Beach Master Unit 1, from San repayment of educational loans, priority The legislation orders DoD to estab- between the Marine Corps and Navy tions," said Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Diego, Calif., and Landing Support for assignments, modified leave policies lish a system to monitor servicemem- continues to provide a smooth, rapid B. Magargee, a leading petty officer Company, CSSG-3, had the beach and special consideration for govern- bers' access to the TRICARE system deployment method for U.S. forces with Amphibious Construction prepped for arrival when the equipment ment housing. A military occupational and the timeliness of appointments. anywhere in the world, according to Battalion 1 out of San Diego, Calif. hit shore. specialty is considered critically short if The legislation includes a three-year Col. Richard M. Nixon, commanding "The more you pile on, the more sea "The gradient was fixed and mobile its fiscal 1998 retention is less than 50 demonstration program to allow officer of Combat Service Support ends you have to have to guide the ves- tracking mats were put down," said percent of the service's need. Medicare-eligible retirees and their fam- Group 3, out of Marine Corps Base sel." Young. "Then, once it's ashore, we Active duty end strength for DoD is ilies to enroll in the Federal Employees Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay. Carrying anywhere from one large track the gear and organize it the best set at 1,395,778, down about 35,000 Health Benefits Program. The test will "This validates our capability to heavy-lift vehicle to a couple dozen we can." from fiscal year 1998. Army strength be run in six to 10 geographic locations deliver combat and sustainment cargo humvees, Sailors here floated more Bar codes on the equipment were figures are set at 480,000; Navy at and could cover up to 66,000 beneficia- no matter where it has to go," said than 200 pieces of gear over nearly a scanned by LSC Marines using data 372,696; Marines. 172,200; and Air ries. Nixon. "A harbor is not required." mile of water to a Pohang shore. And collection devices. The information Force, 370,882. The legislation forbids the depart- Airlifting gear is always an option; though the floating appeared to be a collected by the DCDs was logged into Reserve component end strength is ment from breaking up the Defense however, support by sea lift allows the simple process, it was easier planned a computerized inventory. set at 877,322, with 8,000 more in the Commissary Agency and stops the Marines to deploy more gear in less than done. The gear was staged in a designated Coast Guard Reserve. The total is down department from consolidating the ser- time, Nixon added. "The sea state got pretty rough," area and later distributed to respective 8,000 from fiscal 1998. The Army vices' exchange systems. The commis- "These two ships alone," Nixon said said Magargee. "We had to take a lot units throughout Pohang. Marines of Guard is set at 357,223. the Army sion studying exchange consolidation referring to the MV Williams and MV of safety precautions. We have to Reserve at 208,003. Naval Reserve, may continue its work, but legislation Sgt. William R. Button and their deep make sure we're not going to lose any See DEPLOYMENT, 90,843; Marine Corps Reserve, 40,018; A-3 Air National Guard, 106,992; and Air See APPROPRIATION, A-3 Index Team K-B ay makes base a treat for Halloween A Section Cpl. Barry Melton TRICK-OR-TREATING -a teen and pre-teen dance is scheduled for 6 :30 - 10 p.m. at the family gym, locat- MarForPac Sgt.
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