Recycled Fish Sculpture Name:__________ Fish: are a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic vertebrate animals that lack limbs with digits. At 32,000 species, fish exhibit greater species diversity than any other group of vertebrates. Sculpture: is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials—typically stone such as marble—or metal, glass, or wood. Softer ("plastic") materials can also be used, such as clay, textiles, plastics, polymers and softer metals. They may be assembled such as by welding or gluing or by firing, molded or cast. Researched Photo Source: Alaskan Rainbow STEP ONE: CHOOSE one fish from the attached Fish Names list. Trout STEP TWO: RESEARCH on-line and complete the attached K/U Fish Research Sheet. STEP THREE: DRAW 3 conceptual sketches with colour pencil crayons of possible visual images that represent your researched fish. STEP FOUR: Once your fish designs are approved by the teacher, DRAW a representational outline of your fish on the 18 x24 and then add VALUE and COLOUR . CONSIDER: Individual shapes and forms for the various parts you will cut out of recycled pop aluminum cans (such as individual scales, gills, fins etc.) STEP FIVE: CUT OUT using scissors the various individual sections of your chosen fish from recycled pop aluminum cans. OVERLAY them on top of your 18 x 24 Representational Outline 18 x 24 Drawing representational drawing to judge the shape and size of each piece. STEP SIX: Once you have cut out all your shapes and forms, GLUE the various pieces together with a glue gun. CONSIDER: all the various details of the fish: individual scales, gills, fins. STEP SEVEN: REFLECT on your finished work by answering the attached Artistic Template and following questions: 1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why? 2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why? 3. If you had to do this project, what part would you change? Representational Value 18 x 24 Drawing Recycled Fish Sculpture 18 x 24 Approx. size Representational Value 18 x 24 Drawing Colour Added Recycled Fish Sculpture Painted 18 x 24 K/U Fish Research Sheet Name:____________ Name: ___________________________________ Scientific Classification: _________________________ Kingdom: _____________________________________ Phylum: ______________________________________ Class: ________________________________________ Order: ________________________________________ Family: _______________________________________ Genus: _______________________________________ Species: ______________________________________ Subspecies: ___________________________________ Related Species: _________________________________ Taxonomy: ______________________________________ Thumbnail Sketch Physical Characteristics: ________________ Colour: _____________________ Size: __________________________ History: _________________________ Geographical Location: _____________________ Feeding: _______________________ Behavior: __________________________ Intelligence: __________________________ Fish Names A B C D Ghost carp J Mail-cheeked fish African glass catfish Bigeye Cepalin Dottyback Ghost fish Jack Mako shark African lungfish Bigeye squaretail Chain pickerel Dragonet Ghost flathead Jackfish Mandarin fish Aholehole Bighead carp Channel bass Dragonfish Ghost knifefish Jack Dempsey Manefish Airbreathing catfish Bigmouth buffalo Channel catfish Dragon goby Ghost pipefish Japanese eel Man-of-war fish Airsac catfish Bigscale Char Driftfish Ghoul Javelin Manta Ray Alaska blackfish Bigscale fish Cherry salmon Driftwood catfish Giant danio Jawfish Marblefish Albacore Bigscale pomfret Chimaera Drum Giant gourami Jellynose fish Marine hatchetfish Alewife Billfish Chinook salmon Duckbill Giant sea bass Jewelfish Marlin Alfonsino Bitterling Cherubfish Duckbilled barracudina Giant wels Jewel tetra Masu salmon Algae eater Black angelfish Chub Duckbill eel Gianttail Jewfish Medaka Alligatorfish Black bass Chubsucker Dusky grouper Gibberfish John dory Medusafish Amago Black dragonfish Chum salmon Dwarf gourami Gila trout Megamouth shark American sole Blackchin Cichlid Dwarf loach Gizzard shad K Menhaden Amur pike Blackfish Cisco Glass catfish Kafue pike Merluccid hake Anchovy Blacktip reef shark Climbing catfish E Glassfish Kahawai Mexican blind Anemonefish Black mackerel Climbing gourami Eagle ray Glass knifefish Kaluga cavefish Angelfish Black pickerel Climbing perch Earthworm eel Glowlight danio Kanyu Mexican golden Angler Black prickleback Clingfish Eel Goatfish Kelp perch trout Angler catfish Black scalyfin Clownfish Eelblenny Goblin shark Kelpfish Midshipman Anglerfish Black sea bass Clown loach Eel cod Goby Killifish Milkfish Antarctic cod Black scabbardfish Clown triggerfish Eel-goby Golden dojo King of herring