c I N E M A G • T R A D E NEW 5 • Feds to legislate distribution MacDonald supports commercial free TV TORONTO - Flora MacDo­ revenues taken from North nadian film companies to im­ nald's promise to create a dis· American markets. "It is not port films for which they hold OlTAWA - Communications specialized programming tinct Canadian (national) our purpose to promote the world distribution rights. Minister Flora MacDonald has aimed at chil dren, senior citi­ market for commercial/theatri­ personal well-being of Cana­ These rights must include all reaffirmed a commitment to zens, women and minority cal video and film rights could dian film distributors," MacDo­ countries for which rights are improving the quality and groups. The minister noted generate an estimated increase nald told the press conference. held, including country of ori­ quantity of Canadian television that specialized programming of close to S20 million in reve· "Our purpose is to enable gin, at the conclusion of princi· programming. is scarce both on the private nues for Canadian distributors, them to earn a normal share of pal photography or when ap­ MacDonald recently told the networks and on the CBC, say government officials. the Canadian tllm market, so as plication is made to import the parliamentary standing com­ which has a mandate to target At a Toronto press confer­ to encourage the re· channell· film into Canada. mittee on communications and general audiences. ence, Feb. 13. the communica· ing of funds back into the Ca· They may also import films culture, that a commercial-free A March I 2 deadline has tions minister announced her nadian film industry." which they have actually pro­ English- language network (TV been set by the Canadian Ra­ intention to stem the importa­ When asked if legislation duced. Canada) should be created in dio-television and Telecom­ tion of films and video by for­ will guarantee that Canadian Government officials esti­ the best interests of Canadians munications Commission eign-owned distributors distributors re-invest in Cana­ mate that of 300 films impor­ who, she says, have expressed (CRTC) for applications for through legislation. dian production, MacDonald ted into Canada annually, close a need for improved prime­ the national service. The impending legislation, said there is no guarantee but to 50 per cent are studio pro­ time Canadian programming. On the French-language expected in April, ,yill intro­ rather indications of a strong duced and thus fall into the April 15 has been set as a side, the new TV5 service, La duce a system to license the \Yillingness on the part of dis­ proprietary license category. deadline for receipt by the mi­ chaine franc;:ais of TVOntario, importation of commercial tributors to re·invest, given ac­ "The interest of all film dis­ nister of the committee report and specialized programming films and video. This in turn, cess to foreign films. tributors will be respected," on the Caplan- Sauvageau Re­ already existing on the French­ said MacDonald, ,,'ill allow dis­ said MacDonald. port (Task Force Report on language networks, will serve a The licensing system will tributors to re-invest in Cana­ "Canadian film distributors Broadcast Policy). wider and more selective au­ pro\'ide a general license for dian production and thus will begin, at last, to acquire "I am keen to receive your dience. Canadian distributors. This li­ strengthen the production, dis­ fa irer access to independent views by then," MacDonald MacDonald also informed cense will allow them to nego­ tribution and exhibition-of Ca­ production from abroad, and told the committee,"because I the committee that the ten­ tiate Canadian rights and im­ nadian films. foreign distributors will be as­ am determined to keep my dency of Telefilm 's Broadcast port films for commercial dis­ According to federal govern­ sured the right to import their deadline of seeking cabinet ap­ Fund to favour general audi­ tribution. ment statistics, Cs. distribu­ own films. These new econo­ proval for a broad policy ence productions and "down­ tors earn 90 per cent of distri­ A second category of li­ mic opportunities for Canadian framework shortly after Easter, play attractive programming bution revenues generated in cense, to be called a proprieta­ distributors are vital to the Ca­ as well as authority to begin aimed at a somewhat smaller Canada - a mere 8 per cent of ry license, will enable non-Ca- nadian film industry cycle." drafting a new (broadcasting) audience," will be corrected act over the summer." by Treasury Board approval to Citing recommendations in establish the Broadcast Fund the Caplan· Sauvageau Report, on a permanent basis rather Venture fund may attract immigrants MacDonald suggested that a than as a five-year fund. "minimal fee" or an increase in The Communications Minis­ VANCOlNER Vancouver in Southern California for sev­ CEO of Hastings