Proceedings e report 93 XIII Conference "Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees" IUFRO Working Party 7.02.01 September 4th – 10th 2011 Firenze – Auditorium di S. Apollonia S. Martino di Castrozza (TN) – Palazzo Sass Maor, Italy III Conference Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees IUFR orking Party 70201 edited by P Capretti, C Comparini, M arbelotto, N a Porta, Santini Firenze Firenze University Press, 2013 Proceedings e report 93 httpdigitalcasaliniit9788866553533 ISBN 9788866553526 print ISBN 9788866553533 online Progetto graco di Alberto Pizarro Fernández, Pagina Maestra snc This book was printed with contribution of Fondazione Edmund Mach and Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, PRIN program number 2008SBCC9S Cover photos and photos on pages 1, 65, 77, 115, 141, 173, 233 by Kari Korhonen Peer Review Process All publications are submitted to an external refereeing process under the responsibility of the FUP Editorial Board and the Scientic Committees of the individual series. The works published in the FUP catalogue are evaluated and approved by the Editorial Board of the publishing house. For a more detailed description of the refereeing process we refer to the ocial documents published in the online catalogue of the FUP (http://www.fupress.com). Firenze University Press Editorial Board G. Nigro (Co-ordinator), M.T. Bartoli, M. Boddi, R. Casalbuoni, C. Ciappei, R. Del Punta, A. Dol, V. Fargion, S. Ferrone, M. Garzaniti, P. Guarnieri, A. Mariani, M. Marini, A. Novelli, M. Verga, A. Zorzi. © 2013 Firenze University Press Università degli Studi di Firenze Firenze University Press Borgo Albizi, 28, 50122 Firenze, Italy http://www.fupress.com/ Printed in Italy Edited by Paolo Capretti, Cecilia Comparini, Matteo Garbelotto, Nicola La Porta, Alberto Santini. Paolo Capretti Università di Firenze Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Agroalimentari e dell’Ambiente Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze, Italy [email protected] Cecilia Comparini Università di Firenze Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Agroalimentari e dell’Ambiente Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze, Italy [email protected] Matteo Garbelotto University of California, Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Police and Management – Ecosystem Science 137 Mulford Hall, 3114, Berkeley, CA, USA, 94720 [email protected] Nicola La Porta IASMA Centro per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione, Fondazione Edmund Mach Dipartimento Agrosistemi Sostenibili e Biorisorse Via E. Mach 1, 38010, S. Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy [email protected] Alberto Santini Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR – Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019, Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy [email protected] To cite this book: Capretti P., Comparini C., Garbelotto M., La Porta N., Santini A., (eds.). Proceeding of the XIII International Conference on Root and Butt Root of Forest Trees. Firenze (FI) – S. Martino di Castrozza (TN), Italy, 4th – 10th September 2012. University Press, Firenze, 2012. 280 pp. V Organizing Committee Paolo Capretti Nicola La Porta Università di Firenze IASMA Centro per la Ricerca e Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni l’Innovazione, Fondazione Edmund Mach Agroalimentari e dell’Ambiente Dipartimento Agrosistemi Sostenibili e Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze, Biorisorse Italy Via E. Mach 1, 38010, S. Michele all’Adige [email protected] (TN), Italy [email protected] Cecilia Comparini Università di Firenze Matteo Garbelotto Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni University of California, Berkeley Agroalimentari e dell’Ambiente Department of Environmental Science, Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze, Police and Management – Ecosystem Italy Science [email protected] 137 Mulford Hall, 3114, Berkeley, CA, USA, 94720 Alberto Santini [email protected] Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019, Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy [email protected] Scientific committee Paolo Capretti Matteo Garbelotto Nicola La Porta Alberto Santini Technical Committee Università di Firenze Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Agroalimentari e dell’Ambiente Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144, Firenze, Italy Matteo Feducci Beatrice Ginetti Elisa Locandro Duccio Migliorini Alessia Pepori VI The XIII Conference "Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees" IUFRO Working Party 7.02.01, Firenze – Auditorium di S. Apollonia S. Martino di Castrozza (TN) – Palazzo Sass Maor, Italy was kindly supported by VII Table of contents SESSION 1 GENOMICS AND PLANT- PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS 1 The Heterobasidion irregulare genome project