Minnow Antarctic icefish Blacksmelt Cobbler Eelpout Golden loach Kingfish Modoc sucker Antenna codlet Black swallower Cobia Eeltail catfish Golden shiner King-of-the-salmon Mojarra Arapaima Black tetra Cod Elasmobranch Golden trout Kissing gourami Mola Archerfish Black triggerfish Cod icefish Electric catfish Goldeye Knifefish Molly Arctic char Bleak Codlet Electric eel Goldfish Knifejaw Molly Miller Armored gurnard Blenny Codling Electric knifefish Goldspotted killifish Koi Monkeyface Armored searobin Blind goby Coelacanth Electric ray Gombessa Kokanee prickleback Armorhead Blind shark Coffinfish Electric stargazer Goosefish Kokopu Monkfish Armorhead catfish Blobfish Coho salmon Elephant fish Gopher rockfish Kuhli loach Mooneye Armoured catfish Blowfish Coley Elephantnose fish Gouramie Moonfish Arowana Blue catfish Collared carpetshark Elver Grass carp L Moorish idol Arrowtooth eel Blue danio Collared dogfish Emperor Graveldiver Labyrinth fish Mora Aruana Blue-redstripe danio Colorado squawfish Emperor angelfish Gray eel-catfish Ladyfish Moray eel Asian carps Blue eye Combfish Emperor bream Grayling Lagena Morid cod Asiatic glassfish Bluefin tuna Combtail gourami Escolar Gray mullet Lake chub Morwong Atka mackerel Bluefish Combtooth blenny Eucla cod Gray reef shark Lake trout Moses sole Atlantic cod Bluegill Common carp Eulachon Great white shark Lake whitefish Mosquitofish Atlantic eel Blue gourami Common tunny European chub Green swordtail Lampfish Mosshead Atlantic herring Blue shark Conger eel European eel Greeneye Lamprey warbonnet Atlantic salmon Blue triggerfish Convict blenny European flounder Greenling Lancetfish Mouthbrooder Atlantic saury Blue whiting Convict cichlid European minnow Grenadier Lanternfish Mozambique tilapia Atlantic silverside Bluntnose knifefish Cookie-cutter shark European perch Grideye Large-eye bream Mrigal Atlantic trout Bluntnose minnow Coolie loach Ground shark Largemouth bass Mud catfish (Mud Australasian salmon Boafish Cornish Spaktailed Bream F Grouper Largenose fish cat) Australian grayling Boarfish Cornetfish False brotula Grunion Leaffish Mudfish Australian herring Bobtail snipe eel Cowfish False cat shark Grunt Leatherjacket Mudminnow Australian lungfish Bocaccio Cownose ray False moray Grunter Lefteye flounder Mud minnow Australian prowfish Boga Cow shark False trevally Grunt sculpin Lemon shark Mudskipper Ayu Bombay duck Crappie Fangtooth Gudgeon Lemon sole Mudsucker Alooh Bonefish Creek chub Fathead sculpin Guitarfish Lenok Mullet Bonito Crestfish Featherback Gulf menhaden Leopard danio Mummichog B Bonnetmouth Crevice kelpfish Featherfin knifefish Gulper eel Lightfish Murray cod Baikal oilfish Bonytail chub Croaker Fierasfer Gulper Lighthousefish Muskellunge Bala shark Bonytongue Crocodile icefish Filefish Gunnel Limia Mustache Ballan wrasse Bottlenose Crocodile shark Finback cat shark Guppy Lined sole triggerfish Bamboo shark Bowfin Crucian carp Fingerfish Gurnard Ling Mustard eel Banded killifish Boxfish Cuchia Fire bar danio Ling cod Bandfish Bramble shark Cuckoo wrasse Firefish H Lionfish N Bango Bream Cusk-eel Flabby whalefish Haddock Livebearer Naked-back Bangus Bristlemouth Cuskfish Flagblenny Hagfish Lizardfish knifefish Banjo catfish Bristlenose catfish Cutlassfish Flagfin Hairtail Loach Nase Barb Broadband dogfish Cutthroat eel Flagfish Hake Loach catfish Needlefish Barbel Brook lamprey Cutthroat trout Flagtail Half-gill Loach goby Neon tetra Barbeled dragonfish Brook trout Flashlight fish Halfbeak Loach minnow New World rivuline Barbeled houndshark Brotula D Flatfish Halfmoon Longfin New Zealand smelt Barbelless catfish Brown trout Dab Flathead Halibut Longfin dragonfish Nibble Fish Barfish Buffalofish Dace Flathead catfish Halosaur Longfin escolar Noodlefish Barracuda Bullhead Daggertooth pike conger Flat loach Hamlet Longfin smelt North American Barracudina Bullhead shark Damselfish Flier Hammerhead shark Long-finned char darter Barramundi Bull shark Danio Flounder Hammerjaw Long-finned pike North American Barred danio Bull trout Darter Flower Handfish Longjaw freshwater catfish Barreleye Burbot Dartfish Flying characin Hardhead catfish mudsucker North Pacific Basking shark Buri Dealfish Flying gurnard Harelip sucker Longneck eel daggertooth Bass Burma danio Death Valley pupfish Flyingfish Hatchetfish Longnose chimaera Northern anchovy Basslet Burrowing goby Deep sea anglerfish Footballfish Hawkfish Longnose dace Northern clingfish Batfish Bubbles Deep sea bonefish Forehead brooder Herring Longnose Northern lampfish Bat ray Butterfly ray Deep sea eel Four-eyed fish Herring smelt lancetfish Northern pearleye Beachsalmon Butterflyfish Deep sea smelt French angelfish Hillstream loach Longnose sucker
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