West Invest­ cable rates could provide ne­ ter has recently announced could become the first City in eral years doing marketing and ments), Robert McLernan ( re­ cessary start-up capital for the that satellite-to-cable channels Canada to have a private ven­ fundraising ( his company tired TO banker with a sideline new network con tolled by are eligible broadcasters under ture capital fund for producing Beacon Group Productions, in playwriting and directing), public and priva te interests. the terms of the Broadcast indigenous feature film s, if has been involved in over 520 and Sean Allen (Grant's TV Canada would carry Fund. Beacon Pictures Ltd. (a Van­ million worth of commercial brother - a Canadian actor couver-based venture capital and industrial productions in who has worked successfully company) meets its goal of California in the past seven in New York and Hollywood raising S5 million for a feature years), believes that feature and would like to come home Toronto productions up film fund. The project is the filmmaking in BC doesn't have to continue his writing and brainchild of Beacon's CEO to be a crap shoot if the invest­ acting career). TORONTO - Record numbers February, March and April, Grant Allen, who sees Van­ ment dollars are spread over Allen reports that in the past of movie and television shows then it is going to add to the couver as a hotbed of opportu­ many projects. year and a half the Board has were made in Toronto last overall total as being even nity for private investors w ho "We are bringing formal been active doing research on year, but early indications greater," McHugh said. want to participate in the venture capital investing prin­ the industry and setting up a show even more promise for Last year was a record building of a domestic fLlm in­ ciples to the business. Rather game plan. The federal and 1987, a city film official says. period for film and television dustry. than putting large amounts of provincial governments have Naish MCHugh, Toronto's production in Toronto with The fund will be spread over money into two or three piC­ been very helpful. He gives film liaison officer, told Cine­ everything from large Ameri­ development and production tures, which would be consi­ particular credit to Peter Pear­ ma Canada that permits for can productions, sllch as the of 30-40 films of varying dered by any investor as a high son, Donna Wong-Juliani and abou t 100 more locations have 1--1 .5 hour ABC mini-series lengths. 80 per cent of the fund risk situation, we will take a Diane Neufeld for introducing been issued so far this year Amerika ,to Canadian televi­ will be dedicated to BCbased minority position in approxi­ him to key industry people and than compared to the same sion series sllch as Oegrassi Canadian Certified features mately ten to 15 Canadian fea­ giving him an education on the period one year earlier. Junior High being shot here. with another five per cen~ tures, so that we reduce the past, present and future of Ca­ "It looks like it is going to be In 1986 a total of 102 pro­ going to script development. risk If the quality of the pro­ nadian filmmaking With the another record year ... it's \'ery, ductions were made including The remaining 15 per cent will ducers and directors is high on strong talent base, world-class very busy," McHugh said. 35 feature film s, 50 television go towards building a bridge to all of the projects, there is a technical expertise present in "I t's crazy. It's like June." In productions and 17 television Pacific Rim countries, en­ very good chance of making Vancouver, all that is needed January alone the city dealt series. couraging Asian productions money back" to make a domestic production with 15 productions, he Those productions had total to shoot in BC and interesting Allen claims that the fund industry fl ourish is private in· explained. budgets of S280 million and Asian investors in participating would be the first of its kind in vestment. He said even though pro­ they spent about S 180 million in BC projects, While the Canada, although there are The Beacon fund is intended duction was full y stretched here on everything from wages minimum investment is several in the States that are to augment federal and provin­ during the peak months of July to accomodation to props. By S25,000, purchasers investing doing well. cial support. Allen says that throUgll October last year, a comparison, in 1985, there 5250,000 will qualify as landed The board of directors in­ since producers will only have period when crews were com­ were 62 productions with immigrant investors under the cludes Gins Doolittle ( presi­ a minority investment from pletely booked up, this year budgets totalling 5180 million investment requirements of dent of The Doolittle Company Beacon, they will still have to could be even busier overall.
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