Å. Olson, A. Aerts, F.O. Asiegbu, L. Belbahri, O. Bouzid, A. Broberg, B. Canbäck, P.M. Coutinho, D. Cullen, K. Dalman, G. Deflorio, L.T.A. van Diepen, C. Dunand, S. Duplessis, M. Durling, P. Gonthier, J. Grimwood, C.G. Fossdal, D. Hansson, B. Henrissat, A.M. Hietala, K. Himmelstrand, D. Hoffmeister, N. Högberg, T.Y. James, M. Karlsson, A. Kohler, U. Kües, Y.H. Lee, Y.C. Lin, M. Lind, E. Lindquist, V. Lombard, S. Lucas, K. Lundén, E. Morin, C. Murat, J. Park, T. Raffaello, P. Rouzé, A. Salamov, J. Schmutz, H. Solheim, J. Ståhlberg, H. Vélëz, R.P. de Vries, A. Wiebenga, S. Woodward, I. Yakovlev, M. Garbelotto, F. Martin, I.V. Grigoriev, J. Stenlid 3 Molecular studies of the Heterobasidion annosum s.l. Norway spruce pathosystem: local and systemic host defense responses C.G. Fossdal, N. Yaqoob, P. Krokene, A.M. Hietala, I. Yakovlev, H. Solheim 13 Gene expression and metabolism of phenolic compounds in Sitka spruce clones inoculated with Heterobasidion annosum G. Deflorio, G. Horgan, S. Woodward, C.G. Fossdal 17 Resistance responses of Picea abies to Heterobasidion parviporum in Southern Finland S.E. Keriö, M. Niemi, M. Haapanen, F.O. Asiegbu 22 Molecular characterization of the expression and regulation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) antimicrobial proteins (AMPs) E. Jaber, S. Sooriyaarachchi, A. Sua´rez Covarrubias, W. Ubhayasekera, S.L. Mowbray, F.O. Asiegbu 26 Use of in vitro microcosm to validate the transcription pattern of two cysteine peptidases of Heterobasidion annosum H. Chen and F.O. Asiegbu 28 Molecular Analysis of Hydrophobins (Pgh1 and Pgh2) from the biological control fungus, Phlebiopsis gigantea A. Mgbeahuruike, H. Chen, W. Ubhayasekera, F.O. Asiegbu 33 Comparing pathogenicity and virulence of Armillaria sinapina and Armillaria ostoyae and host response to invasion on three conifer species M. Cleary, B. van der Kamp, D. Morrison 37 454 sequencing of transcriptomes for virulent and non-virulent Armillaria ostoyae strains and identification of their secretomes G. Sipos, W. Qi, M. Künzli, M. Okoniewski, D. Rigling 40 IX P. Capretti, C. Comparini, M. Garbelotto, N. La Porta, A. Santini (edited by), XIII Conference Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees IUFRO Working Party 7.02.01, ISBN 978-88-6655-352-6 (print), ISBN 978-88-6655- 353-3 (online) © 2013 Firenze University Press A genome-wide association study identifies genomic regions for virulence in Heterobasidion annosum s.s. K. Dalman, K. Himmelstrand, Å. Olson, M. Lind, M. Brandström-Durling, J. Stenlid 42 Terpenes as markers for relative resistance of Sitka spruce clones to Heterobasidion annosum V. Martini, S. Woodward, G. Deflorio, P. Capretti, M. Michelozzi 45 1H NMR fingerprinting detects defence response in Sitka spruce inoculated with Heterobasidion annosum G. Deflorio, G. Horgan, S. Woodward, M. Jaspars 48 Distribution of elements in the bark of Sitka spruce following wounding and inoculation with Heterobasidion annosum M. Siebold, P. Leidich, M. Bertini, G. Deflorio, J. Feldmann, E. Krupp, E. Halmschlager, S. Woodward 52 Comparative genomic analysis of rot fungi: insights into the evolution of specialized functions G. Emiliani, G. Sablok, N. La Porta 55 Multivariate analysis revealed translational selection and mutational bias in Heterobasidion irregulare- destructive fungal pathogen of conifers in the Boreal hemisphere G. Sablok, K.C. Nayak, E. Potenza, G. Emiliani, N. La Porta 58 Tree-ring as proxies of stress caused by Heterobasidion parviporum at three different mature stands in Trentino Y. Gori, F. Camin, P. Cherubini, N. La Porta 62 SESSION 2 SYSTEMATIC, TAXONOMY AND PHYLOGEOGRAPHY 65 Evolutionary history of the conifer root rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato K. Dalman, Å. Olson, J. Stenlid 67 Species delimitation of Armillaria cepistipes and A. gallica in Central Europe M. Tomšovský, V. Antonin, P. Sedlák, L. Jankovsky 71 Species distribution and host spectrum of Heterobasidion annosum s.l. in the Czech Republic P. Sedlák and M. Tomšovský 74 X SESSION 3 ECOLOGY 77 Climate change effects on soil functionality and soil-plants interactions: practical approaches M.T. Ceccherini, N. Luchi, P. Capretti, G. Pietramellara 79 Consequences of climate warming on the activity of Heterobasidion parviporum in Finland M.M. Müller, R. Sievänen, E. Beuker, H. Meesenburg, N. La Porta, J. Ekojärvi, I. Pavlov, J. Hantula, K. Korhonen 82 Heterobasidion irregulare in central Italy: where have we got to? E. Motta, L. D’Amico, T. Annesi, M. Scirè 85 Heterobasidion annosum in coniferous ecosystems of Northern Spain N. Mesanza and E. Iturritxa 87 Susceptibility of stump heartwood and sapwood to Heterobasidion annosum s.l. infection in Norway spruce (Picea abies) J. Oliva, M. Bernat, J. Stenlid 93 Detection of Armillaria tabescens by bait method using old, freshly-cut logs and cherry seedlings Y. Ota, H. Onozato, Y. Kawabe 95 Survival of Heterobasidion
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